Treatment of dysarthria
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dysarthria is the pathology of the speech apparatus, which manifests itself in early childhood. Consider the causes of the disorder, effective methods of treatment and prevention.
Increasingly, parents are faced with a diagnosis of dysarthria in children. The disease occurs with a low supply of tissue nerve endings due to a lesion of the subcortical or dorsal region of the brain. Nerves are responsible for the connection of the central nervous system and speech device, any malfunctions in their functioning cause problems. With this disorder, there is limited mobility of the organs of speech (lips, tongue, soft palate), which significantly complicates pronunciation.
The disease has 3 degrees of severity:
- Wiped (light) - patients do not differ from their peers, but quickly get tired at high loads. In addition, they have disorders in the pronunciation of sounds (hissing, wheezing). This degree is best treatable.
- Typical (average) - clear speech disorders.
- Anarthria (severe) - with the functioning of organs and the presence of knowledge, the child can not speak normally, understandable speech is absent.
As a rule, dysarthria appears due to complications during pregnancy, that is, violations in the development of the fetus. But there are a number of diseases that can provoke the disorder: organic lesions of the central nervous system and brain, prematurity, cerebral palsy, intrauterine infections, incompatibility of Rh factor in mother and child, birth trauma, meningitis, encephalitis and other diseases transferred at an early age.
Symptoms of pathology are evident even in early childhood, so parents can independently suspect the disease. The child is disturbed by the sound, the voice, rhythm and melody of speech are lost. Because of poorly developed articulatory muscles, the tongue can fall out when the mouth is open, lips do not close or are tightly compressed. The child has increased salivation, when talking, it seems that he speaks in the nose (without signs of sinusitis and other lesions of the nasopharynx). Sounds in words are distorted, skipped or replaced by others.
Since the disease is directly related to brain and CNS disorders, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination with the first pathological signs. As a rule, the diagnosis is carried out in a hospital. The child is examined by the speech therapist and neurologist, the doctors study the specifics of the disorders in his development and the general psychoneurological condition.
According to the results of the study, the doctor determines one of the forms of the disease that depend on the affected area of the brain:
- Bulbar - arises from the local paralysis of muscles that participate in articulation. It is accompanied by difficulties when swallowing.
- Cerebellar - because of the lesions of the cerebellum, speech becomes stretched with different tonality and varying loudness.
- Extrapyramidal - violations in the subcortical nodes provoke an indistinct, blurred, nasal speech. There are problems with facial expressions due to facial muscles.
- Cortical - due to the defeat of the cortex parts that are responsible for articulation muscles, the child incorrectly syllables, but the general structure of words is preserved.
- Pseudobulbar dysarthria - characterized by monotony of speech, arises from the central paralysis of the muscles.
- Wiped - the wrong pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds.
- Cold is one of the signs of a neuromuscular disorder, that is, myasthenia gravis. Speech disorders occur because of a change in temperature in the place where the baby is.
- Parkinsonian - slow and inexpressive speech. It is a symptom of parkinsonism.
The sooner the violations are identified, the more likely it is that the normal functioning of the speech apparatus will be restored.
Treatment of dysarthria in children
Disorder of the speech apparatus refers to diseases associated with disorders of the central nervous system and the brain. Treatment of dysarthria in children implies an integrated approach. The kid is given therapeutic and pedagogical therapy, which consists of the following methods:
- Speech Therapy
The speech therapist develops all aspects of children's speech: grammatical structure, vocabulary, phonetic hearing. In specialized kindergartens and schools, there are corrective speech groups in which the children develop conversational communication skills. In therapy, gaming methods of correction are used, which allows quickly eliminating the identified defects.
- Healing Fitness
Special articulatory gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the facial muscles in a child. The patient is treated with acupressure and speech therapy.
- Medication Therapy
Most often, children are prescribed nootropics. Drugs from this group affect the higher brain functions, improve mental activity and memory, stimulate cognitive, intellectual skills, facilitate the learning process. Used medicines: Encephabol, Hopantenic acid, Phenibut, Cortexin.
The outcome of dysarthria and its prognosis depend on the degree of severity and the results of complex therapy. Since the disease causes irreversible disorders, the main goal of treatment is the formation of speech for normal communication and life in society.
Drug treatment of dysarthria
A comprehensive approach is used to eliminate defects in the speech apparatus, but medical treatment deserves special attention. Dysarthria very often appears against the background of other pathologies of the nervous system. Medicines are picked up by a psychoneurologist with all diagnoses taken into account. There are no drugs intended for direct dysarthria treatment, so children are prescribed symptomatic drugs. They relieve the symptoms of the disease and ease the condition of the patient.
For medicinal treatment of dysarthria, such drugs can be used:
- Encephalbol
Normalizes the decreased metabolic processes in the brain tissues. The active substance is pyrithinol. Its action is based on increasing the capture and utilization of glucose, accelerating the exchange of nucleic acids, increasing the release of acetylcholine in the synapses. Tablets and suspension improve cholinergic neuronal transmission.
- Assign for symptomatic therapy of chronic disorders of the functions of the head and the syndrome of dementia. Encephabol is effective in disorders of thinking and memory, increased fatigue, reduced intellectual performance and affective disorders.
- It is intended for oral administration, since it is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. The medication is taken during or after a meal. Dosage and duration of therapy are selected for each patient individually.
- Nootropin is contraindicated for patients with intolerance to pyrithinol and other active ingredients. With special care is used in diseases of the kidneys, liver, acute forms of autoimmune pathologies.
- Adverse reactions occur rarely, since the drug is well tolerated. But in some cases, such symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, cholestasis, stool disorders, headaches, sleep disorders, changes in the blood system, allergic reactions.
- When taking elevated doses, there are symptoms of overdose - pronounced side effects. There is no specific antidote, therefore, symptomatic therapy and gastric lavage are used for treatment.
- Pantokalcin
Affects the GABA-b-receptor-channel complex, contains gopanthenic acid and calcium salt. Affects serotonin, dopamine, neurotransmitter and other systems. Has anticonvulsant, nootropic action, accelerates metabolism at the cellular level, preventing the development of hypoxia.
- Assign to treat children from the first days of life. The main indications for use are: neuroses, cerebral palsy, delay or mental / mental development disorders, seizures, oligophrenia, perinatal encephalopathy, stammering, epilepsy. The drug is effective in cases of organic brain damage and cognitive impairment. Helps to cope with increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, reduced performance, as well as in violation of concentration and memory problems.
- Dosage depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the dysarthria. As a rule, children are prescribed 100-250 mg 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is from 1 to 4 months. In case of an overdose, there is an increase in adverse reactions. For treatment, symptomatic therapy is used.
- The main side effects: allergic reactions, the development of drowsiness, headaches. Pantokaltsin is prohibited for use in cases of intolerance to active components and severe impairment of kidney function.
- Picalon
Nootropic and vascular means for improving mental activity and memory. Its active ingredients are nicotinic acid and GABA molecules.
- Tablets are prescribed for violations of cerebral circulation, increased irritability, vegetovascular dystonia, increased mental and physical exertion. Single dose of 20-50 mg 2-3 times a day, the course of therapy is 1-2 months.
- It is not used to treat patients with acute and chronic kidney disease, as well as hypersensitivity to active substances. Adverse reactions occur rarely, but, as a rule, this is increased excitement, irritability, allergic reactions and headaches. To eliminate them, you must reduce the dosage and consult your doctor.
- Cinnarizine
The drug blocks the membrane calcium channels and suppresses the entry of calcium ions into the cells. Improves cerebral, cardiac and peripheral circulation. Increases tissue resistance to hypoxia. Has spasmolytic effect. Due to antihistaminic activity reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus.
- Indications for use: cerebral circulation disorders, atherosclerosis, craniocerebral trauma. Tablets are prescribed for migraine, to reduce spasms of peripheral vessels, Raynaud's disease and Meniere's disease.
- The medicine is taken before meals, washed down with a copious amount of liquid. As a rule, patients are prescribed 1 capsule 1-3 times a day, the duration of treatment is from several weeks to several months.
- Side effects are possible in case of an overdose or an agent if the active components are intolerant. In this case, there is increased drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders, dry mouth.
- Instenon
Produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Active components: hexobenzene, etamivan and etofillin. The medication improves cerebral circulation, has an inotropic, bronchodilator and diuretic effect.
- Indications for use: acute disorders of cerebral circulation, vegetovascular dystonia, cerebrovascular insufficiency, posttraumatic encephalopathy. Patients are prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day or 1-2 injections.
- The drug is contraindicated with increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy and intracerebral hemorrhages. In case of an overdose, there are side effects: tachycardia, headaches, hyperemia of the face.
- Gliatilin
Neuroprotector contains choline alphoscerate, which after splitting into the body is split into glycerophosphate and choline. Pharmacological composition has an effect on neurotransmission, participates in the synthesis of membrane phospholipid. It improves cerebral circulation, impulse transmission in cholinergic neurons, positively influences the elasticity of nerve cell membranes. Active components stimulate metabolic processes, due to which consciousness is restored in traumatic brain lesions.
- Indications for use: involutional, degenerative psycho-organic syndromes, cerebrovascular insufficiency, impairments of mnestic functions, emotional lability, excessive irritability. Gliatilin is effective in the complex therapy of the acute phase of craniocereberal trauma, coma.
- Available in the form of capsules for oral administration and ampoules for injection. Tablets are taken before meals, washed down with water. Dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Ampoules are used for intramuscular and intravenous drip injections.
- Side effects occur rarely. In some cases, there may be attacks of nausea and vomiting, epigastric pain, confusion. Symptoms of overdose appear as an increase in adverse reactions. No antidote, recommended gastric lavage and dose adjustment. The drug is contraindicated for patients with intolerance to alfoscerate, choline or other components. It is not used to treat pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.
- New Passit
Combined herbal remedy. Has a soothing and anti-anxiety effect. Relaxes smooth muscles, relieves mental stress.
- Assign for the treatment and prevention of mild forms of neurasthenia, sleep disorders, absent-mindedness, memory impairment, mental exhaustion. Helps with strong nervous experiences, headaches, migraines. Has a therapeutic effect in functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vegetovascular dystonia, skin diseases.
- The medicine is released in vials with a solution for oral administration. The dosage is selected by the doctor, as well as the duration of therapy. As a rule, take 3-5 ml 2-3 times a day. In case of an overdose, there are bouts of nausea and vomiting, headaches, muscle weakness and convulsions.
- Contraindicated to use in hypersensitivity to active components, organic gastrointestinal disturbances, for children under 12 years.
- Persen
The drug is based on plant extracts with a sedative effect. Has a calming effect, improves mood, relieves anxiety and irritability. Helps with sleep disorders, has an antispasmodic effect.
- Indications for use: neuroses of different severity, vegetovascular dystonia, insomnia, psychoemotional disorders, attention and memory disorders. It is contraindicated to use for treatment of children under 3 years of age and with intolerance of active components.
- The drug is released in the form of tablets for oral administration. The doctor appoints 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day, the duration of treatment is individual. In case of an overdose, there is nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, trembling of the hands. Adverse reactions occur rarely and are manifested in the form of constipation.
- Actovegin
Activates and accelerates the metabolism, increases energy resources at the cellular level. It is used for insufficiency of cerebral circulation, oxygen starvation of the brain, craniocerebral trauma, angiopathy, ulcers, pressure sores, corneal damage and in many other pathological conditions.
The form of the drug as a dosage and duration of treatment depends on the medical recommendations. The medication is released in tablets, ampoules for injection, in the form of a gel and ointment for external use. Children are prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day or 1-2 injections per day. In case of an overdose, allergic reactions to the skin, increased sweating, fever, a feeling of blood rush may occur.
- Cerebrolysate
The nootropic stimulant is composed of brain tissue of cattle. It consists of biologically active peptides and free amino acids. Active components stimulate metabolism in brain cells, increase the resistance of brain tissue to toxins, lack of glucose and oxygen starvation. It restores integrative processes in the central nervous system, raises concentration of attention and facilitates the assimilation of information.
- It is used only for medical purposes. Most often, the remedy is used in the complex therapy of cerebrovascular disorders, with mechanical damage to the brain, neuropathy, encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, attention deficit and radiculopathy. Contraindicated apply for the treatment of pregnant women, with epilepsy, neurological diseases, allergies.
- Cerebrolysate is released in the form of ampoules with a solution for intramuscular injection. The dosage is selected by the doctor, taking into account the weight of the child and the indication. As a rule, take 1-2 ml of IM for 1-2 weeks with a second course 2-3 times a year.
- Adverse reactions are manifested in the form of pain syndrome, irritation, redness and swelling at the injection site. There may be an increase in blood pressure, allergic reactions.
The doctor selects drugs that completely or partially eliminate the symptoms of the disorder. In addition to the above described medicines in the treatment of dysarthria, such agents as Cerebrocurin, Piracetam, Finlepsin are well established. Without fail, all children are prescribed Magne B6 and medications that remove vascular spasms.
Since the disease is associated with disruption of the brain, it is very difficult to predict the results of drug treatment. But early treatment allows good results.
Treatment of dysarthria at home
Violations of the speech apparatus require the right medical approach in choosing the methods of their recovery. In addition to drug therapy, it is very important to treat dysarthria at home. Regardless of the age of the child and the degree of the disease, it is recommended to perform exercise therapy, massages, respiratory gymnastics and speech therapy exercises.
Let us consider in more detail the possibilities of independent treatment of dysarthria:
- Physiotherapy
Exercises help develop common motor skills. They need to be carried out regularly at least 20-30 minutes a day. A small warm-up complex is suitable for classes:
- In the standing position, legs together hands to the sides, it is necessary to perform turns of the trunk.
- In a horizontal position, hands along the trunk, take a deep breath and raise both feet and head simultaneously, without taking the case off the floor.
- The starting position is on the knees, hands on the belt. Inhale and bend back to exhale forward.
Each exercise should be done 10-15 times.
- Breathing exercises
This set of exercises is made by a doctor and depends on the form and extent of the disease. Consider the classical respiratory technique, which can be used in all forms of the disorder:
- The child closes his mouth and 1 nostril. Breathing is done through the second nostril, and on exhalation it is necessary to moo. Perform on both nostrils.
- Ask the child to inflate balls or soap bubbles, inhale gently through the nose.
- Ask the baby to blow on the table, the lips should be in the shape of a tube, and the cheeks should be inflated.
- Logopedic complex is developed by the doctor and is aimed at stimulation of articulatory and general motor skills, development of proper breathing, development of memory, attention, auditory perception.
- Massage.
Massage should be done very carefully, so as not to cause painful sensations or spasms. It is recommended to use several techniques:
- Gently massage the upper and lower parts of the lips, corners, with two fingers.
- Perform spiral and wavy movements along the upper and lower lips.
- Pinch and stroke both lips.
- With the help of the tongue, the child must walk through the sky from the front incisors to the middle of the mouth.
- Tapping movements from the incisors to the middle of the sky.
- Circular, wavy, stroking movements from the incisors and to the sky.
- Smoothing of the tongue in a spiral.
- Pat and end plucking from end to mid.
It is recommended to perform all exercises 5-7 times. These techniques are aimed at stimulating and relaxing the organs of speech. The main medical measures can be combined with reflexology and physiotherapy.
Treatment of dysarthria is a long process. But with the right and timely approach it allows to restore the disturbed functions so that the sick child does not differ in development from peers. If the disease is neglected, it will lead to social problems, deprive them of normal communication, and affect relations with friends and family. In the future, it can lead to depressive disorders and isolation from others.