Displacement of vertebrae
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Displacement of vertebrae or spondylolisthesis is a disease of the spine, more often acquired than congenital and characterized by displacement of the vertebra in relation to the underlying.
Depending on the extent to which the vertebra is displaced, five degrees of spondylolisthesis are distinguished:
- 1 degree - the vertebra is displaced by a quarter. There are almost no complaints, sometimes minor pains.
- 2 degree - the vertebra is displaced by half. There are stable aching pains, there is a muscle weakness.
- 3 degree - the vertebra is displaced by three quarters. Disturbing severe pain in the back, adjacent systems, muscle weakness, disruption of the internal organs, changes in posture and gait.
- 4 degree - the vertebra is completely displaced. Disturbing severe pain, weakness in the hands, a violation of posture and habitual position of the body, changes in the function of adjacent internal organs and systems.
- 5 degree - the vertebra is displaced and sagging. There is a syndrome of compression of the spinal cord, possibly ruptures. Severe radicular pain and partial paralysis. There is limited movement.
In the thoracic department, such changes are rare. Most often, the displacement occurs in those parts of the spine that are most mobile - cervical, lumbar. Displacement in the lumbar region is preceded by traumatic fractures of the articular processes, which leads gradually to the development of displacement, which leads to the development of lameness, muscle weakness in the legs, and difficulties in movement.
To prevent displacement of the vertebrae or to prevent its transition to a more neglected stage. When back pain, after falling on the back or physical exertion, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Reasons for displacement of the vertebrae
The reasons for displacement of the vertebrae may be different - these are trauma, and congenital pathologies, and age-related pathologies of the vertebrae. But in addition, there are factors that predetermine the displacement of the vertebrae: hereditary changes in the body of the vertebrae, repeated injuries of the spine, its overextension.
There are 5 types of displacement of the vertebrae:
- Congenital pathology of the vertebra, because of what the vertebra is not fixed in the department and constantly shifts.
- The isthmic displacement of the vertebra is a defect of the interarticular surface of the vertebra. Often found in athletes due to recurrent trauma or overstretch.
- Degenerative displacement. It develops in the elderly, the reason - an arthritic change in the joints of the vertebrae.
- Traumatic displacement. Occurs as a result of direct trauma, most often a fracture of the leg, plate or arch of the vertebra, facet joint.
- Pathological displacement. It develops with a tumor lesion of bone tissue or adjacent to the vertebra of tissues.
Regardless of the reason for the displacement of the vertebrae, the first sign that is alarming in this case is back pain (in later stages - disruption of the internal organs). When you have pain, especially when you move, load, after falling on your back, you should consult a doctor. This will help in a timely manner to take the necessary measures and avoid irreversible changes in the spinal column.
Symptoms of vertebral displacement
Symptoms with the displacement of the vertebrae are not immediately apparent, therefore at first it is difficult to diagnose the displacement independently, without medical assistance. Gradually begins to disturb the pain in the affected spine, reduces mobility, there is a feeling of numbness, after physical exertion the pain increases. There are spasms of muscles, numbness of hands, feet, limp.
At the first degree of displacement, the pain is insignificant, but it increases with the bends of the trunk or with physically hard work. At the second degree of displacement, the pain is of a permanent nature, becomes unbearable when moving, loads. At the third degree there are visible disturbances - the posture changes, there is lameness, the volume of movements decreases. At the fourth-fifth degree the gait changes, the posture. At visual inspection, the curvature and "sagging" of the damaged vertebra are noticeably disturbed, constant radicular pains and pains in the muscles. The work of internal organs and systems is disrupted.
In general, the prognosis for the displacement of the vertebrae is favorable. In the early stages, the displacement is treated conservatively, but a complex of physiotherapy exercises and special corsets are shown, and severe cases are performed by surgical intervention. And the earlier the patient turns to the doctor, the more effective the result of treatment will be.
Displacement of cervical vertebrae
Displacement of cervical vertebrae is common in children, especially up to the year of life. Among the described reasons - birth trauma and maltreatment of newborns. Often the displacement of vertebrae in children happens, if you take the child in your arms without holding the head. In adults, the displacement of the cervical vertebrae occurs with osteochondrosis, intervertebral disk dysplasia, cervical spine injuries and previous operations.
Among the symptoms - headache, dizziness, pain in the neck, giving up in the arms and shoulders, chest, a violation of sensitivity.
Displacement of thoracic vertebrae
The displacement of the thoracic vertebrae is less common, but develops after injuries, falls on the back or lifting of weights, also if operations on the spine have already been performed or there are tumors. As a result of the displacement, the intervertebral canal narrows, and the following symptoms appear:
Pain in the chest, weakness, squeezing of the spinal cord and radicular pain, pain in the intercostal spaces and disruption of the internal organs.
Gradually there is nervousness, memory worsens, migraine develops, hypertension, high intraocular pressure appears, hearing loss.
Displacement of lumbar vertebrae
Displacement of the lumbar vertebra often leads to disability and develops at any age. Among the reasons - congenital pathology of the lumbar region, osteochondrosis, trauma, physical activity. In the first stage of the disease, the pain appears infrequently and after physical exertion, and at later stages, the posture changes, the forced position, the pelvic subsidence, severe pain and weakness in the legs, and sometimes the total inability to move.
Offset of the coccyx vertebrae
The displacement of the vertebrae of the coccyx occurs as a result of diseases or trauma (blow to the coccyx or fall on a hard surface). Also, among the possible causes, it is necessary to note the pathology of the tissues near the coccyx, as well as the omission of the perineum (very common in women after childbirth), the transferred operations on the perineum, scar tissue, tumors, constipation.
The first sign of displacement of the vertebrae of the coccyx is pain in the region of the coccyx or anal opening, which is constant, paroxysmal, amplified in the sitting position, when the intestines are emptied. Pain can give in the groin, the inner thighs, buttocks. Pain occurs at night, accompanied by pallor of the skin and sweating (reaction of the autonomic nervous system). Pain passes by itself or after taking an anesthetic drug (ketans, baralgin, etc.).
When pressing on the coccyx, pain is noted, giving off in the groin. After the injury, the pain can pass independently, as hematomas and scars dissolve, but more often the pain in the coccyx has a long-lasting character with periodic remission and exacerbation.
The main method to diagnose the displacement of the vertebrae of the coccyx is the palpation of the coccyx through the rectum. In the study, the compaction in the affected area, tight sacrococcygeal ligaments is often determined. Also, to rule out other pathologies, x-rays of the sacrococcygeal department are appointed, as well as ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, and if necessary - irrigoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.
Treatment with a conservative shift, assign electrophoresis to the affected area, ultrasound therapy with an analgesic mixture or hydrocortisone ointment, with severe pain make a novocaine blockade (lidocaine, diprospan, kenalong, etc.). A massage of soft tissues around the coccyx is mandatory, as well as a complex of therapeutic physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and pelvis. When the coccyx is dislocated or fractured, surgery is performed.
To cure the displacement of the vertebrae of the coccyx and prevent the development of complications from other organs, systems and tissues, you need to see a doctor immediately after the onset of pain, and not postponing the visit for later.
Pain in the displacement of the vertebrae
Pain in the displacement of the vertebrae is the first sign that the nerve root is pinched and the spinal cord is compressed. Depending on the intensity of pain and external changes in posture and radiographic results, as well as gait, it is possible to establish the degree of displacement of the vertebrae.
At the first degree of displacement, the pain is unstable, it increases in a sitting position or with inclinations. At the second degree, the pain becomes permanent, prevents active movements. At the third or fourth degree, more serious changes occur, the pain is not only permanent, but also changes in the functioning of the internal organs, a violation of the sensitivity of the hands, legs, muscle weakness caused by compression of the spinal cord.
To ease the condition, you should try to spend as little time as possible in a horizontal position, do not lift weights, wear an elastic corset to support the spine, with severe pain make novocaine blockades. In an acute period, manual therapy is shown - this is the most painless method to remove muscle spasm and put the displaced vertebra in place. Unfortunately, with more neglected forms of displacement, conservative treatment is ineffective and surgical intervention is shown, therefore, at the first manifestation of pain with displacement of the vertebrae, one should consult a doctor to prevent the transformation of the current disease into a more difficult, difficultly curable phase.
Compression vertebral displacement
The compression displacement of the vertebrae is characterized by severe pain in the back. Often a compression bias occurs in elderly people with osteoporosis, a special degree of risk is made by women after 50 years. Symptoms that indicate an injury:
- A sharp severe pain in the back.
- Strengthening of painful sensations at walking, movements.
- Pain in lying position, especially at night.
- Severe pain with tilts, twisting of the trunk.
- Gradual deformation of the spine, change in gait.
The lead to compression bias can be:
- Sharp lifting of weights (buckets with water, bag with cargo, suitcase).
- Low slope, overstretch of the spine.
- Also, the vertebra can move if you slip or stumble on the step.
With compressive displacement of the vertebrae, pain may be unstable, its character may weaken as the vertebral injury heals, which takes up to 2-3 months. If you have pain during physical work or pain at rest, you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible. When confirming the diagnosis for the purpose of reducing pain, dry spinal traction is shown. Timely diagnosis and treatment of compression bias of the vertebrae will help to prevent further displacement.
Staircase displacement of vertebrae
Staircase displacement of vertebrae occurs at the age of 35-40. The reason for this kind of displacement lies in the degenerative-dystrophic changes of the spinal column. Basically, the disorders develop on the basis of atrophy, osteochondrosis, in case of violation of statics. In general, the staircase displacement does not differ much from other types of instability of the spinal column, however, when fixing a lot of displacements, a peculiar clinical picture appears. When receiving the survey data, an MRI or an X-ray photograph shows the displacement of the spinous processes of the vertebrae relative to the body of the underlying vertebra, in the form of steps of the staircase.
The method of isometric examination of the spine is very effective with the measurement of the distance between the spinous processes in the state of rest during flexion and extension of the body. This allows you to determine the degree of immobility of the spine and predict the development of neurological pathologies in that part of the spinal cord, which is prone to squeezing due to polysomes.
The staircase displacement of the vertebrae in the early stages lends itself to conservative treatment - prescribe analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and in an unremarkable period shows exercises of physiotherapy, massage. In severe cases, surgery is performed. In general, the prognosis is favorable, with a timely treatment, the full volume of movements is restored.
Sphenoid wedge displacement
The wedge-shaped displacement of the vertebrae was first described by the German surgeon, scientist Kumel Verney. Characterized by pathology as a wedge-shaped change in the shape of the vertebra, giving local pain. The disease is common in young men, most often the vertebrae of the thoracic or lumbar region are affected. The cause of wedge-shaped displacement is considered to be trauma and the wedge-shaped displacement itself is equated with the phase of compression fracture of the vertebra due to trauma or very heavy loads.
The wedge-shaped displacement occurs in three stages:
- Trauma, which disturbs severe pain in the thoracic spine segment, which has a different intensity. The difference between pain and pain in case of a fracture in its non-intensive character.
- In the second stage, after 3 months, the pain subsides and the latent phase of the disease begins, which lasts from several months to several years.
- In the third stage, the pain appears after repeated traumatization or even without a cause, the mobility of the thoracic region is limited, and a small thoracic kyphosis gradually forms.
Diagnose the wedge-shaped displacement by radiographing the damaged section in the lateral and posterior posterior projection. In the early stages, it is best to fix the changes with the help of tomography. This makes it possible to diagnose a vertebra fissure, a hernia, changes in the spongy body of the vertebra, and osteoporotic changes.
Treatment consists in distributing the load on the spine as a whole. Pain shows a strict bed rest, a roller is placed under the pathological thoracic kyphosis zone. In the neostrom period, wearing a corset and a complex of therapeutic exercises, massage. Contraindications of the load, increasing the amplitude of movements of the spinal column.
In general, the prognosis is reduced to the degree of neglect of the disease and the timeliness of medical care. The consequences of the disease include cofoscoliotic changes in the thoracic region, early osteochondrosis.
Displacement of vertebrae in a child
The displacement of the vertebrae in the child is manifested with the appearance of pain in the back, depending on the affected part of the spine. With the displacement of the cervical vertebrae, irritability appears, sleep is disturbed, there are problems with sight, hearing, digestion, intracranial pressure increases. This can affect the overall development of the child, as well as in conjunction with the loads in educational institutions, can lead to nervous breakdowns and the development of more severe somatic diseases.
When the vertebrae are displaced in the lumbar region, pain in the legs first appears, and then there is a persistent aching pain in the affected area. One of the signs is a decrease or a complete absence of the Achilles reflex.
With a pronounced pain syndrome, a novocaine blockade of the nerve nodes of the damaged segment of the spine, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, dimexide), shows the wearing of an elastic corset. On the fact of a decrease in the degree of manifestation of symptoms and relief of an acute period, a special set of physical exercises, massage, manual therapy is prescribed. An important aspect of conservative treatment is concluded not only in reducing pain, but in strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen, which will act as a natural corset that supports the normal position of the spine.
Displacement of vertebrae in newborns
Displacement of vertebrae in newborns is the first sign of impaired vertebral stability. The instability of the vertebral column must be distinguished from the displacement of the vertebrae by the pain characteristic. Displacement is most often manifested completely painlessly and can only be detected with a special medical examination. The final diagnosis is confirmed radiologically.
In newborns, the displacement of the cervical vertebrae is fixed at a level of 2-3, which is explained most often by the feature of anatomy (when the child passes through the birth canal, the head is thrown back, and the head and neck are under strong pressure). Less common is the displacement of the 5-lumbar and 1-sacral.
When the vertebra is displaced, the intervertebral canal narrows and this leads to squeezing and irritation of the spinal cord, nerve roots. This is the reason for the development of a variety of neurological symptoms, depending on the site of the injury. With the displacement of the cervical vertebrae, the child fits, cries, sleeps poorly, appetite decreases, asymmetry of the head and shoulders, weakness and low sensitivity of the handles can be observed.
When confirming the diagnosis, prescribe manual treatment - this is the most painless and effective way to eliminate pathology. The prognosis is further positive, with proper treatment and care for the child, it is possible to exclude the development of further dysfunction of the spine and complications from the nervous system.
Consequences of displacement of vertebrae
The consequences of displacement of the vertebrae depend on the department in which the displacement occurred, and which vertebra became unstable.
- With the shift in the cervical region there are severe headaches, increased pressure, there are problems with sleep, muscle spasms of the neck, shoulders, pain in the hands, weakening of reflexes, problems with vision, hearing, difficulty swallowing, chewing.
- With a shift in the thoracic region, the following develops:
- diseases of the respiratory system - pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
- Diseases of the digestive system - liver dysfunction, gastritis, cholelithiasis, colitis, gastric ulcer.
- Muscle pain in the intercostal space, weakening of the abdominal reflex, spasm of pectoral muscles.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system - infertility, nephritis, impaired urination, weakness, overtaxity.
- With a shift in the lumbar region, there are pains in the groin area, disorders of sexual function in men, digestive disorders, hernia, sensitivity is broken on the outside of the thighs, shins, muscle weakness, gait changes.
- With the shift in the sacral department, there is pain, which gives to the thigh, shin, heel, walking difficulties, muscle weakness of the femoral muscles, violation of defecation, hemorrhoids.
Diagnosis of vertebral displacement
Diagnosis of displacement of the vertebrae is carried out in three main ways:
- X-ray examination of the spine in the phases of flexion and extension (especially effective for diagnosis of cervical and lumbar functions). This allows us to examine the condition of the vertebrae, their position relative to the axis of the spinal column, and also determine the degree of mobility of vertebrae in specific departments.
- MRI examination of damaged spine in flexion and extension. One of the most effective and reliable methods of diagnosis and makes it possible not only to evaluate the structure of the vertebrae, but also to track changes in pathophysiological processes in the spinal cord. In addition, MRI enables you not to carry out additional painful laboratory methods - spinal puncture, angiogram, etc. Also, you can view the vertebra or spinal cord on a thin section, which allows you to see the smallest pathological changes in tissues.
- Computer tomography of the spine. Especially effective in the diagnosis of intervertebral hernias. Plus, all bone formations, muscles and ligaments. You can clearly determine the size of the hernia, its interaction with surrounding tissues.
In general, it is possible to diagnose the displacement of vertebrae at any stage, but, unfortunately, at the first signs of displacement, not all patients turn for help.
How to determine the displacement of vertebrae?
How to determine the displacement of the vertebrae by yourself? This question is asked by many people who are worried about their health. Unfortunately, at the first stages, before the onset of pain, it is almost impossible to diagnose the displacement. Since the period after receiving an injury before the appearance of the first signs can go from several months to several years.
The first thing that should alert - the appearance of pain in the back with physical exertion and at rest. Pain, as a rule, is localized in the place of injury - it can be cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral parts, less often coccygeal. In the elderly, pain is localized in the lumbar region, neck, and lateral surfaces of the pelvis. In adolescence and childhood, pain gives to the legs, muscle weakness develops.
The easiest way to diagnose the displacement of the vertebrae is to make a radiograph of the spinal column, according to the site of pain localization. To confirm the diagnosis, clarify the specific changes in bone, nervous, muscle tissue appoint CT and MRI. This will allow not only to examine the lesions on the body of the vertebra, but also to layer-by-layer the structure of the vertebra, to diagnose the degree of damage to the spinal cord, to assess the state of the spinal nerve leads, and to identify foci of damage.
Treatment of vertebral dislocation
Treatment of the displacement of the vertebrae is prescribed by a doctor. Operative treatment is topical in especially severe cases, with a significant displacement and prolapse of the vertebra, a fracture of the vertebral arch. In this case, the plastic of the damaged vertebra is carried out, with its further fixation by pins made of surgical steel. The vertebral body is fixed relative to the underlying vertebra to ensure its stability.
Conservative treatment depends on the stage of displacement of the vertebrae, the manifestation of pain, disruption of the internal organs and systems. With severe pain prescribed painkillers (Denebol, Amelotex, arthrosan), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, dimexide). With severe pain, novocaine blockades are carried out, muscle relaxants are introduced to stop muscle spasms near the displaced vertebra. When the acute period is extinguished, and the pain syndrome is not manifested, therapeutic exercise is shown, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen. Due to this muscular complex, the normal position of the spinal column is maintained. Also shown wearing a corset, but with too frequent use it can lead to atrophy of the muscles of the back, abdomen, chest. To maintain muscle tone, appoint a massage and a specially designed set of exercises.
Also, when displaced, dry stretching is shown. This helps to create more space between the vertebrae, which improves nutrition and does not progress degenerative degeneration of tissues. Mud treatment, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy are also indicated.
Displacement of vertebrae can not be treated, but only when there is no pain in the back and violations from the internal organs. As soon as inconstant pain in the spine began to appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Exercises in the displacement of the vertebrae
Exercises for the displacement of the vertebrae are aimed at stabilizing all parts of the spine by maintaining the tone of the muscular corset. Often the displacement of the vertebrae can be diagnosed when passing a medical examination or when there is pain in the back. Physiotherapy can be attributed to conservative methods of treating vertebral dislocation, but it is necessary to proceed to their implementation only in the neostromous period, in order not to aggravate the current state.
Doing the exercises, you need to follow these rules:
- Doing exercises should not cause pain or discomfort.
- Exercise should be done slowly, without making sudden movements.
- All the elements of the exercises need to be done without unnecessary work and effort.
To perform the exercises should also be very carefully - first the warm-up is done, then the spine is stretched, strengthened and the final stage is the fixation of the posture.
Exercise for stretching the spine:
- In the sitting position, bend one knee and lie on his stomach, trying to touch the forehead with the floor. Keep your hands out in front of you. Exercise should be repeated 5-7 times, taking breaks.
Exercises for strengthening the spine:
- Circular rotation of the shoulders back and forth, 5-7 times.
- Lateral slopes. When the arms are tilted, do not tear off the trunk. Do 10 times in each direction.
- Rotation of the upper part of the trunk, hands on shoulders. In each direction 10 times.
Massage with displacement of vertebrae
Massage with displacement of the vertebrae is not only a method of treatment, but also as a method of preventing the aggravation of the disease. The sooner the treatment of spondylolisthesis begins, the higher the likelihood that the disease can be completely eliminated. At an early stage, the most effective method of treatment is conservative, massage is just one of the safest and painless methods of treating displacement. The procedure should be performed only by a qualified specialist with the necessary knowledge to make an effective treatment regimen.
To start the massage session is necessary only in the acute stage of the disease. It is necessary to begin with rather sparing, relaxing massage movements. In parallel with the massage, a specially developed course of therapeutic exercises, an acupuncture course, is prescribed. With the help of massage, muscle tone can be strengthened, the ligamentous apparatus can be strengthened, muscle spasm can be relieved, blood circulation and lymph drainage improved. In addition, massage helps relieve neuralgia, headache and other neurological problems associated with the displacement of the vertebrae, depending on the location of the displacement.
Regular courses of massage as a preventive measure are shown to those people who already had problems with the spine - trauma, transferred operations, displacement. This will help not only to maintain the stability of the spinal column, but also to maintain muscle tone.
Physical exercises with displacement of vertebrae
Physical exercises with displacement of the vertebrae can be considered one of the leading aspects of conservative treatment. Practically in half of cases by means of physical exercises and massage it is possible to restore stability of a backbone. In more complex cases, with severe pain syndrome, appropriate medication is prescribed. The exception is only the most severe degrees of displacement, when the problem can be solved only surgically.
Of course, it is impossible to completely cure displacement with the help of physical exercises, but it is quite possible to control the course of the disease. The main task is to restore the muscle tone, specifically - deep layers of dorsal muscles, abdominal muscles and chest. This creates a natural support for the spine and makes it possible to stabilize the vertebrae of the damaged department.
The complex of exercises is developed strictly by the individual physician, according to the degree of displacement, the severity of the pain syndrome, neurological changes, the age of the patient. Also, the cause of the bias is important - if the displacement occurred due to age-related changes in the spinal column or because of trauma, congenital pathologies, the design of the complex of physical exercises will be different.
Surgery for the displacement of the vertebrae
Surgery for the displacement of vertebrae is the last method of treatment, it is prescribed only in those cases when conservative treatment does not give effective results and positive dynamics. When the vertebrae are displaced, two variants of surgical stabilization are performed.
- When the vertebra is displaced back, the operation is performed through the incision from the side of the spine.
- When the vertebra is displaced forward, the operation is performed outside the peritoneum, and through the incision of the anterior wall of the trunk.
In general, the essence of the operation is reduced to the stabilization of the displaced element. To do this, resect the vertebrae at the site of the pathology, and for the fixation use autografts. Previously common method - the method of posterior spinal fusion is not used. It is recognized as ineffective, as it gives a complication in the form of pseudoarthrosis. Transplantation for fixation is introduced with the least risk, without damaging the surrounding tissues, and fixing devices are constantly being improved.
The rehabilitation period lasts about two months, the patient can not move, and it is necessary to lie only on a special bed. At first, to ensure immobility, the patient is put on a corset made of gypsum, which later is changed to a removable tire-leather.
Surgical treatment of displacement is accompanied by a certain risk of complications, but it does not exceed 1-1% of all cases. The most common complications of the first stage of the postoperative period:
- respiratory insufficiency;
- violation of intestinal permeability;
- difficulties with urination;
- vein thrombosis;
- paresis;
- development of urolithiasis.
But to prevent the development of complications can only be providing competent support to the patient in the postoperative period and taking the necessary preventive measures.
Prophylaxis in the displacement of vertebrae
Prophylaxis in the displacement of the vertebrae is especially important for those people who are at risk (they have congenital bone pathologies, traumas, transferred operations on the spine, etc.). To avoid bias, you need to adhere to the following:
To engage in physical education, strengthen the muscular frame (yoga, exercise therapy, etc.)
When dealing with those sports where the load on the spine is increasing, adhere to special measures to prevent the displacement of the vertebrae
Avoid injury to the back, do not lift heavy loads. When getting back injuries or stretching, immediately consult a specialist
However, even adhering to these rules, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of development of bias with age-related changes in the bone system or congenital pathologies. In such cases it is necessary to adhere to measures for the prevention of osteochondrosis - one of the most common causes of age-related displacement of the vertebrae. For prevention, it is enough to do several simple general strengthening exercises once a day.
- Rotation shoulders back and forth, 10 turns forward and backward.
- Turn the head to the sides, 10 turns in each direction.
To perform the exercises need to proceed only after consulting a doctor to be sure of the diagnosis and the absence of contraindications, since with the already available bias to perform the above exercises is contraindicated.
Prognosis of displacement of vertebrae
Prognosis of displacement of vertebrae with proper treatment is positive. At the initial stage of displacement, the spinal column can be stabilized without surgical intervention, basing the treatment on medical therapy, massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy. Regular performance of simple non-severe exercises already in the near future will give a positive result.
Operative treatment can not be called an alternative, it is rather an extreme measure with a severe form of displacement, when there is a risk of rupture of the roots of the nerve branches or strong compression of the spinal cord, or in the ineffectiveness of conservative methods. Surgical treatment implies a certain risk to the health of the patient, but with proper management of the postoperative period and prevention of the most common complications, the risk becomes minimal. The operation is performed with minimal traumatization of surrounding tissues. The variety of modern prostheses and designs for fixing vertebrae, maximally reflect the natural mechanics of movements in this or that part of the spine.
Fortunately, in most people the prognosis of vertebral bias is diagnosed at an early stage, which does not complicate the process of treatment and does not lead to the development of complications from organs and systems. Complete recovery occurs quickly enough, and the displacement of vertebrae can be eliminated and stabilize the vertebral column, but you must always follow the doctor's instructions and strengthen the muscles.