Arthritis and arthrosis: the main differences
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diseases of the joints are quite common among all segments of the population. This state is preceded by many reasons. Determine what the difference between arthritis and arthrosis is not always so simple. Not an experienced person does not understand at all in these two concepts. Indeed, in fact, these diseases are associated with joint damage and their further deformation.
Signs of arthritis and arthrosis
Osteoarthritis has several basic varieties, so the signs may also vary. In any form, a person experiences an unpleasant pain syndrome. And it can appear when walking or doing physical work. Perhaps the appearance of swelling in the lesion. With arthrosis, which "struck" the knee joint, there may be a spasm of the calf muscles. Over time, the full deformation of the joint is not excluded, this is typical for those cases when a person does not pay attention to the symptomatology. The main signs of atrial and arthrosis have some differences.
Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory process. As mentioned above, it occurs against the background of trauma, infection and dystrophy. It's quite easy to notice what's wrong. A person begins to pester pain when walking, and also during rest. The patient begins to wake up at night, because it pains him. Evening and night time is the peak of arthritis activity. The pain increases significantly, so you can not rest and get enough sleep. Particular attention should be paid to the stiffness in the joints, which appears mainly after awakening. This may be the first "bell" of the presence of the disease. Any movement can deliver a lot of inconvenience, this indicates that, most likely, there is an inflammatory process. When the arthritis progresses, a swelling appears. Over time, redness is noticeable, and when you feel the joint there is a sharp pain.
Arthritis of the joints
The disease of the joints, which is characterized by the presence of the inflammatory process, has received the name - arthritis. It occurs against the background of previously transmitted infections. It can be sore throat, syphilis, measles, gonorrhea. It can be a consequence of previously received trauma and even hypothermia. It is characterized by pain when walking and at rest. With severe damage, there is an increase in body temperature, insomnia, lack of appetite and nausea. Several times a year arthritis joints can become aggravated. This condition is characterized by increased symptoms.
The problem is eliminated by medication. If the necessary therapy has not been prescribed, it may be the development of a chronic form of the disease. In time, untreated treatment is fraught with serious consequences. Development of deforming osteoarthritis is not ruled out, which will lead to loss of efficiency and disability.
To avoid the development of arthritis, certain preventive measures must be taken. It is necessary to eliminate infectious diseases in time, to sanitize the oral cavity and not to allow hypothermia. An important role played by tempering and taking vitamins in the winter. It is at this time that the body needs to be supported in every possible way.
Osteoarthritis of joints
Osteoarthritis occurs quite often. It is characterized not only by the damage of the joint, but also by the bone tissue. To distinguish joint arthrosis from arthritis can be an experienced specialist. The main distinctive symptom is the presence of a degenerative process. And this process takes place in the joint itself.
Arthrosis is characterized by a painful syndrome in the joint, it is able to increase as the person performs physical exercises or ordinary walking. In severe cases mobility is inhibited, and the victim may remain disabled. Symptomatic of the disease is familiar to almost 15% of the world's population. With age, this figure begins to increase rapidly. Suffer from arthrosis, both women and men. It has two forms: primary and secondary. Primary arthrosis occurs in 50% of all cases. He is able to grow up even in a healthy joint. The main cause is excessive load. Secondary arthrosis develops on the background of previous injuries and inflammatory processes.
The main pathological mechanism is a metabolic disorder in the cartilaginous tissue. This leads to a gradual loss of smoothness and elasticity. Over time, the process begins to transfer to bone tissue, this provokes the growth of osteophytes. Eventually, the shape of the bone is broken. Most often the joints of the lower extremities are affected.
Osteoarthritis is a long and slowly progressive disease. Its result is the formation of ankylosis and loss of mobility in the affected joint. To detect the presence of the disease in the early stages is almost impossible, because it is asymptomatic. Complex therapy will allow to get rid of the disease and return the person to the former ease of movement. It is desirable to engage in exercise therapy. It is important to observe the right way of life. It is also important to block joints from excessive congestion.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of arthritis and arthrosis
Diagnostic measures include a lot of procedures. The first step is to collect a similar anamnesis. It is important to know whether the person was sick with infectious diseases, whether he had serious injuries. After that, the course of arthritis is evaluated. An important activity is the conduct of a laboratory study. This will reveal the level of uric acid and the presence of antibodies to Group A hemolytic streptococcus. Also instrumental diagnostics of arthritis and arthrosis is actively used. It includes research on the means of ultrasound, as well as radiography. A computed tomography can serve as an auxiliary activity. This will get high-quality pictures and see the lesion focus. To date, special favor is the procedure of arthroscopy. This technology allows you to explore the joint in more detail. X-ray research is particularly informative. It allows you to get a "picture" of what is happening in additional projections.
Diagnosis of arthrosis is slightly different, it is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, the movements in the joint are observed, more precisely, their limitations. It is enough to ask a person to make several movements. The site of the lesion has a pronounced unevenness, the joint has ossified areas. At the second stage the joint is restricted in movement. If you change its position, you can hear a characteristic crunch. Muscles close to the affected joint are partially atrophied. When carrying out an X-ray examination, there is a presence of bone growths. In the third stage, you can notice a pronounced deformity of the joint.
There are additional methods of research. These include: a blood test, an analysis of synovial fluid. When studying blood, special attention is paid to the index of ESR. Often, a histological study of synovia is performed.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis?
So, arthrosis is a chronic lesion of the joints, due to the inflammatory process. It is characterized by a gradual deformation. The cause of the disease can be a lesion of the cartilaginous tissue of the articular surfaces. Arthritis manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the joint, in some cases its mobility is sharply reduced. Most often the process occurs in people older than 45 years, but there are also earlier cases. For the most part, it affects women and people who have birth defects in bones and joints. Almost 15% of the inhabitants of the whole Earth suffer from this disease. But there is another type of disease, which is called arthritis. To know what arthritis differs from arthrosis, an experienced specialist can.
So, arthritis is a whole group of joint diseases. It is an inflammatory process that develops in the joint. It will appear, it can against the background of trauma, infection or has a dystrophic origin. It is characterized by the appearance of pain in the joint, as well as swelling of the affected area. This is a dangerous phenomenon, because it can lead to the development of the inflammatory process in the body. To fall under the negative influence of the heart, kidneys and liver. The disease most often progresses in people under 40 years old.
Identify the main differences between these diseases can be on the symptoms. So, the expressed pain at an arthrosis appears at the moments of a strong load or during movement. At first, this is not a very strong pain, as the situation worsens the pain syndrome becomes pronounced. With arthritis, pain can persist both in walking and at rest. For arthrosis is characterized by the presence of a crunch, the joint is inactive. With time, deformation can develop. Arthritis also leads to deformity, but this process is supplemented by swelling and redness. When you feel the patient's joint, there is a sharp pain. Osteoarthritis most often affects the knee and hip joints. Stiffness of the joints, especially in the morning, and swelling of the fingers all this is due to arthritis. If it is an infectious form of the disease, then it is characterized by the appearance of weakness, sweating and pain throughout the body.
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Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
The strategies for treating these processes differ somewhat from one another. Arthritis is often called the disease of the young. To date, we know of several varieties of the disease. It is reactive, rheumatoid, psoriatic and gouty. Inflammation of the joint in this case is only the beginning of a serious process. Arthritis and arthrosis should be treated by an experienced specialist, based on the condition of a person.
The first thing to do is to limit the strain on the joints. Anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used for the treatment of arthritis. A special role is given to hormonal drugs. It can be ointments and injections. In addition practice physical exercises, diet and physiotherapy. Osteoarthritis is also eliminated through medication. Working with each patient is a jewelry process. Because each situation has its own nuances, which must be correctly eliminated by means of all available methods. More information about the treatment will be provided below.
Medications for arthritis and arthrosis
Medicines for these diseases should have an exceptionally positive effect. Particular attention is paid to drugs that can eliminate pain syndrome, swelling and remove the inflammatory process. For these purposes, ointments, injections, suppositories and even anti-inflammatory homeopathic preparations are widely used. There are certain medications for arthritis and arthrosis that are most commonly used: Voltaren Rapid, Apranax, Arthrotek, Dexalgin 25, Diclofenac and Diclonac.
- Voltaren Rapid. The product is used during meals. For adults, the permissible dosage is 20-25 mg 2-3 times a day. This drug will remove inflammation, eliminate pain and lower body temperature. The main active ingredient is diclofenac. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use it for people with intolerance. Under the category of "prohibition" are children, young mothers and pregnant girls. Use the drug is not possible for bronchial asthma and hematopoietic disorders. Possible appearance: nausea, vomiting, colitis, weakness and allergic reactions.
- Apranax. It is taken internally, preferably during eating. The dose is 0.5-0.75 mg twice daily. Dosage depends on the severity of the disease. The drug is highly not recommended for people with naproxen intolerance. The risk group includes young mothers, pregnant girls, children and people with impaired functionality of the liver and kidneys. The agent can lead to the development of negative reactions from organisms. These include disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, often itching and burning.
- Arthrothec. The drug is used one tablet 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to do this during meals, chew it is not worth it. The active ingredient is diclofenac, therefore, it can not be used in hypersensitivity. The main contraindications are: pregnancy, lactation, bleeding from the digestive tract. The product may lead to side effects. This nausea, vomiting, often - bloating, diarrhea, allergic reactions and headache.
- Dexalgin 25. To accelerate absorption, the remedy is recommended to be used half an hour before a meal. Usually the dose is 25 mg 3 times a day. If the pain is severe, use half the tablets (12.5) 6 times a day. The active substance is Dexketoprofen. Use a drug is not worth it to people who have hypersensitivity to it. It should not also be used for pregnant women, people with bronchial asthma and ulcerative colitis. Side effects are possible in the form of heartburn, sleep disorders, headache and allergic reactions.
- Diclofenac. The drug is taken up to 3 times a day, one tablet. Data on dosage can be obtained from your doctor. In the risk zone, people suffering from peptic ulcers of the stomach, as well as diseases of the liver and kidneys. Possible side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and allergic reactions.
- Diclonac. The remedy is used during or after a meal. It is enough 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day. When the necessary therapeutic effect is achieved, the dose is adjusted. Expressed action is achieved through diclofenac. It should not be used by pregnant women, children, people with impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver. May cause side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, flatulence, drowsiness and allergic reactions.
Treatment of arthritis
To prevent changes in the joint will help only quick and high-quality treatment. To avoid a possible disability, you should consult a doctor at the slightest discomfort in the joint. Early diagnosis will identify the disease at the first stage and will not allow it to worsen. For the treatment of arthritis, medicines are used, supplementing therapy with therapeutic gymnastics.
Antibiotics are widely used. It is especially important to use them in the infectious form of the disease. Properly selected course will eliminate the problem quickly. Actively applied and anti-inflammatory treatment. It is important to remove inflammation from the joint and reduce pain syndrome. In this case, gels and ointments, such as Diclofenac and Bystrum gel, will come to the rescue. Strengthen the effect will allow woolen socks or mittens made of natural sheepskin or dog wool. To restore cartilaginous tissue will help such drugs as Teraflex and Arthron Khondreks.
During the remission, the doctor prescribes special gymnastics. Exercise is necessary in a lying position or while in the pool. They will help reduce pain and eliminate discomfort. An important role is played by the therapeutic diet. It is necessary to saturate the body with antioxidants and vitamin E. Ignore no alternative methods. More information will be provided below.
Treatment of arthrosis
You can eliminate arthrosis by several methods. Non-drug treatment, medicines, alternative medicine and surgical intervention are widely used. Correct diagnosis will allow the appointment of a qualitative treatment of arthrosis. Eliminate the disease must be integrated and long-term. For this purpose, an individual scheme for each patient is selected.
Non-drug treatment. At the initial stage it is quite possible to cope without medication. It is important to eat right. Excess weight only creates additional pressure on the joints. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and not overload the affected joint. The regime of work and rest must be observed unconditionally. In the presence of excess body weight, it is recommended to reduce it. Normalization of the metabolism will bring the weight back to normal and reduce the burden on the joints. Widely used therapeutic physical training, physiotherapy methods. All this is based on the performance of certain exercises. Massage also helps.
Medicinal preparations. This method is the leading in eliminating the disease. The choice of drugs for the removal of arthrosis is not so great. In total, there are two large groups of medicines. These are symptomatic agents that can relieve pain and inflammation. With their use, unpleasant symptoms disappear in a short time. These include ointments and tablets. Use them for 2 weeks. Widely used and chondroprotectors. Details of specific preparations will be provided below.
Folk medicine does not lag behind . There are many good recipes that will reduce swelling and pain. Finally, surgical intervention is also used. Such a technique is used only in those cases when drug therapy did not have any effect. Used arthroscopy, arthrodesis and arthroplasty. Arthroscopy is a low-traumatic method of treatment. It allows you to make small incisions and perform an operation evaluating the condition of the affected cartilage. Arthrodesis - a method that allows to create immobility of articular surfaces. This technique will allow to remove the pain syndrome. Arthroplasty - replacement of articular cartilage with a lining of own tissues. This will ease the condition of the victim and resume the volume of movements.
Anti-inflammatory homeopathic remedies for arthritis and arthrosis
Homeopathy has always been widely used. Her pantry is full of various medications. Inflammatory processes that develop in the joints are now easy to eliminate. A lot of drugs are known that can reduce pain and eliminate inflammation. In arthritis and arthrosis, anti-inflammatory homeopathic remedies are widely used. There are several basic, so to speak leading means, it is: Apizarthron, Arthritis Life formula, Written, Traumeel C and Objective T.
- Apizartron. It is an ointment that is used exclusively for external use. It must be applied a thin layer on the affected area. Frequency of application - 2 times a day. Use the product is not possible for people with hypersensitivity, skin diseases, tuberculosis, as well as during pregnancy. There may be allergic reactions.
- Arthritis Life formula. The drug is administered inwards, 2 capsules 2 times a day during meals. Duration of treatment is one month. Use it is not recommended for intolerance of substances included in its composition. No negative actions were detected.
- Written. The agent is applied to 10-20 drops in pure form or diluted in a tablespoon of water. Apply it should be 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals or an hour after. It is not allowed to use the remedy for people with intolerance. Perhaps the development of allergic reactions.
- Traumeel S. The agent is also applied 3 times a day, but 10 drops each. It has two forms of release: drops and ointment. Ointment is applied to the affected area in the morning and evening. Use any form of the drug is not necessary for hypersensitivity. Such influence can lead to the development of allergic reactions.
- Purpose T. This is a solution for injection, ointment and tablets. I mean the release forms he has three. The solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly 1-2 ml 2 times a week. Tablets are used 3-5 times a day, enough one piece. Ointment should be applied in the morning and evening, if necessary up to 5 times a day. Use the drug in any form is impossible with hypersensitivity, as well as violation of the integrity of the skin. May cause allergic reactions.
Gels for arthritis and arthrosis
In complex therapy, special gels and ointments are often used. They will reduce the pain syndrome and remove swelling. Often, one drug is not enough. Therefore, as special aids, special gels that eliminate pain in arthritis and arthrosis are widely used. Below is an overview of the most popular drugs. Among them are: Bystrumgel, Ketonal, Diklobene, Diclofenk-acry and Orthofen.
- Bystrumgel. The active substance of this drug is ketoprofen. The remedy is often used to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain syndrome. Apply it to the skin 2-3 times a day with a thin layer, then massaging movements rubbed. To resort to the use of this remedy is not worth people, with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient. In the presence of open wounds on the skin or skin diseases, it is not recommended to use it. May cause itching and burning.
- Ketonal. The agent is applied to the affected area with a thin layer. Daily dose - 2 applications. The active ingredient is ketoprofen. Therefore, people with hypersensitivity to it, a means of application is not recommended. A similar recommendation is put forward to people with a violation of the integrity of the skin. The agent can cause side effects, in the form of allergic reactions.
- Diklobene. The active ingredient is Diclofenac. The agent should be applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day with a thin layer. If the skin has wounds or abrasions, it should not be used. A similar requirement is advanced for cases with intolerance to diclofenac. Perhaps the development of allergic reactions.
- Diclofenk-acry. Ointment should be applied a thin layer on the affected area of the skin. Frequency of application - 3 times a day. The active ingredient is diclofenac. This suggests that the drug should not be taken to people who have a persistent intolerance to this component. Contraindications include: bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. It is not excluded the development of side effects, in the form of allergic reactions from the skin.
- Orthophene. The agent should be applied to the painful area in a moderate amount. It is enough 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed 14 days. Use ointment is not necessary with hypersensitivity, as well as in the third trimester of pregnancy. Possible the development of allergic skin reactions.
Suppositories for arthritis and arthrosis
Suppositories for treating these diseases are not taken so often. The main advantage of their use is the speed of action. This is achieved through the method of administration. In addition, rectal administration is almost not dangerous, side effects do not occur so often. You can pick up a suppository from arthritis and arthrosis in the hospital, you should not make your own choice. As an example, consider the most common drugs from this area: Movalis, Diclofenac and Ketonal.
- Movalis. The main active ingredient is meloxicam. You can use no more than one suppository per day, preferably put it at night, while emptying the intestine. Duration of therapy is prescribed by a doctor. The remedy should not be used for people suffering from inflammatory processes in the intestines. It is especially dangerous for patients with impaired functionality of the liver and kidneys. The drug can lead to development: nausea, vomiting, belching, drowsiness and allergic reactions.
- Diclofenac. The main component is directly diclofenac. This remedy can lead to the development of allergic reactions from the body, so it is not worth using when diclofenac is intolerant. The risk zone includes young mothers and pregnant girls. People with impaired functionality of the kidneys and liver use it is also not recommended. One suppository per day for 10 days will suffice.
- Ketonal. This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In the form of suppositories, it acts much better, while reducing the risk of adverse reactions. It is enough to use one suppository in the morning and in the evening. Use the product is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity and inflammatory processes in the intestine. Can cause discomfort, in the form of itching and burning.
Injections from arthrosis and arthritis
Injections can reduce the pain syndrome and completely eliminate it in a matter of minutes. They are used quite often, but mostly in those cases when the situation becomes more complicated. Often, the following injections are used for arthrosis and arthritis: Dexamethasone phosphate, Actovegin, Ketanov, Methotrexate Lahema and Ketonal.
- Dexamethasone phosphate. The agent is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Dosage and duration of therapy can be prescribed only by a doctor. The dose varies from 4 to 20 ml 3-4 times a day. It can not be used in childhood, because the drug is hormonal. Use it is not necessary for pregnant girls, people with impaired functionality of the liver and kidneys, as well as in the presence of viral diseases. The drug can cause allergic reactions from the body, nausea, vomiting, as well as increase the sugar content in the blood with prolonged use.
- Actovegin. The drug for intravenous or intra-arterial administration. The initial dosage is 10-20 ml, then it is adjusted depending on the condition of the person. To resort to the help of the means is not worth it to people with intolerance, and also during lactation. Possible the development of negative reactions from the body in the form of allergic reactions.
- Ketanov. The main active substance is ketolorak. Use the solution is not suitable for people with kidney and liver damage, with hypersensitivity to the main component. Injections are not used by children and pregnant women. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously not more than 60 mg at a time. The dose is prescribed by a doctor. Possible side effects: gastralgia, diarrhea, vomiting and allergic reactions.
- Methotrexate Lahema. The active ingredient is methotrexate. The agent is administered intravenously, intramuscularly and intra-arterially. Dose appoints a specialist. Use of injection is not possible with hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation. Also, the remedy is not used for gastric ulcer and impaired functionality of the liver and kidneys. May cause: leukopenia, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness.
- Ketonal. The injections are prescribed 1-3 times a day for one ampoule. If the administration is intermittent, then the drug is diluted with saline and injected gradually over an hour. Reuse is possible no sooner than 8 hours later. Use the drug is not necessary for hypersensitivity, chronic kidney disease, blood clotting disorders and during pregnancy. Negative reactions on the part of the body in the form of pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and violations of the functionality of the liver are not ruled out.
Alternative methods of treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
Alternative medicine has always been famous for a lot of useful recipes. In her pantry you can find a remedy for every occasion. Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, alternative methods will avoid adverse reactions from the body.
- Cowberry. It's enough to cook a decoction from the leaves of the plant. It is necessary to take a couple of tablespoons of raw materials and pour them 200 ml of boiling water. Then everything is put on the stove and boiled. The received tool should be used correctly. It should be diluted 20 grams of raw materials per glass of boiling water.
- Birch, nettle and violet. Each ingredient should take 2.5 tablespoons. Necessary directly to the leaves. All ingredients are mixed together and filled with a glass of boiling water. After that, the product is put on fire and boiled. The drug is used half the glass up to 4 times a day.
- Black currant. For cooking, take five grams of currant, directly its leaves. They are poured with a glass of boiling water and placed on a water bath for 20 minutes. This tool will help cope with arthritis and arthrosis if you take it on a tablespoon 3 times a day.
- Buds of the birch. The main ingredient in the amount of 5 grams is filled with a glass of boiling water. After that, everything is placed on the fire, and boiled for about 15 minutes. The resulting remedy should be insisted for an hour and then take a quarter cup. The frequency of use should not exceed 4 times.
- Burdock root. It is necessary to take the roots of burdock and grind them. Then put it in a jar and pour vodka. Alcohol should be 3 cm above the burdock. In this condition, the drug is infused for 3 weeks, after which it rubs the sore spots. You can use the product and inside 30 minutes before meals, up to 3 times a day.
WHO recommendations for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis
Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis must begin with the implementation of special rules. The first step is to establish the order of life and nutrition. It is recommended that you adjust your food intake. It is desirable to dilute the diet with vegetables and vegetable food. Meat dishes should be cut. Salty foods should go to the background, increased its content in the body can lead to deferred soles in the joints, which is unacceptable. Carry out the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis should follow the recommendations of the carriage. So, food should not promote weight gain. If a person is overweight, it is worth losing weight. Drinking alcohol should also be avoided.
It is mandatory to perform physical exercises and do exercises in the morning. Swimming classes are perfect. Pay attention to the therapeutic baths, which are anti-inflammatory. They can add eucalyptus, St. John's wort, sandalwood oil. In the mornings you can wash yourself with vinegar, which was made from fruit. This procedure should be carried out correctly. It is necessary to wash only in the direction of the heart.
Diet for arthritis and arthrosis
Observe certain nutrition for these diseases, millet is necessary. An important point is that the diet must necessarily be low-calorie. A single diet, which will help cope with the disease, does not exist. After all, there are many reasons for its development. Therefore, lists of banned and allowed food were created. Thus, to make a diet for arthritis and arthrosis you can yourself.
Favorable action has a fatty fish. It contains the necessary nutrients, such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamins D, A, E. They contribute to the strengthening of bone tissue, as well as regulate the process of assimilation of all necessary trace elements. Nuts and oils contribute to the saturation of the body with vitamin E. A useful effect is provided by turmeric and ginger. These spices can be added to any dish. Food should be saturated with plant food. It has a positive effect in chronic joint damage. Perfectly suitable for peaches, kiwi and oranges. Among vegetables, it is worth looking at the onions and cabbage. Vitamin C, which is part of their composition, takes an active action in the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. They, in turn, are the basis of cartilage.
The products of the Solanaceae family are able to aggravate the situation. They include potatoes and tomatoes. It is advisable to refrain from eating these vegetables. Baking and fatty dairy products have a negative effect. In general, you need to monitor the state of your body. It is worth every week to include in the diet one product, and see what kind of reaction is observed. If there are no negative consequences, then you can use it. Thus, you can create a diet yourself.
Exercises for arthritis and arthrosis
An obligatory rule for arthritis and arthrosis is the performance of simple exercises. This will keep the muscles and ligaments in an elastic state. To start the exercise is with the permission of the doctor. Situations are different, so what exercises to perform with arthritis and arthrosis is decided by the doctor.
- Exercise number 1. It is necessary to sit down on a high chair or bench. Then you need to start shaking your legs one by one. This exercise will allow you to feel a slight tension in the muscles.
- Exercise number 2. You should stay in the same position. Only now you have to lift your feet alternately parallel to the floor and hold them in this position for no more than 5 seconds. Repeat it is necessary 10-15 times, with the legs constantly alternating.
- Exercise number 3. You need to lie on your back and stretch your legs. After that, at the expense of one leg bends in the knee, then in the hip joint. Then it should be clasped by hands and pressed to the trunk, then sliding into the starting position by sliding movement. A similar manipulation is also carried out with the second leg.
- Exercise 4. Lying on his back, it is necessary to lift each leg above the floor at a height of 30 cm. In this position, it must be held for 5 seconds. Then the leg is lowered to the floor and the same action is taken with the other leg.
- Exercise number 5. You should lie on your stomach and start slowly bending your knees, alternately. Thus the heel should approach as much as possible to the buttocks.
- Exercise number 6. The starting position is lying. You should bend your foot in the knee, while the other while slowly tearing off the floor, as if trying to pull the sock to yourself. In this position, it is necessary to stay for 10 seconds. Then repeat the manipulation on the second leg.
- Exercise number 7. Sitting on the floor is just making the torso bend forward. Thus it is necessary to try to clasp the feet with the hands. It is enough to make inclines not more than 15.
- Exercise number 8. Sitting on the floor you need to bend your legs in the knee. And at the same time grasp them with your hands. The leg should be tense and try to escape from the hands. Hold in this position is necessary for 10 seconds. For each leg, the action is repeated 10 times. It should be noted that the physiotherapist can prescribe the exercises, depending on the features of the course of the disease.