Allergy in infants
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The appearance of a child in the light is not only a joyful and long-awaited moment, but also new worries, worries for parents. Already from the first days of a newborn's life, a lot of negative factors lie in wait, each of which can lead to the development of complex diseases. Allergy in infants, just the moment when it is necessary to pay special attention to the environment of the child and the behavior of the mother, in the first place.
The appearance of an infant, with a pronounced predisposition to allergies, is an indicator that there are hereditary factors, or there were serious violations in the mother's diet, during pregnancy. The use of medicinal methods in the treatment of diseases, during pregnancy, can also provoke an allergic predisposition in the future baby.
What is dangerous allergy in infants?
It is important to remember that the unformed immunity of the baby is not capable of independently resisting aggressive allergenic factors, and one should not use alternative medicine to treat visible symptoms, even, for example, the manifestation of urticaria. Mums, especially grandmothers, like to use baths with broths of various herbs, in order to rid the skin of the child of rash, itching and irritation. Undoubtedly. In the old days, such decoctions could have a quick and qualitative curative effect. But with the advent of modernity, many external factors, such as ecology, poor-quality drinking water, foods with high levels of chemicals, improper diet and common bad habits, have led to a strong weakening of our organisms. And what was previously considered useful, at present, can have a strong negative impact. Speaking about broths of herbs, you need to remember that there is such a kind of allergy, like cross. Against the backdrop of the existing food allergy, the allergy to the grass will be quickly connected. As a result, we get a combined allergen, to eliminate the effect of which, it will be very difficult.
Visiting a pediatrician, and then an allergist, does not take much time, but will provide an opportunity to determine the true cause of the manifestation of negative symptoms. Allergies in infants can occur with frequent attacks of bronchospasm, so you should always keep a phone number ready for an emergency call of a doctor, in case if the laryngeal edema develops, which can be removed only by a qualified medical specialist. Another danger that must not be forgotten when dealing with an allergy is the development of anaphylactic shock.
How can I tell if a baby is allergic?
Allergy in infants does not always manifest once after the receipt of the allergen in the body. Sometimes there is a lot of time and only then, the first signs begin to develop. There are a number of symptoms that can push an attentive and scrupulous mom to the idea that in the child's body negative processes begin.
- if the child constantly chews his cheeks and they have a small, barely discernible rash;
- a fine reddish rash all over the body, with a strong localization in the abdomen;
- constant non-decreasing diaper rash;
- frequent vomiting against the background of colic in the abdomen;
- constant liquid stool with a low content of feces and a predominance of water;
- constant sneezing and not passing cough;
- bouts of bronchospasm;
- the presence of edema, including in the nasopharynx, leading to attacks of suffocation.
This is far from an incomplete list of the main signs that can give an allergy in infants. The main thing to remember is that if you have any problems with your baby's health, you should immediately seek help from a pediatrician.
How is the allergy in infants treated?
After all the diagnostic measures have been taken and the necessary allergological tests are taken, the most crucial moment begins - treatment. The main therapeutic method by which the allergy in infants is eliminated is diet. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the diet is selected for the mother, with the indispensable condition - to keep a food diary. The food diary records all the products and fluids that make up the mother's diet. From the use it is necessary to exclude all high protein foods fruits and berries of red flowers, citrus fruits and even whole cow milk. For each specific case, an individual diet is selected, depending on the complexity of the situation and the degree of allergy development. After carrying out a detailed analysis of the records in the food diary, it is possible to find out the types of products that caused the allergic reaction to develop. This method greatly facilitates the diagnosis and shortens the time period for the search for the main allergen.
With artificial feeding, the allergy develops in response to the action of the protein contained in the infant formula. You will have to be patient and choose a more suitable mixture, and the mixture should be based on goat's milk, it is hypoallergenic, compared to cow's milk. As a complementary food, it is advisable to use porridges based on buckwheat, corn and rice cereals, thereby excluding the possibility of developing allergies to gluten - it is found in many cereal crops. The cereals listed above - buckwheat, corn and rice, in this regard, are completely safe.
It is necessary to ensure that the child does not transfer. This is a very important point, as well as the fact that the intestine must be emptied constantly. Overeating and overloaded intestines are two powerful factors, under the influence of which, the allergy in infants begins its rapid and active manifestation.
From medications, antihistamines can be prescribed, in the form of ointments and syrups, in combination with sorbents, preparations based on bifidobacteria, to improve digestion and maintain intestinal microflora.
Timely appeal for professional help, strict adherence to all medical recommendations, coupled with patience, is a prerequisite for the rapid achievement of positive results, which will remove all the symptoms of an allergic reaction and stop its further development. The allergy in infants has the property of self-elimination. The child simply outgrows the unfavorable period, after which, the strengthened immunity is able to cope with any allergens independently.