Treatment of bronchitis in the home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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If a patient has a dry, and later wet cough, besides a reddened throat and a severe cold, this indicates the onset of acute bronchitis (swelling and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa). To prevent the disease from turning into a chronic or chronic form, it is necessary to understand the ways in which bronchitis can be treated at home.
Treatment of bronchitis with alternative means at home
Bronchitis can be treated at home using alternative means. There are many different methods used in the treatment of this disease.
Often, with bronchitis, plantain is used, since it has very good expectorant properties. To make the tincture, it is necessary to cut the leaves of the plantain (4 tbsp), pour in 0.5 stalks. Boiling water, and then insist for 4 hours. Next, the broth should be filtered and gradually drink this dose throughout the day.
A good expectorant effect is also found in various plants, including cumin and eucalyptus, as well as pine buds, thyme, fennel, St. John's Wort. Of these herbs, medicinal tinctures are made, and in addition, the fees for inhalation.
Quality effects on the bronchi have decoctions of yarrow, mother-stepmother, as well as the root of the althaea and flowers of violets.
To improve the immune system, take a syrup from a licorice root, a tincture of echinacea and a natural mummy.
They promote rapid recovery, and at the same time, strengthening the body's state of tincture from juniper, birch, parsley, cranberry leaves, and horsetail.
Alternative recipes from bronchitis
Some alternative recipes from bronchitis:
- Use of warm whey;
- If there is a night cough, you should rub the patient's chest with goose fat, and after the procedure put on a warm woolen sweater and drink milk (1 stack.) With the addition of raspberries or honey;
- On the chest (higher, close to the throat), and also the calf muscles put mustard plasters. Keep them until they begin to burn;
- You can replace the mustard plasters (or alternate with them) with a mixture of turpentine and castor oil (in the ratio 1k20);
- Another way is to grate the horseradish and moisten a piece of cloth, then squeeze it and apply it to the above places;
- Inhalations with the use of sea salt - for this 1 kg of the ingredient is poured into a container and heated. Then add the sliced herbs (wild mallow flowers, thyme grass, stepmother, strawberry leaves, elderberry, black elderberry) into the water heated in the water. But it is not necessary to add all the above mentioned herbs, it will be enough and only some.
Recipes from bronchitis with aloe
For the treatment of bronchitis, you can use recipes with aloe.
Take 0.5 liters of wine and fill them with aloe leaves (4 pieces). Infuse the resulting mixture for 4 days, and then take this tincture for 1 dessert box. 3 times / day.
Finely chop fresh aloe leaves (fill 1 stack.), Take 1 stack. Olive. Oils, 1300 g of lime honey, 50 g of lime-colored flowers, and 150 g of birch buds. Melt the honey and fill it with aloe, and then steal this mixture. Birch buds together with lime color brew in 2 stacks. Water, and then boil for 2 minutes. Next, the broth should be filtered and poured into the already cooled honey with aloe, mix this mixture, and pour into 2 bottles, while adding the olive in them. Oil (equally). Reception for 1 item. 3 r. / Day. The bottle must be shaken before using the medicine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.
In proportions of 1 to 1, mix aloe juice, melted honey and butter. Drink before eating 2 tsp. 4 r. / Day for 5 days, then take a break for 5 days.
Recipe for bronchitis with aloe and honey
Since aloe promotes the growth and renewal of body cells and has wound healing properties, it is often used as a medicine. In conjunction with honey, its effect becomes even stronger. There are also several recipes from bronchitis with aloe and honey.
From dry cough with bronchitis, the following tincture is suitable: mix aloe and honey in equal amounts, and then take the resulting mixture three times a day for 1 tbsp. This tincture should be kept in the refrigerator, placing in a glass container, tightly closed lid.
Another recipe is to add a little Cahors wine to honey and aloe. In this case, take 300 g of aloe juice, 500 g of honey, and 500 ml of wine and mix all the ingredients together. The resulting mixture should be kept in the refrigerator in a jar (glass) with a tight-fitting lid. Drink tincture you need before meals three times a day for 1 item. This drug is often used for bronchitis, as it helps to strengthen the general condition of the body.
Recipe for bronchitis with aloe, honey and cocoa
To prepare a medicine for bronchitis with aloe, honey and cocoa, you need to take 250 grams of butter, bee honey and aloe (about 5 large leaves), as well as 1 tbsp. Cocoa and 200 g of porcine slag. Aloe must be passed through a meat grinder, and oil and a lube should be held in a water bath to melt. Further, honey, aloe and cocoa are added to the resulting mass, and then mixed. Keep the mixture you need in the refrigerator, in a jar of glass, tightly closed lid.
With bronchitis, it should be eaten three times a day for 1 tablespoon. Until complete recovery.
Cake recipe for bronchitis
With a strong, painful cough during bronchitis, honey burrs are very effective. There are several good recipes for their preparation.
Recipe # 1 : you need 20 g of honey, flour, as well as sunflower oil, and a small piece of cloth or bandage. All these ingredients are mixed to the state of the cake.
Then it should be applied to the sternum, while covering with cotton or a package, and leave for 3 hours. After this, the cake is removed and wiped, using a towel or a wet napkin.
Recipe number 2 : you need to take honey, dry mustard, as well as flour and sunflower oil (1 st.lozh.), Mix the ingredients and roll out the resulting mass to form a cake. It must be applied to the back (between the shoulder blades) or to the chest, and remember that you can not put it on your heart.
Recipes for coughing with bronchitis
In diseases of respiratory organs, you can use a decoction of elecampane with the addition of honey. To do this, 2 tablespoons are taken. Sliced dry roots of elecampane, which are poured into 0.5 liters of water. After that, they should be cooked on a low heat for 20-30 minutes, and after turning off, insist about 1-2 hours. Next, the broth is filtered and added to it boiled water, so that the total volume turned out to be 0.5 liters. In the broth dissolve honey (to taste) and drink warmly for 0.5 stack. Three times a day.
When coughing during bronchitis, turnip helps well. It is necessary to take 2 tbsp. Lies. Sliced root turnip, and then pour 1 stack. Boiled water and keep on fire for 15 min. Infuse the broth for 30 minutes-1 hour, and then add boiled water in it to the amount reached 200 ml. Use tincture you need a quarter cup four times a day. Also, the broth from turnip can be drunk 1 time / day at night for 1 stack.
Recipes for cough and bronchitis with ginger
A fairly popular home remedy is also the ginger root. The recipe for cough and bronchitis with ginger looks like this.
It is necessary to grate the ginger root and squeeze the juice obtained from it. After that, mix 1 teaspoon. This juice and the same amount of honey and lemon juice, and then insist the mixture for 30 minutes. Then tincture pour 0,5 stack. Boiling water and cover with a lid. You need to use 1 tspolozh. Every 30 minutes.
A very good alternative to the pharmacy syrup will be made from ginger jam - it very effectively eases coughing. For its preparation, the following components are needed: 0.5 stacks. Sugar, 1 tbsp. Ginger juice, 1 pinch of nutmeg and saffron, and 1 stack. Simple water.
We raise sugar in the water, add ginger juice to it, and boil until the mixture thickens. After that you need to add saffron and nutmeg to it - jam is ready.
Recipes from propolis from bronchitis
When bronchitis is very effective, tincture of propolis, made on alcohol. To prepare this medicine, it is necessary to crush the propolis into small pieces, after which to fill honey. Alcohol and vodka, then shake the container and leave for 15 days in a cool place away from the sun. Take this tincture you need after eating 10 drops. It is suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis.
You can also use a cake from propolis during the cough treatment, but you should take into account that it can not be used at elevated temperature or inflammation. Before going to bed, warm propolis rolled into a thin layer is laid on the chest. In order to soften this material, it needs to be held for a short time in hot water - after that it can be easily rolled out.
Recipes from onions from bronchitis
There are also several recipes from bronchitis with the use of onions.
The first of them is made in this way. It takes 1 tbsp. Sugar and 1 onion (it needs to be recycled). Then they are mixed together and cooked. Use the resulting mixture every 2 hours in the amount of 1 tbsp. The whole course lasts 1 week.
Bronchitis also effectively heals a mixture from the root of the althaea, onions and plain water. First you need to boil 200 ml of water, and then pour it 1 tablespoon. The root of the marshmallow. This mixture should stand for about 15 minutes, and then it is added to 1 bulb onion. After that, the mixture is insisted for another 20 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered and taken thrice a day for 1 table.
Another good recipe is a mixture of mother-stepmother, onion, and plain water. This tincture is prepared in the same way as the previous tincture, also three times a day for 1 tbsp. If necessary, you can still drink an additional portion before bed.
Radish from bronchitis
A radish with honey works well against cough and bronchitis. It is necessary to take a large radish, remove the top from it and then cut inside the groove into which you need to fill 2 boxes. Liquid honey. Next, radish is placed vertically in a container, covered with a piece of thick paper and left for about 3-4 hours. The resulting mixture of radish juice with honey should be taken: children 1 tsp. 3-4 rubles / day. For half an hour before meals; adults - 1 st.lozh.
Pine kidneys from bronchitis
Very effective against bronchitis and pine buds. There are several recipes for preparing medicinal tinctures.
Need 10 g of kidney and 1 stack. Simple water - the broth should be boiled for 30 minutes under a closed lid. After this, insist for 2 hours and then strain. Take the medicine you need four times a day in an amount of 1-2 tablespoons.
For the same recipe, a decoction of pine buds made on milk is prepared and taken.
Very effective in bronchitis is jam made from pine buds - this medicine is able to help if there is a protracted bronchitis or chronic cough, or the disease has passed to the chronic stage.
It is made in the following way. First you need to sort out the fresh kidneys of the pine, removing all the garbage (remains of branches and needles), and then rinse under cold water. After that, they are poured with water, so that it covers the kidneys, and boiled for 20 minutes. As a result, we get a green broth, which must be left for 1 day to be infused. Next tincture is drained and added to it sugar (you need about 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of broth). This mixture should be kept on the fire for about 1.5 hours. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to carefully remove the foam. The final product has a dark amber color.
Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in the home
Obstructive bronchitis can be treated at home, but it is necessary that this process is controlled by a doctor. Along with the procedures that help to remove inflammation, it is necessary to use methods that help restore bronchial patency. In both cases, drugs are used in the form of suspensions, syrups, and also inhalations. The patient should comply with bed rest, take vitamins and immunomodulating medications, and also eat well.
Treatment of the obstructive form of bronchitis by alternative means is similar in many respects to the treatment of simple bronchitis, therefore it is not able to eliminate the main cause of this disease - bronchial obstruction. But in combination with drug therapy, alternative prescriptions can enhance the effect and accelerate recovery. There are several methods of alternative treatment:
- 4 large sheets of aloe are insisted in 0.5 liter of wine, filtered and drunk 3 times / day. For 1 dessert .;
- Mix 400 g of sugar, 500 g of chopped onion and 50 g of honey in 1 liter of water, and then boil on a small fire and leave to cook for another 3 hours. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered. Eat 1 st.lozh. Mixtures 4-6 times / day;
- Mix 25 g of leaves of mother-stepmother and licorice root, 40 g of root of medicinal althea, and 15 g of fennel fruit. Take 1 tbsp. Of the resulting mixture and pour it 20 ml of boiling water. To insist for 15 minutes, and then to use a quarter of a glass of 3-5 r. / Day.
Treatment of chronic bronchitis in the home
Treatment of chronic bronchitis in the home by alternative means:
- 1 tbsp. Lime color pour 1 stack. Boiling water, wrap and let it brew for 1 hour, after which drain. You need to drink 2-3 times / day. 1 stack;
- 1 tbsp. Thyme fill 1 stack. Boiling water, wrap and insist 1 hour, and then filter. You need to use 0.5 cup before meals 3 times / day;
- 30 g of licorice root pour boiling water (0.5 liters), boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Next, the broth should be cooled and filtered. Drink it for 1 tbsp. 4 times / day;
- Boil water (1.5 liters) and add to it 400 grams of bran (any). Decoction to cool and drain. You can drink it instead of tea;
- Crush two bananas to the state of the gruel, after which pour 1 stack. Boiled water with sugar. Before taking the mixture you need to warm up.
Treatment of allergic bronchitis in the home
Allergic bronchitis in the home is treated with alternative means. The main emphasis is on eliminating the main symptom - cough.
To remove phlegm from the bronchi, a tincture of licorice root with calendula flowers (2 tablespoons) and dill seeds (1 tablespoon) is made. This mixture should be poured 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes, after which some time to insist. You need to use tincture 3 times / day. Before a meal of 0.5 stacks. For 2 weeks.
In the same way, they prepare and consume a decoction of a mixture of herbs such as leaves of mother-stepmother, licorice root, and plantain.
Treatment of bronchitis in children at home
If a child has the first signs of a bronchitis, he needs to take a steam. Efficacy of inhalation will add added to boiled water honey, soda or medicinal herbs.
There are also alternative methods that help treat bronchitis in children at home:
- Boil water and add 1 tablespoon. Soda;
- 1 tbsp. Lies. Herbal collection, which includes the leaves of peppermint, sage, as well as raspberries need to pour 1 stack. Boiling water, then hold on the fire for 5-10 minutes. To do inhalation, add the right amount of water to the tincture;
- The above procedure can be performed with a tincture of crimson and linden color, as well as mother-stepmother;
- An effective remedy for bronchitis is a tincture of flowers of medicinal chamomile;
- Boil water and dilute honey in it in the proportion of 1k5;
- In acute bronchitis, inhalations with essential oil (conifers and eucalyptus) are very helpful, since the needles remove a secret from the lungs, diluted with eucalyptus. A few drops of the product must be added to the hot water.
Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults
Treatment of bronchitis in adults at home is as follows.
If there is a high fever, you need to adhere to bed rest. But when it falls, you should start walking outdoors (but, of course, not in severe frost).
The room in which the patient is located must be ventilated and constantly maintained in it the right level of humidity - you can use an air humidifier, or simply leave the heating battery wet (when it dries, you need to moisten it again).
It is necessary to eliminate any irritating factors (such as a pungent smell, dust or cigarette smoke). You should also perform a wet cleaning every day.
To reduce the level of intoxication, as well as reduce the viscosity of phlegm (and thus make it easier to withdraw), you need a lot and drink abundantly. Suitable are a variety of drinks - herbal teas (mint, linden, thyme) juices, fruit drinks, as well as mineral water (alkaline warm).
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol) effectively reduce temperature and reduce intoxication, and in addition reduce bronchopasms and edema of the bronchi, and also contribute to better sputum discharge. The safest drug in this group, which is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis, is now fenspiride (Erespal).
Treatment of bronchitis with herbs at home
Bronchitis can be treated at home with herbs.
If there is an acute form of the disease, you can drink a decoction from the mother-stepmother. This plant is a very effective expectorant and, in addition, has a febrifuge effect. It is necessary to make 1 item. Herbs in 1 stack. Boiling water, and then hold on the fire for 15 minutes. Then cover with a lid, insist for about 45 minutes, and then strain. Add water, so that the amount of tincture was 1 stack. The drug is not recommended to be stored for more than 2 days, after this period should be made fresh. Drink tincture warm, before meals for 30 minutes-1 hour, 2-3 times / day. On 1/3 a stack.
Expectorant properties have a root elecampane. You need to take 1 tsp. Dry sliced root, pour it 1 stack. Boiling water and hold on the fire for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is allowed to brew, then filter. Drink tincture should be 3-4 r. / Day. To ¼ of the stack. 1 hour before meals.
A good anti-inflammatory effect is grass sporish. For the tincture is 1 st.lozh. Dry sliced grass, which is kept in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then insist for about 1-2 hours and filter. Drug use should be 3-4 r. / Day for 1 tbsp.
Effective treatment of bronchitis at home
Treatment of bronchitis at home can have a positive effect. Among the most effective methods of treatment - inhalation, because their use allows you to directly affect the bronchi - the medicine gets directly to the inflamed areas.
If you are going to use alternative recipes for treatment, inhalation should be done by bending over the pot and covering yourself with a towel. Steam is inhaled with the mouth and nose, in turn. A kettle can also be used - for this, a simple plastic funnel is put on its spout.
Restriction for steam inhalations is only one thing - they can not be performed if the patient has a high fever.
Bronchitis can be effectively and quickly cured at home, but for this it is absolutely necessary to start treatment on time.