Prevention and treatment of varicose veins
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Varicose veins are a scourge of modern times. Many people suffer from this insidious disease. At the initial stage, varicosity - protrusion of veins on the legs - is considered a simple cosmetic defect, and make a huge mistake. Because every day the course of varicose aggravated, the legs begin to swell, the blood flow is disrupted, the veins are deformed, weaken. How to avoid such conditions and how can you effectively combat varicose veins?
Contrasting baths for lifting the load from the legs
Legs during the day are under enormous pressure, they carry the weight of the whole body. And if a person has excess weight, the load on his legs increases significantly. Let's unload the feet with water procedures. Especially if the vascular cord is already noticeable on the legs - it first of all appears in the popliteal hollow.
To improve the tone of the vessels, you need to take a contrast shower or contrasting foot baths. First, pour your feet with cold water, then hot - so alternate 3 times. This procedure not only removes the load from the feet, but also improves blood circulation in the legs and throughout the body. For the same purpose, you can use contrasting trays. We use elastic bandage
If varicose is still only at the initial stage, you need to use an elastic bandage to support the vessels. Elastic pantyhose or socks to wear is still too early, but the elastic bandage will do the best. It can be tubular - such a bandage is sold in a pharmacy. Bandage should be applied to the knee area and worn without removing it all day. At night before going to bed, you need to remove the bandage, and throw your feet above the heart area. So they will be unloaded, the blood flow will improve and become more active.
If every day you use these procedures, varicose veins will not bother you for a long time, as you do everything to save your precious veins.
Learning to do self-massage
This is a very good tool and prevention of varicose veins, and its treatment. Of course, in the treatment of varicose, there will be little self-massage. We need complex therapy. But this step is a big step for success in the treatment of varicose veins. So, we begin with the muscles of the thigh. We stroke our toes with the fingers starting from the knee joint in the direction of the groin. We make a kind. That squeeze the skin, like linen. Thus, the muscles of the legs warm up.
Then we work with the knee joint. We knead it with the pads of fingers around the circle, then we proceed to kneading in a straight line and in a spiral. Fist several times pressing on the hole under the knee, but not very much so as not to damage the veins. Then massage the dimple in circular motions. It will disperse blood well in veins, make veins more passable, and blood flow - more active. In addition, you will feel much more refreshed.
The second option of self-massage
We lay on our backs, and our legs should be bent at the knees. By stroking the outer and inner parts of the shin, you knead the muscles of the shin and improve the blood flow in this place. Muscles need to be stretched, as if shaking them with their hands. And then you can proceed to self-massage of the toes.
From the bottom up, rub the sole of each foot and ankle. Then massage the heel and soles in a circular motion, vigorously rub the feet and ankle with your hands. Then stroking movements can pat the entire foot from bottom to top. You can start from the very toe to the top of the thighs. For this massage complex will be enough 3-4 repetitions, and your veins and legs will always be in order.
Just do not be lazy to do this massage every day. If during the self-massage you are concerned about pain in the limbs, in any part of the legs, then you have something wrong with your health. It is necessary to consult a doctor for advice.
Therapy with garlic
Garlic is driven not only by unclean force, but also by dispersing blood, and treating varicose veins. Garlic is good because it strengthens the vessels. Garlic juice is good as a bactericidal agent that fights against disease-causing bacteria and microbes.
Thanks to zinc, selenium, aluminum and germanium, which are contained in garlic, help the vessels to become stronger, the walls of the vessels - more elastic, garlic also tones well the blood vessels and the entire body.
Garlic is an excellent remedy for dissolving fibrin, a protein substance that has the property of forming thrombi. And blood clots are very dangerous for a person, breaking away from the vascular walls, a thrombus can lead to blockage of blood flow and even death. The substance of eichoen, which is in the composition of garlic, effectively reduces the inflammation of the walls of the vessels, since it acts like an antipyretic.
Effective tincture of garlic
Garlic needs 350 grams for this tincture. Take the peeled garlic cloves, chop it finely and chop it with the garlic. Or you can make it a pestle in a small vessel (only not metallic, there the garlic is oxidized).
Let this garlic mushroom stand in a dark place for 1-2 hours. Then you need to measure 200 grams of this gruel and add as many grams of alcohol. Cover the dishes with a lid and leave in a dark cool place, but not very cold.
There let the tincture is within 10 days. After this period, you need to wring out the garlic mush through the natural fabric (cotton, linen, gauze) and leave to infuse again, but this time only for 2 hours. This gruel should be drunk according to the following scheme 30 minutes before meals and washed down with water or milk.
- The first day - 1 drop of garlic for breakfast, 2 drops for lunch, 3 drops for dinner.
- The second day - 4 drops for breakfast, 5 drops for lunch, 6 drops for dinner.
- The third day - 7 drops for breakfast, 8 drops - for lunch, 9 drops for dinner.
- The fourth day - 10 drops for breakfast, 11 drops for lunch, 12 drops for dinner.
- The fifth day - 13 drops for breakfast, 14 drops for lunch, 15 drops for dinner.
- The sixth day - 15 drops of garlic for breakfast, 14 drops for lunch and 15 drops for dinner.
- The seventh day - 12 drops for breakfast, 11 drops for lunch, 10 drops for dinner.
- Eighth day - 9 drops for breakfast, 8 drops for lunch, 7 drops for dinner.
- The ninth day - 6 drops for breakfast, 5 drops for lunch, 4 drops for dinner.
- The tenth day - 3 drops for breakfast, 2 drops for lunch, 1 drop for dinner.
If you have conscientiously carried out the whole scheme, your vessels will become much stronger. But you probably will have a tincture of garlic. Really throw? Of course, no, especially since this tincture becomes stronger and more effective every day.
You need to drink 25 drops of tincture three times a day until the tincture is over. So you significantly strengthen the walls of the vessels and get well with varicose veins. This is an excellent cleaning of the vessels, which can be practiced every year.
Prevention of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar
To combat varicose, apple cider vinegar is perfect. Only it must be natural. It is necessary to wipe this whole vinegar area of the legs, where the veins are located. And do it in the morning and in the evening. But that is not all. To varicose has passed its position, it is necessary to drink 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, diluted with one glass of water. This will provide blood vessels and blood with an acidic environment, which is very good for the prevention of venous pathologies. The fact is that the vessels have the property of deforming and breaking down under the influence of alkali. Apple cider vinegar is opposed to this process. In addition, it tones up internal organs and tissues.
From the effects of apple cider vinegar, the veins will no longer swell, they will not shine through the skin, they will move slightly inward, their walls can better shrink, surpassing the blood. Legs will look much more beautiful, without bluish ropes. To apple cider vinegar had its fine cosmetic effect on the condition of the legs, a person will need a month of constant work on himself and his health. But the result, of course, is worth it.
But you need to consider that this method works best at the first stage of development of varicose, that is, at the very beginning of the disease. When varicose is already progressing, apple cider vinegar can not perform a miracle - perhaps, surgery or laser therapy will help. But apple cider vinegar can help at the stage of varicose veins, when the legs or shins are cramped, especially at night. From it you need to make an ointment.
The recipe for ointment with apple cider vinegar
For the ointment you need 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 egg yolk raw egg and 1 teaspoon turpentine. This ointment should be rubbed into the skin of the feet every evening for a month. The condition of the legs will improve significantly, and the convulsions will stop worrying.
Honey against varicose veins
Honey is a wonderful universal natural substance that helps a person cope with many diseases. As it turns out, and with varicose veins too. One of the very useful properties of honey is the ability to store minerals and vitamins that enter the human body with food.
To strengthen the vessels and their walls, you need to take 2 teaspoons of honey before each breakfast for two months. This will nourish the walls of the vessels and make them more elastic. Especially good honey affects the gastrocnemius muscle, removing seizures and spasms of this important for muscle movements.
Bath against varicose veins
Bath is a very good tool for strengthening the vessels, cleaning the skin, hardening. After a bath, a person feels younger and happier. And gymnastics will complete the process.
However, because of the large temperature difference, the bath can be shown to a varicose patient only at the onset of the disease. Then, in the third and fourth stages of varicose veins, when the veins on the legs are clearly visible, when they are swollen and covered with nodules, it is better not to go to the bath, otherwise harm can harm the body, even more damage the blood vessels.
To competently approach the strengthening of blood vessels in a bath, you need to stay in the apricot for the first time no longer than 6 minutes. On the head should be a hat - a special bath hat or a towel tied with a turban. After leaving the steam room, you need to wash with cold water and 10 minutes to stay in a room with a normal temperature.
If you sit out in a steam room, the veins can swell and blood flow may be disturbed. It threatens with weakness and even loss of consciousness.
On the second call in the steam room you can spend 7-8 minutes. Objatellno need to ask a connoisseur of bath procedures or a bathhouse attendant to spoil you with a broom. Leaves to the broom are selected individually - it will burn to be oak, birch, aspen or eucalyptus, whatever. The broom helps to improve the work of the respiratory system, if you steal correctly, the skin will release out together with sweat toxins and other harmful substances.
After the second call, you need to leave the steam room and massage your feet for 15-20 minutes. It can be self-massage or massage with the help of a specialist. Complete the bath procedures with a hot shower. Or contrast to cheer up. Visiting a bath once a week for two to three months will harden blood vessels and significantly reduce the manifestations of varicose veins.