Displacement of thoracic vertebrae
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Displacement of the thoracic vertebra or spondylolisthesis is a disease of the spine, when the vertebrae are displaced forward or backward with respect to other vertebrae, the vertebra may then shift forward or backward.
The consequences of this pathology are quite severe - deformation of the spinal column, narrowing of the spinal canal, as well as compression of the roots of nerves emerging from the intervertebral foramen.
There are several varieties of displacement of the vertebrae.
- The congenital form - dysplastic spondylolisthesis, refers to intrauterine malformations.
- Isthmic spondylolisthesis is characterized by a defect of the interarticular surface of the vertebrae, often found in athletes.
- Degenerative spondylolisthesis is characterized by arthritic changes in vertebral joints. It occurs in the elderly.
- Traumatic spondylolisthesis. It develops as a result of trauma to the spine, specifically - after fracture of the leg, facet joint, plate of the arch of the vertebra, because of which its front part is shifted forward.
- Pathological spondylolisthesis. Deformation of the bone as a result of a tumor disease.
In addition, the displacement of the thoracic vertebra not only causes local pain and movement limitation, but also causes systemic pathologies of the body.
The causes of displacement of the thoracic vertebrae
The reasons for the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae are not so extensive, a similar pathology is rare, compared with the displacement of the lumbar or cervical vertebrae. The central cause is a defect in one of the thoracic vertebrae, which results in a fracture of the vertebral pedicle due to the standard load on the vertebral column. Fracture grows together, but a massive cicatricial body is formed, because of what the vertebra does not occupy the posited position.
Sometimes spinal trauma, obtained as a child when doing sports, can be recognized after many years. And, as a rule, such a fracture does not grow together until the end, and with time the first symptoms of displacement of the vertebra appear.
Also, the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae can manifest itself after the fall on the back, the transferred operations on the spinal column; with a weak joint-ligament apparatus, age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system.
Also, one must take into account the fact that spinal cord injury does not immediately manifest itself, and after a certain time - from several days to several years. Displacement of the vertebrae in the thoracic region can complicate the digestive system in the form of peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis.
Symptoms of displacement of thoracic vertebrae
Symptoms of displacement of the thoracic vertebrae are not often clearly pronounced. The patient is concerned about pain in the thoracic region, painful sensations of a chronic nature. Pain can be of a mechanical type - because of the instability of the vertebral-motor segment when the vertebra slides. Radicular pain occurs when the nerve root is squeezed by bundles, bones. Sometimes the nerve root can be squeezed by cicatricial formation at the site of the fracture or a tumor. If the vertebra is displaced forward, then spinal stenosis can occur.
With the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae, the pain is localized in the thoracic region, it can give back. If the root of the nerve is squeezed, the pain can be shrouded, burning, the pain will be amplified when the hands are pulled back, when the weights are heavy, and the sitting position is long. In addition, with the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae, one can worry about the problems of the hundredth side of the gastrointestinal tract - heartburn, gastritis, peptic ulcer. Changes in the spinal column occur in several stages. At the first stage of pain appear infrequently, have an unexpressed character. At the second stage the pain becomes stronger and worries more often. In the third stage, not only pain, but also subsidence of the spine in the place of the fallen vertebra is disturbed. At the fourth stage, the changes are almost irreversible, gait, working posture changes.
Diagnosis of displacement of thoracic vertebrae
The diagnosis of the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae is the fate of a doctor of a traumatologist or an osteopath. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to give detailed information about the periodicity of pain, its nature, localization and related changes or violations. In addition to the survey and general examination, the doctor conducts palpation of painful areas, checks for tendon reflexes, muscle strength, skin sensitivity, nerve root tension.
Absolutely accurately confirm the data of the physical examination will help radiography, tomography or MRI. In most cases, you can do only with radiography, but even after confirming the diagnosis, it can not be said with certainty that spondylolisthesis is the cause of painful sensations in the back. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of an intervertebral hernia, a tumor.
Five types of displacement of the vertebra are identified in x-ray diagnosis. If at the first degree the percentage of displacement does not exceed 25%, then at the fifth, most severe degree, the vertebra is completely separated from the neighboring one.
After confirming the diagnosis and the true cause of the disease, a correct treatment of spondylolisthesis is prescribed, depending on the degree of progression of the disease.
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Treatment of displacement of thoracic vertebrae
Treatment of displacement of the thoracic vertebrae is best started as early as possible in order to rule out the possibility of developing severe complications. For each confirmed case, an individual treatment regimen is developed, depending on the degree of damage. The treatment regimen is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the displacement of the vertebra, alleviating pain in the back and chest, and also eliminating complications from the gastrointestinal tract.
Depending on the degree of bias, the doctor prescribes special procedures for the departments of the spine:
- Kinesiology. The kind of manual therapy aimed at returning to its place the fallen vertebra.
- Kinesiotherapy. Forcible traction of the spine, during which the vertebrae themselves become in place.
- Acupuncture. It is aimed at the elimination of pain and excessive muscle tension.
- Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches improves the physical properties of blood, and stimulates blood flow and enrichment with oxygen in the painful focus.
- Therapeutic massage with displacement of the vertebra is aimed at maintaining muscle tone and alleviating pain.
- A complex of therapeutic exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back.
- Manual therapy and other physical procedures.
- As a last resort, surgical intervention is recommended.
Prophylaxis of displacement of thoracic vertebrae
Prophylaxis of displacement of thoracic vertebrae is especially important if there are already recorded disorders of the spinal column, which can cause displacement. For example, the instability of the thoracic vertebrae, as well as cervical or lumbar vertebrae. As additional measures, doctors recommend:
- Less to stand, limit the location in an upright position, especially combined with a high load.
- Refuse from intensive physical activity for a certain period of time.
- Wear a special corset that supports posture.
- Take anti-inflammatory drugs.
If there are no fixed problems of the spine, but, nevertheless, the probability of changes is high, the reception of vitamin-mineral complexes containing calcium is shown. This is necessary in order to maintain optimal bone density.
It is also very important to strengthen the ligaments and develop the strength of the back muscles so that the back bone apparatus is always supported. Prophylaxis of displacement of thoracic vertebrae includes an easy complex of gymnastic exercises, which you need to do every day, try not to transfer too heavy objects, and if there is no possibility to exclude this probability, then distribute the load on both hands as evenly as possible. Lifting a heavy object from the ground does not make a sharp jerk, but first squat, and only then raise. Load from the back will go to the muscles of the legs, and the back will not be so loaded. It is also important to correctly distribute the load when putting on shoes and fastening it, and doing it sitting to protect your back from sudden movements that can trigger the loss of the vertebra.
Prognosis of displacement of thoracic vertebrae
The prognosis of the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae with timely diagnosis and treatment is favorable, but leads to the limitation of active life. Displacement of the vertebra provokes neurological disorders, which eventually become more pronounced. The displacement of the thoracic vertebrae refers to acquired diseases, which can lead to the development of more serious pathologies of internal organs and systems. In addition, damage to a particular vertebra entails specific violations from other systems.
- Displacement of the first thoracic vertebra provokes the development of asthma, causeless cough, shortness of breath, pain in the hands.
- Displacement of the second thoracic vertebra causes malaise from the cardiovascular system.
- The third vertebra - bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, hyperemia.
- Fourth, jaundice, shingles, gallbladder disease.
- The fifth - anemia, circulatory disorders, arthritis, liver disease.
- Sixth - the pathology of the stomach, the seventh - gastritis, ulcer disease, the eighth - the weakening of immunity.
- Ninth - nephritis, pyelonephritis, hardening of the arteries, the tenth - chronic fatigue.
- The eleventh - skin diseases, the twelfth - rheumatism, abdominal pain, infertility.
Thus, the displacement of the thoracic vertebrae is an acquired disease that can lead to various functional disorders of internal organs and systems.