Diet with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenum
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The regimen with stomach ulcer and duodenum
With a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal gut, it is necessary to provide a protective regime with a restriction of physical and emotional loads, stop smoking and alcohol consumption. Recommendations for lifestyle changes should be given in accordance with the general condition of the patient and the presence of other diseases.
When exacerbation of peptic ulcer, food should be gentle in thermal, mechanical and chemical terms.
- Thermal shaking means taking not too hot (up to 60 ° C) and not too cold (at least 15 ° C) food.
- Mechanical shaking involves the use of only liquid and mushy food.
- Chemical shoe provides for the exclusion of everything that excites gastric secretion: strong tea and coffee, drinks with carbonic acid and alcohol, coffee-containing drinks, any spices, any sharp, fatty, fried dishes, bread black and fresh (soft), rich meat, fish , mushroom broths (including strong vegetable broths), canned food.
Diet with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenum
Nutrition for stomach ulcer and duodenum must be frequent, fractional, mechanically and chemically sparing, with the exception of dishes that cause or intensify clinical manifestations of the disease (for example, spicy seasonings, pickled and smoked products).
At present, dietary recommendations for patients with peptic ulcer are less severe than they were before, because the disease is more deeply studied, but, nevertheless, the importance of therapeutic nutrition in therapy plays an important role. It's not a secret that one of the main causes of serious peptic ulcer exacerbations is dietary errors, neglect of diet, therefore the role of rational nutrition for the prevention of exacerbations can not be overestimated.
Until 2004, there was a system of therapeutic nutrition, involving the use of 15 major diets (these diets were also called therapeutic nutrition tables). Numbers of diets corresponded to groups of diseases: tables 1 to 5 were intended for patients with digestive diseases, table 6 for patients with metabolic disorders, table 7 for renal patients, and so on.
Now this system of dietary nutrition is changed, and instead of 15 tables introduced "New Nomenclature of Diets" (it is the system of standard diets), which consists of 5 basic options within which all the tables of therapeutic nutrition are distributed.
Mineral water for peptic ulcer disease
Patients with peptic ulcer benefit from the use of mineral water. How to choose it correctly? What time to drink?
During the period of remission, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Smirnovskaya No. 1, Slavic, Berezovsky, Djermuk are useful. The use of highly mineralized mineral waters is not shown: Batalinskaya, Essentuki No. 17.
During the day, usually 200 ml (a glass) of mineral water is prescribed 3 times a day.
The reception of mineral water can be accompanied by a balneal reaction: after 5-15 days from the beginning of water intake, pains appear or increase, dyspeptic phenomena (heartburn, eructation) are noted. In this case, you must either reduce the dose and the frequency of water intake, or for 1-2 days interrupt the intake of water. Individual reactions are also possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which requires compulsory consultation with the attending physician or cancellation of water treatment.
With increased secretory function of the stomach: drink mineral water warm, in small sips for 5-7 minutes 30 minutes before eating and 1.5-2 hours after eating.
To eliminate heartburn and stomach pain, it is recommended to drink water slowly, in small portions (50 ml) every 15-20 minutes.
Attention! Mineral water is heated in a bottle in a water bath to 38-40 ° C.
With reduced secretory function of the stomach: take mineral water in a cool form for 10-25 minutes before meals.
Attention! Sometimes a doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, recommends taking mineral water after eating.
Diet in the first 10-12 days from the onset of peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
Diet № 1а
During this period:
- mucous soups from manna, oat or rice cereals;
- liquid mashed porridge (all groats, except millet are allowed) with the addition of milk;
- scrambled eggs;
- steam omelettes;
- milk, cream, curd steam souffle;
- steam souffle once a day from tenderloins of low-fat chicken, beef or fish without skin;
- jellies from sweet berries and fruits;
- butter (only) creamy (added to the ready-made dish).
Basic principles of the diet:
- a fractional diet is established: 5-6 times a day in small portions at certain hours;
- The daily mass of the diet should not exceed 2-2.5 kg;
- the amount of table salt is limited to 3-6 g (for information: 1 teaspoon without a slide contains 5 g of salt);
- daily amount of carbohydrates to 200 g, the amount of proteins and fats is normal: proteins - up to 100 g, fats - up to 90 g.
Diet in the next 10-12 days from the onset of peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
Diet № 16
The ration is expanded due to the introduction of rusks from white bread (up to 100 g per day), cereals and milk soups, meat (beef, rabbit), poultry (chicken) or fish (low-fat, tender varieties - pike-perch, cod) in the form of steam cutlets or meatballs.
Diet after 20-24 days from the onset of peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
[14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22]
Diet № 1
The diet is becoming more diverse, but certain limitations in nutrition can last for a long time.
In the diet are introduced:
- bread wheaten yesterday;
- dry biscuits or dry biscuits;
- pies baked 1-2 times a week with boiled meat and eggs, or with apples, or with jam;
- mashed vegetable soups;
- vegetable puree;
- boiled vermicelli,
- fresh cottage cheese, sour cream, faint cheese;
- fruits and berries of sweet varieties, carrot and beet juice, fruit sauces;
- dill, parsley leaves.
- Meat, poultry and fish (beef, rabbit, chicken, cod, pike perch) are allowed to cook with a piece. However, spices are still forbidden (mustard, cinnamon, horseradish, etc.), rough, annoying food (turnip, radish, radish, beans, peas, etc.), spicy sauces and spices, sharp, fatty, fried dishes, refractory fats.
Basic principles of the diet:
- a fractional (5-6 times a day) diet is maintained;
- dishes are cooked in boiled, mashed or steamed;
- the daily mass of the diet should not exceed 3 kg;
- daily amount of table salt should not exceed 10 g;
- the daily amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is normal: proteins - up to 100 g, fats - up to 90 g, carbohydrates - 400 g; The daily amount of free liquid is 1.5 liters.
During the remission of peptic ulcer, nutrition should be regular (at least 4 times a day) and full (contain a physiological amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements).
Restrictions apply to:
- alcohol, spicy seasonings, spices, that is all that irritates the mucous membrane
- volume of consumed food - you can not overload the stomach.
During persistent remission, the nutrition of the peptic ulcer must be approximated to the nutrition of a healthy person.
But should be practically excluded:
- non-heat-treated garlic, onion, turnip, radish;
- mustard;
- tomatoes in any form;
- cranberry;
- strong natural coffee.
The use of sorrel and oranges is limited.
It is shown that bananas, wild strawberry, white cabbage juice, potato juice, oat broth, celery odorous, sweet cherry, blueberries, apples of sweet varieties are included in the diet.
List of dishes and technology for their preparation during a diet with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum
An indicative list of dishes of diet № 1а
First meal
- rice milky rice soup
- oat milky soup
- soup of lachrymated milk mucous
- broccoli milky soup
- mango milk soup
The second dishes from meat
- soufflé steam from boiled beef
- soufflé steam from boiled chicken
The second dishes from fish
- codeworms boiled from cod
- soufflé steam from boiled cod
- souffle steam from boiled fish with vegetable oil
Dishes from eggs
- soft-boiled egg
- omelet steam
Dishes from dairy products
- souffle steamed cottage cheese from fatty or bold cottage cheese with sugar
Dishes from cereals and pasta
- porridge semolina milky
- porridge semolina liquid milk
- porridge rice milky rubbed liquid
- porridge from cereals "Hercules" milky viscous
- cereal from cereals "Hercules" milk liquid
- milk
- broth of wild rose
Attention! In a number of patients suffering from peptic ulcer, the use of fresh cow milk leads to an increase in pain in the epigastric region, worsening of the course of the disease, and a slowing of the scarring of the ulcerative defect. If milk with a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, milk from the menu should be excluded.
Approximate one-day diet menu № 1а
First breakfast
- soft-boiled egg
- 1 cup of milk (can be diluted with water)
- fruit jelly
- milk
- mucous milk soup
- soufflé steamed meat or from fish
- lemon jelly
Afternoon snack
- broth of wild rose
- omelet
- porridge
- egg or curd soufflé
At night: 1 glass of milk or 1 glass of rosehip broth
1. Rice mucilage milk soup is also included in diet No. 16
Ingredients: rice, cow milk, chicken egg, sugar, butter, water, salt.
Cooking method. Rice to cook for at least an hour, until complete digestion, then strain. Obtain the slimy broth boil, add sugar, salt and season with egg-milk mixture. Put the butter in the prepared dish.
The technology of preparation of egg-milk mixture: beat the raw egg with a fork and, stirring constantly, pour hot milk, warm until thick, but do not bring to a boil.
2. Soup mucous oats milky soup with vegetable oil is also included in diet No. 16
Ingredients: oat groats or oat flakes "Hercules", cow's milk pasteurized, water, chicken egg, sugar, vegetable oil, salt.
Cooking method. Oat flakes or cereals cook on low heat until completely boiled, strain through a sieve, do not wipe. The resulting slimy broth to bring to a boil, then, after removing from the fire, add vegetable oil, fill with egg-milk mixture (see the technology of preparation in prescription number 1).
3. The steam omelet is also included in the diet No. 16, No. 1
Ingredients: chicken eggs, cow's milk pasteurized, salt, butter.
Cooking method. Combine milk and eggs, salt, stir well. Grease the deep pan (or a metal dish) with oil, pour the mixture into it. Cook in steam or in the oven. Before eating, omelette pour with melted butter.
4. Souffle steam curd is also included in diet No. 16, No. 1
Ingredients: cottage cheese fatty or bold, wheat flour or semolina, chicken egg, sugar, cow pasteurized milk, butter.
Cooking method. Separate the egg white from the yolk. Wipe the cheese, add egg yolk, sugar and milk, then add semolina (or flour), mix everything thoroughly. Protein whipped in thick foam, add it to the prepared curd mass, mix thoroughly. Grease the deep baking sheet with oil, put the prepared mass in it, cook for a couple.
5. The souffle of steam from boiled beef is also included in the diet No. 16
Ingredients: beef, cow's milk pasteurized or sour cream 20% fat, egg chicken, wheat flour, salt, butter.
Cooking method. Beef chilled and 2 times turned through a fine grinder grinder. White sauce (milk or sour cream) in small portions to enter into the meat minced, well kneaded. Separate the egg white from the yolk, add the yolk to the prepared mass, salt. Protein whip and also enter into a meat puree. Lubricate the frying pan, put the prepared mass in it and cook for a couple. Before serving, pour on the souffle with melted butter.
The technology of preparation of white (milk) sauce: in dried wheat flour in a pan, pour a thin stream of hot milk, stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Technology of preparation of white (sour cream sauce): dry the wheat flour in a pan and combine with sour cream, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
6. Milk porridge porridge is also included in diet No. 16, No. 1
Ingredients: semolina, cow's milk pasteurized, water, sugar, salt, butter.
Cooking method. Boil the milk (or a mixture of milk and water), add salt and sugar, then pour semolina into it, stirring constantly. Cook for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the quality of semolina. Oil in porridge before use.
7. Rice liquid milk raisin porridge is also included in diet No. 16
Ingredients: rice, cow's milk pasteurized, water, salt, sugar, butter.
Cooking method. Rinse rice first in cold water, then in warm water. In boiling milk (or in a mixture of water and milk) add a little salt, rice and cook with a weak boil for about an hour. Then hot porridge rub through a sieve, add sugar, bring to a boil. Before consumption, pour gruel with melted butter.
8. Decoction of dog rose also included in diet number 16
Cooking method. Dry the hips, rinse with cold water, pour boiled water. For 20 g of rose hips take 200 g of water (1 glass). Fruits boil in a stainless steel bowl under a tightly closed lid. Then insist in a cool place for 3-4 hours, drain.
Note: the fruits for the preparation of the decoction must be cleaned of seeds, hairs and ground. If unmilled rose hips are used, then after boiling it should be insisted not less than 8-10 hours.
The approximate list of dishes of a diet № 16
First meal
- rice milky soup
- oatmeal mucous soup
- mucous milk soup soup
- Beef milky soup
- mango milk soup
Meat Dishes
- soufflé steam from boiled beef
- Beef cooked buns
- meatballs steamed from beef
- beef steaks from beef
- soufflé steam from boiled chicken
Dishes from fish
- codeworms boiled from cod
- soufflé steam from boiled cod
- soufflé steam from boiled fish
- with vegetable oil
Dishes from eggs
- soft-boiled eggs
- omelet
Dishes based on milk
- soufflé steam from cottage cheese
- porridge semolina viscous or liquid
- porridge rice mashed milk powder
- porridge of cereal "Hercules" milky viscous or liquid
- buckwheat porcupine viscous dairy
- rice mashed rice porridge
- broth of wild rose
Approximate one-day diet menu № 16
First breakfast
- albumen omelette
- porridge buckwheat (or rice, or semolina, or from cereals "Hercules"), milky mashed
- a glass of milk
- fruit jelly - 1 glass
- rice soup (or barley, or barley) milky rubbed
- steamed meatballs (or steak chops, or chicken soufflé steamed) fruit jelly
Afternoon snack
- broth of wild rose - 1 glass with biscuit
- Fish cutlets with vegetable oil (or fish soufflé)
- fruit jelly
At night: 1 glass of milk
9. Beef cookies from boiled beef are also included in diet No. 1
Ingredients: beef, cow's milk pasteurized, wheat flour, chicken egg, butter, salt.
Method of preparation . Beef through a double grate meat grinder 2-3 times, salt. Prepare white milk sauce (see the cooking technology in recipe No. 5), cool it and, stirring constantly, add it to the mince, add the egg to the stuffing, mix well. Form the knel (knel - it's round balls, which make a minced table with a spoon). The sauté pan should be moistened with water, and the knots must be laid in it. Cook for a couple or boil on low heat until cooked - the knels should surface. Before use, knead to pour melted butter.
10. Beef cutlets (bits) steam from beef are also included in diet No. 1
Ingredients: beef, wheat bread, water, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Beef through the meat grinder 2 times, mix with bread loosened in water, again pass the mass through the meat grinder, add salt, beat up. Form a mass of cutlets (little bits), cook them for a couple.
11. Porridge buckwheat milk viscous mashed wool is also included in the diet number 1
Ingredients: buckwheat, cow's milk pasteurized, sugar, water, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Buckwheat croup in a boiling mixture of milk and water, salt and cook under the lid on low heat until cooked. Then the hot finished porridge is wiped, salt, add sugar and reheat in a water bath. Before consumption, pour gruel with melted butter.
The approximate list of dishes of a diet № 1
First meal
- rice soup with potatoes and carrots
- Oat soup with zucchini
- creamy cauliflower soup
- Vegetarian soup with vermicelli
Meat Dishes
- Beef cooked buns
- meatballs steamed from beef
- beef steaks from beef
- Beef steak roll stuffed with omelette
- beef stroganoff from boiled beef
- potato pudding stuffed with boiled
- battered beef casserole potato, stuffed with boiled
- mashed beef with vegetable oil
- zucchini stuffed with boiled beef
- boiled beef tongue
- boiled chicken
- soufflé steam from boiled chicken
Fish dishes
- cod boiled
- cod, baked in dairy sauce (fillet)
- cod, baked in dairy sauce with vegetable
- butter (fillets) burgers (coddies) steam from cod codes boiled from cod souffle steam from boiled cod perch boiled (with skin) pollack boiled
Dishes from eggs
- soft-boiled egg
- steam omelette
Dishes based on milk
- soufflé steam from cottage cheese
Dishes from cereals, pasta
- porridge semolina milky
- porridge, rice, viscous, millet
- porridge from cereals "Hercules" milky viscous
- buckwheat porcupine mashed milk
Garnishes from cereals, vegetables, pasta
- porridge rice viscous mashed milk
- vermicelli boiled
- carrots stewed in dairy sauce
- carrot puree
- mashed beetroot
- Stewed vegetables in dairy sauce
- complex vegetable garnish (carrot puree, green peas)
Salads, snacks
- a salad of beets and apples with sour cream
- greens fennel with sour cream
- parsley with sour cream
- tomato salad with vegetable oil
Fruits, berries, drinks
- apple baked
- compote of fresh apples
- jelly from grape juice
- jelly from grape juice
- milk jelly
- fruit juice mousse
Approximate one-day diet menu № 1
First breakfast
- soft-boiled egg
- porridge mashed buckwheat (or from other cereals)
- tea with milk
- apple baked
- Vegetarian soup with vermicelli (or rice milky rubbed)
- Beef cutlets from beef with mashed potatoes
- fruit jelly
Afternoon snack
- broth of a dogrose, biscuit
- perch boiled sea with vegetable garnish
- tea with milk
Overnight: milk
12. Rice soup with potatoes and carrots
Ingredients: rice, potatoes, cow milk, water butter, sour cream, chicken egg, salt.
Cooking method. Rice pour hot water, cook for an hour, rub through a sieve. Carrots cut into slices, cook, wipe. In the water, where carrots were boiled, add hot milk, finely chopped raw potatoes, mashed carrots, salt and bring to a boil. Season the soup with egg-milk mixture (see preparation technology in recipe No. 1).
13. Wiped oats milk soup
Ingredients: oat flakes "Hercules", cow's milk pasteurized, chicken egg, sugar, salt, water, butter.
Cooking method. Oat flakes boil until ready and wipe with liquid. The resulting broth to salt, add sugar and hot milk, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and season with egg-and-milk mixture (see preparation technology in recipe No. 1).
14. Vegetarian soup with vermicelli
Ingredients: vegetable broth, onions, carrots, parsley root, butter, potatoes, vermicelli, sour cream 20% fat, parsley, salt.
Cooking method. Onions, carrots and parsley root chop, sauté in a deep frying pan on a small amount of vegetable broth with the addition of butter. Finely chop the potatoes. In the vegetable broth add the prepared vegetables and potatoes, salt, cook until done. Separate boil vermicelli, combine with vegetable broth, bring to a boil. Before using soup season with sour cream.
15. Beef roll stuffed with omelets
Ingredients: beef, wheat bread, cow milk, water, chicken egg, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Beef 2 times pass through a meat grinder, mix with soaked in water and squeezed bread, again pass through a meat grinder, add salt, mix well. Prepare a steam omelet from milk and eggs, chill. Put the meat mass in a thin layer on a cloth moistened with water, put the omelet in the middle, roll it in the form of a roll, put it on a baking tray moistened with water and cook for a couple. Before eating, pour the dish with melted butter.
16. Beef Stroganoff from Boiled Beef
Ingredients: beef, carrots, cow's milk pasteurized, wheat flour, sour cream 20% fat, butter, parsley, salt.
Cooking method. Beef boil and chop straw. Prepare white sour cream sauce (see cooking technology in recipe No. 5). Carrots boil and wipe. Sliced meat put in a saucepan, add salt, add carrots, butter, mix everything and bring to the preparedness on low heat (not less than 10-15 minutes). Before using the dish sprinkle with chopped greens.
17. Vegetables stewed in dairy sauce
Ingredients: zucchini, carrots, potatoes, cow's milk pasteurized, wheat flour, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Boil the potatoes until half cooked, and drain the broth. Finely chop carrots and zucchini, separate separately in a small amount of water. Prepare the milk sauce (see cooking technology in recipe No. 5). All the vegetables are combined, pour the sauce and cook until ready for 10-15 minutes.
18. Boiled chicken
Ingredients: chicken, carrots, parsley, salt.
Cooking method. Put chicken in hot water, bring to a boil, after removing the foam add carrots and parsley, salt, cook until cooked on low heat. Before use, divide into portions.
19. Boiled tongue
Ingredients: beef tongue (can be frozen), onions, carrots, parsley root, salt.
Cooking method. Tongue with hot water, add roots and salt, boil over low heat. Then put the tongue in cold water and take off the skin. Cut the tongue into portions, put in a container, pour broth, in which the tongue was boiled, bring to a boil.
20. Boiled cod (with skin and bones)
Ingredients: gutted cod (without head), onions, carrots, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Add salt to water, add carrots and onions, place cod there, cut into portions. Boil the fish until ready, then drain the liquid. Before eating, pour the dish with melted butter.
21. Steam cutlets from cod
Ingredients: gutted cod (without head), wheat bread, water, chicken egg, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Remove the bones in the fish and pass it through the meat grinder along with the bread soaked in water. Mince salt, put the egg in it, mix it well. Shape cutlets and cook them for a couple. Before eating, pour cutlets with melted butter.
22. Cod baked in white sauce
Ingredients: gutted cod (without head), wheat flour, cow's milk pasteurized, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Remove the bones from the fish, remove the skin, cut into portions, then allow to water for 10-15 minutes. Prepare the milk sauce (see cooking technology in recipe No. 5). Pieces of fish put on a baking tray, pour sauce, sprinkle with oil and bake in the oven.
23. Mashed potatoes
Ingredients: potatoes, cow's milk pasteurized, butter, salt.
Cooking method. In salted water, cook the potatoes until they are ready, drain the water. Wash potatoes, pour hot milk into it, mix well. Before drinking, pour the melted butter.
24. Complex vegetable garnish
Ingredients: carrots, canned green peas, butter, salt.
Cooking method. Carrots cut into slices, passer in a small amount of water, wipe, add oil, warm. Canned green peas to warm in broth to a boil, decoction to drain. Vegetables combine and before consumption, pour with melted butter.
25. Salad of beets and apples with sour cream
Ingredients: sweet apples, peeled and seeded, beets, sour cream 20% fat, salt.
Cooking method. Beet boil until cooked, chopped strips, chilled. Cut apples into strips, combine with beetroot, and season with sour cream. Weakly salt.
26. Compote of fresh mashed apples
Ingredients: sweet apples, peeled and seeded, sugar, water.
Cooking method. Apples finely chop, pour water, bring to a boil, rub with liquid. Then add the sugar and bring it back to the boil.