Wen's adipes on the body - their features and methods of treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Wen (lipoma) - a benign tumor-like formation of adipose tissue. Body fat is formed under the skin in places where there is fat tissue. Lipoma can penetrate deeply, settling between muscles and bundles of blood vessels up to the periosteum.
Wen, as a rule, painless, soft and mobile subcutaneous formations. Occur in different parts of the human body:
- head,
- neck,
- arms,
- legs,
- body.
Perhaps the formation of adipose tissue and on the organs of the abdominal cavity. Hence they are divided into external and internal. Lipomas can be single and multiple. Multiple adipose, usually, are hereditary (the so-called family lipomatosis).
Body fatty acids are more common in places where fatty tissue is poorly expressed, namely:
- on the back (at the top of it),
- in the field of the shoulder girdle,
- on the outside of the shoulders or hips,
- on the head.
Causes of adipose tissue on the body
The causes of the adipose tissue on the body are not completely clear.
- The main hypothesis of the onset of lipomas on the body is the disturbances in metabolism (metabolism) associated with the deficiency of enzymatic proteins.
- Also, one of the reasons for the appearance of adipocytes is the excessive clogging up of the body by slags, as a result of disruption of the liver and biliary system, although this has not been scientifically proven.
- Hereditary predisposition to lyme formation, the so-called family lipomatosis (autosomal dominant type of transmission). Wen began to form at a young age.
- Neurotrophic disorders in a specific area of the body can contribute to the uncontrolled proliferation of adipose tissue.
- One of the reasons for the formation of the adipose can be a blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
Why do wives on the body appear?
Perhaps due to traumatic injury, against which uncontrolled growth begins and the growth of adipose tissue. There are cases of lyme formation on the background of alcohol dependence, due to inappropriate nutrition in conjunction with insufficient physical activity. Sometimes zhiroviki are formed in the presence of such concomitant diseases as: diabetes mellitus, decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism), disruption of the pancreas and pituitary gland.
In any case, the cause of the occurrence of Wenfarctors is not the body of each person will be determined by the specialist individually, to prevent their further education.
Symptoms of the adipose on the body
As a rule, lipomas are detected by chance, since they do not bring any discomfort. Complaints basically boil down to a cosmetic defect. Clinical symptoms of Wen's body are characterized as follows:
- tumor-like formation of rounded shape,
- located zHirovik under the skin,
- mobile,
- painless,
- Skin covers in the projection of the wen are unchanged,
- on average, the size of the lipoma varies from 0.5 cm to 5 or more,
- the consistency of lipoma from mild to moderately dense,
- the general condition is not violated.
Subcutaneous adipose tissue on body
The subcutaneous adipose on the body is the same in both men and women. Subcutaneous lipomas do not cause inconvenience, if they are small in size. But if the lipoma is permanently traumatized, for example - by rubbing with clothing, then such a lipoma needs to be removed in order to avoid attachment of the infection and subsequent complications. Subcutaneous fatty body can reach gigantic sizes (up to 30 cm and more), which brings not only inconvenience and significant cosmetic defect, but also poses a threat to health. Promotes the appearance of edema, violation of local circulation and ulceration.
To diagnose a subcutaneous fatty body on the body is not difficult for a specialist (surgeon, oncologist).
Grease on the body of a child
The adipose on the body of the child can arise at an early age. The causes of lipoma in children and clinical symptoms are the same as in adults. It is advisable, when finding a lipoma in a child, to consult a doctor (pediatrician, pediatric surgeon) to choose the appropriate treatment tactics. Usually, surgical removal of the adipose is performed after the age of five, but everything is very individual. In case of intensive growth of a lipoma, occurrence of inflammation in it, soreness or it squeezes nearby tissues nearby, it is possible to remove it at an earlier age. It is important to understand and remember that it is absolutely impossible to remove, extrude a wen, especially from a child, since it is impossible to remove it yourself. It is dangerous to have serious complications.
Are dummies on the body dangerous?
If you are interested in the question - are the wives on the body dangerous? That is not, not dangerous, because Wenards are benign formations and they rarely can degenerate into malignant forms. The risk of degeneration is represented by chronic lipomas, especially the internal ones in which a capsule can form. But since the lipoma is constantly growing, you need to observe it:
- so as not to damage it and as a consequence, the infection did not join;
- so as not to squeeze nearby tissues, nerve endings or organs (especially if it is an internal wen) in case of its large size, which is an indication for its removal.
In the case of the presence of multiple lipomas, which increase, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and to resolve the issue of their possible removal.
Thus, the wen may be dangerous for its complications:
- inflammation - the lipoma becomes painful, the skin over it blushes, its consistency changes;
- degeneration into malignant form - liposarcoma;
- reaching large sizes, compresses surrounding tissues, which leads to a disruption in their function.
How to get rid of a wen on your body?
How to get rid of zhirovik on the body knows and official medicine, and folk. But before proceeding with the treatment of a wenrope with alternative methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Alternative methods in eliminating a wen may be used if it is small and not complicated. There are the following alternative ways to eliminate fat cells on the body:
- Application of ivy leaves. To do this, crushed ivy leaves should be filled with vodka, in a ratio of one to one. The solution is left in a dark place for twenty-one days. After that, the liquid part of the infusion is drained off, and a thick slurry is applied as a compress to the wen before bed, and in the morning they are removed. Compresses are made daily until the wenenok disappears.
- Use of such plants as golden mustache. Its leaves are crushed and superimposed on the lipoma region, wrapped on top with a film (polyethylene) and a towel. The procedure is carried out every day before going to bed for two weeks.
- Apply a mixture of two spoons of honey and one tablespoon of vodka, which is applied to cheesecloth or bandage and applied in the area of the lipoma. This bandage is applied three times a day, until the wenenok disappears.
- It is suggested to lubricate the area of the wen with such balms as "Red Elephant" and "Asterisk", it is possible to impose Vishnevsky ointment.
- It is recommended to use aloe vera. His sheet is cut along and superimposed on the lipoma region and bandaged for the purpose of fixation. This bandage is changed once a day. The leaves of the century can be applied for two to four weeks. During this time the wen will usually be opened.
- They also use tincture from birch buds. The buds are harvested in early spring, ground, poured with alcohol 70% and insisted for ten days in a dark place. After such a tincture, treat the lipoma region several times a day for a month.
- It is recommended that the wool be removed with medical or cosmetic clay. It needs to be diluted with water at room temperature, to get a thick dough. Form a cake and overlay on the lipoma before bed. Apply liposques daily until autopsy. Clay must be fresh before each use.
- You can use the mother-and-stepmother, putting a few leaves on the wen, until it disappears completely. For greater effect on the whole leaves of mother-and-stepmother, you can add crushed her leaves and apply overnight.
- It is also used for celandine. It should be stronger and make compresses at night, before opening the lipoma.
- It is also recommended to eat a day or one and a half tablespoons of cinnamon until the wenenock disappears.
- Used to treat lime juice garlic (one teaspoon) mixed with melted fat (one tablespoon). Apply or rub the lipoma several times a day until it disappears.
It should be remembered that long-term treatment of adipose tissue by alternative methods is not recommended. If the wen became painful, signs of inflammation appeared, you should immediately seek help from a specialist in official medicine (surgeon, oncologist).
Treatment of adipose tissue on the body
Treatment of adipose tissue on the body can be conservative and surgical. Conservative therapy is the introduction of a syringe into the lipoma of a special drug (diprospan), which dissolves it. After a period of, on average, three months, the adipose tissue dissolves. Very often, as practice shows, body fat worms must be surgically removed.
Removal of adipes on the body
Indications for the removal of adipose are:
- Wen quickly progresses in growth.
- The giant size of the wen.
- Complicated zhirovik: the presence of signs of inflammation, pain, compression and frustration of the function of neighboring tissues and organs.
- Multiple greens.
- Pronounced cosmetic flaw.
Subcutaneous adipose tissue of small size is removed under local anesthesia in out-patient (outpatient) settings. In the case of complicated, large weners and located in hard-to-reach places, the removal is performed in the surgical department in a hospital.
Distinguish the following methods of removing adipocytes on the body:
- Wen is excised along with the capsule - this is the most radical surgical method. A wide cutaneous incision is made under local anesthesia, a fatty cap with a capsule is cut, stitches are applied and drainage is put (if the giraffe is gigantic). Advantages of this method of removal - the absence of relapses, a defect - the scar after the operation remains.
- Endoscopic extraction of wen. A small incision is made (about one centimeter), through which the fat inside the capsule is destroyed and removed. All this is done under the control of a special device of a miniendoscope. The disadvantage of the method is the possibility of relapse. Advantage - there are no scars after manipulation.
- Liposuction of wen. Produce a cut-puncture skin up to five millimeters, through which the lipoaspirator removes the fat inside the capsule. The drawback of the method is a very high frequency of relapses with lime.
- Laser removal of the wen is performed under local anesthesia. Make a cut of skin with a surgical laser, they also coagulate the vessels to prevent bleeding. Using a laser, remove the wen and its capsule without damaging the surrounding tissues. The operation takes 15-20 minutes. After such an operation, scars do not remain, and relapses are practically absent.
- Removal of the wen by the radio wave method under local anesthesia. Also a very effective and bloodless method of removing a wenroke up to five centimeters with a radio knife. The lipoma is removed together with the capsule. Postoperative scars and relapses are absent.
- Cryodestruction of wen. Effects on lipoma by vapors of liquid nitrogen. Advantages of the method - the destroyed tissue is not removed and the absence of scars.
The choice of the optimal method for removing the wen's body is done by a specialist (surgeon, oncologist) based on the history, clinical symptoms and the degree of the process.
Prevention of adipocytes on the body
Specific prophylaxis of adipocytes on the body is absent. It is possible to carry out nonspecific prophylaxis:
- Full balanced nutrition - a sufficient amount in the diet of fruits, vegetables, protein products (eggs, cottage cheese, milk). Less fatty, fried, salty and sweet.
- Drink a sufficient amount of water - 1.5 - 2 liters per day.
- Active way of life - athletic walking, running, dancing swimming, etc.
- Timely detection and treatment of concomitant diseases such as diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, bile ducts, liver.
- Do not abuse alcohol.
- To monitor the skin condition, especially if it is a problem - to visit a beautician.
- Avoid injuries to the body as much as possible.
Prognosis of adipose tissue on the body
Prognosis zhirovikov on the body in relation to health and life is favorable, if not to injure them, promptly identify and remove. Although greens can recur - appear in new places, and in places of their removal. Very rarely, adipose cells on the body can degenerate into a malignant form - liposarcoma.