Manic syndrome
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A lot of people sick on manic syndrome feels damn good
No one will deny that manic syndrome brings the patient a state of vivacity. For many patients, mania is a period of denial - they can not understand what a pleasant state of constant energy and euphoria really needs to be treated.
"Manic syndrome is a fascinating state ... This is the state of the hormonal burst that is caused by your own brain," says Kerry Barden, a practicing neuropsychologist. The majority of patients for the first time experience an attack of mania in 20 years, at a time when they do not think about death and believe in their immortality.
And, the truth, a certain number of risky undertakings is nothing but the consequences of mania. During this period, a person is prone to careless driving or not controlled, unnecessary waste of large sums of money. This is the period when bright business ideas are born and an uncontrolled flow of telephone calls is made.
However, it can not be asserted that this behavior is typical of all patients. There are several types of bipolar disorder, which have attacks of mania and depression, but all these seizures differ from each other.
- With bipolar disorder of the first degree - attacks of mood change take place in a very severe form.
- With bipolar disorder of the second degree and cyclothymia, these attacks proceed in a lighter form.
- With a mixed type of bipolar disorder, when a bout of mania and depression can occur simultaneously - there is a dangerous mixture of a sense of excellence and wandering thoughts with irritability, sullenness and anger.
Very often people believe that manic syndrome awakens creative abilities in them. Cases of bipolar mania are very common among poets and writers, says Barden. According to her, most people believe that it was during this period that they are the most efficient. You are on top, you feel fine and full of energy. Most of her patients, even if they were not representatives of creative professions, discovered creative abilities - for example, they started writing songs, composing music or writing scripts.
Despite this, "this pleasant state of euphoria does not last forever," explains Barden. You can not live in this state all your life. And this is the most difficult problem with which you have to meet sick people. Most often, patients need some time to understand that they really need treatment. They have to sacrifice a state of euphoria to return to normal, familiar life. "
When the manic syndrome goes out of control
In the period of bipolar mania, a patient can make many bad decisions, says Barden. Such decisions can destroy his life or relationship. During the mania, the patient becomes extremely irritable. He can start screaming at passers-by on the street. That's why such patients on manic syndrome very often fall into the police stations, especially if they start a fight in public places.
In most cases, manic syndrome is an extremely unpleasant condition, says Kay Redfield Jamieson, a professor of psychiatry and author of The Restless Mind, as well as other books on bipolar disorder. Even those patients who are in a state of euphoria, in the end, are in very unpleasant situations. Sometimes, a patient with a manic syndrome can recognize the moment when mania starts to harm his life, but in most cases this does not happen. And at that moment the relatives must come to the aid of the patient, otherwise representatives of the law will do it.
A lot of people start treatment when they get to the emergency room - and often against their will. To tell you the truth, if a maniac patient experiences only a bout of mania - even if he realizes the negative manifestations of it - to convince him to start treatment voluntarily will be simply impossible, says Barden.
Despite the fact that depression itself is a complex disease, for patients with bipolar disorder, it is more difficult several times. It is very difficult to survive such a sharp change of mood, when the state of euphoria suddenly changes the oppressed mood. And if the depression is still severe, then the patient is at risk of committing suicide. That's why most people ask for help. At such a time they understand that they have to do something with depression.
How is manic syndrome manifested?
Manic syndrome, hypomania and depression are symptoms of bipolar disorder. Sharp mood swings in bipolar disorder do not have a certain sequence. Depression does not always follow after mania. The patient may suffer seizures of the same condition several times - weeks, months or even years - until the moment when he suddenly has an attack of the opposite state. Also, the severity with which the attack occurs is strictly individual.
Hypomania is an easier form of mania. This is a condition that may not develop into a disease. It gives a person quite a pleasant experience. A person feels extremely good and productive. However, in people with bipolar disorder, hypomania can turn into a manic syndrome - or suddenly change into a state of deep depression.
The state of hypomania and mania
Hypomania: At first, when you feel at the height, it's amazing ... The ideas come to mind very quickly ... And as a catcher behind the brightest star, you wait for the idea to appear even better than the previous one ... Shyness disappears, things seem extremely interesting. Sensuality embraces you entirely, the desire to seduce and be seduced is simply impossible to resist. Your whole being is overwhelmed with an inexplicable feeling of lightness, strength, prosperity, omnipotence, euphoria ... You can do anything ... When everything changes.
Manic syndrome: Ideas begin to swarm in your head at a tremendous speed, they become too much ... A feeling of total confusion comes in place of clarity ... It becomes difficult for you to stick to such a rapid rhythm ... You notice that you have become forgetful. Infectious laughter ceases to be funny. Your friends look scared ... It seems that everything is going against the wool ... You become irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable and feel trapped.
If most of the day you are showing three or more below the symptoms of mania - almost every day - for a week, maybe you have a manic syndrome:
- Overflowing feeling of happiness, optimism and delight
- Suddenly a cheerful mood changes irritability, anger and rudeness
- Restlessness, increased energy and decreased need for sleep
- Rapid speech, excessive talkativeness
- Scattering
- Idea Jump
- Strong sexual attraction
- Propensity to compose grandiose and unrealistic plans
- Inclination for wrong judgments and decisions, for example, the decision to quit work
- Overestimated self-esteem and pomposity - belief in unrealistic possibilities, mind and strength; illusions are possible
- Inclination to life-threatening behavior (for example, excessive wastefulness, promiscuity in sexual relations, abuse of alcohol or drugs, or reckless business decisions)
Some people with bipolar disorder can go into the phase of psychosis, which is expressed in hallucinations. They believe in incredible things and they can not be dissuaded. In some cases, they believe that they have extra abilities and are beyond power - they can even consider themselves god-like.
Symptoms of the phase of depression
Sharp mood swings in bipolar disorder do not occur in a certain order. Depression does not always follow the phase of mania. The patient may experience one phase several times in a row - weeks, months or even years, before the mood changes. Also, the severity of each phase in each person is strictly individual.
The periods of depression can be very intense. Sadness and anxiety affect every aspect of life - thoughts, feelings, sleep, appetite, health, relationships with loved ones and the ability to function fully and work. If depression is not treated, then the patient's condition will only worsen. He will feel that he can not cope with this mood.
This state of depression can be described as follows:
Depression: I doubt that I can do anything well. I have this condition, as if my brain stopped and reached the condition when it became completely useless ... I have a feeling that someone is following me ... And there is no hope to change this situation. People say: "It's temporary, you'll soon recover and all these adversities will disappear," however, they do not imagine how I feel, although they try to convince me otherwise. If I can not feel, move, think and experience, then why live?
The attack of depression is manifested five or more below the symptoms, which are repeated for two weeks almost every day.
Symptoms of depression:
- Sadness, anxiety, irritability
- Prostration
- Feelings of guilt, hopelessness and futility
- Loss of interest and complete indifference to once-loved pursuits
- Inability to concentrate
- Uncontrolled attacks of sobbing
- It's hard to make a decision
- Increased need for sleep
- Insomnia
- Differences in appetite, which provoke loss of weight or its gaining
- Thoughts of death or suicide
- Attempts to commit suicide
If a person is sick of manic syndrome and suffers from depression, he can feel illusions about feelings of guilt and worthlessness - for example, untruthful beliefs that a person has become bankrupt or committed a terrible crime.
If this condition is not treated, then attacks of depression can occur more often and they are more difficult to treat. They can develop into seizures of mania. However, treatment will help to avoid this. Taking medicines and attending psychotherapy sessions, a sick person will have the opportunity to live a full life.
Manic syndrome: what you need to know?
If you are going to see a doctor about bipolar mania, we offer you 10 questions that you must definitely ask him:
- What happens to me and what provokes manic syndrome?
Bipolar disorder is a physical disease that affects the brain. It will be useful for you to learn about what imbalance of brain chemical elements causes manic syndrome, what stressful situations can affect its appearance and what methods of treatment exist.
- What medications will help me and how do they work?
It is very important to know what medicines you are taking and how they work, and what to expect of them.
- What side effects can occur and what if they appear?
Any medication can cause side effects, including those that are used to treat bipolar mania. If you have any problems you need to contact a doctor or psychiatrist.
- What if I forgot to take the pill?
To avoid sudden mood swings it is very important to take the medicine strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
- What if I have a manic syndrome?
If you have developed a manic syndrome, you should change the dose of the drug or the drug itself.
- What happens if I stop taking medication?
Never stop taking medication without first consulting a doctor.
- Why does psychotherapy play an important role in the treatment of bipolar mania?
Psychotherapy will help you cope with painful relationships, difficult life situations that can trigger an attack of mania.
- Are there other programs that can help in the treatment of bipolar disorder?
In the fight against bipolar disorder, an important role is played by returning to work and restoring relationships. Social workers, psychotherapists and counselors will help you with this.
- How often should I see a doctor?
The more often a patient visits a doctor, the greater his chances of finding stability faster.
- How to contact a doctor in a critical situation?
You should be able to contact the doctor as soon as there is a need - especially if your condition is out of control.
Who to contact?
How is manic syndrome treated?
Manic syndrome is a serious disease. But you must remember that you are not alone. More than 2 million people in the United States suffer from this disease. Unlike depression, manic syndrome affects both men and women equally. And although the first attack most often happens at the age of 20 years, the first symptoms can appear in early childhood.
Despite the fact that during his life some patients can survive only one attack of the disease, this is a disease that lasts a lifetime. Usually it is characterized by attacks of mania - excessive and irrational state of excitement - and depression, with long periods of normal state between attacks.
Although doctors still do not quite understand what causes the manic syndrome, they are much more aware of this disease than they were 10 years ago. This knowledge gave them the opportunity to choose a more effective treatment, although it is unfortunately impossible to cure this disease completely.
If you have bipolar disorder and you have three or more of the following symptoms that last for almost a week almost every day, then maybe you have a manic syndrome:
- Increased activity
- There is no need for a dream to feel rested and full of energy
- Excessively elated, inspired mood, reminiscent of a state of euphoria
- Wandering thoughts
- Very fast speech or increased talkativeness; speech is assertive, loud and incomprehensible
- Overestimated self-esteem - belief in excess of opportunity, extraordinary mental abilities and strength; can appear delusional ideas
- Rough behavior (for example, fast driving, impulsive indiscriminate sexual relations, abuse of alcohol or drugs, bad business decisions, careless driving)
- Scattering
If you have four or more bouts of mania or depression, then you have a bipolar disorder of a cyclic nature.
If you have a manic syndrome, the doctor will most likely prescribe a neuroleptic remedy, benzodiazepine and / or lithium, to quickly take control of the situation and remove the increased activity, irritability and hostility.
Also, the doctor can prescribe a mood stabilizer. These drugs consist of a number of medications that help control mood swings, prevent their re-emergence and reduce the risk of suicide. They are usually taken for a year or longer and consist of lithium and a certain anticonvulsant, such as Depakot. To fully control the attack of mania, a doctor may want to constantly monitor you and often carry out blood tests.
Often manic syndrome requires hospitalization of the patient because of the high risk of unpredictable, risky behavior. People with acute manic syndrome, pregnant women with mania or those who can not control mood with the help of mood stabilizers, the doctor can prescribe a course of electroconvulsive therapy.
If you are on maintenance therapy, and during this period you have developed a manic syndrome, the doctor will either change the dose of the medicine you take or add a neuroleptic to reduce the symptoms.
Not medication, such as psychotherapy, can help a patient during maintenance therapy and visits to her sessions are recommended to be combined with taking medication.