
Information about doctor

Doctor of Medicine in General Surgery, Professor, High-Class Specialist in Thoracic Surgery, Member of the Israel Surgical Association, European Association of Endoscopic Surgery, American Association of Thoracic Surgery.

He graduated from the Ben-Gurion University in Israel (in the Negev).

The professor Alon Ben-nun heads the department of thoracic surgery of one of the largest Israeli clinics, has extensive practical experience, including in carrying out endoscopic (minimally invasive) operations on the esophagus, lungs and mediastinum (during the year carries out several hundred surgical interventions).

Dr. Ben Noon is recognized as one of the most authoritative Israeli diagnosticians, is engaged in research on his specialization, publishes scientific articles and monographs, participates in international medical forums.

Awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Health for outstanding clinical achievements, received the prestigious award of the President of Israel for outstanding achievements in the field of medicine.

He speaks Hebrew and English.

Profile on Researchgate

Education and work experience

  • Medical education at Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel
  • Internship in General, Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery at the Rambam Hospital, Haifa, Israel
  • Advanced training in the largest clinics in Europe and the USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israeli Surgical Association
  • European Association of Endoscopic Surgery
  • American Association of Thoracic Surgery
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