Diet for osteochondrosis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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We are accustomed to change our diet, most often, while dealing with obesity or with diseases of the digestive system. But few know that when treating osteochondrosis osteochondrosis also need a diet. Diet for osteochondrosis is appointed, first of all, in order not to aggravate the course of the disease.
What is the diet for spinal osteochondrosis?
This diet is quite simple and does not require large dietary restrictions. The only requirement is the absence of excess weight. If extra pounds are available, then the first stages of the diet should be aimed at eliminating them and at reducing weight to normal.
Excess weight - is a huge load on the spine, and osteochondrosis in this state is only aggravated. In order to get rid of such a load, you should create yourself a low-calorie diet, where there will be enough protein foods, plant fiber, as well as complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals). Should be excluded from the menu:
- sugar, sweets;
- short pastry, white bread;
- animal fat (beef and pork fat, lard, butter, margarine, cooking oil);
- alcohol (strong and low alcohol drinks, beer);
- carbonated water, Coca-Cola, lemonade;
- salted nuts, chips, snacks;
- fat sausages, smoked meats.
Eat more fruit and vegetable dishes, white meat and greens. Useful dairy products.
Drink plenty of water, about 2 liters per day. Clean water will not only help to quickly get rid of extra pounds, but also cleanse the body of toxic substances, slags and metabolic products, which is important for osteochondrosis.
Diet for cervical osteochondrosis
An important point in the diet for cervical osteochondrosis is the limitation of salt and sugar in the diet. When cooking, all dishes should be a little under-salted: at first you may not like the taste of unsalted food, but over time you will get used to it, as if it was always like this. With sugar is easier - it can be replaced with honey (if there is no allergy).
Strong tea and coffee are also among the undesirable products. The fact is that caffeine does not allow to digest many useful and necessary substances in the body: potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium, which contributes to the development of problems with the musculoskeletal system. To avoid this, tea is necessary to drink weak, and instead of coffee to drink chicory, or add milk or cream to weak coffee.
A diet for cervical osteochondrosis should provide the patient with all the necessary nutrients and valuable substances, especially minerals (potassium, magnesium) and vitamins C, P, PP, B¹, B². The menu includes high-grade protein (85 g per day), fats up to 40 g (mostly vegetable), and also carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates up to 400 g / day).
Eat during the diet should be 5-6 times a day. The total daily amount of calories is 2500 kcal. Products are allowed to boil, bake, but it is preferable to use a steamer.
Diet for osteochondrosis of the cervical
Perhaps the most important thing that must necessarily be present in the daily menu for the cervical, and other osteochondrosis is proteins. They are found in considerable quantities in beef, pork, poultry, fish and dairy products, buckwheat, mushrooms, and legumes. These products should be in your daily menu in the form of 2-3 servings: the rest of the diet should be occupied by fruits and vegetables. Such nutrition, with an emphasis on protein and vegetable components, can be safely used in the prevention of osteochondrosis.
We have already spoken about the benefits of vitamins and microelements in spinal disease. But many may have a logical question: why change the usual diet, if you can simply take some complex medication with the content of all vitamin substances. Moreover, now the pharmaceutical network represents many such drugs, and some of them are even recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
So you can certainly do that. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that synthetic vitamins are perceived by our body much worse than natural ones, therefore the benefits of them are insufficient. In addition, without changing the diet and lifestyle, we continue to aggravate the state of the spine: overweight, salty foods, semi-finished products, impaired metabolism. That is, our disease remains, and we are just trying to “sweeten” it with some pills.
By changing the diet, we eliminate the bad habits in the diet, which for many years had a destructive effect on our organs and supporting apparatus. We stop the pathological processes in the spine, gradually eliminating damage and restoring tissue.
By limiting your food from harmful sweets, baking, excess salt, in a short time a person will feel much better, as improvements will come not only in the spine, but also in the body as a whole.
Diet for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The most important food in osteochondrosis, and in some other diseases of the spinal column, is calcium.
What foods contain this element, and what are the norms of its use?
- Children age - from 600 to 1000 mg.
- Adolescence - 1200 mg.
- Adults from 16 to 45 years old - 1000-1200 mg.
- Pregnant women and the elderly - from 1400 to 2000 mg.
And how much calcium can be found in food?
- a glass of milk or kefir - 220-240 mg;
- a slice of hard cheese (about 10 g) - 103 mg;
- piece of cheese (about 10 g) - 50 mg;
- store yogurt (half a cup) - 80 mg;
- natural cottage cheese (100 g) - 150 mg;
- fish products (100 g) - 50 mg;
- boiled egg (pieces) - 55 mg;
- boiled beans (100 g) - 120 mg;
- Oatmeal (100 g) - 65 mg;
- nuts (100 g) - 260 mg.
In order to compensate for the loss of calcium, it is necessary to consume at least two servings of dairy products daily, to include legumes in the menu. Morning start with oatmeal or other porridge (you can add nuts to it), or with egg dishes. Snack on fruits, cottage cheese, nuts. For lunch, instead of pasta, you can cook vegetables (stewed, stewed, or in the form of mashed potatoes), and do not forget about salads.
Day finish a glass of kefir or ryazhenka.
Such simple ways of changing nutrition are not burdensome, but they will help improve the metabolic processes in your body, and the spine will feel easier.
Yes, and add to the menu natural arthroprotective dishes: jelly and jelly. These dishes contain natural collagen, which is simply necessary for our cartilage and tendons. Lack of collagen leads to a loss of elasticity of tissues, including cartilage, both in the joints and in the spine.
Rice diet with osteochondrosis
One of the most popular diets for osteochondrosis is the rice diet. Of course, it is quite strict, but no less effective. According to those who have already tried this diet, the rice diet helps to rid the body of excess salt and even remove extra pounds, which is also important for osteochondrosis.
The duration of the rice diet with osteochondrosis is 42 days.
We take 6 empty jars of 0.5 l, we number them in order (stickers can be pasted), and put them in jars of 2 tbsp. L raw rice. Next in all the jars we add water and cover with gauze napkins.
Exactly a day later, pour out water from jar number 1. We shift the rice into a dipper, pour boiling water over it and boil for 5-8 minutes. We do not add anything to rice! Cooked rice must be eaten. After this breakfast, you can not eat either food or water for 4 hours.
Jar number 1 after this again fill with rice and water and put after the jar number 6. The next day, the same procedure is carried out with a jar number 2, and then - according to a logical scheme.
Rice diet in osteochondrosis can affect the work of the kidneys, so along with the use of rice it is recommended to drink tea from the leaves of lingonberries.
If for any reason the diet does not suit you, you can stop it at any time.
Diet recipes for osteochondrosis
Pseudo-mayonnaise from beans (an excellent substitute for mayonnaise).
We will need: 1 jar of beans, 300 ml of refined oil, 1 tsp of cooked mustard, half a teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of salt, 2 tables. Spoons of lemon juice.
From a jar of beans we pour some water, we ferment the beans, add oil, whisk. Next, add the remaining ingredients and beat a little more. Mayonnaise is ready.
Jelly dessert "bird's milk"
We need: cocoa powder 2 tbsp. Spoons, granulated sugar 1 cup, a little vanilla, two egg yolks, 200 g of jam, 0.5 l of sour cream, 3 tbsp. Tablespoons of gelatin, 3 cups of water, juice from half a lemon.
Gelatin fall asleep in cold water in three separate glasses of 1 tbsp. Spoon, and wait until it swells. Then slightly heat up.
Beat yolks with sugar until white peaks. We add lemon juice, vanillin and mix. To the mass add a glass of sour cream and the first glass of gelatin, mix. Pour into the mold and put in the fridge to set.
Cooking a second layer. Another glass of sour cream mixed with 2 tbsp. L Sahara. We add warm jam to sour cream, mix and add a second cup of gelatin. Stir again.
We take out the already cooled first layer from the refrigerator and pour the second one onto it. Again put in the fridge.
For the third layer, add half a cup of sugar and cocoa powder to the remaining sour cream. Mix, add the third cup of gelatin, mix again and pour into the previous 2 layers. Put in the fridge until it solidifies.
Cheesecake Pudding
We will need: 220-240 g of cottage cheese, 40 g of semolina, about 100 ml of boiling water, 2 eggs, 70 g of granulated sugar, 40 g of melted butter, the same amount of raisins, vanilla sugar, a spoon of sour cream and refined oil, and breading, a little powdered sugar and salt.
Mankou pour boiling water and leave under the lid. Meanwhile, the yolks are separated and whipped with white sugar. Add the yolk-sugar mass to the curd, knead, and vanilla sugar, melted butter, raisins and swollen semolina.
Protein whisk separately with several crystals of salt to white peaks. Carefully add to the dough. Spread in molds, oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs (can be in one large form). Top lubricated with sour cream (for the crust).
We bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 220 ° C. After cooling, remove from the mold, if desired, sprinkle with sweet powder.
Diet menu for osteochondrosis
The diet menu for osteochondrosis should be non-caloric, balanced, with an enriched vitamin and mineral composition. It is advisable to eat food cooked in a double boiler, about 6 times a day and in small portions.
What products should be included in the menu:
- dairy products (whole milk and dairy products);
- vegetable dishes, greens. Particular emphasis should be given to cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, celery, beets;
- fruit and berry dishes, including jellies and compotes;
- vegetable oils;
- low fat meat;
- aspic, jellied meat;
- dark breads, dry biscuits, muffins;
- eggs;
- nuts, seeds, sesame seed;
- cereals;
- seafood (fish, shrimp, sea kale, mussels);
- still water.
An approximate diet menu for osteochondrosis may look like this:
- Breakfast. Cottage cheese, cheese cakes or just cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit, rosehip tea.
- Snack. Some ripe fruit, or a handful of nut mix, or a couple of dried fruits.
- Dinner. Vegetable soup, you can bean or pea, a piece of meat from a double boiler, vegetable salad, compote.
- High tea A cup of yogurt with a cupcake or biscuits, or a fruit mix with yogurt filling.
- Dinner. Boiled fish fillet with cereal garnish, or chicken with tomato-cucumber salad, weak tea.
At night you should definitely drink a glass of kefir or ryazhenka.
Reviews of the diet with osteochondrosis
According to numerous reviews on the Internet, a diet for osteochondrosis does not cure the disease immediately and for a long time, but will bring visible changes in the patient’s well-being and condition.
Osteochondrosis is dystrophic changes, they are formed over a long time, for several decades, so it is impossible to get rid of them in an instant. Of course, if you properly combine a balanced diet, physical therapy, water and physical procedures, maintain a normal weight, and often pay attention to your posture and body position, especially during exercise, then your condition will improve, you can say, before your eyes.
Of course, in no case should we forget about the limitations. Forbidden products include alcohol, salt, spices, animal fat, sugar, and pickled and smoked products.
Diet with osteochondrosis is the foundation of the main treatment, because nutrition can not only increase the effect of medical therapy, but also reduce the adverse effects of drugs.