Pain in inspiration
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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In some people, pain during inspiration provokes incredible torment. As soon as a person begins to inhale, a sharp pain can pierce him - either in the chest, or in the back, or under the shoulder blade. But the pain in the heart area at the entrance does not necessarily indicate pain in the heart. What are the causes of pain during inspiration and how to eliminate them?
The main causes of pain in chest inspiration
When a person feels pain in the chest during inspiration, as well as coughing and even sneezing, this means that a pleura or an area near the heart and near it can be affected. Pain can be located on the left side of the chest or on the right side of the chest. They can be sharp, dagger, and can be blurred, long, blunt.
Inflammation of the membrane
The membrane lining the chest cavity from the inside and covers the lungs. When the membrane becomes inflamed, there is a strong pain in the chest. Most often, pain during inspiration indicates that a person has dry pleurisy, a sign of pneumonia. Pleurisy can develop by itself, and can arise because of lung diseases.
The fact that a person has a dry pleurisy may show signs such as chest pain when breathing, which are made a little quieter when a person turns over on the side that hurts.
Breathing is difficult, painful, every breath can be accompanied by pain and cough. Breathing can be difficult, weakened, and when a doctor takes a phonendoscope to hear such a person, he hears noises. This noise pleurals. A person can have a low-grade fever, that is, an elevated temperature of 37-38 degrees Celsius.
Temperature and shortness of breath, as well as severe pain during inspiration, are also accompanied by chills, increased sweating, especially at night, weakness of the body.
Tumors of the pleura or pericarditis
These diseases can be the cause of severe pain during inspiration. At the same time, the movements are severely restricted, but this may be due to the fact that the rib has a deformed skeleton, in particular the thoracic spine. Take into account that with these diseases and deformities, the pain disturbs the person not only on inspiration, but also on exhalation.
When a person has dry pericarditis, pain constantly increases during inspiration and slightest movement. This makes a person dyspnea, he can suffocate and breathe in it becomes shorter than exhalation. Pain with dry pleurisy as a swing - then strong, then weak. You should pay attention to this when you tell your doctor about your ailment.
If the inter pleural ligament is shortened, the person does not cough sharply and dryly, but as if coughing. This cough becomes stronger and more intense during a conversation, inhale-exhalation, and also physical exertion, even insignificant.
With a shortened inter-pleural ligament, a person may have pain while walking and even more so during running. They are not sticky, they are stitching. By these signs it can be determined that the inter pleural ligament does not have the required length.
Renal colic
With this disease, pain during inspiration is also an indicative symptom. Renal colic provokes pain under the right rib and under the spoon, and after a short time it spreads over the entire abdomen. Pain during inspiration (with the diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia) can give to the area of the right scapula, shoulder (also right), and can also become even stronger during inspiration. Pain can also bother when you feel the area of the gallbladder. Very severe pain can occur in a person when the doctor pushes his fingers into the area of 10-12 thoracic vertebrae, after retreat 2 fingers to the right side of the spinous processes.
Fracture of ribs
In this trauma, naturally, it is much more painful to inhale than to exhale. The thorax hurts, squeezes, contracts, and every breath brings severe torment to a person, like a cough.
Pain in the precordial syndrome
When a person inhales, the pain in the region of the heart becomes so intolerable that they are easily confused with a heart attack. It turns out that this is an erroneous opinion, because there is really no heart attack - it signals a breakdown of the organism precordial syndrome. The peculiarity of this disease is that it happens very often in children from the age of six, teenagers and young people, and not in those who have a heart worn out and can not perform their functions.
True, this syndrome can bother people in old age, but infrequently. Pain in the precordial syndrome is characterized by the fact that it very quickly appears and also passes quickly. It can torment a person for 30 seconds, and can last up to three minutes, when a person deeply breathes in or sharply moves.
After the victim has felt that the pain is no more, to relax is not the time, because it can return. And she returns stupid, like a needle - also in the heart. In order not to engage in self-medication, thinking that this is a heart attack, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination and thorough diagnosis.
When does the pain come?
Attacks of pain in the precordial syndrome can occur at different times during the day, with only a painful affliction is not limited. Attacks of pain can occur 4-5 times a day, and even more often. Physicians still have not specified the exact causes of these pains. The relationship between whether a person is worried or not, what the nature of his work, how many hours the watch has been, has not yet been established by science. Also, there is no relationship between how much physical exertion can cause a painful attack.
According to some reports, pain in a precordial syndrome can torment a person if he is in a pose when breathing is difficult. It is necessary to avoid such poses whenever possible and to protect yourself. For example, do not bend, do not bend low, do not turn one way with the whole body. Physicians have come to the conclusion that pain in the precordial syndrome can occur due to pinching of the nerve roots, which is very painful, as we know.
Doctors believe that this disease is not dangerous and runs mainly up to 20 years. In the elderly it arises extremely rarely and also does not last long.
Intercostal neuralgia
In this disease, a person also suffers from pain during inspiration. The pains are then quite strong, they resemble volleys, and when inhaled, they are especially strong. But there are also not such intensive pains, then they still give the person discomfort.
Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by the fact that pain pains the person first of all on the left in the chest. This form of the disease is more often worried about women, and men - much less often.
Because of the pain that is localized in the chest to the left, intercostal neuralgia can be confused with pleurisy or similar lung diseases. But this is not so. Pain in neuralgia is a pain that arises from disturbances in the functions of the nervous tissue, which has not changed its structure and in which there are no deformations so far.
Neuralgic pain is characterized by the fact that it does not concentrate in one place, but moves along the chest.
Pain with neuralgia may not be strong, but pulling, with an unexpected strong pain syndrome. When a person inhales, especially deep, the thorax expands, and severe pain arises. It can be localized between the ribs - a pair or several ribs. Because this disease and was called intercostal neuralgia.
Pain can increase during a cough that is deeper than normal breathing. Another pain can be like a stupid needle, which was driven between the ribs. Even with intercostal neuralgia, there may be numbness of the hands or feet, partial paralysis of one part of the body, muscle atrophy. Appetite such a sick (sick) can not boast, with inspiration, as already mentioned, a lot of pain, because of which a person does not want to eat or drink.
Doctors noticed that intercostal neuralgia most of all affects women who have suffered severe and persistent stresses that can not get out of the state of depression or are periodically in this state.
This is a serious disease, which is also characterized by pain during inspiration. What is pneumothorax? This is when next to the lungs is formed nothing more than a pillow from the air. It can be and at the person. In principle, he did not complain about any diseases and about which they say "yes he is healthy as an ox!". Pneumothorax can develop due to a stroke that has fallen on the chest, after pneumonia or other lung diseases.
Pneumothorax can be recognized by strong, cutting and sharp pain in the chest during inspiration. In this case, the very first salvation will be for a man to hold his breath - for as long as he can do it. Very often it turns out that breathing in time and with a delay in breathing can eliminate the air cushion near the lungs and without the intervention of doctors. But if this did not work out, you might even need to intervene with surgeons. Independently, a pillow from the air, which occupied the lungs, is not always removed. This means that a person can continue to suffer from pain in the chest.
Why does the air get in addition to the lungs?
Where does this airbag come from? By itself, pneumothorax is when the air forms an interlayer between the chest and lung. Hence, the air forms this pillow, getting from the lungs to the chest. There may be other reasons that are difficult to establish.
Causes of pneumothorax
It can be a primary pneumothorax - it is also called spontaneous. It is this disease that can be diagnosed in a person who used to complain almost nothing and felt well. Doctors noticed that most often the primary pneumothorax can appear in tall people with a small weight, that is, lean. And in the risk group, mainly men - they suffer from this disease 4 times more often than the fairer sex. Also especially often suffer from pneumothorax, those who smoke, because of the weakening of the walls of the lungs, which then very easily tear. And one more feature of this disease: it basically affects the age group up to 20 years.
The cause of this disease can be a slight rupture of the lung, which a person does not even guess. Then near the ruptured (or rather, torn) lung, small air bubbles form. They form as a result of a small layer of air, which gives such a strong pain when inhaled.
Pneumothorax is very easy to confuse with pain in the heart, because it hurts there. But for a more accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor and in no case do not treat yourself.
The one who suffered the first attack of pneumothorax should be especially careful, because this disease returns to every third of ten people. And it can return for three years after the person suffered this painful attack.
Secondary pneumothorax (it is also called spontaneous)
The peculiarity of this disease is that it arises unexpectedly, because pneumothorax and spontaneous. A secondary - because this disease occurs against the background of another disease, most often lung lesions. In particular, due to inflammation of the lungs, their tissues are significantly weakened, the edges of the lungs suffer first, they are most vulnerable. Therefore, they can burst, and air escapes through these micro-ruptures. It accumulates next to the lungs, and pain occurs when inhaling. Secondary pneumothorax can also cause diseases such as tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and lung cancer.
With severe pain in the chest during inspiration, especially if you have already suffered one of the lung diseases, be sure to consult a doctor, because procrastination can threaten the operation.
Valve pneumothorax
This disease is extremely rare and is a rare complication. But it still happens. Its characteristic symptoms are pain upon inhalation and shortness of breath. Valve pneumothorax is dangerous in that pain and dyspnea are aggravated and can cause death.
Why is this happening?
As a result of the rupture of the edge of the lung, the entire body suffers, because the torn lung becomes a dangerous valve that displaces air from the lungs and prevents it from returning there again. That is, a man loses air, begins to choke, become blue. The pressure is increased, it does not normalize, and the size of the rupture becomes larger. From this, the heart suffers, it ceases to receive oxygen. If a person is in this condition, you should immediately call a doctor, otherwise a person may die.
What other causes can cause pneumothorax?
- This can be a trauma to the chest
- Chest injury as a result of an accident
- Lesion of the lungs and chest as a result of a fight (knife wound)
- Surgical interventions that provoke pneumothorax (breast surgery)
To make sure what kind of disease a person has, he needs to turn for a chest X-ray. Radiography is sure to reveal abnormalities in the structure of the lungs.
Consequences of pneumothorax
When the air goes out of the lungs, it can cause minor pain during inhalation and there will be no special consequences. The air layer (small) dissolves by itself, it is enough to hold your breath. Blood sucks in this air, and the problem is exhausted. A small gap will soon heal, it will not be three or four days. And small pain attacks can disturb a person for three days, no more. Then pneumothorax does not need treatment, it passes by itself.
It is advisable to check on the x-ray, whether pneumothorax has disappeared, and with it pain during inspiration.
It is better to do an X-ray in a week or one and a half after a person was disturbed by pain during inspiration.
But sometimes there is so much air near the lungs, and the rupture of the lungs is so significant (or rather, the second causes the first), that the lungs irrevocably deform and cease to fulfill their function.
How to remove pneumothorax?
If pneumothorax is secondary, special attention should be paid to the disease that caused it. Serious treatment is required to avoid severe consequences. In addition, pneumothorax may need to be surgically removed. Indications for this are the destruction of lungs and the large amount of air that accumulated near them. Then the air is pumped out with the help of special tubes that are inserted into the area where the air cushion was formed.
Such pumping out of the air may be necessary for a person if he already had pneumothorax, and now a relapse occurred. Or doctors can offer to pump out air in the area near the lungs as prevention. It may not even be a large air cushion, but an air bubble that does not leave the surface of the lungs on its own.
Another way to cope with pneumothorax, and hence with pain during inspiration, can be the use of a special powder. The goal is to irritate the surface of the lungs and even a slight inflammation of their tissue. Then the lungs will fit more tightly to the inner surface of the chest, and the air cushion can be absorbed into the blood without the influence of the surgeon.
Pain on inspiration in the back
This kind of pain is no less dangerous than pain in the chest when inhaled. The causes of pain in the back during inspiration can be pleurisy (we already described its symptoms). The cause of pain can also be the deformation of the spine and the diseases associated with this unfortunate fact.
This disease, which is diagnosed today in almost every second schoolboy, can be the cause of severe pain in the chest, when a person takes a deep breath. It can hurt not only the back, but also the head, muscles can spasm, goosebumps go around the body, limbs (arms-legs) can dumb or they can feel cold, as if a person is freezing.
Osteochondrosis can be manifested by pain in the left hand - this is a fairly frequent symptom. Pain during inspiration can be provoked by shingles against the background of osteochondrosis, which the patient may not even suspect. Then the pain at inspiration can be even stronger.
Lungs' cancer
We have already mentioned this disease when we described pain in the chest during inspiration. Lung cancer, like other lung diseases, can cause pain not only in the chest, but also in the back area. The pain is quite strong, sharp, sharp, there may be a feeling of needles in the back. Pain when inhaled, if a person has lung cancer, can give to the right or left side of the body - in general, on the one hand. This pain can also be given in the stomach, and in the hand, even in the neck. The more the tumor grows, the more pain will be. You should immediately consult a doctor for surgery.
So, we have considered the main types of pain during inspiration. As you can see, not necessarily the pain in a certain part of the body indicates that the disease is hidden there. For example, the cause of pain is light, and the stomach or arm can hurt. But the axiom is that with pain during an inspiration, even minor, you need a compulsory medical consultation so as not to miss more serious diseases.