

Wiping with vinegar at high temperature: the correct proportions

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To bring down heat it is possible by means of medicines (now in drugstores exists a lot of antipyretic drugs), but the effect from their reception is shown at least half an hour later. But in some cases an immediate result is required, and not always even the best quality medicines manage to bring down the heat. It is in this case can help a simple alternative means - table vinegar from the temperature.

Does vinegar help to bring down the temperature?

Wiping with vinegar can give an instant effect - the heat goes away immediately after the procedure. This is due to the fact that acetic acid has a degreasing effect on the skin, thereby reducing the tension of the sweat drops on its surface. Water gives additional moisturizing. Together with sweat they quickly evaporate, removing heat.


Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of wiping with vinegar in extreme heat:

  • this tool acts very quickly, which in a critical situation can be very important;
  • after calling a doctor, waiting for his arrival, you can knock down the temperature in the absence of medication or in a situation where they do not help;
  • when treated with vinegar, there is no need in combination with medications, since it acts independently. This may be necessary in the case when the patient has already drunk the maximum daily dose of antipyretic drugs.

But this method has some disadvantages:

  • part of the vinegar from the skin is absorbed into the blood, and its vapors penetrate the respiratory tract - as a result, there is a slight intoxication. That's why doctors do not recommend wiping kids with vinegar, especially those who have not reached the age of 3;
  • vinegar reduces the temperature only on the surface of the body, and this can provoke vascular spasms, which are quite difficult to stop, especially in children at elevated temperature;
  • The duration of the impact of this tool is rather small and at the same time its use is fraught with considerable risk.


Vinegar from the temperature of an adult

An adult person should be wiped with vinegar, using the following algorithm:

  • First, you need to treat the feet with the palms;
  • further wipe the area of placement of large vessels: neck, armpits, patches under the knees;
  • wrap a body soaked in vinegar with a sheet or make a compress on the forehead.

Vinegar from the temperature of children

In the case of wiping babies, it is necessary to perform the procedure with great care - to minimize the risk of side effects, babies should only wipe their feet and hands, without wiping the vinegar into the skin. Children from 3-4 years of rubbing do about the same as adults, but without wrapping the torso with a sheet.


It is required to take 50 ml of warm (not hot and not cold) water, after which add the vinegar (you need a simple table salt, the concentration of which is 6-9%). To prepare the medicine, it will be enough to add 1 tbsp. Vinegar. Connecting the components, the solution must be thoroughly mixed.


Technique of the wiping with vinegar at a temperature of

When wiping with vinegar is required to comply with certain rules that will get the maximum effect from the procedure:

  • The patient must be completely naked;
  • Wipe it with a cotton swab, which is pre-wetted in solution;
  • Rubbing should be neat, without pressure, with mandatory processing of areas where large blood vessels are located;
  • Rubbing vinegar with effort is strictly prohibited;
  • For unhindered evaporation of vinegar, you should cover the patient not with a blanket, but with any thin cloth.

It should also be taken into account that sometimes the skin becomes pale when the temperature rises, and the extremities become cold - in such a situation, wiping can not be done, since the patient has a vasospasm. It is necessary to call an ambulance and give the patient an antipyretic.

How to grow vinegar from temperature?

The main rule in the cultivation of vinegar is to mix the ingredients in the correct ratio. If you add too much vinegar, it can become dangerous for the patient. A highly concentrated solution can cause intoxication, because its acidic substances penetrate very quickly into the blood.

The proportions of vinegar from temperature

To avoid burns, you must observe the correct proportions of water and vinegar. The permissible dosage is 0.5 liters of warm water, as well as 1 tablespoon. Vinegar with a concentration of 9%. You should also remember that you can not use vinegar essence.

Apple cider vinegar from the temperature

A solution based on apple cider vinegar is used as an antipyretic (enough 1 teaspoon per 0.5 glass of warm water). Basically, this medicine is used to relieve fever in children, as apple cider vinegar is safer for the body than a normal dining room.

Wiping off the temperature with vinegar

Do not treat the area of the skin with vinegar solution, on which there are blisters, wounds, scratches, various pustules - in such places vinegar will seep directly into the blood, thus causing discomfort and poisoning the body.

It is also incorrect to use a terry towel for grinding - it strongly irritates the skin, and due to strong friction, on the contrary, it increases the heat even more. Use a soft cloth that gently and gently affects the skin.

Compress from the temperature with vinegar

From the temperature, acetic compresses also help well. For their preparation, dilute in 200 ml of water about 15-17 ml of vinegar, and then mix this solution. Then moisten with a soft towel or a piece of tissue and apply it to the patient on the forehead.

Contraindications to the procedure

To do wiping with vinegar is contraindicated in case the patient has a strong pallor - this can be a symptom of vasospasm, and in such a situation, rubbing only aggravate the situation. You can not also perform this procedure for infants up to 6 months. And the elderly.

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Consequences after the procedure

Vinegar from temperature - a fairly effective tool, but the irrational use of it can cause very serious complications. For example - intoxication with vinegar. This problem can lead to very serious consequences, so you should use this tool with precautions, observing all the required rules.


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