Bovine tapeworm: infection, cycle of development, structure
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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One of the most common parasites that infect humans is bovine tapeworm - a ribbon-like worm that causes a parasitic disease, such as shadowarhina. The chain lives inside the intestine and can pose a serious danger to the human body.
Structure of the bovine tapeworm
Absolutely all cestodes, of which the bovine tapeworm is a representative, consist of segmental zones (segments) connected to the head. Segments of bovine tapeworm are located at the end of the body and carry the ripened eggs, which are periodically deposited in the intestinal cavity.
Helminth has a relatively large length, which can reach ten meters (although the average size of a bull chain is almost half the size - about 6 m). The structure of the trunk is divided into multiple segments, a miniature head and neck.
In the zone where the head (the so-called scolex) is located, there are three suctioning elements by means of which the helminth is attached to the internal intestinal walls (by the way, it is able to be held on the wall, without changing its location, to 25 years). Scolex bovine chain has a diametrical size of 1.5 to 2 mm.
The zone of growth of the bovine chain is a narrow isthmus, which passes through the entire body, divided into segments.
The number of segments in the chain exceeds one thousand: these organs have their own reproductive system, which allows the parasite to lay 500 million eggs per year.
Eggs of helminths scientifically called oncospheres - during the excrement of the infected carrier they enter the soil, plants and water in large quantities. Eggs of bovine tapeworm are not particularly sensitive to frost and drought, but exposure to high temperatures and UV rays is disastrous for them.
The digestive system of bovine tapeworm is usually not considered as such, since the helminth parasitizes inside the host's organism, whether it be man or cattle. In bovine tapeworm, there is no standard digestion, and the parasite absorbs nutrients by the entire surface of its trunk.
The excretory system of the bovine chain is formed by distinctive tubular structures that unite the two tubules and are withdrawn outward in the extreme segment. By means of a separation system, water with carbonic acid and fatty acids contained in it is usually discharged.
The sexual system of the bovine tapeworm is a pair of ovaries, a large number of testes and a uterine organ in which self-fertilized eggs are formed. Oncosphere of bovine tapeworm (its diameter is usually about 10 μm) leaves the host's intestine along with the extreme helminth joint and feces.
The bodies of movement of the bull chain are absent as such. Of the whole organism of the parasite, only the segments have the ability to move.
Bull tsezen by nature - hermaphrodite, so any of its adult specimen has the ability to reproduce. That is, there are no such concepts as males of bovine tapeworms, or females of bovine tapeworms, do not exist. The natural genotype of the parasite is also interesting: when two or more chains are found inside the human intestine, cross fertilization takes place - that is, the testes of the first helminth fertilize the ovules of the second. And if the parasite is alone, then it self-fertilizes - it happens in its different segments.
Dwarf bovine bullseye
Dwarf tseleen significantly different from the usual bovine chain: it causes a completely different disease, which is called hymenolepiasis.
Dwarf tartar is not nearly as long as a bullock - its length usually does not exceed 20 mm. In addition, for the dwarf chain is not characterized by a change of hosts, since man is both an intermediate and a final host for the parasite. Moreover, hundreds of such helminths can live in the human intestine at the same time, since eggs do not always stand out with caloric masses, but are transformed into adult mature individuals directly in the intestinal cavity. Initially, the formation of cysticercoids, and then of adult helminths, is thus observed, automatic self-infection is observed.
Defeat by a dwarf chain, unlike a bull-chain, is prone to self-healing, since the human body eventually develops immunity against the parasite.
Life cycle of the bovine tapeworm
Taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the bovine chain, three main forms of the existence of the parasite can be distinguished:
- oncosphere - the initial larval stage, which discharges the protective shell when ingested in the digestive system;
- finna - the next stage, the transformation into which becomes possible only inside the muscles of the animal.
Ways of infection by bullish chain - fecal and oral, that is - when eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water, or through dirty hands.
Since the life cycle of a bull chain consists of several stages, the person is able to become infected with this parasite by using helminth eggs or its larvae with the products.
The main owner of the bull chain - both the carrier and the intermediate owner - is cattle: a cow, a buffalo, a bull, a yak, as well as elk and a deer are cloven-hoofed animals that feed on plants and herbs.
With the bloodstream of the host, the larva of the bovine tapeworm is able to move to all parts of the body, attaching itself inside the muscles and in the connective tissue. The life cycle of helminth development in the animal body is not that long - after 16 weeks the larva transforms into a Finn, and after 36 weeks it dies.
The ultimate owner of a bull chain is a person who used raw or half-baked meat or unwashed vegetables and herbs.
If there is a person's infection, then the fully developed Finns of the bovine chain are substantially modified. They have a head, equipped with suction elements, with which the parasite is fixed on the mucous tissue. This moment is fundamental in the development of an adult helminth which has a full reproductive function. Completely the period of transformation of the Finn lasts about 80 days. After this, the segments are considered sexually mature: they have the ability to break off and leave the body with a fecal mass.
Thus, an infected person can not be dangerous in terms of infecting other people, but only until a full-fledged sexually mature helminth that is capable of secreting eggs is formed.
The first signs of infection with a bull's chain are usually invisible. Only with a chronic variant of the course can you pay attention to such pathological symptoms:
- constant fatigue, headache, sleep disturbances, neuroses;
- digestive disorders, dyspepsia, hypersalivation, etc .;
- periodic pain in the intestines;
- general exhaustion, emaciation;
- frequent allergies, indicating the presence of chronic intoxication of the body;
- instability of appetite - from periodic strong hunger to a sense of oversaturation.
Sometimes a person can see the elements of the helminth when looking at their feces.
As you can see, the signs of defeat by bullish chain are not entirely specific. Therefore, the disease can easily be taken as a normal inflammatory process in the intestine.
Bovine Tenderness in a Child
In childhood, defeat by bullish chain is more acute. And, the younger the child, the heavier the course of helminthiosis.
The majority of infected children have severe pain in the navel or other abdominal areas, and the pain can migrate. Often the baby himself indicates that pain is accompanied by incomprehensible sounds inside the abdomen (snapping, rumbling). Older children often have a belching after eating, paroxysmal nausea, loss of appetite. In severe illness, exhaustion and a lack of vitamins in the body develop, which causes additional symptoms:
- dryness of mucous membranes, thirst;
- redness of the tongue;
- weakness in muscles, muscle cramps;
- paresthesia.
Children often suffer from digestive disorders and hypersalivation.
Sometimes parents complain that their kid became irritable, apathetic, uncollected, began to sleep badly.
In the future, there may be signs of chronic intoxication and allergic allergies.
At the onset of infection, when symptoms of bovine tapeworm are absent, it is very difficult to suspect a disease and make the appropriate diagnosis. The parasite can only be determined using such diagnostic procedures:
- analyzes: a general blood test for determining anemia and leukopenia, analysis of stool and scraping from the anus area;
- roentgenogram (allows you to see a bovine tapeworm inside the intestine).
Bovine tapeworm in feces is determined with the help of ovoscopy, which is usually accompanied by differential diagnosis between such diseases as shadows and shadowarhynchosis. A microscopic examination of the revealed segments with detection of the uterine organ with lateral branches is carried out - one of the symptoms of bovine egg eggs.
Most often, differential diagnosis is conducted between diphyllobothriasis and teniosis.
Comparative characteristics of the hepatic trematode and bovine tapeworm:
Bull Chain |
Hepatic fluke |
Onkospera out of the body with the feces. |
Oncosphere is formed in water. |
When eggs are swallowed by animals, larvae with hook-like elements develop in their tissues. |
Eggs are transformed into a larva, which is covered with cilia of the epithelium. |
In muscles of animals from larvae Finns are formed. |
The larva is transformed into a mollusk. |
A person becomes infected by eating contaminated meat or water. |
The larva with the tail is fixed on the plants and transformed into a cyst. |
Finn inside the intestine is transformed into a sexually mature specimen. |
The swallowed cyst inside the intestine turns into a sexually mature specimen. |
As the length of the helminth increases, more and more new segments are formed that are capable of multiplication. |
An adult parasite lays eggs on its own. |
Can change owners and a long time to be without air. |
Can change owners and a long time to be without air. |
Comparative characteristics of a bull chain and a human roundworm:
Bull Chain |
Human Ascaris |
Flat helminth, which has a dense cuticle and epithelium. |
A round worm that has a dense and elastic cuticle. |
Does not have a full digestive system. |
Has a full-fledged digestive system, with the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and anal sphincter. |
Is an anaerob. |
Breathes using the entire surface of the body. |
Food waste leaves through the mouth opening. |
Food waste leaves through the anal sphincter. |
Has an underdeveloped nervous system. |
Has longitudinal nerve fibers. |
Is a hermaphrodite. |
It is divided according to gender. |
Differences between pig and bovine chains
Both pork and bovine tapeworm are representatives of a single class of banded helminths. Both adherents live in the intestinal cavity and differ little in anatomical features. However, these are not the same parasites.
- Pork tartar is considered more dangerous, since it affects the entire human body - its internal organs and even the brain, which is fraught with a fatal outcome.
- Bovine tapeworm is fixed on intestinal walls with the help of suction elements, and pig helminth, in addition to similar suction cups, has two-row hooks, which cause additional irritation to the intestines.
- Bovine tapeworm is longer - its dimensions can reach ten meters, despite the fact that the length of its pork congeners is as much as 4 meters.
Usually the identification of a particular variety of the chain is not difficult, because it is possible to determine microscopically some of the anatomical characteristics.
Standard treatment of bovine tapeworm consists of taking anthelmintic medications, daily changing of linen, observance of personal hygiene rules, and small changes in nutrition. Diet is a temporary exclusion from the diet of sweets and flour products.
After the end of drug therapy, the patient should have another six-month analysis of feces to detect a bull-calf.
Tablets from bovine tapeworm are combined with cleansing of the intestines with enemas, with the intake of laxatives and herbal preparations.
- Fenasal - adults take this drug inside, in the morning on an empty stomach or at night (4 hours after dinner), in an amount of 8 to 12 tablets. Before taking a dose, it is recommended to pre-drink 2 g of baking soda.
Tablets are drunk chopped, or well chewed. After 2 hours after taking a sweet drink with a biscuit, without additional laxative. The standard course of treatment with Phenasal is 4 days.
Fenasal in most cases is normally perceived by the body, but sometimes the appearance of nausea or allergy is not excluded.
- Praziquantel is prescribed in an amount of 0.04 g per kg of body weight once. Taking the drug may be accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, fever.
- Yomeans take on an empty stomach in the morning, in the amount of 4-8 tablets. The tablets are chewed well, and after 2 hours a cup of sweet drink (tea, compote) with a biscuit is drunk. Treatment can last 4 days. If the patient has atopic dermatitis, during the period of treatment, it may be exacerbated.
- Biltricide - take whole, without chewing, in the amount of 40 mg per kg of weight, at a time. The drug is not recommended for use in pregnancy and in childhood (up to 4 years).
- Phylixan is a herbal preparation, which contains a thick extract from the fern. Phylixan is taken orally at one time in an amount of 7-8 g, with a further use of a laxative. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to take the same additional dose after 2 weeks. The drug is contraindicated for taking in pregnancy, with inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, with anemia and severe exhaustion.
Bull sliver for weight loss: a joke or reality?
Some girls who want to lose weight quickly and without any effort, often agree to everything to achieve the goal - even infect themselves with a parasite. Of course, from the point of view of common sense - this is utter nonsense, since it is unreasonable to consciously expose oneself to such a danger, to put it mildly.
To buy capsules with helminths is easy - on the Internet there are many companies offering similar services.
But do not forget that the parasite - in particular, bovine tapeworm - causes not only emaciation, but also a large number of other symptoms:
- persistent digestive disorders;
- regular pain and cramping in the abdomen;
- increased gassing;
- allergic reactions;
- deterioration of the hair, skin and nails;
- a constant sensation of weakness and fatigue;
- poor sleep;
- neuroses, apathy;
- pain in the head, dizziness until loss of consciousness;
- inflammation of the mucosa in the mouth;
- intestinal obstruction.
And even if the antiparasitic treatment is timely treated, then the restoration of the organism after the invasion can take a long and difficult time. "On the memory" of himself bull tart can leave chronic colitis and enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation of the gallbladder.
It is worth every "game of candles" everyone decides. However, we must remember that health is easy to lose, and it is very difficult to restore.
Prevention of the bovine tapeworm
The best way to prevent infection with bovine sprouting can be called a full-value thermal processing of meat products - and especially beef. In order to completely neutralize the parasite, the temperature indices in the inside of the meat piece must be at least + 80 ° C.
Another option to eliminate the parasite, instead of the traditional heat treatment, can be called freezing. However, this process is longer. For example, a frost of -15 ° C bovine tapeworm can withstand for 3 days, and -24 ° C - one day.
Additional measures for the prevention of infection by bovine chain should be:
- constant monitoring of processing processes and terms of sale of meat products at meat processing plants, meat pavilions and markets;
- conducting explanatory conversations with the population regarding compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene.
The younger the patient, the less favorable forecast is the defeat of the bull chain. The child's organism is always weaker, so it is difficult for him to resist an uninvited guest. In any case, treatment should be started as soon as possible - in such a case, it is possible to prevent such adverse effects as chronic diseases of the digestive system, dysbiosis, immune defenses, etc. Bull tapeworm is an uneasy helminth, and getting rid of it is not easy: however, there is nothing impossible. Modern medicine has all the means to speedily disinfect the parasite.