Joints hurt
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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If the joints hurt, this often indicates a malfunction of the musculoskeletal system.
Why are the joints aching?
The main factors affecting the occurrence of pain in the joint structures are frequent physical exertion, as well as stretching and irritation of the inner layer of the joint bag or bone-fibrous canal, the so-called synovial membrane, which performs a unique protective function, since it prevents the passage of inflammation from the bone tissue into articular structures, and also improves the metabolism in the cavity and nutrition of articular cartilage. Vascular problems and injuries can also lead to the onset of pain.
If the joints hurt, this can also indicate an inflammatory process, some degenerative-dystrophic phenomena.
Pathological processes in articular formations are called the general term "arthralgia". A feeling of pain can appear along with an increase in skin temperature over the diseased organ, swelling of the periarticular tissues, limited mobility of the damaged segment.
The reasons for which joints hurt
Diseases of articular structures are usually divided into two groups: inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic. The first group includes arthritis, the second - arthrosis.
Arthritis is characterized by pain in the joints, exudative phenomena and edema of the periarticular tissues. First of all, the synovial membrane is affected, later the cartilage is disturbed. With arthrosis, the pain is less pronounced, the temperature and blood tests remain normal. Despite the pronounced deformation, the disease passes without significant restriction of functions.
Despite the differences between these two groups of diseases, the main signs of arthritis and arthrosis (such as pain, their deformation) are very similar to each other and require differential diagnosis by a professional doctor.
Osteoarthritis is a fairly common chronic disease. It is based on the primary degeneration of the articular cartilage, followed later by bone growths. The origin of this pathology is unknown. There are suggestions that the impact on the occurrence of osteoarthritis can be traumatized, their excessive overload. The disease mainly affects the elderly, more often - women. Patients often complain that the joints hurt; pains are observed in the hip formations or the knee, less often in the phalanx. Symptoms of inflammation are absent, temperature and tests are normal. Treatment: First, it is necessary to minimize the burden on the affected articular cartilage. Physiotherapeutic procedures are appointed as an anesthetic and blood circulation improving agent (for example, paraffin or mud applications).
Professional arthritis is associated with prolonged influence of adverse factors: prolonged physical overstrain, frequent hypothermia, forced constant sitting in an uncomfortable position (associated, for example, with professional activities). When questioning, you can find out that the joints ache: pain weak, marked stiffness, crunch, cramps and tenderness in the bones and muscles.
Treatment consists primarily in the elimination or limitation of adverse factors. A good result is the use of thermal baths, mud or paraffin applications.
Rheumatoid arthritis can develop at any age, the disease quickly progresses, is characterized by a state of stiffness in the mornings for more than 30 minutes, patients are told that they have joint pain regularly. This may be a consequence of immunopathological disorders in the body. To provoke the disease can also stressful situations, frequent hypothermia, excessive physical overload, trauma. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the hands, feet, knees, ankles. For diagnosis use the method of X-ray examination, laboratory tests. For the prevention of it is recommended to avoid colds, reduce physical exertion, and practice therapeutic gymnastics.
Osteoarthritis is associated with metabolic disturbances in the cartilaginous tissue, as a result of which its elasticity and elasticity decrease. Often this group of diseases affects the lower limbs, it can also affect the hands, phalanges of the fingers. They develop slowly, people often complain that the joints ache, later this disease leads to loss of mobility of the affected organ. Complex therapy of osteoarthritis consists in the following: the use of anti-inflammatory drugs containing chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid. Assign massage courses, physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic diet and gymnastics.
An important role in the development of pathological changes is played by age-related changes, as the work of the musculoskeletal system deteriorates with age.
If you have joint pain, do not delay treatment for later, be sure to consult a rheumatologist.
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