Solarium for psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Artificial tanning is not just a tribute to fashion. The procedures in the solarium not only make the skin more beautiful, but also make it healthier. Artificial "sun" is more gentle than the present, acts on the skin, stimulates the production of vitamin D, serotonin, has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Many patients are interested in whether a solarium is shown for psoriasis.
Can I have a tanning bed with psoriasis?
Can I have a tanning bed with psoriasis? - the question is ambiguous. In some patients ultraviolet always causes an exacerbation, other moderate doses bring relief. In each individual case, the color and type of skin, the individual tolerance of the rays, the intensity and form of the disease should be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right combination and dosage of rays of different lengths, to balance and control their action.
To solarium with psoriasis was useful, you should choose a salon with the appropriate characteristics of UV lamps. It is important that there are reflectors inside or outside the lamp, since the reflector improves its efficiency by 10%.
In favor of the solarium is shown by the fact that:
- UV-A rays have a positive effect on skin diseases, including psoriasis;
- UV-B rays stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D3, which softens the negative impact of stress - one of the provoking factors in psoriasis;
- harmful C-rays entering the spectrum of the sun, there are no artificial lamps.
Does the solarium help with psoriasis?
One can not answer in one word the question "Does the solarium help with psoriasis?" - in view of the variety of forms and stages of scaly lichen (the second name of psoriasis). Of decisive importance, according to doctors, is the form of the disease: in the summer form, additional radiation is contraindicated, in winter it is recommended and even encouraged.
Statistics confirm the benefit of tanning beds in psoriasis. According to these data:
- artificial sunburn facilitated the course of the disease in more than half the patients;
- every fifth procedure helped to significantly improve the condition;
- and only one in ten of the ultraviolet rays worsened the condition.
It is also noticed that the tanned skin is in a state of remission for a longer time than the unmarried skin, and the exacerbation occurs in a less pronounced form than usual.
There is even an assumption, however, not yet confirmed that the development of psoriasis sometimes the organism reacts peculiarly to the lack of ultraviolet irradiation. Therefore, as if people living in the tropics almost do not suffer from psoriasis, they have enough sun and ultraviolet, and foreigners who come to the south quickly recover from this ailment.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages of a tanning bed in psoriasis should be evaluated by a specialist. Only the attending physician can tell which solarium and which lamps are useful, to set a course and to monitor its effectiveness. At such statement of a question the sun deck is safe for any person.
Lamps used in the solarium, do not contain harmful to human C-rays, present in natural sunlight. Provided that the dosage of the solarium is met in psoriasis, the skin condition improves, the defects disappear, it acquires a beautiful tone. The body is enriched with vitamin D, endorphins, energy.
Disadvantages are mainly associated with improper preparation and conduct of sessions. Thus, if the irradiation is overdosed, skin burns are possible.
In addition, the solarium is not an absolute medicine for psoriasis. There are individual features of the skin and the form of the disease, when the solarium is ineffective in psoriasis.
Preparing for a tanning salon with psoriasis
During preparation for a tanning salon with psoriasis, the body is lubricated with special tanning cosmetics to protect the skin from drying and cracking. The cosmetologist will help to choose mousse, lotion or serum for your skin. Dark skinned people have a thin layer, light-skinned need abundant spreading.
- In the solarium you can not use perfumes, deodorants, perfumes. All jewelry must be removed. Women are recommended to protect intimate places with underwear.
The face is better to wipe moisturizing non-alcoholic lotion. Use nourishing or hormonal drugs in the solarium for psoriasis is prohibited.
Before the session, you need to put on a cosmet or a cap made of cotton fabric, otherwise the hair from the ultraviolet will lose its luster, become dull and brittle.
Eyes should be hidden behind dark glasses. Contact lenses are not allowed. On the face there should not be a make up and lipstick. Tattoos better cover with a cloth.
After the procedure, you should rest a little, drink tea or juice with vitamin C. And only after that take a shower.
The winter form of the disease, exacerbated mainly in the cold season, is the main indication for a tanning salon with psoriasis. Psoriasis in the early stages is better to be treated with ultraviolet.
With a drop-shaped form, the solarium promotes the disappearance of spots and plaques after several sessions. The recommended course of a tanning bed with psoriasis for a lasting result is from 20 sessions.
You need to start from three to five minutes. If after 48 hours on the skin there is no rash and peeling, then you can proceed to the following procedure.
Contraindications to the use of a tanning bed with psoriasis:
- summer psoriasis, which is exacerbated in the warm season and dies out in winter (when relapse is possible relapse);
- erythroderma;
- photodermatosis;
- problems not related to psoriasis (mastopathy, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid dysfunction);
- asthma;
- postoperative period;
- birthmarks and birthmarks.
Ultraviolet can be incompatible with certain pharmaceuticals.
After the first procedure it is important to follow the reaction of the body. If there are no signs of exacerbation within two days, the solarium can be visited again.
The procedures are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents.
The treatment protocol
The therapeutic effect is only a small dose of ultraviolet. It is recommended to start UV irradiation from three to five and gradually prolong it to 10 minutes. Too prolong the duration of the sessions is not necessary: an overdose can provoke undesirable consequences. The best effect is achieved if the body in the solarium with psoriasis is located vertically, and not in a lying position.
In addition to the usual techniques used in tanning salons and beauty salons, there are special antipsoriatic lamps, with an optimal ratio of different types of rays and equipped with a reflector. For procedures with such lamps prescribe keratolytic drugs that remove dead cells. In this way, the path for short-wave rays is cleared and the sensitivity of the skin to short and long rays increases. This eliminates the visible symptoms of psoriasis in a large number of patients with severe form and extensive skin lesions.
Since such a technique is unsafe because of the risk of oncology, it is used only in extreme cases, when other possibilities are exhausted and have not yielded results. For the prevention of malignant tumors in this case, an anticancer drug Methotrexate is recommended.
With the correct dosage of the tanning bed with psoriasis, the consequences are mostly positive. Psoriasis plaques disappear, peeling ceases, the skin tone becomes even. The body is additionally saturated with vitamin D, hormones of joy - endorphins. There comes a remission.
In some patients there is no positive effect or an exacerbation is provoked. In such cases, it is not recommended to visit the solarium.
Complications of solarium in psoriasis are possible if the rules of preparation are violated and safety is not observed. They are manifested in the form of severe itching, sloughing of the epidermis, the formation of new lesions.
Overabundance of both sunlight and artificial ultraviolet rays causes complications and aggravates the course of psoriasis. To check the effect of artificial lamps, a repeated irradiation session can not be done earlier than two days after the first.
Ultraviolet radiation generally worsens the skin, and if uncontrolled, it can lead to cancer. In the absence of safety glasses, eye damage may occur.
Official medicine has a double relation to the solarium for psoriasis: it does not consider it an obligatory therapeutic method, but also does not deny it categorically. Nevertheless, patients actively use UV rays and discuss the influence of the solarium in psoriasis on the forums.
Some reviews of patients who used UV lamps for the treatment of psoriasis:
- "Olya Kolesnikova: It helps me, but in the complex."
- "Nelia Cute: Helps to relieve the aggravation, but does not cure to the end."
- "Olga Roshchina-Romashina: After psoriasis, dark spots remain and do not go away this year."
Psoriasis is a complex disease: unfortunately, it is incurable, but fortunately, it is not contagious. The solarium sessions for psoriasis are indicated on the condition that they are appointed by the doctor. A course of treatment conducted in compliance with the rules can be an effective way to improve the skin condition and mood of the patient.