Treatment of fibromyalgia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Fibromyalgia treatment involves the inclusion of all possible psychotherapeutic techniques, compliance with diet, manual therapy. To date, there is no precise treatment for fibromyalgia due to the fact that neither the etiology nor the pathogenesis of this disease has yet been clarified.
This is due to the fact that, for all the various symptoms, the disease does not show up with organic lesions or abnormalities when performing all sorts of standard examinations. Diagnosis of the disease can only be with the help of anamnestic data, complaints of the patient himself and neurological tests that determine the soreness in trigger points, which are considered criteria for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.
How to treat fibromyalgia?
Many doctors ask themselves this question, facing chronic syndromic, diffuse pain, rigidity, constant apathy, insomnia and depression on the part of the patient. If we consider that the majority of patients with diagnosed fibromyalgia are women, gynecological symptoms are added to the choice of treatment, which, most likely, develops against the background of an anxious, psycho-emotional state. It is believed that fibromyalgia, the treatment of which is still being studied and not brought to a single recommended scheme, is pathophysiologically based on the violation of the process of regulation of the branches of the nervous system: central, peripheral, vegetative and hypothalamic-pituitary systems.
Accordingly, the question of how to treat fibromyalgia can be answered only by a complex, individually selected and varied in the course of treatment therapy. It should be recognized that, despite significant changes in the study of this syndromic disease, the advances made in the development, selection and use of medications, fibromyalgia has not yet been fully cured. However, in the past decade, through clinical trials, monitoring of many thousands of patients, doctors have managed to develop a technique that removes painful symptoms, and, therefore, improves the patient's quality of life.
Treatment of fibromyalgia with non-pharmacological agents
Fibromyalgia treatment by alternative means is also supervised, moreover, the European association of cardiologists and rheumatologists does not deny the positive effect of phytotherapy as an auxiliary method of curing this complex disease. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by a metabolic disorder that can restore the course of natural adaptogens - decoctions, infusions and extracts from herbs that activate the immune system, stimulate or normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.
In addition, there are phytopreparations that neutralize the body's intoxication, herbs that have a nootropic or calming nervous system, antibacterial and antiviral properties. We give a brief list of photographic means, which are used in the complex treatment of fibromyalgia.
Adaptogens, which increase the overall activity of the body, stimulate the work of muscle tissue, impart energy and stimulate motor activity. Fibromyalgia treatment with alternative means necessarily includes in its complex phytopreparations-adaptogens, which help oxidize pyruvic and lactic acid - the so-called "fatigue toxins". To adaptogens include such plant substances:
- Schisandra (Chinese and other kinds of Schisandra). Schizandrol, schisandrine and other active components, which enhance the processes of perception and excitation in the central nervous system, are part of the Schizandra. This property is widely used in the treatment of depressive and apathetic conditions. Also with the help of Schizandra, one can improve visual perception, activate appetite and mobilize many functions of the body. Tincture of Schizandra is taken in the morning once, starting with a minimum dose of 5-7 drops per half glass of water. It is possible to increase the dosage, but the reception of this strong stimulant should be monitored by the attending physician, who will vary the individual dose for the individual patient, given his condition and symptoms.
- Maral root (Leuzea), which includes steroid phytocompounds - phytoexidones with an effective protein-synthetic effect. Such anabolic effect helps to activate muscle activity and strengthen protein synthesis, which favorably affects the liver, improves blood flow. Also, the Leuzea helps increase the lumen of the vascular bed, strengthens the heart muscle, activates cognitive abilities. Tincture is taken in the morning hours once, the dose is selected by the doctor individually.
- Ginseng - a preparation containing glycosides (panaxosides), increasing appetite, improving the state of the digestive tract, normalizing the level of sugar in the blood. The tonic effect of ginseng is an order of magnitude lower than that of magnolia vine, but it is indispensable as a drug that improves metabolism. Tincture is taken in the morning, once, starting with 10. Drops of half a glass of water. Within a week, the dose can be gradually increased, adding a few drops to the maximum dosage - 30 drops.
Treatment of fibromyalgia with folk remedies
The treatment of fibromyalgia by alternative means involves under the strict supervision of the attending physician, since natural adaptogens and stimulants, when used improperly, deplete the already weakened energy resources of the body.
External means to relieve muscle pain
Fibromyalgia treatment with alternative means involves the use, as an internal reception of broths, tinctures, and a variety of lotions, compresses with herbs and even spices. So, to reduce the pain symptom help compresses from a mixture of red pepper and vegetable oil. Oil will protect the skin from the aggressive irritating effect of capsicillin, a substance contained in pepper. Capsiocin neutralizes the conductivity of nerve impulses responsible for pain. Also effective as an external means of tincture of lilac or birch buds, which are recommended to rub into the area of trigger points. The treatment of fibromyalgia at home includes regular procedures with the use of such remedies. Of course, you can buy a ready-made pharmacy ointment, but the self-contained compress helps not only in the medical sense, but also in the psychological sense: the patient starts to be included in the therapy process as a full participant.
Cleansing the blood
It is believed that the decoction from the roots of dandelion and burdock contributes to the normalization of blood composition and activation of the immune system. To make phyto tea, take one tablespoon of burdock root and dandelion, pour a liter of boiling water over them and insist for an hour. The resulting infusion is taken during the day, replacing them with regular tea. Course - not less than three weeks.
Normalization of the nervous system is achieved with the help of broths of lemon balm and valerian root. Also effective tincture of motherwort, which should be used for a long time - at least 3 months.
The treatment of fibromyalgia in the home is entirely acceptable, provided that the patient will follow the doctor's recommendations concerning not only phytotherapy, but also the use of medications.
Treatment of fibromyalgia with medicamentous agents
The first thing that is prescribed in the complex treatment of the disease is anesthetics and antidepressants.
To neutralize the pain symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, mainly for external use, since the internal intake of NSAIDs can have a negative effect on the patient's digestive tract. In addition, pain, as a rule, refers to muscle tissues, and not joints, so ointments containing diclofenac, ibuprofen, as well as external agents, which include novocaine, lidocaine, are effective.
How to treat fibromyalgia with antidepressants? A clinically proven effect is given by the appointment of TCAs - tricyclic antidepressants, which are more effective than SSRIs - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The pain symptom amitriptyline, which in addition normalizes the process of falling asleep, gently stimulates the overall activity of the body. Unlike amitriptyline, sertraline or fluoxetine does not give similar results, or the improvement in the condition does not last more than two to three weeks. The use of amitriptyline, cyclobenzaprine or melipramine suggests a gentle dose of 10 mg once a night, with a further increase in dosage to 25 mg per day. The course of treatment with tricyclic antidepressants is long, with interruptions, the treatment regimen is the prerogative of the attending physician.
Fibromyalgia treatment suggests and is myelorelaxing, since the main symptoms relate to pain in the muscle tissues. As the mielorelaksantov indicated the appointment of drugs such as baclofen, sirdalud, which stop reflex muscle tension, improve local blood supply and relieve the pain symptom.
Treatment of fibromyalgia at home is possible with the help of antioxidants and vitamin complexes containing the whole group of vitamins B, vitamins A and E.
Fibromyalgia treatment includes non-drug, such as complex psychoemotional rehabilitation with the help of psychotherapy sessions, teaching methods of autogenous relaxation.
Since there is still no clinically valid answer to the question of how to treat fibromyalgia, that is, a unified therapeutic strategy has not been developed, the treatment of the disease is carried out for a long time, sometimes several years. High reliability of efficacy in treatment concerns only the schemes confirmed by medical experience and stable remission by patients, which include the use of tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, sedative phytopreparations, long courses of psychotherapy, a special diet and a set of therapeutic physical exercises.