Radiation sickness
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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When exposure to the human body of ionizing rays in large doses, radiation sickness can occur-the damage to cellular structures, tissues and liquid media that occurs in acute or chronic form. In our time, acute disease is relatively rare - this is possible only in case of accidents and a single high-power external irradiation. Chronic radiation pathology is caused by prolonged exposure to the body of the radiation stream in small doses exceeding, however, the maximum allowable amount. In this case, almost all organs and systems are affected, so the clinical picture of the disease is diverse and not always the same.
ICD Code 10
- J 70.0 - Acute pulmonary pathology, provoked by radiation.
- J 70.1 - Chronic and other pulmonary pathology, provoked by radiation.
- K 52.0 - Radiation form of gastroenteritis and colitis.
- K 62.7 - Radiation form of proctitis.
- M 96.2 - The post-radiation form of kyphosis.
- M 96.5 - Post-sciatic form of scoliosis.
- L 58 - Radiation dermatitis.
- L 59 - Other dermatological diseases associated with exposure to radiation.
- T 66 - Unspecified pathologies associated with irradiation.
Causes of radiation sickness
The acute form of radiation sickness in humans occurs when the body is irradiated for a short time (several minutes, hours, or 1-2 days) in a dosage above 1 g (100 rad.). Such irradiation can be obtained while in the field of radiation exposure or in the event of radioactive fallout, when working incorrectly with strong radiation sources, in accidents involving the release of radiation, or when using radiotherapy for therapeutic purposes.
In addition, the causes of radiation sickness can be various types of radiation and radiation that are in the atmosphere, in food, in water. The ingestion of radioactive components into the body can occur during breathing, while eating. Substances can be absorbed through the pores of the skin, penetrate into the eyes, etc.
Biogeochemical anomalies, pollution of the environment due to a nuclear explosion, leakage of nuclear waste, etc., play an important role in the appearance of the disease. During the nuclear explosion, the atmosphere is saturated as a result of the release of radioactive substances into the air that did not enter into a chain reaction, causing the appearance of new isotopes. A clearly marked heavy course of radiation damage is noted after explosions or accidents at nuclear power plants or power plants.
Radiation sickness can be acute (subacute) or chronic, depending on the duration and magnitude of the learning impact, which determines the course of the changes that occur. Characteristics of the etiology of the emergence of pathology is that the acute form can not go on to chronic or, conversely, unlike other diseases.
The appearance of certain signs of the disease directly depends on the dosage of the obtained external radiation load. In addition, the type of irradiation is important, because each of them has certain characteristics, including the strength of the damaging effect on the body.
For example, α-rays have a high ionization density and a small penetrating property, because of which the sources of such radiation have a small spatial damaging effect.
The ß rays, with a small penetration and low ionization density, affect tissues in the body zones that are directly adjacent to the source of radiation.
At the same time, γ-rays and X-rays lead to deep damage to tissues that have come under their influence.
Neutron rays are unevenly affecting organs, because their penetrating properties, like linear energy loss, can be different.
Symptoms of radiation sickness
Symptomatic manifestations of radiation sickness can be divided into several degrees of severity, which is explained by the dosage of the received irradiation:
- when exposed to 1-2 Gy, they speak of slight damage;
- when exposed to 2-4 Gy - about the average degree;
- when exposed to 4-6 Gy - a severe lesion;
- when exposed to radiation more than 6 Gy - about the defeat of an extremely severe degree.
Clinical signs in this case largely depend on the severity of the damage to the body.
Diagnosis of radiation sickness
When conducting a diagnosis in a patient with an irradiation of the body, it is first necessary to determine the dosage of the rays to which the victim was exposed. Depending on this later, further activities will be determined.
- The patient or his relatives need to find out information about the source of radiation, the distance between him and the victim, the duration of exposure, etc.
- It is important to learn about the type of rays that had an effect on a person.
- The clinical picture, saturation and severity of the symptoms are carefully studied.
- Blood tests are performed, preferably again for several days.
- Important information can provide a dosimeter - a special device that measures the amount of absorbed radiation.
Blood tests can provide the following data:
With light irradiation (1-2 Gy):
- lymphocytes - more than 20%;
- leukocytes - more than 3000;
- platelets - more than 80,000 in 1 μl.
At average irradiation (2-4 Gy):
- lymphocytes - 6-20%;
- leukocytes - 2000-3000;
- platelets - less than 80,000 in 1 μl.
When heavy exposure (4-6 Gy):
- lymphocytes - 2-5%;
- leukocytes - 1000-2000;
- platelets - less than 80,000 in 1 μl.
With extremely severe radiation (more than 6 Gy):
- lymphocytes - 0,5-1,5%;
- leukocytes - less than 1000;
- platelets - less than 80,000 in 1 μl.
In addition, such auxiliary research methods may be prescribed that are not basic, but are of some value for clarifying the diagnosis.
- Laboratory-diagnostic methods (microscopic examination of scraping of ulcerous and mucous surfaces, analysis of blood sterility).
- Instrumental diagnostics (electroencephalography, cardiography, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland).
- Consultation of doctors of narrow specializations (neurologist, hematologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist).
If necessary, differential diagnosis is performed, although in the presence of reliable data on the fact of irradiation, this point is often missed.
Differentiate the disease most often from infectious, parasitic pathologies, assigning as much as possible all sorts of diagnostic studies.
The scheme for calculating the dose loading with the help of biological indicators in patients after the action of ionizing radiation is called the term "biological dosimetry." At the same time, the total amount of radiated energy that was absorbed by the body and the ratio of biological disturbances to the dose of a short one-time irradiation are not counted. This technique helps to assess the severity of the pathology.
Treatment of radiation sickness
In acute forms of radiation injury, the victim is placed in a special box, where appropriate aseptic conditions are maintained. Bed rest is prescribed.
First of all, such measures as treatment of wound surfaces, purification of the stomach and intestines, elimination of vomiting, normalization of blood pressure are taken.
If the irradiation is of internal origin, then certain drugs are introduced, the action of which is directed to the neutralization of radioactive substances.
At first, a strong detoxification therapy is carried out, which includes intravenous injection of saline or plasma-substituting solution, haemodesis, as well as forced diuresis. With lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the first few days, appoint restrictions in nutrition (it is possible to switch to parenteral nutrition), treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic liquids.
To eliminate hemorrhages, the administration of blood products, platelet or erythrocyte mass. Possible blood transfusion, plasma.
Antibacterial drugs are used to prevent infectious diseases.
In chronic radiation injury, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.
The first aid for radiation sickness is carried out in stages.
- The victim must be pretreated: to save him from clothing, wash in the shower, be sure to rinse the mouth and nose cavity, rinse the eyes. 2.
- Next, you should wash the stomach, if necessary, give an anti-emetic drug (eg, cerucal). 3.
- After that, the doctor prescribes anti-shock and detoxification therapy, cardiac and sedative drugs.
In the first phase of the disease, funds are prescribed to eliminate attacks of nausea and vomiting. With uncontrolled vomiting, 0.5 ml of a 0.1% solution of atropine is used, or in / m. You can apply a drip injection of 50-100 ml of hypertonic sodium chloride solution. A severe course of radiation sickness may require a detoxification treatment. To prevent the collapoid state, medications such as norepinephrine, countercrital, cordiamine, trasylol or mezaton are prescribed. The skin and the mucous membranes are treated with antiseptic solutions. Excessively active intestinal microflora is inhibited by the intake of undigested antibacterial drugs, such as gentamicin, neomycin, ristomycin, in combination with antifungal therapy.
When the infection develops, intravenous administration of large doses of antibiotics - the strand, methicillin, kanamycin - is used. Often this treatment is supplemented with biologics - antistaphylococcal, hyperimmune or anti-synergic plasma. As a rule, antibacterial agents show their effect for 2 days. If the positive effect does not come, then the drug is replaced by another, stronger one.
With an extremely severe lesion with suppression of immunity and a decrease in the function of hematopoiesis, an operation is performed to transplant the bone marrow. The transplanted material is taken from the donor, and the transplant is carried out after the course of immunosuppressants (for prevention of rejection).
Alternative treatment
Alternative methods used to eliminate signs of radiation sickness include the use of garlic tincture, nettle leaves, blackberry rowan berries, eleutherococcus, sea buckthorn berries, ginseng, coconut, dog rose, grape and currant leaves, quince, algae, bee products, red wine. To improve the composition of blood used plants such as sporich, leaves of dandelion, burdock, yarrow.
- 500 ml of red wine (preferably "Cahors") is mixed with 500 ml of the juice of the lower leaves of aloe, 500 g of honey and 200 g of ground rhizome of marsh. Mix the mixture for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, then use 1 tbsp. L. For 1 hour before meals three times a day, washed down with milk.
- 600 ml of water and 3 tbsp. L. Dry raw oregano to boil, insist throughout the night (you can in the thermos). In the morning, filter and drink 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup three times a day. It is allowed to add a spoonful of honey. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition and can continue until persistent signs of improvement.
- 1 tbsp. L. Chaga mix with 200 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, then add baking soda on the tip of the knife and insist 10 minutes. The medicine is taken three times a day for 1 tbsp. L. For half an hour before a meal.
- 1 cup of flax seeds pour two liters of boiling water and cook for about 2 hours. Remove from heat and cool. Take 100 ml to 7 times a day.
- 2 tbsp. L. Cranberry berries boil for 10 minutes in 500 ml of water, then insist 1 hour under the lid. Take 250 ml twice a day after eating.
Herbal treatment can not be independent. Such treatment should only be combined with traditional medical therapy, which is prescribed by a medical specialist.
Homeopathy for radiation sickness
The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of radiation sickness has not yet been thoroughly proven. Nevertheless, American scientists continue to experiment, searching for ways to protect a person from the harmful radiation of radiation.
One of the drugs that safely survived all the research and testing, is the food supplement Fucus vesiculosus. This remedy blocks the absorption of radioactive rays by the thyroid gland, not allowing its receptors to perform their function. This food supplement is made from seaweed.
Similar action has also such a tool as Cadmium sulphuratum. Among other things, this drug greatly facilitates the signs of radiation sickness, such as itchy skin, dyspeptic disorders, muscle pain.
However, it should be noted that there is no direct evidence of the efficacy of these drugs, so the decision to use them is quite risky. Before you start taking homeopathic remedies, talk to your doctor.
Prophylaxis and prognosis of radiation sickness
The calculation of the prognosis of radiation sickness directly depends on the amount of radiation exposure received and the duration of its exposure. Victims who survived a critical period (and this is 3 months) after radiation damage, have all the chances of a favorable outcome. But even in the absence of mortality, patients may later have some health problems. There can develop blood diseases, malignant tumors in almost any organs and tissues, and the next generation has a high risk of developing genetic disorders.
Preventive measures directed against radiation damage can consist in the installation of protective elements on the trunk or separate parts of the body (so-called screens). Employees of hazardous enterprises undergo certain training, wear special clothes. Also, people at risk can be prescribed drugs that reduce the sensitivity of tissues to radioactive rays. It is mandatory to take the vitamins of group B, and also C and P.
People who have regular contact with radiation sources should periodically visit preventive examinations and take a blood test.
Radiation disease is not a simple disease that can not be cured independently. Yes, and risk is unlikely, because the consequences of such pathology are very serious. Therefore, for any suspected radiation, even if the symptoms of the lesion are absent, you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.