Mineral water for gout: what can you drink?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the key moments in the treatment of gout is the issue of the qualitative excretion of urinary and oxalic acid from the patient's body. But the severity of this disease is that modern medicine is not able to completely cure of gout. To date, it is only possible to maintain the disease in a state of remission. An effective assistant in this situation is mineral water for gout, which will be discussed in this article.
Names of mineral waters for gout
As a preventive method and when you stop an acute attack of gout, some mineralized drinks can be used. It should be remembered that the mineral water used should have an alkaline pH level.
The names of mineral waters with gout, which meet the necessary characteristics:
- Lipetskaya.
- Essentuki № 4.
- Smirnovskaya.
- Jermuk.
- Essentuki № 17.
- Krolenka.
- Borjomi.
- Dilijan.
- Lysogorsky.
- Slavyanovskaya.
- Donat Mg (Donat Mg).
- Novoterskaya healing.
- Narzan.
The main goal of such therapy is to remove excess uric acid, prevent the formation of urate crystals in the joints.
Sulphate and sulfide waters, to which no doubt such well-known brands as Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 undoubtedly possess diuretic and choleretic properties, reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood, eliminating hyperuricemia, and also reduce inflammation.
Against the background of the intake of such water, uric acid becomes alkaline, which contributes to its easier elimination, and the exchange of protein compounds is stimulated. But remember one main rule. The phrase "the more - the better" in no way applies to the reception of specialized mineralized water.
Essentuki № 4 and Essentuki № 17 - low-mineral medical-table water. Her admission for gout is allowed only with the permission of a specialist.
Borjomi - natural mineral bicarbonate - sodium water, with natural mineralization. This water helps dissolve urates and uric acid stones, no larger than 7 mm. Mineral water "Borjomi" is used half an hour before a meal in the amount of 150 ml.
Slavyanovskaya - water with sulfate-hydrocarbonate and calcium-sodium characteristics. Her reception shows high effectiveness in the prevention of gout or relief of her attacks. Mineral water effectively cleaves urate salts, activates the process of excretion of their decay products, eliminates inflammation.
The regime of reception of mineral water "Slavyanskaya" - four times a day in the amount of 4 - 5 ml per kilogram of weight. Therapeutic water should have a temperature of 20 - 30 degrees. The duration of treatment is four to five weeks.
Magnesium waters, which include mineralized liquid Donat Mg (Donat Mg) activates the nucleic acid exchange, reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood. In most cases, it is prescribed to patients with nephrolithiasis, that is, in the presence of sand and kidney stones. But it is no less effective for gout.
The calcium ions present in the liquid help dissolve uric acid, which contributes to its more active excretion from the body. This element is characterized by membrane-protective properties, which allow to activate the cell's work, reduce the level of inflammation of tissues.
Element silicon, invariably present to a greater or lesser extent in all of the above waters, contributes to the stabilization of cell membranes, enhances urinary excretion, in parallel decomposing urinary and oxalic acids, preventing the formation of crystalline forms of urates.
Fluorine ions effectively stop the process of synthesis of uric acid substances, to which uric acid belongs.
Alkaline mineral water for gout
The intake of alkaline mineral water with gout helps to easily dispose of excess uric acid substances, removing them with urine from a sick organism. It is used for high acidity of gastric juice. Such water perfectly alkalinize urine.
With regular, but dosed intake of alkaline mineral water (reduced mineralization), metabolic processes are normalized, toxins are excreted from the body.
After consulting a specialist, it can be used to prevent gout.
Take alkaline mineral water for gout should with the consent of the attending physician and according to the scheme he has written. In most cases, the dose of one dose is calculated based on the weight of the patient's body. This formula is simple: 4 ml per kilogram of patient weight.
But this is an average formula, since each organism is individual and during the treatment this starting dosage can be adjusted. Individuality is different and the composition of a particular water, which also makes adjustments to the dosage taken. On average, the daily allowable volumes of such water are from half liter to liter. Thus doctors recommend to drink it in a warm kind.
Alkaline mineral waters with gout can also be used as mineral baths, compresses and applications.
Mineral water for gout and urolithiasis
Violation of metabolic processes particularly affects the musculoskeletal and urinary system of the body. Excessive accumulation of uric acid substances and their deposition in the joint elements make these systems work at the limit.
At the same time, there is a violation of the outflow of urine in this patient, along with the urate salts and oxalates do not leave the body, which under certain conditions begin to crystallize. When they accumulate in the joints, an inflammatory process develops, leading to gout. Some of the crystalline neoplasms accumulate in the kidneys, forming stones in it, which leads to the development and progression of urolithiasis.
Mineral water for gout and urolithiasis is one of the components of almost any protocol for the treatment of these diseases. Correctly selected mineralized water can help the sick organism to transfer the disease to the stage of remission.
Positive sides:
- Prevention of the formation of stones of any chemical composition.
- Activation of the production of special colloids, which help improve the solubility of urate salts.
- Improve their withdrawal from the body.
The intake of mineral water is carried out under constant monitoring by the attending physician, as an independent change in dosage can, on the contrary, lead to an increase in the content and deposition of a number of salts in the body, which are also capable of provoking the formation of stones.
If the patient has a relatively large stone, then if you try to remove it from the body, there is a high probability of blockage of the urinary tract, which is a direct indication for immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.
Therefore, before taking such water, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body with the use of instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound examination of the zone of interest to us, radiography, etc.).
In this case, the type of stone formations is necessarily determined. Mineral water with alkaline characteristics is prescribed only with stone urate, the result of a purine exchange failure. Especially high results in this case show magnesium water. Such, for example, as Donat Mg.
Mineral water, recommended for gout, as already mentioned above, must necessarily belong to the group of minerals with alkaline pH, that is, this figure should be above 7.
Mineral water, recommended for gout, should be not only alkaline, but also hydrocarbonate-sulfate, with a high content of magnesium ions. This combination of elements normalizes metabolism, a special place in which the exchange of proteins takes place. Due to its special properties, she manages to break down uric acids, which in abundance is present in the body of the patient with gout, thereby reducing the likelihood of formation of urate stone neoplasms. Do not forget the fact that this drink has anti-inflammatory and alkalinizing characteristics.
We will consider in more detail an example of one of them. Mineral water Donat Mg (Donat Mg) refers to alkaline beverages and is characterized by an elevated content of such chemical elements as magnesium and silicon.
The duration of the curative or prophylactic course is generally four to six weeks. On average, the Donat Mg mineral water intake schedule looks like this:
- "Medicine" is taken daily for a glass of minutes for 30 to 40 before meals.
- Before drinking water should be slightly warmed and drink in a warm form.
- The first appointment is required on an empty stomach before breakfast. At the same time, the volume that is drunk is usually larger (200-300 ml) than before dinner (100-150 ml). Before dinner - the standard 200 - 250 ml.
Mineralized water is stored at room temperature, in a tightly sealed container. The storage location should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
In addition to the already voiced mineral waters, lately physicians are increasingly paying attention to mineralized drinks, infused with such a mineral as shungite. Shungite is a natural mineral rich in silicon, manganese, magnesium oxide, potassium salts, aluminum, manganese and many other chemical elements and compounds, so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
This product has unique properties:
- Oppresses the growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora.
- It improves metabolism and metabolic processes in the human body.
- Adsorbs toxins and other substances harmful to humans.
- Improves their withdrawal from the patient's body.
The indications for taking shungite water include gout and urolithiasis, as well as a fairly extensive list of other diseases.
Alkaline, sulphate - hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate - sodium and calcium - sodium mineral water for gout is one of the elements of any treatment protocol for the disease in question. But which of the above drinks is more suitable for this clinical picture, only a qualified specialist can solve it.