Trauma of the foot in the running
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Traumatic injuries can occur when wearing "wrong" shoes or under heavy loads. What are the injuries of the arch of the foot and what to do about it? Correct attitude to the problem is the key to its solution.
Pain in the foot
It happens that a person can feel unpleasant and quite strong pain with intensified sports. The pain in the plantar area is due to several reasons: whether it's stretching ligaments or stretching the tendons. Sometimes pain in the plantar part of the foot may occur due to a disease called "plantar fasciitis".
Unlike stretching, fasccitis arises from the fact that you suffer from flat feet.
Both diseases are of equal importance, and pain in the foot should not be overlooked, since it promises more severe pain in the future. Create and maintain the sports mode you set, so that the arch receives some kind of support, reduce the load on the sore part of the foot. The place where your foot hurts, you should tightly wrap a bandage. If for some reason you need to constantly be in motion - glue the patch on the affected area of the foot.
Ankle Stretching
Many people suffer from an ankle sprain. The cause of this injury can be a run or a fall. There are even people who can stretch the ankle joint a couple of times a week. They need to protect their legs more than others.
Achilles tendon injury
People who have suffered an Achilles tendon injury are remarkably aware of how long such a trauma may be accompanied by pain. And most importantly - how difficult it is to heal.
What is the Achilles tendon and how can it be traumatized?
Achilles tendon - this is nothing like a huge heavy part of the tendon, which is located on the lower back of the shin. Damage to the Achilles tendon occurs due to excessive loads on the calf muscles. Imagine that the summer season has come, and you decided to do the usual jogging around the city or park at that time. Pick up a full chest of air, straighten up and run at full power. Forgot to take into account, after winter rest muscles are not adapted to long loads. It is even possible that for several weeks you will not be able to run fully after the first run.
When flexing the sole, there may be a large swelling of the calf muscles or inflammation, pain during flexion of the foot. If you put a thick fabric under the heel, the fabric should fit snugly against the heel on the sore leg and be cushioned when walking. Approximately 50 millimeters should be the thickness of this tissue. Wear such a liner for a long time, namely 6 weeks. This liner is worn not only in sports and exercise, but also in the usual setting. The pain will pass a little, but the main thing is not to shorten the period of wearing, it is conditioned by specialists.
Remember that you need to perform complex exercises to ensure that your ligaments and tendons are stretched and stretched.
If you still managed to break the Achilles tendon, you should follow the recommendations of a trauma doctor and rest as much as possible. And then the foot injuries will bother you much less often.
To you to the doctor
If the foot arch trauma is serious enough, this method of treatment did not help you, you should immediately consult a doctor - an orthopedist. Perhaps you will be forced to wear orthopedic bandages and get treated differently.
Prevention of foot arch trauma
From what you have in the medicine cabinet, find either a band-aid, or use a sticky tape - both are suitable. Carefully trim the ribbon about 20 cm long, the width of such tape should be 4-5 centimeters. Paste a piece of tape on the outside of your foot. Then, under the foot, tightly pressing the tape, glue the opposite end of your tape to the inside of the foot, namely, the inner part of the lift. Most importantly, do not wrap the tape with a tendon that refers to the thumb. Otherwise, the dressing will be ineffective and hampering your walking or running. The second strip is glued in the same way as the first one, but one should take into account the overlap - 1 centimeter.
Prevent ankle sprain
In order not to suffer from permanent or frequent ruptures, stretching - stretch and stretch the ligaments on the foot. Even before an ordinary walk around the city, it is necessary to do such exercises for greater elasticity of the foot.
This is one of such effective exercises. It is necessary to sit on a chair and comfortably put the ankle of the left leg on the knee of the right leg, you should completely relax your muscles and grasp the joints of your leg. Take the right leg in the right hand and repeat the circular movements several times, then rotate the foot in the opposite direction.
Do a circular motion for 30 seconds or more. After such exercises you will feel how the blood flows into the legs, and the joints stretch, relax. After this, maximally bend the foot inside, to stretch the outer ligaments of the foot joints. Try to keep the stop in this position for a certain time, then release. After absolute relaxation of the muscles, do the same exercise for the second foot.
The Benefits of Stretching
The benefit of stretching the ankle joints is stunning. Even if you take into account the fact that the exercises last about 3-4 minutes, they can help get rid of even lameness, pain and fatigue in the legs. After such exercises, the gait will become easier and more relaxed, and you are more confident in yourself.
Under the burden of training
If you are prone to stretching ankle joints and you have a hard way in training (cross-country running, etc.), you should rewind the ankle tightly with an elastic band or bandage. Elastic bandage serves as an excellent prevention even for people prone to ankle injury, and will be a wonderful protection for everyone.
If the injury occurred
In the event that the leg was damaged, no matter how, it should be given peace. Your feet deserve rest after heavy loads. The first thing you need to do is to keep your foot high so that the blood moves away from it. Then it is necessary to impose an elastic bandage on the injured leg joint. Then lay ice on the aching leg.
Over the course of two days, make a minimum of movements, according to the prescribed program, in the period when you are immobilized, stretch your aching leg little by little. If the ankle injury is repeated repeatedly, you should consult an orthopedic doctor for advice and treatment.
If you have an injury, moisten the towel with cool water and put it on the damaged leg. Wait until the pain subsides a little. Do not try to exercise through pain, rest and rest.
Healing arnica against ankle sprains
When stretching the ankle, it is best to use arnica, it is also called a mountain daisy. In the affected areas of the ankle, rub the cream with arnica or infusion of this plant, moisten the napkins and apply them to the sore spot. Gradual recovery of the ankle will not keep you waiting.
Interesting facts about the ankle
Check your own ankle, as it is arranged. Take your worn, old shoes and take a good look at the direction in which your heel leans. If in the inner side, this means that your foot is turned out more outward than inside. With this feature, the ligaments of the internal joints are strained and taut, and the outer joints, on the contrary, are shortened. With a small load, it is quite possible to stretch, and in some cases, also a ligament rupture.