Sarkoma's feet
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Sarcoma of the foot is a common malignant lesion of a non-epithelial nature. About 70% of the sarcomas that occur on the limbs affect the legs.
Neoplasm is characterized by slow growth and asymptomatic development for a long period of time. Diagnose the leg sarcoma with biopsy and palpation, in some cases, the disease can be detected visually in the early stages of development.
Surgical sarcoma treatment. Survival depends on the size of the tumor, the age of the patient, the stage of the disease and the presence of metastases. Most often, metastases penetrate the abdominal cavity. As a rule, in the process of treatment, the limb can be saved, and the recovery prognosis is favorable.
Sarcoma of the hip
Sarcoma of the hip is a common disease that affects men more than women. Neoplasm occurs in patients of all ages and has a high malignancy. Sarcoma rapidly progresses and early gives metastases to other organs. At the initial stage of the disease, it is very difficult to diagnose sarcoma. The main symptoms of the neoplasm are manifested in the form of a short-term rise in temperature. But the pain grows rapidly, causing discomfort during the movement.
The tumor grows rapidly, and if it is close to the surface of the skin, you can notice a slight bulge under the skin. This is due to the fact that the skin is thinning, and they display a vascular pattern. As the tumor grows in size, it gradually displaces and squeezes the surrounding organs, disrupting their functions, and compresses the vessels. Depending on what nerve trunks are affected in the case of the hip sarcoma, pain can occur not only at the site of tumor localization, but also in the genitals, thigh and adjacent organs and parts of the body.
With sarcoma of the hip bone, joint pain develops in the joint, and its mobility is impaired. The further development of sarcoma causes severe pain during palpation. Strong painful feelings the patient experiences at night, while analgesics do not help to cope with the pain. This kind of sarcoma is metastasis with a large amount of blood flow, penetrating into the lungs, the brain and other organs. Treatment of hip sarcoma involves surgery and chemotherapy.
Sarcoma thigh
Sarcoma of the hip is a malignant neoplasm, which can be primary and secondary. That is, sarcoma can arise from metastases from the tissues of other lesions or act as an independent disease. More often, sarcoma of the hip causes metastases from the genitourinary system, the organs of the pelvic cavity or the sacrococcygeal spine. Very often, the swelling in the thigh is Ewing's sarcoma (soft tissue lesions) or osteogenic sarcoma (bone damage).
This disease is diagnosed very often. In the pathological process, the knee and hip joints are involved, rapidly spreading to surrounding soft tissues. A growing sarcoma compresses the blood vessels of the leg, causing damage to the arterial bed. Because of this, the patient can complain of pallor and cold sensations in the limbs. Later, this symptomatology changes for trophic disorders and ulceration. When squeezing and palpation, stagnation of venous blood and massive swelling of the lower extremities occur.
The main symptomatology of the disease is manifested as: a short-term increase in body temperature, loss of appetite and body weight, fatigue, weakness and lethargy. Treatment of thigh sarcoma involves methods of chemotherapy and radiation exposure, in rare cases, resort to surgical intervention.
Sarcoma of the calf
Sarcoma of the lower leg is a malignant growth that affects soft tissues or has a non-epithelial nature. Let's consider more in detail, each of variants of a sarcoma of an anticnemion.
Osteogenic sarcoma of the lower leg
Malignant neoplasm is a non-epithelial bone tumor. Great importance in the diagnosis is the location of the sarcoma. If the neoplasm is located on the back of the lower leg, then it can be a long period of hiding under the massive gastrocnemius muscle. If the sarcoma occurs on the front surface of the tibia, then its growth and progression is easily diagnosed, since the skin over the tumor changes its color and is stretched.
Sarcoma of the lower leg often affects the tibial and fibular bones. Neoplasm can sprout and destroy connective membranes between the bones, causing frequent fractures. Osteogenic sarcoma of the tibia does not have pain syndrome at the initial stages of development. Painful sensations appear only when the tumor grows and squeezes nearby vessels and nerves. This causes pain in the toes, swelling, pain in the foot, trophic skin disorders, below the localization of the sarcoma.
Sarcoma of soft tissues of lower leg
The soft tissue sarcoma of the shin can be superficial and deep. Surface sarcoma can be diagnosed even at the first stages of development, but with deep localization of the tumor, the patient can complain for a long time about pulling and spreading pains in the shin.
Sarcoma has its own symptomatology, which increases with the progression of the disease. The main symptoms of the leg sarcoma: anemic, causeless weakness, nausea, sudden weight loss, fever. As the disease progresses, the tumor begins to squeeze and dislodge the nerves and vessels that are located in the foot. Because of this, there is puffiness of the foot, trophic ulceration, impaired sensation, movement of the toes.
Sarcoma of foot
Sarcoma of the foot is a malignant neoplasm that can affect soft tissues or have an osteogenic nature. Consider both varieties of foot sarcoma.
Osteogenic foot sarcoma
Malignant tumor of bone origin, localized in the foot and quickly manifested visually. Early diagnosis of sarcoma is explained by the fact that a large tumor in the foot can not remain uninfected and there is nowhere to grow it. Clinical manifestations of the disease are pain syndrome, disorders and changes in bone anatomy and surrounding tissues.
In some cases, the sarcoma can affect not only the bones, but also the cartilaginous surfaces of the ankle joint. Because of this, the patient experiences restrictions in movement and pain. Because of the anatomical proximity of the ligaments, nerves and vessels to the bones of the foot, the osteogenic sarcoma quickly sprouts and causes soft tissue damage.
Soft tissue sarcoma of the foot
The disease is quickly diagnosed, so the tumor is visible visually. Above the site of tumor localization, frequent hemorrhages occur, which leads to a discoloration of the skin and the appearance of trophic ulcers. Pain symptomatology occurs early, causing violations of the support functions of the foot and completely depriving the ability to move.
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