Hygroma brush
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The brush hygroma is a compacted rounded formation with liquid serous contents, a kind of cyst that contains mucus or fibrin in the tendon vagina or serous bag. Such tumors occur with a constant mechanical action on the wrist area, as well as when it is injured. Most often, the hygroma of the wrist is located on the wrist joint, but it can also form on the palms.
Cysts vary in size from small to very large, depending on the degree of progression of the lesion and can range from one to five centimeters.
Hygroma of the hand is a benign tumor-like formation, as a rule, not soldered to the skin and causing moderate pain sensations, the sizes of which range from one to five centimeters. However, pain syndrome in the development of a tumor may be completely absent. In the acute stage, there may be manifestations of hyperemia.
The cavity of the tumor is filled with liquid, which gives it a soft-elastic structure.
The emergence of a neoplasm can be associated with the development of inflammatory processes in the wrist joint, with trauma or constant pressure on it, for example, when performing repetitive movements associated with the work process.
When palpation, the tumors are mobile, not connected to surrounding tissues. However, in some cases, with superficial formation of cystic neoplasm, soldering with skin can be observed.
When a neoplasm appears in the arm, differential diagnosis is required to exclude other types of tumors. To analyze the contents of the tumor, as well as during conservative therapy, intracavitary fluid is pumped out with a special needle.
With the large size of the neoplasm, its rapid growth, in violation of the mobility of the wrist joint, as well as a number of other symptoms, surgical removal of the tumor is indicated.
The causes of hygroma of the hand can be provoked by the following factors:
- Development of the inflammatory process of the synovial membrane of the fibrous vagina of the muscular tendon.
- Inflammation of the mucosa of the joint bag.
- Injury.
- Permanent mechanical impact on the hand, usually associated with the performance of monotonous work.
Symptoms of the hygroma of the brush include the following symptoms:
- The appearance of a soft-elastic consistency in the hand of rounded formation
- The onset of pain in the arm of a dull character, more often - with a brush
- The skin at the site of tumor formation can have a rough surface, and can also be slightly densified
- When exacerbation of the skin may appear hyperemia
- With the development of the neoplasm in the synovial bag, which is superficially located, its walls thicken, become uneven and can connect with nearby tissues.
- If the tumor exerts pressure on the vascular-neural bundles, there may be an increase in the sensitivity of the skin or, conversely, its decrease, accompanied by numbness.
Hygroma wrist
Hygroma wrist joint - can arise as a result of the development of inflammatory processes in the joint, as well as due to trauma or constant mechanical pressure on the hand, which can be associated with professional activities (for example, daily work requiring the implementation of monotonous hand movements).
The hygroma of the brush, depending on the indications, including such factors as the size of the formation, the presence of pain, the progression of the tumor, can be surgically removed or eliminated by syringe pumping its contents. However, it should be noted that the use of such a method as tumor puncture does not exclude the possibility of its repeated development.
Pain in the gigroma of the hand
When a neoplasm occurs in the arm area, differential diagnosis is performed to determine the nature of the tumor. When establishing the diagnosis, the patient may be offered conservative or radical methods of treatment. The first include a puncture of the tumor, an anti-inflammatory therapy, UV irradiation.
If the hygroma of the hand hurts, the motor activity of the wrist joint is disrupted, there is a decrease in sensitivity in the region of the tumor, numbness or, conversely, the sensitivity of the skin is too pronounced, the patient is usually prescribed surgical removal of the tumor.
What is dangerous hygroma brush?
If a hygroma is found in the area of the wrist joint, as well as with its rapid increase in size, it is necessary to seek medical advice from a doctor. The hygroma of the brush is dangerous first of all because of the risk of developing purulent tenosynovitis, complications of which can lead to impaired functions of the hand.
If the tumor is damaged, its envelope may burst, which results in leakage of the contents to nearby tissues or outwards.
After independent or traumatic opening of the hygroma of the hand, its membrane can be restored, which entails the re-formation of the tumor, and in some cases - more than one.
Diagnosis of the hygroma of the hand, localized superficially, includes an internal examination and palpation of the formation. Differential diagnosis of the neoplasm is performed in order to exclude the development of other benign or malignant tumors, ganglion and aneurysm of the artery.
Puncture of the hygroma of the hand
The function of the hygroma of the hand is carried out with the aim of examining its contents, and also as a conservative method of treatment.
When puncturing the tumor, a special needle is injected into its cavity, with the help of which the liquid contents are pumped out. In case the formation is very large, drugs are introduced into the neoplasm to prevent recurrent accumulation of fluid.
If after a puncture in the tumor cavity fluid accumulates again, surgical treatment is indicated.
Treatment of hygroma of the hand can be carried out with the help of conservative or surgical methods.
When carrying out conservative therapy, the patient should completely eliminate the burden on the arm. On the affected area, thermal applications, paraffin wax, possibly mud treatment, UV irradiation are applied.
To conservative methods of treatment is also the puncture of the tumor - evacuation of the liquid from it with the subsequent introduction of glucocorticosteroids. The disadvantage of this method of treatment is the risk of recurrence of the disease.
Ointment from the hygroma of the brush
Ointment from the hygroma of the hand can be used as an auxiliary treatment to reduce inflammatory processes. The ointment does not have an independent therapeutic effect in the formation of a tumor. As part of complex therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and gels containing diclofenac, indomethacin, etc. Can be used. It is also possible to use a plant based ointment based on propolis.
Removing the hygroma of the brush
Removal of the hygroma of the hand is carried out by means of local anesthesia through surgical intervention. Indications for the operation are, as a rule, large sizes of education, leading to a violation of the aesthetics of the appearance of the arm and the motor activity of the joint.
After removal of the hygroma, the capsule of the joint is sewn to ensure its strengthening. During the recovery period after surgical removal of the tumor, the patient is shown to completely exclude the load on the arm region.
Indications for surgery are the following factors:
- Severe pain in the arm
- Limited mobility of the wrist joint
- Rapid progression of the tumor
- Explicit aesthetic defect
The tumor is removed under local anesthesia and lasts about thirty minutes. After the operation, seams are applied for seven to ten days.
The operation with gigroma brush is indicated in cases of rapid growth of neoplasm, the occurrence of severe pain in the hand, limiting the motor activity of the wrist joint, as well as when the tumor is damaged by the aesthetic appearance of the hand.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia for half an hour. At the end of the surgical process, the patient is stitched, which is removed after about a week. During the recovery period, any load on the arm area should be eliminated.
Hygroma hands after surgery
The hygroma of the hand after the operation is completely eliminated, the joint capsule is sewed together in order to strengthen it. To prevent negative consequences after surgery, the patient should not allow injury to the affected area, any stresses on the wrist joint are excluded. Postoperative sutures are usually removed on the seventh-tenth day after removal of the hygroma.
Treatment with alternative means
Treatment of a hygroma of a brush by alternative means can not be considered as an effective method of its elimination. Such therapy can have an auxiliary effect and is applied only at small sizes of formation for removal of discomfort or painful sensations and reduction of inflammatory process.
Among alternative methods of treating hygroma, the most common is the use of cabbage leaf for ingestion or compressing.
The juice of cabbage, squeezed from its crushed leaves, is taken half the glass for a month twice a day before eating.
To apply the compress, the cabbage leaf is covered with a layer of honey, then applied to the affected area and wrapped up warmly. For the same purposes, it is possible to use sage wormwood, which is rubbed into a sore spot and covered with cellophane and a warm cloth.
Completely to get rid of a hygroma it is possible only at carrying out of a puncture or surgical intervention.
Prevention of the hand hygroma consists in the exclusion of traumatism of the wrist joint, as well as in the timely elimination of inflammatory processes in joints capable of provoking tumor development, such as bursitis and tenosynovitis.
The prognosis of the hygroma of the hand is favorable for timely access to a doctor and qualified treatment. This is a benign entity that is to be treated and completely removed.
When applying conservative therapy and puncturing the tumor, it is not uncommon for her to re-form. With surgical intervention, the hygroma of the hand is completely removed, which allows you to get rid of it completely.