Childbirth in Israel
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Thanks to the introduction of innovative methods of diagnosis, birth in Israel is carried out by a natural physiological way, but under the vigilant control of high-tech equipment and qualified specialists.
Israel - a fairly young state, whose people found their shelter on this blessed land. In spite of its insignificant age, Israeli medicine has moved to the peak of technical and technological equipment of its clinics with leaps and bounds.
Thanks to the professionalism of her doctors, she broke into leaders on the complexity of the operations and service. In this country, much attention is paid to the reproductive orientation of medicine, the main goal and purpose of which is the health of future mothers, reducing pathological deviations at birth and, of course, the birth of full, healthy children. To date, many of the well-known and wealthy people prefer to give birth here.
Clinics in Israel who take delivery
Many clinics in Israel purposefully specialize in the problems of obstetrics and gynecology, and also have proven themselves in the field of solving reproductive problems. Today, the transfer of births in Israel is becoming not only more reliable, but also popular. Many women, who can afford, prefer to be observed in Israeli specialized cents from the first days of pregnancy, give birth here and undergo postnatal recovery.
In such clinics, a flexible and individual approach to each patient is practiced. At the request of the future mother and her relatives, the birth in Israel can take place both directly in the delivery rooms of the clinic, and the whole process can be organized within the hotel room, as close as possible to the home. In the event that something went wrong during the delivery, it is possible to quickly transfer the mother in the operating room for cesarean section and resuscitation.
Thanks to this, in combination with the high qualifications of Israeli doctors and the latest technologies used, this country boasts the lowest mortality rate of newborns.
The medical institution is happy to take on and all organizational issues of domestic character.
Clinics in Israel who take delivery - the list of them is quite extensive.
Manor Medical Center
It is the oldest Israeli company, which works fruitfully in close contact with the country's leading clinics. It is ready, if necessary, to provide a consultative reception of the best specialists who are endowed with the professorship of the medical faculties of the leading universities in Israel.
The center takes care not only of the medical problems of its patients (the organization of diagnosis, treatment and delivery), but also a wide range of organizational issues: the rapid receipt of passports and the issuance of visas in the shortest period of time, booking of housing and aviation tickets, the company will assume all customs events, solve problems with language problems.
Medical Center Assuta in Tel Aviv
This multidisciplinary medical institution is ready to accept all comers, having given them the high-class experts, being elite of world medicine; medical equipment of the latest generation and an excellent service with its well-developed and ergonomic infrastructure.
This medical center is recognized as the best in Israel. Medical workers of the clinic provide antenatal and postnatal care of any kind (from a complete general diagnosis of intrauterine development of the fetus, to psychological help to a woman in the postpartum period).
The medical center "Assuta" fruitfully and for many years cooperates with doctors specializing in in vitro fertilization. That is, an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist not only helps the baby to appear, but is also able to realize the dream of a woman who has lost the hope to become a mother someday.
Ihilov Hospital (Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center)
It is represented directly by the hospital complex "Ichilov", the pediatric hospital "Dana" and the motherhood center. It is he, when giving birth in Israel, and gives the woman the opportunity to bring into the world her such a long-awaited baby. The hospital staff will take care of all the problems of the mother, giving her the opportunity to enjoy such a touching moment as the birth of a new man.
Modern comfortable rooms, hotel rooms a minute walk from the birth halls, a small but well-kept cozy park, the newest, coming with time, equipment and specialists of the highest qualification - all this is the Ichilov hospital.
Medical Center "Shiba" (Tel Hashomer) in Tel Aviv)
This center is one of the largest medical-research complexes not only in our country, but also in the entire Middle East, which do not lose their leading positions to this day. Doctors of the clinic are leaders in conducting the first operation on the open heart, as well as the first who successfully performed IVF (in vitro fertilization), because it was in the hospital Shiba was born the first child, conceived artificially.
Cost of childbirth in Israel
To say unequivocally what the cost of births in Israel is impossible, how this figure is individual and consists of several components and a set of accompanying factors. On average, without taking into account burdened delivery, cesarean section, and so on, the birth in Israel will cost the family in five to six thousand US dollars.
In the case of cesarean delivery, the mother and her relatives will have to lay out about seven and a half thousand.
At additional researches, prenatal preparation (approximately for about one month), the sounded figure will increase from 1,5 up to 2,5 thousand dollars.
If the labor activity has begun prematurely, the payment of medical services to the parturient woman and postnatal observation of the baby, which is often 21 calendar days, will be about 60-70 thousand.
If the alleged childbirth carries a risk, then, respectively, the price of such services is significantly increased and can reach up to seven to nine thousand US dollars, while staying in the clinic for about five days.
Reviews about delivery in Israel
To date, the birth in Israel - it's fashionable, but not only in fashion business. After all, Israeli clinics offer a whole range of extensive high-quality services. The medical staff will already from the first seconds surround the woman in childbirth with her care and is ready to do everything so that the future mother feels at home in the clinic. Year after year, Israeli clinics show the lowest percentage of newborn deaths, minimizing the occurrence of postpartum pathology.
But still, before you decide on the birthplace of your baby, it is worth reading the testimonials about childbirth in Israel and only after that make the right decision.
Valeria, 26 years old. Kiev. After some consultations, searches on the Internet and acquaintance with reviews of other women, I decided to give birth with my husband to Ichilov. In this medical clinic there is a huge maternity ward and very friendly medical personnel who at any moment come to the rescue and answer all your questions. Language problems did not arise, many doctors are fluent in Russian.
Prenatal chambers are small, for three beds, but each is separated by a small screen. In this space is placed a bed and a bedside table - there is not enough room. Under normal circumstances, women in such a room spend a small amount of time, but I happened to stay there for about three days (so I did not really like it there). After the beginning of fights, which appeared on the third day, I was taken to the maternity department.
The birth chamber is something - odd to our "miserable": personal for each woman in childbirth, spacious. In the room there is a toilet with a shower and a TV with a tape recorder - "at least give birth, though listen to music". I was born with music. My husband was always near, until the last time he did not know whether he would give birth to me, but from the hospital he left with my daughter in his arms.
Moreover, all births in Israel are performed with the use of epidural anesthesia (injection in the back). Awfully worried, but everything turned out. At first I was firmly convinced that I would give birth in the old manner, but when the fights began, she herself asked me to have a puncture, but the midwife (specially attached to the Russian-speaking one) explained that it was impossible at this stage. That's when the womb will open a centimeter to three, only then they will enter.
Epidural (as such an anesthesia is called the local doctors) super! Highly recommend! You feel everything, but not so acute and painful. At the same time, you can communicate with others or watch TV. Try it in our maternity homes. After the birth, I was given a rest, but every hour the midwife looked to me to find out how I feel.
The husband himself cut the umbilical cord and the baby was immediately put on my chest. Have allowed to have a rest how much I want. You could safely take pictures. There it does not cause any surprise. Everyone does that. Immediately with us, the baby was weighed and measured for height, and then taken to the children's department. I was given a little more rest and only after that I was transferred from the maternity ward to the postnatal ward. Attitude of all to you as a queen! Why is it different in our maternity hospitals?
The postpartum ward turned out to be a bit more prenatal, but also a bed, a bedside table and a place for a baby carriage and all this behind a screen. Chamber on two parturient women. Newborns are constantly in the children's room, where only parents are allowed on special bracelets on the arm.
A newly mummy can spend time at least a baby in the children's department, even in the ward or hall with friends and family.
In the children's department there is both a common room for feeding (for mothers with children) and separate rooms, where the father can be present during feeding. This is if the mother is breastfeeding, and if the baby is breastfed, the woman can rest and gain strength. For her, all the medical staff will do.
Clothes for the newborn, for a while, while you are in the clinic, is issued by the hospital, you will need your own at discharge. Without fail it is necessary to have a car seat. Without it, you will not be discharged anywhere.
Our mothers and grandmothers are accustomed to that, after giving birth, we must limit ourselves to nutrition so that the child does not have any food allergies. They gave almost everything: vegetables with fruits, and potatoes with fried meat, flour and much more.
We were discharged the day after the birth. At the same time I parted with the staff of the clinic, as they are with me, as with a close person. It's really very nice and cool !!!
But there are other reviews.
Veronica, 27 years old. Krivoy Rog. Passed my birth in Israel in Tel-A-Shomer. In general, everything was not bad. I really liked the hospital itself, but the medical staff left a very unpleasant impression of themselves.
Milada, 21 years old. Mariupol. I gave birth in the clinic Asaf and Rafe. Very not happy. When the first time I got to the diagnosis, my husband was not allowed to go, I was sitting myself. Do not like the chambers in which they give birth. They are some old and a feeling of dirt on them.
Oksana, 30 years old. Donetsk. And my friend also decided on childbirth in Israel, and was very pleased with everyone. The second is also going to give birth there. She gave birth in the hospital Beilinson. At 31 weeks there were problems, but it was supported until 33 weeks. She gave birth to a healthy baby, although he had to spend some time in a special cell. Now they are at home, everything is in order. They are very grateful to the doctors and do not regret their choice.
Births in Israel and citizenship
In addition to guaranteeing safe deliveries, which are given by doctors of Israeli clinics (they lead up to a positive pregnancy permit even with a triple fetal entwine, whereas in our clinics the double crochet is an indication to the caesarean section) does the child and his mother receive any privileges? Childbirth in Israel and citizenship - this question worries every family planning to give birth in one of the clinics of this country. So, the legislation of Israel is categorical in this matter. A baby born in the country from parents who are not citizens of Israel, too, can not claim citizenship and obtain the citizenship of the country of their biological parents.
Childbirth in Israel is the best choice and the right decision in your life! But that such moments were not overshadowed by the service or medical manipulations, it is necessary to scrupulously approach the selection of the clinic in which you would like that your such long-awaited child would be born.