Frequent urination in a child: what to do and what to treat?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Frequent urination in a child is not uncommon. Sometimes this is a sign that he has drunk too much liquid or ate a melon / watermelon or juicy berries. Therefore, one should not immediately start panicking if the child's trips to the toilet are more frequent, but still it must be taken into account that this may be a sign of a serious illness.
It should be indicated the frequency of urination in children of different ages:
- the infant in the first 5-7 days of his life urinates approximately 4-5 times a day;
- babies up to 6 months urinate much more - about 15-20 times;
- in the period of 6-12 months this indicator is reduced to a maximum of 15 times;
- at the age of 1-3 years of emptying occur about 10 times a day;
- at the age of 3-6 years - about 6-8 times;
- at the age of 6-9 years - about 5-6 times;
- children 9+ years urinate a maximum of 5-6 times per day.
Also, statistics show that about 20% of children under the age of 5 years experience increased urination.
Causes of the frequent urination in a child
The causes of increased frequency of urination in a child may be such factors:
- excess fluid that the child drinks;
- diabetes;
- The use of diuretics, for example, such as furosemide;
- infectious diseases of the urino-genital organs - such as nephritis, cystitis, urethritis;
- the development of any viral respiratory diseases;
- stress, neurosis.
Symptoms of the frequent urination in a child
The mere increase in urination is not enough to suggest that the child has problems. First, it is necessary to observe him for a while, because if this problem arises from any pathology, it will be accompanied by other symptoms:
- when you urinate, you feel pain - in this case, older children complain about it themselves, but very small ones can frown and groan or even cry;
- sensation of false desires - when a child tries to go to the toilet after a short time after a previous visit, and there is no urine in the urea. This is usually a sign of cystitis;
- pain in the abdomen or lumbar region. Older children indicate a painful place themselves, and kids usually grimace with pain, knit, cry. If the pain in the lumbar region is accompanied by an increase in temperature, this is a sign of a kidney disorder;
- the appearance of bags and swelling under the eyes is a symptom of the fact that there are problems with the outflow of fluid from the body. Occurs with pyelonephritis;
- urine becomes cloudy or has an admixture of blood - this is a symptom that indicates the presence of problems with renal filtration, which indicates the development of glomerulonephritis.
Frequent urination in children with pain and without pain
In the case of increased daily bladder emptying, which occur without the appearance of pain, and the child does not have problems with nighttime sleep, its temperature is normal, and there are no accompanying manifestations, which means that the cause of the disorder is an increased nervous excitation.
The frequency of urination accompanied by pain is a sign of cystitis. In the acute form of the disease, these symptoms manifest themselves abruptly and suddenly, in addition to pain and frequent urination, the baby also urinates in small portions. In addition, there may be a false urge to emptying - in these cases, the child wants to urinate, but can not. These urges are also accompanied by pain.
Frequent urination in children at night
Frequent urination in a child at night can be a consequence of the development of diabetes insipidus form, but in addition to spinal cord injury or weakening of the ureter wall.
Thirst and frequent urination in a child
If the baby has a strong thirst, in addition to the increase in urination, this is most likely the manifestation of diabetes mellitus. Due to the removal of a large amount of fluid from the body, it is dehydrated. The development of type 2 diabetes is accompanied by the appearance of diseases of the urinary system and inflammation of the bladder.
Abdominal pain and frequent urination in the baby
With any pathology affecting the urinary organs, there is an increase in urination. In addition, there may be pain in the abdomen or back. If, in addition to the above symptoms, the child feels chills, his temperature and sweating rises - this may be a sign of the development of renal pathology.
Frequent urination in small portions in a child
Under stress or overexcitation, a person emits adrenaline, which simultaneously increases urine production and increases the excitability of the bladder - as a consequence, the child often wants to go to the toilet, but the bubble is not full at the same time (as a result, the emptying occurs in small portions). This state is temporary and disappears on its own when stress occurs.
Diarrhea and frequent urination in the baby
Diarrhea can occur due to the development of a variety of endocrine pathologies. Sometimes he appears in diabetes mellitus due to a disorder of innervation of the intestinal walls. This condition is also accompanied by a feeling of intense thirst, increased urination, a general sense of weakness, and, in addition, problems with the sensitivity of the limbs.
Frequent urination in an infant
Increased urinary excretion in a nursing baby, which occurs without pain, in some cases may be due to the presence of his mother's chronic pathology of the urinary tract or kidney.
Syndrome of daytime frequent urination in children
In some cases, children have a sudden increase in daytime urination (sometimes it can happen every 10-15 minutes), but there are no signs of an infection in the urinary system or nocturia, dysuria or daytime enuresis.
Most often, these signs occur about 4-6 years, when the child has already learned how to use the toilet on his own. Usually this disorder is observed in boys (girls are much less likely).
This disorder is called pollakiuria or a syndrome of daytime frequency in children. It is functional, as it does not arise due to any anatomical defects.
Usually these manifestations occur before the child begins to go to kindergarten, or if he has emotional stress, which mainly develops as a result of family problems.
Such children should be examined to exclude the infectious process in the urinary tract, and in addition to this the doctor needs to make sure that when urinating the urea is emptied completely.
In some cases, this symptom may be triggered by pinworms.
The disorder passes by itself, its symptoms disappear after 2-3 months. Treatment with anticholinergic drugs only rarely gives results.
Complications and consequences
The infectious process in the urinary tract (and frequent urination is one of the signs of the disease) is not a harmless harm, especially if it involves not only the lower part of the system, but also the kidneys. The consequence of an untreated pathology can be the death of approximately 80% of cells in the kidney tissue, resulting in an irreversible disorder of kidney function - renal failure in a chronic form.
Diagnostics of the frequent urination in a child
In case of occurrence of disturbing manifestations, you should consult a doctor. First you need to visit a pediatrician to undergo a primary examination, after which he can send the child for consultation with highly specialized doctors - nephrologist, urologist, etc. After receiving the results of the examination and tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the illness and prescribe the necessary treatment.
For the diagnosis, you may need some tests: urine for general, and in addition urine culture, and urine collection per day on the level of sugar, protein or salt.
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Instrumental diagnostics
There are several methods of instrumental diagnostics. Quite often, to determine the disease, use ultrasound, which checks the kidneys and bladder.
Also in our day, the examination with X-ray remains relevant. A snapshot will allow the doctor in detail to consider the location of the bladder with the kidneys. This method also allows to determine the presence of malignant formations - for example, concrements.
There is also a procedure of microciliary cystourethrography, in which a special contrast substance is injected into the bladder through the urethra. Do this before the urge to urinate, take a picture, and then another - at the time when it will occur. This allows to detect the presence of anomalies in the bladder.
The method with the help of renoangiography - in this case the radio diagnostic substance is injected into / in, after which the moment of its passage through the renal system of the vessels is recorded. This makes it possible to obtain the so-called indirect radioisotope renoangiogram. Thanks to her, it becomes possible to assess the performance of the kidneys and the blood flow in them, and in addition to the urinary process inside the ureters.
Scintigraphy of the kidneys (the static and dynamic form of the procedure is performed). In this case, the patient is injected with / into a radio diagnostic tool that causes radioactive radiation from the organ that is being examined. Graphical fixation occurs with the help of scanners or gamma cameras. Further, these data are processed on a computer, after which they are displayed as a dynamic or static picture. This method makes it possible to assess the shape, size and location of the kidneys, and in addition to detect the presence in the kidney of any formation (for example, tumors or cysts).
Cystoscopy, which uses a special optical device - a cystoscope. After the introduction of this apparatus into the bladder through the urethra, it is possible to examine it from the inside. This allows you to assess the condition of the mucosa, examine the mouth of the ureters, and in addition to evaluate other points - the presence of tumors, concrements, various foreign bodies.
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the frequent urination in a child
Since frequent urination can be a symptom of a very serious disease, it is necessary to use qualified methods for its treatment. Most pathologies, except for urethritis or cystitis (in these cases, outpatient treatment is allowed under the supervision of the attending physician), it is necessary to treat in hospital conditions - these are diseases such as the first diagnosed diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, etc. This allows the patient to be fully examined and constantly monitor the condition health.
Treatment should be carried out in accordance with the diagnosis, because this violation can not be eliminated without affecting the main cause of its appearance.
For treatment usually prescribed anticholinergic drugs, but in addition to them can use other means. In general, specific drugs should be selected exclusively by a doctor. There are a large number of drugs used to treat the disorder, depending on its cause:
- In the case of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract, antibiotics with uroseptics are prescribed;
- for the treatment of diabetes - regular administration of insulin to the patient;
- When developing glomerulonephritis, you need to use cytostatics, hormones, etc .;
- for the elimination of lazy bladder syndrome, a complex treatment is used - physioprocedures, as well as atropine with driptane and nootropic drugs (such as picamylon, etc.);
- In the case of neurosis, sedatives are prescribed.
Antibiotics for frequent urination in children
In the event that an infectious inflammation is diagnosed, the patient is given antibiotics. Children can take exceptionally sparing antibiotics, as well as medicines made on the basis of plants - this is necessary to minimize the possibility of side effects. It should be borne in mind that it is very important to drink a full course, even if the child's condition has improved before it ends.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
In the case of the development of inflammatory pathologies, such procedures of physiotherapeutic treatment have a qualitative effect:
- electrophoresis, and in addition stimulation;
- HBO procedure;
- carrying out thermal treatments;
- use of laser therapy;
- ultrasound with amplipulse;
- procedure of diadynamic therapy and so on.
Alternative treatment
Among the methods of alternative treatment can be identified as follows:
You can make tea from cherry stems and dried corn hair. It is recommended to take it as often as possible to speed up recovery.
Another way - tea from birch buds. For 1 cup of boiled water, you need a teaspoon of the ingredient. Infuse the drug should be about 2 hours. Drink tincture you need 3 times a day for 0.5 cup.
According to the same scheme, you can brew a decoction on herbs of a hundred thousandths of gold with St. John's Wort (these ingredients should be added in the same amount), then drink instead of tea.
Tea is also brewed from the buds of the wildflower (0.5 liters of boiled water requires 2 tablespoons of the component). Drink tea should be before breakfast (that is, on an empty stomach) in a dosage of 100 ml.
Cure rapid urination with a decoction of mint. For cooking, you need dry sliced mint (20 g), which is added to boiling water (1.5 liters), and then boiled for about 10 minutes. This broth is required to drink in a dosage of 1 glass 3 times a day.
Very effective is a decoction of the chopped roots of elecampane. For 1 cup of boiled water you need 2 tablespoons of herbs. Then the liquid is boiled on a low heat for about 25 minutes and then left to infuse for 4 hours. Tincture before use should be filtered.
Herbal Treatment
Treat the disease with herbal decoctions (using corn stigmas and bearberry). They should be brewed, and then insisted in a thermos.
Good influence of the decoction of rose hips. Berries must be boiled for 7-10 minutes, and then insist.
In addition, pharmacies can buy ready-made phyto-collections, used for urolithiasis, urethritis, cystitis, and also pyelonephritis.
Operative treatment
If the disorder is associated with a disorder of the central nervous system, surgical treatment may be prescribed.
In order to prevent the development of diseases, prevention is needed. To do this, you should regularly take your child to see a doctor. Children under the age of 1 must be examined monthly. Children 1-3 years are required to be inspected every 2-3 months, and children from 3 years - 1 every 5 months.
Preventive measures against cystitis and other diseases is the prevention of child hypothermia. Do not let it sit on a cold surface (eg, wet ground). Breast children should try to breastfeed longer, because bacteria do not enter the genitourinary system of such babies.
Frequent urination in a child often develops due to diseases of the urogenital system. Provoking factors can be other serious pathologies. Therefore, one should approach the elimination of this problem with responsibility - to take the child to the doctor in time and start the necessary treatment. In this case, the outlook will be favorable. Otherwise, serious complications may develop.
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