


Tungiosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Tungiosis is a parasitic disease caused by a sand flea, characterized by the development of an allergic reaction, tenderness and erythematous papule.

ICD-10 code

B88.1. Tungiosis (invasion of the sand flea).

Epidemiology of the Tungiosis

The reservoir and sources of tungiosis are warm-blooded animals and humans. The period of contagiosity is not defined. The disease of tungi is common in South Asia, South and Central America, and Africa. Infection occurs when walking barefoot on the sand, lying on the beach. The fertilized female makes jumps up to 35 cm high until it penetrates the skin of a warm-blooded animal or person.

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What causes Tunisia?

Tungiosis is caused by sand fleas, Tunga penetrans. Parasitizes in the skin, feeding on blood. Eggs release into the environment. The initial size of the sexually mature flea is 1 mm, in the skin reaches 1 cm.

Pathogenesis of the Tungiosis

The pathogenesis of tungiosis is due to the irritating effect of parasite excreta and the compression of surrounding tissues by a growing flea. After the death and rejection of the parasite, tissue repair begins.

Symptoms of Tetnosis

Affected more often the foot and lower leg. In the place where the flea is introduced, a black dot is visible, then a red, painful papule. Penetration of the flea into the subungual space causes symptoms of tungiosis: severe pain, often itching, allergic skin rashes.

What's bothering you?

Complications of the Tunhosis

Tungiosis can be complicated by a secondary purulent infection, tetanus, anaerobic gas infection.


Diagnosis of the Tundinos

Diagnosis is the visual detection of a hole at the site of the introduction of the parasite into the epidermis.


Differential diagnosis of the tunnelosa

Tungi must be differentiated from allergic dermatitis, insect bites.

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How to examine?

Treatment of Tetropoiesis

Treatment of tungiosis is to remove the flea surgically, applying ointments with insecticides.

How to prevent Tunghia?

It is possible to prevent repetitive tinctures by using repellent.

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