Treatment of mastopathy with herbs and vegetables
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Effective treatment of mastopathy with herbs is caused by the use of a whole complex of medicinal decoctions, compresses or infusions.
The key to a successful result is the regularity of the use of funds and the continuation of the therapeutic course even after getting rid of the clinical symptoms of mastopathy. With great effect in alternative medicine, cabbage, boron uterus, celandine, nettle, camphor oil, propolis and many other plants and substances have proved themselves.
Treatment of mastopathy with cabbage
Alternative treatments include the use of herbs individually or as part of dues, as well as fresh vegetables. They are used for the preparation of compresses, but it should be remembered that only in combined therapy with a general effect, and not only local, can you achieve the desired result.
Treatment of mastopathy cabbage can be carried out as a whole cabbage leaf, and sliced vegetables. It is considered an effective addition to phytotherapy and homeopathic medicines, which provides a faster recovery.
The cabbage juice consumed inside, in addition to the restorative effect, provides a strong destructive effect on cancer cells, thereby preventing the transformation of benign forms of mastopathy into malignant ones.
To prepare the juice, grind the cabbage with a meat grinder and separate it from the oilcakes with gauze. Fresh juice should be consumed in the morning before breakfast for half an hour to 100 ml, as well as before each meal (not more than 3 times).
The treatment of mastopathy with cabbage is used as compresses from pre-crushed leaves, which should resemble a homogeneous mass. After that, you should connect the resulting gruel with 50 ml of milk or kefir. After mixing, a mixture can be used to apply to the mammary glands. To do this, apply the remedy on the napkins from gauze and change them 3-4 times a day. As soon as the napkin dries, it means it's time to put a new one on.
Treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaf
There is a wide variety of recipes based on cabbage leaf. However, all of them are considered to be an effective alternative medicine, so the result is proven over the years. Treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaf can be carried out either exclusively by a leaf or in combination with other vegetables.
So, there are several options for using cabbage. First, you should wash the sheet under the water and apply a butter on it, pre-melting it. After that, you need to sprinkle a little bit and leave for a few minutes for juice to appear. Cabbage leaf, located on the mammary glands, should be covered with a clean cloth. It is desirable to use natural material, which will not be useful in the future, since there is a possibility of its impregnation with juice. This compress should be used for 8-10 hours, after which to prepare a new one.
Treatment of mastopathy with cabbage leaf is also possible in combination with honey. To do this, lubricate the sheet with honey and apply in the same way as in the previous recipe. However, in the beginning, it is worth checking the skin on an allergy to honey, as it is a strong allergen.
Cabbage leaf can be used without any additives. Before this, it is desirable to remove thick streaks from the leaf and carefully discourage for the appearance of juice. Then cabbage leaves must be applied to the breast glands with further shelter with natural material.
Treatment of mastopathy with beetroot
Healing abilities of beets have been known for more than a decade. It is used to treat many diseases, not an exception - mastopathy. Reduction of pain syndrome is provided by group B vitamins, which nourish the nerve endings. Vitamins A and C are good antioxidants and can strengthen the vascular wall.
The treatment of beet mastopathy is caused by the inhibitory effect on the production of prolactin, thereby reducing its content in the bloodstream. In addition, beet constituents improve local blood circulation, control thyroid hormones and exerts a slight diuretic effect, which is necessary to reduce swelling of glandular tissues.
Treatment of beet mastopathy involves the use of juice or compresses. Beet juice can be obtained by letting the vegetable through a juicer or wiping it on a fine grater and wringing it through the cheesecloth. After that, leave the juice in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, without closing the lid. You need to use the medicine 15 ml three times a day, gradually increasing the dosage. To improve the taste, beet juice can be diluted with water or carrot juice. At the end of the treatment course for a month, you need to pause the week for 4, and then resume treatment.
With regard to compresses, for its preparation, it is necessary to apply fried beets up to 5 tbsp. Spoons on a cabbage leaf and apply before bed. Another option involves adding 15 grams of honey to 200 grams of grated beets. The mixture is heated in a water bath and 30 ml of 9% vinegar is added. All thoroughly mixed, it is necessary to put on a cabbage leaf and in a slightly warm form to apply to the mammary glands. From above it is necessary to cover with a warm handkerchief and leave for the night. Every 10 days the types of compresses can be alternated.
Do not forget about the contraindications for using beet juice inside. These include gastritis with excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, the presence of stones in the urethra and low systemic blood pressure.
Treatment of Pumpkin Mastopathy
Pumpkin due to its composition can be considered a full-fledged medicinal product, since such quantity of vitamins and microelements in one vegetable still needs to be looked for. To treat diseases, both seeds and pumpkin flesh are used.
Treatment of pumpkin mastopathy provides a reduction in pain syndrome in the mammary glands. Basically, the most commonly used pulp for compresses. For cooking, you need to clean the pumpkin from the peel and extract the seeds. After that, it needs to be rubbed with a float. The resulting mass is applied to the chest for several hours. It is advisable not to use a cold pumpkin, so it is recommended to leave it in a room for a little warming.
Treatment of pumpkin mastitis is also composed of pumpkin oil, which has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect. Thanks to the positive effect on the hormonal background, pumpkin oil is widely used in the premenstrual and climacteric period to reduce discomfort.
Treatment of mastopathy with a hog uterus
The efficiency of the borage is based on the hydroquinone available in its composition, which is a potent antioxidant. With its help, active purification of the body of toxic substances is carried out. In addition, having an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, the bovine uterus reduces swelling of the glandular tissues and pain syndrome.
Additional nutrients are vitamin C and flavonoids. The main treatment for mastopathy by the hogweed is due to phytohomones, which inhibit the production of estrogens. As a result, normalization of the qualitative composition of hormones in the blood is observed, thereby reducing its effect on glandular tissue.
It is not recommended to take the bovine uterus during pregnancy, during lactation, with obstruction of the fallopian tubes and the pathology of the blood coagulation system. Also, with caution should be treated with combinations of drugs that affect the level of hormones, as the boric uterus can both enhance their effect, and reduce.
Treatment of mastopathy with a hog uterus has some side effects that can result from non-compliance with the dosage and the frequency of administration. So, among them is worth noting the engorgement and soreness of the glands at the beginning of the treatment course. In case of overdose, there may be headaches, nausea and pain in the stomach.
This tool has several methods of reception. To prepare the tincture, you need 100 g of grass and a liter of 40% alcohol solution. Insist should be for 20 days in a dark place. Dosage corresponds to 30 drops, taken three times a day for half an hour before meals. During menstruation you need to stop for a while with the treatment of the hogweed.
To prepare the broth, 15 grams of grass should be poured with warm water and left in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that you need to insist up to 4 hours. Once the broth is ready, it should be taken 15 ml 4-5 times a day. When buying herbs in the pharmacy, on the package should be written instruction for cooking with an indication of the exact dosage.
In addition, you can buy tea bags in the pharmacy on the basis of the boron uterus and its extract in the form of drops. Do not forget about the grass harvest with the use of a boron uterus, a red brush and a round-faced winter leaf, which together provide a high result.
Treatment of mastopathy celandine
The purgator contains alkaloid substances, amines similar to histamine, flavonoids, tannins and vitamins C and A. Some alkaloids possess a morphine-like property, due to which the celandine can minimize pain in mastopathy. In addition, they have the antitumor abilities necessary for this disease.
Vitamins have an antioxidant effect and inhibit the development of malignant tumors. Flavonoids affect the wall of a blood vessel, strengthening it and activating local circulation, and also show their anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of mastopathy celandine is based on cell death, which can provoke the growth of malignant tumors.
From contraindications it is worth paying attention to low indices of systemic arterial pressure, stomach ulcer, pregnancy and lactation, age under 12 years and epilepsy. If you do not comply with the rules for the use of celandine, it is possible to develop allergic reactions, the appearance of pain in the stomach, a feeling of lack of air and fainting.
Treatment of mastopathy celandine involves the use of several methods. To prepare the broth, 10 grams of herbs should be brewed in 200 ml of boiling water and insisted in the thermos for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, the alternative remedy will be ready. It should be taken three times a day for 70 ml per hour before meals. After a month's course, you must stop for 2 weeks.
Tincture is prepared from 15 g of celandine and 200 g of water and infused for about 2 weeks in a dark place. After this, the tincture must be filtered through gauze and taken every morning as follows. The first day will be enough for one drop, diluted in 100 ml of water. Next, every day, add 1 drop, gradually reaching 10-15 drops. The maximum dose should be taken for 1-1.5 months, and then reduce again by 1 drop.
In addition to alternative means with celandine for ingestion, there are still ointments with its addition. For its preparation, it is necessary to twist the tops of the grass during the active flowering period and squeeze out the juice. To it it is necessary to add as much butter (melted). After obtaining a homogeneous mass you need to rub the mixture for the night lasting up to a month.
In a combination of celandine 50 g with rye flour 1 kg, crushed dry leaves of mother-and-stepmother 100 g and leaves of mistletoe 100 g can be found a huge number of useful properties. The resulting collection should be diluted with whey and make a "test" cake. It should be put on the chest in the evening and kept until morning.
Treatment of mastopathy with hemlock
Hemlock is used to treat many diseases, among them - mastopathy. In order to achieve the necessary effect, one must adhere to certain rules. Hemlock must be collected as soon as it blooms. For the preparation of medicinal infusion, only fresh grass will be needed, since in the dried out form the plant loses some of its useful properties.
Treatment of mastopathy with hemlock is based on the use of tincture, which is prepared in several ways. For the first recipe, collect inflorescences and young leaves. Finely chopping hemlock, it should be placed in a can, filling in a third. The rest of the empty place in the pot must be filled with vodka. You need to insist in a dark place for 15 days. Stretching the tincture (it should be light yellow with a greenish tinge and a slight sediment), keep it in the refrigerator.
Another recipe involves cooking in several stages. First, it is required to collect the inflorescences and fill them with a jar in the volume of one-fifth of the piece. Then you should top off the vodka, filling two-thirds of the can and leaving to be infused. With the appearance of immature seeds, they need to be collected and added to the jar for one fifth, topped with vodka to the top. Insist should be for 15 days. This combination provides a more powerful therapeutic effect.
Treatment of mastopathy with a hemlock is carried out, beginning with the 1st drop on a glass of water. Each day the dose increases by 1 drop, and starting from the 15th day - it also decreases. Some sources suggest increasing the dosage to 30 drops for a larger volume of water, but there may be side effects in the form of dizziness, headache, nausea and weakness.
Treating mastopathy with a golden mustache
Golden mustache is known in alternative medicine as a powerful healing plant, the juice of which contains a huge amount of flavonoids (kepferol and quercetin) and phytosterols, namely active pigments and tannins. Quercetin has the activity of vitamin P, has an anti-tumor, diuretic effect and is able to relax the muscles. Also, the substance tones up the body as a whole and strengthens the walls of the blood vessels. Treatment of mastopathy with a golden mustache is based on its ability to normalize the hormonal background, acting on estrogens through phytohormones.
In addition, we can not fail to mention the presence of vitamins B, C and PP. Both the plant itself and the juice can reduce atherosclerotic accumulations inside the vessel and exert an antitumor effect, affecting benign and malignant processes.
Treating mastopathy with a golden mustache is due to the following remedy. For cooking, about 14 interstices of the golden mustache are to be ground in any way and add 0.5 liters of vodka to it. You need to insist for 15 days in a dark place. In addition, it should be regularly mixed, and after the time - filtered and poured into a bottle of glass. Tightly closing, tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
Take is 15 ml before meals in 30 minutes once a day for up to six months. Every three weeks you need to rest for a week.
Treatment with burdock mastopathy
Burdock, in particular its leaves and inflorescences, are widely used for medicinal purposes. If you use the root of a plant, it is advisable to choose it no more than 2 years before the moment of flowering. The most effective is a fresh burdock, but if properly dried, it will retain its healing properties for much longer. It is enough to first simply dry the mug in the oven, and then dry it in the usual way.
Treatment with burdock mastopathy is justified by the vitamin C and carotene entering into it, which act on the gland tissues as powerful antitoxic agents. As a result of the presence of diuretic properties there is a decrease in edema and pain syndrome.
As for the antitumor effect, it is due to the presence of insulin, stigmasterol, sitosterol and alkaloids. Treatment with burdock mastopathy is carried out using infusions and decoctions from the root, compresses of leaves and tea from the inflorescences.
To prepare the broth, pour 30 g of root in dry form with half a liter of water. After this, boil for about a quarter of an hour and filter. The broth is recommended to take 70 ml after meals 3 times a day.
Infusion of burdock is prepared as follows. You need 5 g of root pour half a liter of boiling water and insist the whole night. The finished product must be drunk during the day.
Treatment of mastopathy with elderberry
Elder can be used as tinctures, compresses and even fresh berries. There are several varieties of berries: herbaceous variety, when the elderberry tassels are facing upward, and bushy - when the berry grows in the form of a bush, and its twigs from the weight hang down.
Despite such differences, the method of preparation is the same for them. To begin with, pick berries at the end of summer or in September, rinse thoroughly and dry. Next, lay the elderberry layer approximately 15 mm thick, and top with a sugar layer. So you need to fill the bank.
Closing tightly the vessel, you should leave it in the refrigerator for a week. If there is not enough low temperature, a white coating can form in the bank. After a week of insisting, it is necessary to filter the product, squeeze the juice and send it back to the refrigerator.
Treatment of mastopathy elderberry is carried out in two ways, depending on the variety of berries. So, if you used a shrub variety, then tincture should take 10 ml before meals for an hour twice a day. If the herbaceous elder was insisted, then a certain pattern should be followed. Before meals for 30 minutes, it is advisable to drink half a glass of water, and after eating in an hour - take 15 ml of syrup from berries. Such treatment of mastopathy with elderberry is repeated in May lasting up to 30 days and in the autumn - about 45 days.
Treatment of calendula mastopathy
Treatment of calendula mastopathy consists of several options for the application of a medicinal plant. The easiest way is to brew tea with calendula. It can be brewed alone or in combination with chamomile and melissa. It is necessary to take 5 grams of each herb and pour boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, the medicinal tea will be ready.
Calendula flowers are used both for the treatment of mastopathy, and other oncological formations of benign nature. Flowers have in their composition vitamins, flavonoids and carotene, thanks to which calendula is considered an effective medicinal plant.
Treatment of calendula mastopathy is carried out with the help of tincture based on this herb. To prepare, 30 g of calendula should be poured in a liter of boiling water in a saucepan, cover with a lid and simmer to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Then the overflow into the thermos, you need to leave the broth to infuse for 12 hours. The intake of calendula consists in a five-fold drink of 100 ml of tincture by a course of several months.
Despite the fact that the main "drugs" of alternative treatment of mastopathy are herbs and natural vegetables, all the same, before using them, you need to see a doctor.