Alternative treatment of cervical dysplasia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Alternative treatment with an already existing diagnosis - dysplasia of the cervix, plays an auxiliary role.
The standard scheme of therapy involves the removal of that part of the epithelial tissue in which the pathological transformation of cells began. This, first of all, is necessary to minimize the risk of development of oncological processes. Nevertheless, many women try to cope with the diagnosis - dysplasia of the cervix alone, with the help of prescriptions of alternative medicine. Alternative treatment, of course, has the right to respect, but it must be used wisely, preferably on the advice of the treating doctor. A lot of phytospores, tinctures and broths have contraindications, and in the case of dysplastic processes that can lead to cervical cancer, this is an unacceptable negligence. Therefore, within the framework of this article, we will try to give advice on the extremely safe methods of alternative treatment.
What can be applied from the category of alternative agents in the treatment of cervical dysplasia?
- Intra-vaginal tampons with a decoction or extract of aloe. Substances that contain aloe, activates metabolic processes in general, including in cells of epithelial tissue. At home, you can try to prepare such a tool:
- one fleshy leaf of an aloe is crushed by means of a knife, the received weight place in a dark, cool place, it is possible in a refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
- The vaginal swab is gently immersed in the mixture, allowed to soak.
- The tampon is used twice a day, it is left in the vagina for 30-35 minutes.
Such manipulations are shown after surgery, since aloe helps tissue regeneration, accelerates healing
- A decoction of marigold is often recommended as a douching fluid. Calendula has properties that stop inflammatory processes, helps healing of small wound areas, partly takes part in stimulating local protective immunity.
- 2 tablespoons dry inflorescences of calendula is poured a glass of boiling water, insist for at least 30 minutes.
- you can prepare a more intense broth, adding to the same amount of calendula a handful of hips.
- the broth should be carefully filtered, cooled to room temperature and used for daily douching (1 time per day).
- A mixture of dried nettle and yarrow will help reduce the activity of inflammation in the vagina, strengthen local protective immunity.
- 50 grams of dried nettle mixed with 50 grams of dried yarrow.
- soak 1 liter of boiling water.
- cool, strain and use three times a day for washing the vagina.
- The oil of the sea-buckthorn fruit also has excellent regenerative properties. It is used as a remedy, which is impregnated with vaginal tampons. It is better to buy oil in a pharmacy, it will be high-quality and sterile. Tampons are heavily moistened in sea buckthorn oil and placed in the vagina for 10-12 hours once a day (preferably before going to bed). Such a drug should be used no more than 1 month and under the supervision of a doctor.
- Infusion or a decoction of eucalyptus leaves reduces the intensity of inflammation, partially neutralizes bacterial infection. Also, the extract from the leaves of eucalyptus, diluted in a certain proportion, is effective against viruses. Cervical dysplasia according to statistics in most cases has a viral etiology, so alternative treatment with eucalyptus can be used as an addition to basic therapy. How to make the broth yourself?
- 1,5-2 tablespoons of dry shredded leaves should be brewed with 250 ml of boiling water.
- The broth is infused for about half an hour, and then boiled again for 10 minutes.
- the resulting liquid must be filtered twice, cooled.
- the broth is diluted in a proportion of ½ or 1/3 depending on the task and the severity of the dysplasia (the stronger the infusion, the more active it is, the strong broth is shown as a means for syringing in the CIN II stage).
Alternative treatment of the diagnosis - dysplasia of the cervix may suggest the appointment of phytomages (ointment with propolis), the use of herbal preparations in the form of a decoction as a drink. It is important to remember that the recommendations of the gynecologist, his advice is mandatory, whatever the glory and feedback about the "miraculous" alternative means. The risk to miss the development of oncogenic transformation of cells in the cervical mucosa is too great, experiments with one's own health are unacceptable.
Treatment of cervical dysplasia with herbs
Treatment with herbs for cervical dysplasia is not a basic therapy and is used only as an additional means to maintain the protective properties of local immunity of epithelial tissue. Nevertheless, the herbs can be a good help after the operative manipulation (moxibustion, cryodestruction, conization), but only in the dosage, the regimen recommended by the gynecologist.
Let's list some of the most effective and at the same time safe recipes for herbal treatment:
- Pine buds are rich in ethereal compounds. In turn, those have a powerful antibacterial effect due to the presence of bornyl acetate, pinene, limonene and other ingredients. Raw pine buds should be finely chopped with a knife. Raw materials (3 tablespoons) are poured in cold water (1 liter) and boiled on very slow heat for 3-4 minutes. The broth cooled to an acceptable room temperature can be safely used for washing, irrigation and douching 2 times a day for two weeks. Please note that this recommendation is not universal, in any case, you should consult your doctor / gynecologist.
- Very effective infusion or broth of a rod, which is better known as vitex. This shrub is not accidentally called "sacred", the tree of Abraham (Vitexagnus castus). The leaves and fruits of the bush have a hemostatic effect, a property normalizing the work of the hormonal system. They were used in ancient times with success by Hippocrates in the treatment of female diseases. Dysplasia of the cervix, of course, is unlikely to disappear after douching with the solution of the rod, but as an auxiliary treatment for vitex is worthy of study and application.
- Decoction of burdock root mixed with the milk thistle. This compound cleanses the blood well, activates the blood supply of epithelial tissue and promotes the fastest healing of wound surfaces.
- 1 tablespoon herb thistle mix with 1 tablespoon burdock root (the ingredients are better to buy at the pharmacy).
- mixture brew 250 ml of boiling water, insist for about half an hour.
- strain, apply in a warm form as a means for irrigation of the vagina twice a day.
- the course should last at least 2 weeks.
- A mixture of dried clover and chamomile. Clover has properties that improve the composition of blood, and chamomile has long been famous for its antiseptic effect.
- Take 50 grams of clover and chamomile inflorescences, mix and grind as little as possible (almost in "dust").
- mixture pour hot water (250ml) and put boil on a slow fire, no more than 5 minutes.
- The resulting broth twice strain through cheesecloth, cool and apply as a liquid for wetting vaginal tampons.
- the course of treatment takes 10-14 days, tampon is administered at night.
- Nettle mixed with berries of the viburnum. Both components purify the blood well, stimulate local immunity. This remedy is taken orally in the form of morning tea, a course of at least 3 weeks. Brew the mixture with boiling water, take on the glass such proportions - 1 tablespoon mixture / 200 ml of boiling water. The brewed mixture slightly cool, drink as a medicine 2-3 times a day for 150 milliliters.
- Effective antibacterial action is famous for Eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus leaves. This unique plant has long been considered pharmacopeial, that is, one that is boldly used in traditional medicine. Due to the content of essential components, eucalyptus fights cocci infectious agents (streptococcus, staphylococcus), as well as with many other bacterial infections. A handful of dry eucalyptus leaves is brewed in a glass of boiling water as a tea, after 5-7 minutes filtered and used as an infusion for syringing (before the procedure, dilute the liquid with boiled water in the ratio of 2 tablespoons of the present to 200 ml of water). The irrigation course should last at least two weeks.
- Cervical dysplasia is successfully treated with propolis in the early stages of the process.
- 25mg propolis is thoroughly mixed with the usual baby cream (without flavors).
- ointment impregnate the vaginal swab and use it twice a day (for 20-30 minutes).
- The course of treatment can last up to a month, its duration is determined by the doctor.
Homeopathy and dysplasia of the cervix are a rare combination, because pathological processes pass into the vaginal cavity and there is no component for the manufacture of a homeopathic medicine. But to maintain immunity, general well-being and as an auxiliary therapy, homeopathy may well qualify for a place in the general medical course.
What kind of gynecological diseases can homeopathy be used for?
- Hormonal disorders:
- PMS - premenstrual syndrome.
- Dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea (menstrual cycle disorder).
- Menopause.
- Ovarian failure.
- Partially with hyperplastic processes in the endometrium.
- Inflammatory processes - as an addition to the main course of therapy:
- STDs - homeopathy is used as an auxiliary treatment, more often during the completion of basic therapy.
- The pathology of the viral etiology is cytomegalovirus, HPV.
- Colpitis.
- Vulvovaginitis.
- Adnexitis.
- Endometriosis, endometritis.
- Pre-tumoral diseases - homeopathy as a method that strengthens the body's protective functions:
- Fibromiomas.
- Myoma.
- Cysts.
- Polyps.
Thus, dysplasia of the cervix directly can not be neutralized only by homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is indicated for the following tasks:
- Restoration of the normal menstrual cycle.
- Restoration of the ovaries.
- Stabilization of the nervous system.
- Homeopathy can be used in those cases when the basic medication is contraindicated (for example, in pregnancy).
- Enhance the protective properties of the body - general and local immunity.
Since the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of CIN is not officially proven, all funds from the category of homeopathic should be prescribed only by the attending physician, preferably having a special qualification in this field.
Self-treatment for diagnosis - cervical dysplasia is unacceptable, in addition, homeopathic forms may not be completely safe, you need an exact dosage and regimen of medication.
We give a brief list of homeopathic remedies, which are most often used in the treatment of gynecological pathologies:
- If a HPV (human papilloma virus) is detected, the Papillocan suppository can be prescribed. Suppositories help basic drug therapy adjust local local blood circulation in a site affected by papillomas. Also, the suppository is involved in the fight against the virus itself. The active ingredient of Papillocana is an extract of thuja, in a lower dosage there is tea tree oil and a homeopathic essence in the preparation.
- Acidum nitrikum can also be useful in the complex therapy of papillomavirus. Dosage and treatment is prescribed by a doctor.
- If dysplasia of the cervix is accompanied by a violation of the monthly cycle (this happens quite often), homeopathy can come to the rescue. Ovarium compositum is part of the group of homotoxic drugs, this drug acts in a complex way, affecting the main body systems. The main expected effect is the normalization of the hormonal balance and the improvement of the state of the cells of the uterine tissue. In addition, according to homeopaths, Ovarium can reduce anxiety and improve the functioning of the nervous system as a whole.
- One of the most popular homeopathic remedies is the gynecologist. Dysplasia of the cervix is often accompanied by a large list of concomitant gynecological diseases. It is on them that the action of Ginekohel is directed. The drug gently reduces the swelling of tissues, repairs nerves, participates in the fight against inflammatory processes as an auxiliary component.
- Lycopodium helps to activate the blood supply to the tissues of the uterus and cervix, and accordingly can affect their regeneration and improvement of metabolic processes.
- Sepia is often prescribed by specialist doctors in homeopathy as a means of regulating the menstrual cycle. There are some reviews from gynecologists, indicating that Sepia can improve the condition of the upper layer of the cervical tissue, but there is no clinical base and official statistics on this.
Homeopathy is still not recognized in the medical world as completely as standard medications. Perhaps this is undeserved, but in the treatment of such a serious disease as CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) it is better not to take risks. No homeopathic remedy can replace a targeted course of therapy, especially when dysplasia is already in the third stage of development.