Corn on the heel
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Corn on the heel arises from prolonged friction of the skin. This can be due to shoes not in size or poor hygiene, a rare change of socks, long standing or walking.
Causes of Corn on Heels
Corn on the heel appears because of uncomfortable shoes, with rough seams on the inside, irregular gait, flat feet, in lovers of high heels and suffering from obesity and swelling. There are very painful watery blisters that can be treated with medication or physiotherapy. In the article we will consider all possible ways to get rid of this problem.
Symptoms of callus on the heels
At first the skin on the heels becomes red, swollen and dry. Then there is pain when you press and rub. And only after that a bubble forms, which sooner or later bursts, exposing the red wound surface. It's impossible to walk. Before this stage it is better not to bring, because you can cause a very strong infection.
Dry callus on heel
With age, the skin loses moisture and does not withstand the daily harmful effects of the environment. Because of this, it is easily injured, especially on the heels.
Here are a few simple ways how you can cure yourself of the callus on the heel. You can make salt baths. You can go to the beauty salon. There you will do a medical pedicure or use liquid nitrogen for removal. You can apply an onion soaked in vinegar to the callus. You can cut the leaf of aloe and apply at night to the corn. You can make a foot massage with vegetable oil. A few drops of acetic essence drip onto the corn and seal with a plaster. After several such procedures, the corn will disappear. Soap and soda foot baths are also effective. It helps to apply grated raw potatoes to the problem zone for the night. Aspirin 2 tablets powder into powder, apply on corn and hold for an hour. Lard with garlic also helps. Razotrite garlic and put it on a piece of fat, attach the "garlic" part to the corn and bandage for the night leg. You can use a sheet of Kalanchoe, peeled from the film. His flesh is applied to the corns for the night. Also helps home ointment of baked garlic with butter in a ratio of 1: 1. Kasha from the leaves of marigold and hot water helps to get rid of the problem in a few days.
You can also steam your feet in water and tie a lemon crust to the corn for the night.
Take salicylic acid, propolis and 96-degree alcohol in equal amounts and with heating dissolve propolis in alcohol. Add salicylic acid and stir until a consistently well-smearing mixture. Keep it in a tightly closed container.
50 propolis and juice of one lemon warm, keep the mixture in the refrigerator. Apply on corn daily until it disappears.
In the morning, apply a ripe tomato to the corn.
Fresh gum apply to the corn, cover with adhesive tape. Change the bandage in 24 hours.
In a glass with vinegar, you need to put the egg and wait about a week until it completely dissolves. The resulting liquid must be applied to corn.
Put garlic or lemon oil on the callus with a cotton swab, and you will see how it disappears in a few days!
The best means of preventing dry callus - foot care and wearing comfortable shoes. Especially if you have flat feet. Replenish the supply of vitamins, especially A and E. Also corns are signs of arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Wet Corn on the heel
A wet callus on the heel is formed if you leave unattended the appearance of dry callus. The main factor in its appearance is long-term friction. The slightest touch to the wet callus intensifies the pain. When squeezed, the bubble bursts, forming a wound. Redness, pain and pus speak of joining the infection. When you get infected, you need to contact a surgeon. He will process and apply a bandage.
To wet the calluses on your feet you never had, choose shoes carefully, measure it, walk through it in the store before buying. Closed shoes are worn on the toe. Fight with sweating feet, sprinkling them with talc.
You can puncture the corn if it is very large. Before piercing the needle you need to hold it over the fire.
A good remedy for wet calluses is the Compeed patch. It simply needs to be applied to the wound. Treatment will take 3-4 days. The plaster can be removed if it starts to lag.
If the corn itself burst, set it on with the green.
Here are some alternative means.
Fix a sheet of plantain on the wound by stretching it in your hands.
You can also help the gruel from the grinded green peas. It's enough just to put it on the corn.
Corn on the heel
Stem corn is a dense formation on the skin, resembling a cone. To cure the corn callus, buy in the pharmacy a patch of Salipod and glue it exactly to the size of the "cap" of corn. The corn under the band-aid leaves with the stem. The recess, which is formed from the exit of the rod, must be sealed with a regular patch until it disappears.
The stem usually does not develop immediately, but when the condition is already running. If you notice that a rod has appeared, raspate your foot in water with liquid soap and drop citric acid or celandine juice on the corn and seal the wound with a bactericidal plaster. It is enough to treat a small callus with pumice and lubricate with a cream. You can try corn oil, but you need to use it carefully, because it is an alkaline solution.
A corn caller often occurs if you have thrown a splinter under your skin. In this case, it is more appropriate to contact a beautician or dermatologist. The treatment of the problems of the feet is handled by a specialist. He removes corn with a milling cutter. Sign up for a hardware pedicure. Sometimes laser treatment or freezing with liquid nitrogen is recommended. Liquid nitrogen is a colorless liquid, odorless. She is exposed to the skin for about a minute. So that you do not have to deal with this problem, keep the shoes and socks clean and remove the splinters in time. Do not visit the bath or swimming pool without slippers. The cause of callus can be a dermatotropic virus, it is exactly this that is transmitted. Corns can also be caused by orthopedic problems, problems with joints, flat feet.
Bone on the heel
The callus on the heel is formed after the fracture is fused. This is not a disease, but a natural process, the reaction of the body, aimed at rapid healing of the fracture. To ease the condition after a fracture, physicians recommend limiting the load, conducting magnetic therapy and electrophoresis. All these procedures are prescribed by a traumatologist. Bone corne indicates the onset of fracture fusion. It is very well seen on an x-ray.
Corn on the heel of the child
To heal the callus on the heel of a child, you just need to take it and tape it with adhesive tape. The child's body is very quickly restored, the corn will quickly heal. To prevent corns from appearing in the future, it is very important to choose a genuine leather footwear for the child and a fairly wide one. Socks should be chosen cotton and as often as possible to wash them. Inflammation of the corn can lead to infection.
If the corn does not pass itself, peel a slice of lemon, attach to the callus and bandage with a bandage. Do this before putting the baby to bed, for the night. You can also use the pulp of aloe: just put a little gruel from the crushed leaves of the plant and bandage it, it's also better at night, as in the daytime the child is active. To the sore spot, you can also apply a cut fig berry.
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What to do with calluses on the heels?
Corn on the heels brings us discomfort and pain and get on your nerves. Especially women. Ladies really want to have smooth legs. Often the blistering joy of buying new shoes is overshadowed. How to be and how to treat such a callus?
The skin can be oiled with vegetable oil. If a blister appears, it can not be cut. You can make a bath with ammonia. Propolis also helps in a mixture with fat or crumb of bread, soaked in vinegar. You can also make baths with potassium permanganate. The solution should be a little pink, and for more than 20 minutes you can not keep your feet in it. As soon as redness appears, you need to make a bath of soda (2 tablespoons) and 5 drops of camomile oil. Strew your feet for 20 minutes and cover the abrasion with plaster from the calluses. You can sprinkle the corn with Panthenol spray.
Soak onion husks in vinegar for 14 days and apply to a sore spot.
You can boil a few prunes in milk and also attach to the corn.
For the prevention of corns per day, enough is 200 g of raw carrots. It contains such important for the skin vitamin A. Wear quality comfortable shoes, and leave a high heel for the holidays. In shoes that do not fit in size, the foot either fidgets, or strongly squeezes. Use socks made of wool or cotton. Socks need to be changed every day. During a game of golf or a long ride on a car and a bicycle, do not forget to wear gloves on your hands. From calluses sell special gel insoles.
Here are a few more recipes. Take 50 grams of bran and 50 ml of milk and apply the mixture on the corn for half an hour, then lubricate the problem site with sea buckthorn oil.
You can also mix fish oil and aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 1. Secure the bandage with a bandage soaked in this mixture.
Prepare a decoction of the oak bark 1: 5 and wrap the leg with a cloth moistened in this broth.
2 tablespoons spoonful of St. John's wort infusion on a liter of water will help get rid of calluses, scuffs, burrs and cracks. It is enough just to make foot baths.
Baths from potato peelings also help. They take a glass for a liter of water, cook, and then, after cooling, drop their feet into this water for 25 minutes, after which the feet are wiped and the cream is applied. Excellent remedy for fighting calluses and cracks in the legs.
To make the calluses do not appear, the legs should be regularly treated with pumice and smeared with foot cream.
If after a week of treatment there is no improvement, you need to go to the doctor. If there is inflammation and pus, surgical cleaning of the wound and application of the bandage are necessary.
Plaster of callosities on the heels
Most of the time calluses bother the summer on the right skin between the fingers and on the heels. To help you can come plaster from the calluses. It is fixed on the skin more reliably than a regular patch, does not peel off and speeds up healing. It is invisible on the skin. Forms a gel medium that facilitates pain. Acts like a second skin.
Ointment from calluses on the heels
Corns on the heels can be removed with the ointment Super Antimozolin. It contains lactic acid. Ointment is applied in a thick layer, cover the leg with compress paper and put on the toe. After three hours, the skin that disappears should be torn off with pumice stone.
Bensalitin - the ointment is applied to corn, sealed with adhesive tape and left for three hours, then remove the patch.
You can make a compress of castor oil and glycerin, mixed in equal parts. From above, you must wear a sock. It is better to make such compresses at night.
Prophylaxis of calluses on the heels
Corn on the heel can be prevented if you follow a few very simple rules regarding hygiene and shoe selection. Basically, corn appears precisely because we often ignore the advice of doctors: we walk in close model shoes all day, with the purchase we hope that the shoes are worn with time, we save on quality footwear from genuine leather, we do not use insoles for flat feet, which leads in the end to such trouble as corn on the heel. It is unacceptable that the shoe has a crumpled insole. You can not wear synthetic socks, especially in summer. Many people have irregular gait, which also affects the condition of the skin of the legs.
Corn forehead prognosis
Corn on the heels quickly heals, if immediately take action and change shoes. If you try to pierce the bladder yourself, there is a risk of infection. So do not recommend this.
Corn on the heel is not a fatal problem, but nevertheless one should strive to get rid of it as soon as possible in order not to have trouble and not get infected.