Tooth enamel
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Teeth are coated with a specific hard substance that has a great resistance to wear. Tooth enamel covers one more layer - dentin, and protects it from the influence of external factors. What you need to know about tooth enamel to keep your teeth healthy?
Properties of tooth enamel
Surface coating of the tooth is the hardest substance in the human body. This can be explained by the high degree of mineralization - the inorganic content in the enamel reaches 97%, with the water content up to 3%.
The hardness of tooth enamel is determined at 397.6 kg / mm2, which corresponds to approximately 400-500 units. On the Vickers scale.
In different areas of the tooth, the enamel has a different thickness. On the chewing side, its layer is thinner, and on the sides - somewhat thicker. The most delicate coating is at the very edge of the gum.
Enamel layer - a protective shield, covering the rest of the body of the tooth. Thanks to him, a person does not experience pain while eating and drinking. Those who have encountered such unpleasant phenomena as thinning and demineralization, know what unpleasant sensations arise when this top layer is damaged.
Indeed, the enamel coating is fragile enough and is erased over time. In most cases, this is due to malnutrition. The abrasion is facilitated by:
- frequent use of soda, packaged juices, sweets;
- application of a brush with a rigid bristle, and also pastes with bleaching effect;
- deficiency of minerals, in particular, phosphorus and calcium;
- eating too hard.
Thus, the main properties of enamel coating are:
- protection of the tooth's body from physical, chemical and thermal damage;
- providing the function of nibbling and chopping food.
Thin tooth enamel does not have the listed properties to the full: it often forms cracks and foci of caries, which causes pain and sensitivity of teeth.
The hue of a healthy surface layer varies from milky white to yellowish. However, in reality, the enamel coating is translucent, and the dentin gives the color of the tooth.
Composition and structure of tooth enamel
Enamel coating is represented by multi-type apatites, among which the main role is played by hydroxyapatite.
Inorganic coverage in the percentage ratio has the following composition:
- hydroxyapatite 75%;
- carbonapatite 12%;
- chloropatite more than 4%;
- fluorapatite less than 1%;
- calcium carbonate more than 1%;
- magnesium carbonate is more than 1.5%.
Total amount of calcium reaches 37%, and phosphorus - 17%. This balance has a huge impact on the quality of enamel. The mineral composition is unstable and can change under the influence of both external and internal causes.
Calcium in the tooth enamel performs one of the main functions. Solid layers mostly contain this mineral. The first sign of a lack of calcium is the loosening of the teeth and the development of caries.
Exchange processes occur not only in the body as a whole, but also in the teeth in particular. There is a constant salt exchange, especially in dental enamel. Here, saliva plays an important role, which supplies calcium ions to the surface of the coating.
Organics in the coating are represented by proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The content of proteins and fats is 0.5% and 0.6%, respectively.
Among other things, citrates and a small fraction of polysaccharides are present in the surface layer.
The main link in the formation of the enamel coating is a specific prism, about 5 μm in size. They have a tortuous shape, and in length exceed the thickness of the surface layer. The accumulation of prisms has an S-shaped configuration, which forms a series of dark and light strips on the sections. This is a mapping of mineral deposits.
Also in the surface layer, there are lamellar, bunchy and spindle-shaped structures that are lamellas and processes of odontoblasts.
Crystalline coating elements are considered to be the largest crystals present in the hard tissues of the human body. They have dimensions about 160: 60: 26 nm. Around each crystal there is a hydrate capsule, which is surrounded by proteins and a fatty layer.
The total amount of water in the enamel coating is less than 4%.
The importance of calcium in dental enamel
As we have already said, calcium is the main ingredient in the enamel coating. It enters the body from the outside - from the drinking liquid and food. For example, a sufficient amount of calcium is contained in cabbage, potatoes, buckwheat, dairy products, mineral water. Calcium ions are supplied to the dental layers through saliva. In this case, the more these ions, the harder will be the enamel.
Additional sources of calcium can be:
- special pastes, high in calcium;
- therapeutic fluids for dental treatment, balms;
- mineral preparations for oral administration.
Follow the calcium content in the body especially follows those people who live in regions with a primary mineral deficiency. Often, this is the northern areas, where the reception of ancillary drugs is considered mandatory.
Shades of tooth enamel: what are they talking about?
The color of the tooth enamel was laid before the birth of a person and was determined genetically. However, in the process of vital activity, the color of the tooth surface can change, which often indicates either the presence of bad habits, or for malfunctioning with health.
- Yellow tooth enamel may indicate an impaired function of the liver and bile ducts. However, most often yellowness is a sign of such a harmful habit as smoking.
- Brown enamel color is a true symptom of weak immune defense of the body.
- Mother-of-pearl shine is characteristic of people with chronic anemia.
- If the teeth changed their color to the dairy side, then this may be a sign of abnormalities in the thyroid gland.
- Often deficiency of minerals is manifested in the form of spots or dark lines on the surface of the teeth. The same sign is observed with prolonged use of antibiotics.
- The color of the enamel may also depend on the composition of the food. All kinds of dyes can affect the color of both teeth and tongue. In most cases, after brushing, the teeth acquire their natural appearance. Coloring products include: strong teas and coffee drinks, dark wines, packaged juices, dishes with berries, sweet sodas, candies, etc.
Remineralization of tooth enamel
In order to preserve the strength and function of the enamel, there are many different methods. Thus, the method of remineralization of tooth enamel is the regeneration of damaged areas, their saturation with mineral substances.
Remineralization begins as early as possible, at the stage of filling and saturation of teeth with minerals, or during eruption. It is logical to begin treatment no later than at 6 years of age.
Enamel actively removes the necessary substances from the saliva fluid, even if their content is insignificant. This makes it possible to use all kinds of remineralizing drugs, useful for the strength of the tooth surface.
Among such drugs use those that contain compounds of fluoride, phosphorus, calcium. The effect of a solution with a concentration of Ca 1 mm activates the crystal growth. Concentration of 3 mm provokes nucleation, which inhibits remineralization in the underlying layers.
Remineralization is considered effective if the condition of the teeth has improved, the milk spots on the tooth surface have disappeared, and new foci of caries are absent.
How is the destruction of tooth enamel?
- Enamel coating is destroyed quite slowly: for 10-15 years.
- First of all, the front teeth are destroyed.
- Enamel does not collapse for no apparent reason: always injuries are preceded by any disease or condition.
- Simultaneously with visible destruction of the outer layer, there are other symptoms, such as pain, increased sensitivity of the teeth.
Among the main reasons for the gradual destruction of the tooth are malnutrition, starvation, bad habits and some chronic diseases that lead to a deficiency of minerals in the body.
One of these diseases is dysplasia of dental enamel - a violation of the mineralization of tissues, mostly of an innate nature. Dysplasia is a relatively common concept, which implies three variants of the disease:
- the disease of the Staton-Capdepona is a hereditary darkening of the tooth enamel. With this disease, teeth erupt as usual, but the enamel has a brown tint and is remarkable for its unusual fineness. Darkening is due to the presence of blood decay products that fill the dilated canals of dentin;
- Amelogenesis is a violation of the orientation of microprisms with increasing distance between them. The clinic is characterized by the presence of a thin "wrinkled" enamel, a change in its hue, a decrease in teeth in the volume. Gradually, the enamel coating disappears completely;
- Dentinogenesis is a pathological change in dentin. In this connection, the bonding of dentin with enamel becomes fragile, which inevitably leads to damage to the surface coating. The color of the dentition changes to the amber side.
Among other chronic diseases that occur with damage to the surface layer, the abnormal abrasion of tooth enamel is also distinguished. This is one of the types of non-carious dental pathology, in which the enamel is gradually erased on one or several teeth at the same time. With the progression of pathological erasure, acute elements of the enamel coating are formed on the extreme edges, traumatizing the oral mucosa. If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, the affected tooth becomes lower, the bite changes, the process of chewing food deteriorates.
In addition to dysplasia and darkening, other defects of tooth enamel are also isolated, for example:
- hypoplasia and hyperplasia;
- wedge-shaped defect;
- raid;
- erosion of tooth enamel;
- necrosis of dental tissues.
Each of the listed diseases has its own etiology, and timely treatment will prevent the progressive destruction of the enamel layer.
Protection of tooth enamel
Can I create additional protection or even restore tooth enamel? Indeed, there are a sufficient number of ways to strengthen the surface layer. For example, fluoridation of tooth enamel is the application of special fluorine-containing substances. Fluoridation is a relatively inexpensive procedure, but it can not be performed countless times. Moreover, it is not recommended to apply such medications independently: in order to avoid complications, this should only be handled by a dentist. The essence of fluoridation is the saturation of dental tissues with fluoride, which ensures the strength and regeneration of the coating.
Another useful procedure for protecting teeth is the already mentioned remineralization. This method resembles fluorination, but has a slightly different principle of action. When processing the dentition on its surface, a specific tread film is formed, not allowing the enamel to break down. Such a film is similar in composition to the natural enamel coating.
The third popular method of protecting the teeth is implantation of the enamel layer. This technology is used to regenerate large areas of damage. In this case, an implant is a special mixture that has a molecular structure of the dental tissue. On the surface of the tooth, this mixture for some time performs the functions of natural enamel. Implantation is considered one of the best methods of protection, but it can not be classified as inexpensive.
Remedy for tooth enamel: how to choose correctly?
To protect and strengthen tooth enamel, there are a large number of products that are available for use at home:
- pastes and powders for cleaning teeth;
- balms for the oral cavity;
- gels;
- mineral-vitamin preparations.
The action of dental powders and pastes boils down to such effects:
- neutralization of the deposit on the surface layer;
- saturation of dental tissues with necessary mineral substances.
Such remedies should be used regularly and qualitatively, otherwise all efforts will become ineffective. Such preparations include paste saturated with fluorine and calcium, which have a curative effect:
- Lacalut;
- President;
- Blend-a-med;
- Colgate.
The effect of rinsers and balms for the oral cavity is explained by the content of a large amount of mineral substances in the composition. In order to avoid the overabundance of minerals, it is not recommended to use medical balms for more than 4 weeks in a row. Among the most well-known brands of balsams are:
- Depurdent;
- Gum;
- President;
- Splat;
- "Forest Balsam".
Gel for tooth enamel is used from 5 to 21 days in a row. The effect of the use of the remedy may persist throughout the year, after which a course of gel treatment should be again performed.
Among the popular manufacturers of gels for teeth can be noted:
- Whitening Booster;
- Colgate;
Vitamins for tooth enamel are mineral-vitamin complexes that help maintain the necessary level of nutrients in all tissues of the body, including in the dental:
- "Kaltsinova" is an effective combination of retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamins B6 and D with calcium and phosphorus.
- "Calcium Osteoporosis" complex with vitamins B6, A, C, D, as well as with zinc and manganese.
- "Forever Kids" multi-complex, which includes extracts from vegetables and fruits, which helps to effectively combat periodontal disease and simultaneously strengthen tooth enamel.
Which of the drugs to choose depends, first of all, on the initial state of the tooth covering. In this case it is better to consult your dentist. It is important to remember the rule: you can not use funds intended for treatment for more than one month in a row. Otherwise, the effect can be directly opposite.
Vitamins and products for dental enamel
There are a lot of minerals and vitamins, which form the basis of tooth enamel. It is very important not to allow the lack of these substances in the body. It is not always desirable to resort to the use of chemist's complex preparations, and it is not always necessary. In most cases, it is sufficient to establish a full-fledged diet, with the predominant use of foods that contain sufficient amounts of essential substances in the body.
Calcium is present in such products:
- milk, cottage cheese, cheese;
- beans, peas;
- seaweed;
- grapes.
- egg yolk;
- liver;
- hard cheese and butter;
- leafy greens;
- fruits and root crops of orange color.
Vitamin B6:
- nuts;
- liver;
- garlic;
- oatmeal;
- chilli;
- bran.
Vitamins B1 and B2:
- oatmeal;
- peas;
- dark bread;
- cream.
Ascorbic acid:
- rose hips;
- citrus fruits;
- chilli;
- kiwi;
- greenery;
- cabbage;
- berries.
In addition to all of the above, in order to maintain the health of tooth enamel, it is recommended to adhere to such simple rules:
- after any meal, rinse the mouth with a small amount of water;
- it is advisable to consume raw vegetables and fruits, for natural cleansing of teeth;
- to limit sweets in the diet;
- choose a toothbrush with medium-stiff bristles (too soft will not clean effectively, and too hard will damage the enamel and gum);
- with a weak tooth coating, it is undesirable to use pastes and powders with whitening effect;
- minimum twice a year should be visited by a dentist, for treatment and preventive examination.
Irrational and substandard nutrition, concomitant diseases and bad habits can destroy even the most resistant, most resistant coating. Remember that tooth enamel is a very strong substance, but you should not abuse it.