Bandages for burns: sterile, aseptic, contour, gel, ointment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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For the treatment of burn injuries of varying severity and localization, bandages are used. Let's consider their kinds, rules and methods of imposing, medical properties.
Damage to skin and mucous membranes by chemicals, high or low temperatures, radiation energy or electricity is a burn. The specific nature of this kind of trauma depends on the properties of the agent that caused it, and the individual characteristics of the patient's body (skin type, age, lesion volume). The main types of burns:
- Thermal - are due to contact with boiling water, hot air or steam, hot objects. The depth of damage depends on the duration of the agent's action.
- Electric - most often occur when working with electrical equipment or because of a lightning strike. Trauma to the skin is accompanied by violations from the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Even a small wound causes headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness. The last stages cause a stop of breathing, a clinical death.
- Radiation - damage by ultraviolet radiation. Arise because of prolonged exposure to the sun.
- Chemical - develop by contact with chemically aggressive substances. The severity and depth of injury depend on the concentration and time of exposure to living tissue.
Bandages are applied for all types of burns. For them, use special medicinal ointments, antiseptics, disinfecting solutions and other drugs that accelerate the healing process.
Algorithm of dressing for burns and frostbites
A burn is a trauma that no one is immune from. From the correct and timely treatment depends the effectiveness of recovery. In order to help the victim, it is necessary to know the algorithm of bandaging. With burns and frostbites, it is necessary to take into account the localization and the extent of the lesion.
- First of all, it is necessary to ensure sterility. If there is no bandage at hand, and a tissue flap is used, it should be clean, since there is a risk of infection. Independently, the dressing can be applied at 1-2 degrees of burn, that is, with redness and blisters on the skin.
- For more serious injuries, grade 3-4, when muscular tissues are visible, bandages are not recommended, emergency medical care is needed. Since the bandage can stick to the tissues, and his shift will cause severe pain and increase the risk of infection.
- Bandage is applied after the frostbitten or calcined area is cleaned of contamination and treated with a special antibacterial or antiseptic ointment. Treatment of the wound contributes to the normal restoration of tissues and reduces painful sensations.
Before applying bandage to the wound site, you need to restore normal blood circulation. When frostbite, it is recommended to rub and warm the skin, and if burned, stop the exposure to temperature and cool the place of injury. After that, anesthetize and prevent infection.
Consider the basic rules of dressing:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and prepare sterile materials (bandage, cloth flap, gauze) for the bandage. The use of dirty dressings is dangerous, since it can provoke infection of the wound.
- Carefully inspect the burned area, you need to determine the degree of burn. Only after this, it is possible to decide whether to provide first aid alone or to go to a hospital. Do not forget that the wound burns regardless of its size and localization is very serious, and without proper treatment can lead to serious complications.
- If there is any anti-burn, antiseptic or anesthetic ointment, then it must be applied to the skin before applying bandage. This will reduce pain and help to recover faster after injury, providing protection from microbes.
- Carefully bandage the injured area, trying not to cause painful feelings to the victim.
The main difficulty encountered when applying bandages is the determination of the degree of burn. If the epidermis is red and there are blisters on it, it indicates a 1-2 degree. More serious wounds require medical attention. If the injury is serious and the skin is black, then without emergency hospitalization, amputation of the injured limbs is possible.
Antiseptic dressings for burns
The effectiveness of treatment of burns depends not only on the timely provision of medical care, but also on the drugs used. Antiseptic dressings with a burn are necessary to prevent infection and kill putrefactive bacteria. The drug has a disinfectant, bacteriostatic, bactericidal and antiseptic action.
To date, the pharmaceutical market presents many antiseptics in different forms of release, which can be used for bandages and wound treatment. Their use is explained by the fact that even with the conditions of complete sterility, a small number of bacteria enter the wound. For periodic treatment of minor burns, preparations based on iodine or silver, but without alcohol, are best.
Consider the most effective antiseptics for treating burns of varying severity:
- Argacol is a hydrogel with active ingredients: poviargol, catapol, dioxidin. Has antimicrobial effect. It is used for the treatment of burns, cuts, abrasions and other skin lesions. After application on the skin forms an elastic air and water permeable film.
- Amprovisol is a combined remedy with anesthesin, vitamin D, menthol and propolis. It has anti-burn, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cooling and analgesic properties. Effective in the treatment of thermal and solar burns 1 degree.
- Acebin is an external antiseptic. It is produced in the form of a spray, which makes it easier to apply to wounds. Active substances: benzoic acid, malic acid and salicylic acid, propylene glycol. The spray is used to treat burns, ulcers and open wounds on the skin. Accelerates regeneration, reduces the formation of exudate, promotes the formation of crust.
- Betadine is a drug with a wide range of uses. It has several forms of release: ointment, solution, suppositories. The active substance is iodine. It has bactericidal properties, and its mechanism of action is based on the destruction of proteins and enzymes of harmful microorganisms. It is used for antiseptic treatment of burn surfaces and wounds, disinfection. Can be used as a means for the primary treatment of the skin and mucous membranes from infected materials.
- Miramistin - a drug with a hydrophobic effect on harmful microorganisms. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, it has an antifungal effect. It is used for the treatment of burns, wounds, trophic ulcers, suppuration, frostbite and other infected lesions. Miramistin is used in dermatology, gynecology, venereology, dentistry.
- Tsigerol is an antiseptic solution with disinfecting and wound healing properties. It is used for the treatment of burns, necrotic and granulating wounds, trophic ulcers.
- Chlorhexidine is a local antiseptic solution with bactericidal properties. Its mechanism of action is based on changing the cellular membranes of harmful microorganisms. It is used for the treatment of skin with burns, deep wounds, abrasions, and also with surgical intervention.
All of the above preparations are suitable for treating damaged skin. Before applying bandage, the wound can be treated with a medicine or applied to the skin already moistened in the preparation bandage. Also there are ready-made anti-burn antiseptic dressings:
- VitaVallis - used to treat 1-4 degree burns, thermal and granulating wounds, during the postoperative period and to protect the transplanted skin from secondary infection. Accelerates the regeneration process at the cellular level, minimizes the formation of scars. Well anesthetizes. The dressing material is made of antimicrobial sorption fiber with colloidal silver and aluminum particles, designed for single use.
- Activeivex - special textile napkins impregnated with medicinal substances (antiseptics, anesthetics, antioxidants, hemostatics). For burns with a pronounced inflammatory process, bandages with an antiseptic (miramistin) and anesthetic (chlorhexidine, lidocaine, furagin) are suitable.
- Voskopran - dressing material in the form of a polyamide mesh, which is impregnated with antiseptic and beeswax. It does not adhere to the wound site, provides exudate flow, accelerates healing and minimizes scars formation.
- Biodespol - drug coating with antiseptic (chlorhexidine, miramistin) and analgesic (lidocaine). Clears the wound from a thin scab and fibrin, activates epithelization.
To care for the burn wound, you can treat the tissues with chlorhexidine, then with any antiseptic spray, apply a bandage (Vitavalis, Branolide) and an ointment with silver content. It is in this sequence that the preparations are applied to the burn under a sterile bandage.
How often do bandages change with burns?
The leading place in the treatment of burns is occupied by bandages, whose action is aimed at restoring the integrity of the skin and protecting from infection. Before their application, the wound areas are treated with special antiseptic solutions and other disinfecting and anti-inflammatory drugs.
How often to change dressings for burns depends on the area and depth of the lesion. As a rule, dressings are carried out 1-2 times a day. If possible, the wound should be left open (if there is no infection), in order to form a crust. Most often, the dressing material is applied not only to the burn surface, but also to the surrounding healthy tissues, to protect them from traumatization.
Sterile bandages for burns of 2 degrees
The leader among domestic injuries are thermal burns of the 2nd degree. The main signs of damage: swelling and redness of the skin, soreness, the appearance of large blisters with fluid. Such wounds are especially dangerous, because with their incorrect treatment there is a risk of inflammation. As a result, post-fire restoration is delayed for a couple of months instead of 2-3 weeks.
Categorically it is contraindicated to touch the burn with your hands or open the blisters. If any contamination has come into your skin, you should contact a doctor who will clean the wound and prevent microbial contamination. When a small area of the skin is affected, treatment can be carried out at home. Therapy consists of:
- Daily dressings.
- Treatment of the wound surface with antiseptic means.
- Treatment of the wound with a special anti-burn ointment.
Sterile bandages for burns of grade 2 should be applied in medical gloves. If the burn begins to catch up, then treatment of the wound with antiseptic solutions and ointments is indicated. For healing use drugs that accelerate the regeneration of tissues: ointments with levomitsetinom, vitamin E, sea buckthorn oil and other substances.
Most often use such means:
- Panthenol is a drug with active substance dexpanthenol. It is used to accelerate the healing of the skin and mucous membranes for damage of different genesis. Effective for burns, aseptic wounds in the postoperative period, as well as for skin grafts. It has several forms of release, which makes it easier to apply to damaged areas.
- Dermazin is a sulfadiazine derivative of silver with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Used to treat burn injuries of different localization and severity. Performs an excellent prevention of infection of wound surfaces. Helps with trophic ulcers and other injuries.
- Synthomycin emulsion - antibacterial agent, in its effect is similar to levomitsetinom. Affects the protein exchange of pathogenic bacteria, destroying them. Accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues at the cellular level, minimizes the formation of scars.
- Olazole is an aerosol with sea buckthorn oil, levomycetin, boric acid and anesthesin. Anesthetizes and exerts antibacterial action, reduces exudation, speeds up the process of epithelialization. Used for burns, wounds, trophic ulcers, inflammatory lesions of the epidermis.
- Solcoseryl is a biogenic stimulant, whose action is directed to the destruction of harmful microorganisms and the restoration of damaged tissues. Effective with burns of 2-3 degrees.
Medicinal products must be applied to the wound area before applying the dressing. For the fastest healing, it is desirable to carry out the procedure 2 times a day.
Ointment dressings for burns
To anesthetize, speed up the process of epithelization and restore the skin, apply ointment dressings. With burns, most commonly used are:
- Levomexol
Medication with a combined composition. Contains immunostimulant (methyluracil) and antibiotic (chloramphenicol). It is active against most harmful microorganisms, and the presence of pus does not reduce the effect of the antibiotic. It improves the process of tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the formation of exudate. It is used for burns of 2-3 degrees, purulent-inflammatory wounds, boils. The ointment is applied to sterile wipes and loosely filled with wounds. The dressing is carried out every day until the skin is completely cleansed. The main contraindication is the intolerance of the active components. Side effects are manifested in the form of allergic reactions.
- Ebermin
The external agent with bactericidal properties, stimulates the healing of wounds. Contains sulfadiazine silver, that is, a substance that causes the death of harmful microorganisms. It is used for the treatment of deep and superficial burns of varying severity and localization. Ointment normalizes the growth of collagen fibers, prevents pathological scarring of tissues. The agent is applied to the skin with a layer of 1-2 mm, and a bandage or other bandage with a mesh structure is placed on top. Dressings are carried out 1-2 times in 48 hours, the course of treatment is from 10 to 20 days. Side effects are manifested in the form of local allergic reactions.
- Argosulfan
A medicinal product with antimicrobial and wound healing properties. Has a pronounced analgesic effect, reduces pain and the severity of the inflammatory process. The active substance is sulfatiazole. It is used for burns of different severity and origin, frostbite, and also for trophic ulcers, cuts, infections. Ointment can be applied both under a sterile bandage, and on the open skin 1-3 times a day. Side effects are manifested as local allergic reactions. The drug is not recommended for patients with intolerance to its components, for children younger than 2 months and with congenital insufficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
- Eplan
The preparation of external application with the expressed wound healing, bactericidal and regenerating properties. It has several forms of release: liniment in vials-droppers, cream and medical gauze ointment dressings. It is used for all types of burns, cuts, abrasions, allergic reactions and to prevent infection of wounds. The only contraindication is intolerance of active components. The medicine is applied to the skin until the defect is completely healed.
- Rescuer-forte
A complex preparation with a synergistic effect. Softens, nourishes and speeds up the regeneration of tissues. It has antibacterial, soothing, analgesic and detoxifying action. After application on the skin forms a film that does not allow the dried tissues to dry out. It is used for thermal and chemical burns, bruises, sprains, wounds, abrasions, diaper rash. Helps with secondary infection and acute course of inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Before applying the product, the skin should be rinsed with an antiseptic and dried. First put the ointment, and the top bandage as an insulating layer.
Wet bandages for burns
In the case of thermal, chemical or radiation damage to the skin of mild to moderate severity, a closed method of treatment is recommended. Wet bandages for burns are necessary to protect the wound site from infection, minimize inflammation, anesthetize and speed up regeneration.
Before dressing, the wound surface should be rinsed with an antiseptic solution or wound on a wound with Furacilin, Yodopirin, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. After that, dry the skin and apply ointment. Bandages can be impregnated with medicinal ointments and applied to the wound or applied directly to the damage. The procedure is carried out as the bandage dries, as a rule, 2-3 times a day until complete healing.
Gel bandages for burns
To treat burn damage of varying severity, different drugs are used. Gel bandages for burns - this is a special dressing material that includes an aqueous dispersion medium (formed from microheterogeneous colloidal solutions). The hydrogel is a porous material that is highly swollen in water or in aqueous solution. Such bandages are impregnated with biologically active compounds, the action of which is directed to the disinfection of the wound and the acceleration of the epithelization process.
Gel bandages have a number of advantages over ointments:
- The aqueous medium of the gel stimulates the penetration of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components into the wound site. This speeds up the healing process and minimizes the risk of infection.
- The active substances in the gel base are gradually released from the carrier, providing a prolonged therapeutic effect. The polymer matrix of the gel controls the release rate of the drug components, which ensures their delivery to the sites that need them.
Consider popular anti-burn dressings on a gel base:
- Opikun - gel bandages and wipes for the treatment of wounds and burn injuries. Have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Accelerate the process of epithelization, prevent the appearance of blisters (provided that the dressing was applied immediately after the burn), cool the wound and relieve pain. Do not stick to the wound surface, air-permeable. The dressings are hypoallergenic and have a transparent base, which allows you to monitor the condition of the burn. They are recommended to be used as first aid for burns of 1-3 degrees and to prevent purulent complications of wounds of any origin.
- Appolo - bandages with hydrogel, anesthetic and anesthetic. The mechanism of action of this dressing promotes rapid cooling of damage, minimizes pain, fights pathogens. Appolo have anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate the unpleasant odor from the wound. The dressings fit well to the wound surface and are easily removed. They need to be changed every 24-48 hours and can be combined with other dressings or medicines.
- Granuflakes are hydrocolloid dressings with silver. Effective in the treatment of burns of 2 degrees. Absorb wound exudate, forming a gel that provides a moist environment and promotes the removal of dead tissue from the wound. Silver ions have a bactericidal effect, reduce the risk of infection and are active against a wide range of harmful microorganisms.
But, despite all the useful properties, gel bandages have a number of contraindications. The dressing material is not used for wounds with abundant detachable, with purulent-necrotic lesions. Also not suitable for patients with individual intolerance to their active components.
Bandages for burns Branolind
One of the most popular medicines used to treat damage to the epidermis of various etiologies is Branolind. The drug is a gauze dressing, which is impregnated with a therapeutic ointment (Peruvian balsam). Most often, bandages are used for burns. The branolind is made of a mesh cotton fabric with high air and secretion permeability. In one package there are 30 bandages, each of which has a protective wrapper.
The cotton base is impregnated with Peruvian balsam, petroleum jelly, hydrogenated fat and other substances. Such a compound has a complex therapeutic effect on damage, provides antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory activity. Branolol accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and minimizes the risk of scarring.
- Indications for use: treatment and care for superficial wounds (thermal and chemical burns, abrasions, bruises), frostbite, purulent abscesses. The product is used for skin transplantation, phimosis operations and treatment of infected wounds.
- Method of application: open the package with a bandage of a suitable size (depending on the amount of damage), remove the protective paper layer and apply to the wound. After that, remove another protective layer and cover with a bandage. The dressing should be changed once in 2-3 days or with each dressing. Due to the ointment basis, such a compress does not stick to the skin, which allows it to be removed painlessly.
- Contraindications: it is not used for intolerance of active components and for treatment of damages with necrotic process. Branolind can cause local allergic reactions of varying severity. To eliminate them, you must stop using the tool.
Bandages with burns of varying severity simplify the treatment process. They can be used with various antiseptic, anti-inflammatory or analgesic ointments and solutions. They protect the wound from infection and accelerate the process of damage regeneration.