Treatment of inguinal hernia
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021
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Inguinal hernia is a fairly common disease, which gives its owner a lot of inconvenience. Hernias are characterized by pain, discomfort in walking, and disorders of internal organs. Treatment of inguinal hernia is the only way to get rid of the disease forever.
Ways of treatment of inguinal hernia
What are the ways to treat inguinal hernia? In fact, a radical hernia can be cured only in one way - in an operative way.
In modern medicine, inguinal hernia treatment is most often performed in the form of an operation using a grid - mandatory, when the patient reaches 16 years of age. Operative intervention without mesh setting often leads to a repeated development of the disease, when the hernia appears again and on the same site. Such relapses occur in 40% of cases of operations without a mesh.
The mesh material is polypropylene, which does not cause rejection in the body. With inguinal hernia, the polypropylene used is light, elastic and composite, not provoking the formation of coarse scars.
In addition to surgery, other methods of therapy are known (hereinafter we will consider them). However, they all have only a temporary effect. Completely cure the disease can only be through surgery.
Principles of treatment of inguinal hernias consist in removal and suture of the hernial sac, with the fall of organs dropped back into the abdominal cavity and restoration of the full anatomy of the inguinal region. Given the close fit of the hernial sac and the vas deferens, surgical intervention should be delicate and highly technical.
Conservative methods in no way can affect the infection of the defect of the anterior abdominal wall. The purpose of such methods can consist only in temporary relief of the patient's condition.
Methods of plasty inguinal hernia
At present, two main methods of surgical intervention for inguinal hernias are formed: a stretching and non-stretching method.
- Method of stretch plastic.
For many years, leading experts in surgery thought about the most effective method of eliminating the abdominal wall defect by the method of drawing and sewing the patient's own tissue. Such operations can take place in different ways, so they are divided into two main categories:
- plastic tension of the anterior wall of the inguinal canal;
- plastic tension of the back wall.
The most common is the second version of the operation. Nevertheless, the main drawback of plastic tension is frequent relapse - up to 20% of cases of repeated development of the disease, as well as the presence of postoperative pain, prolonged disability and recovery.
- Method of non-stretch plastic.
The non-exhaustive technique is used today much more often. With this operation, specific synthetic polymeric materials of the network structure are used - these are absolutely harmless implants, which excel in the body and are not rejected by the tissues. The nets are placed deep into the tissues of the inguinal canal, preventing touching the seed cord and reducing the likelihood of pain and relapse.
Operative treatment of inguinal hernia
At the present time, three most effective methods of surgical intervention for inguinal hernias are used in world medicine:
- Operation by the method of Liechtenstein proceeds under local anesthesia - the patient is conscious. The doctor makes a cut in the groin (about 7 cm), separates the spermatic cord (or round ligament of the uterus), cuts off the hernia or corrects it. The abdominal wall defect is sutured, and a special fixing mesh with a hole under the spermatic cord is placed between the muscle layers and sewn. Damaged fabrics are sewn. For surgery, use a specific suture material, bioresorbable and not torn by the body.
The operation can be carried out on an outpatient basis, and the patient can go home 3 hours after the intervention. External seams are removed after a week.
Local anesthesia during the operation is carried out by drugs like Marcaina or Naropina.
- Laparoscopic treatment of inguinal hernias involves the use of an endoscope. In the anterior abdominal wall, three punctures are made, through which gas is pumped into the abdominal cavity and special instruments and an endoscope are inserted. In the cavity enter the grid and fix it in the right place. Defects sutured.
In the operation, general anesthesia is used, so patients with heart and respiratory system diseases should not be recommended.
Laparoscopic surgery is low-traumatic, has a minimum number of complications (among the side effects - weakness, dyspeptic disorders, pain in the intercostal muscles, thrombosis). The rehabilitation period after laparoscopy is minimal.
- The third method used is also endoscopic, however, the intervention is performed through the preperitoneal space. Anesthesia is predominantly epidural, epidural or general. The essence of the operation is the creation of an artificial space in the space between the muscle layers and the abdominal wall from the side of the hernial protrusion. By means of this space, the instruments are inserted into the cavity by which the hernia and the spermatic cord are separated. In the intermuscular and interperitoneal region, a network is established, which is fixed independently by holding it with intraperitoneal pressure: no special suturing of the net is required. Due to this, the risk of postoperative pain significantly decreases, and the patient can return to the usual rhythm of life within a week. Such surgery is more expensive, but has a minimal recovery period.
Treatment of inguinal hernia with a laser (one of the most modern methods of surgery) is extremely rare - this method is used mainly to treat tumors and herniated spine. The use of a laser for inguinal hernia is often impractical.
Treatment of strangulated inguinal hernia
When the hernia is infringed, an urgent hernia operation is performed, the purpose of which is not the plasty of the inguinal canal, but the elimination of the direct infringement and its possible complications.
- If the intestinal tract, which was in the hernial sac, did not succumb to necrosis, the doctor will fix it and produce the plasty.
- If there are some signs of necrosis on the intestinal tract, the doctor can try to restore the tissues with the help of medications.
- If the intestinal loop is necrotized irretrievably, then it is excised.
Thus, when the hernia is infringed, the patient is first diagnosed with a laparoscopic operation, during which an assessment is made of the condition of the affected areas. If the restrained organ is recognized as viable, then the hernial gates are sewn - the inner inguinal ring and the uninfected region of the peritoneum. If there is a suspicion that the injured organ is not viable, then an urgent herniolaparotomy with a possible resection of the necrotic zone is prescribed.
Endovidelaparoscopy helps to accurately examine trophic tissue disorders at the site of infringement, and suturing during laparoscopy minimizes the possibility of trauma to the vessels of the testicles and the vas deferens.
Medication for inguinal hernia
Most patients with diagnosed inguinal hernia are asking doctors everywhere the most urgent question: "Is it possible to treat inguinal hernia without surgery?"
The fact is that there are no drugs capable of eliminating a hernial protrusion. It is impossible to "cover" a defect without resorting to prompt intervention. At the beginning of the development of the disease conservative treatment aimed at alleviating the symptoms of a hernia is allowed. However, such therapy is temporary, and sooner or later surgical intervention will be inevitable anyway.
Indeed, to reduce the manifestations of signs of the disease can be - for example, by wearing a bandage. This will reduce the load on the groin and pressure in the hernial sac, which will positively affect the patient's well-being. Wearing a bandage is welcomed at the early stages of the development of pathology and only when the hernia is guided.
In some cases, treatment of inguinal hernia with a bandage can provoke the occurrence of complications:
- enlargement of a protruded portion as a result of scarring;
- pressure on the inside of the hernial sac;
- atrophic processes of facial contours;
- pressure on the spermatic cord.
Wearing an inguinal bandage is very common, as many patients think that in this way they will be able to get rid of the problem. But this is not so: conservative treatment does not relieve the disease, but only allows the patient to ease his condition and lead a habitual way of life. Moreover, over time, if you delay with surgery, there is a development of weakness of inguinal muscles, which can serve as the beginning of new diseases.
The bandage can be used for a long time only if significant contraindications to operative intervention are found:
- old age;
- general exhaustion (inability to reschedule the operation);
- the period of bearing of the child;
- acute infectious diseases;
- the period of rehabilitation after other operations.
Treatment of inguinal hernia in the home
In the home, treatment of inguinal hernia can eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Doctors do not welcome such treatment, because it can be spent on precious time, during which the hernia will progress. Experts adhere to the opinion that the treatment, conducted on time, guarantees the possibility of a positive outcome.
Some alternative healers are advised to treat inguinal hernia cold:
- wash the affected area with cold vinegar water;
- apply to the hernia pieces of ice, as well as swallow pieces of ice for pain and dyspepsia.
However, traditional medicine doctors do not recommend this method of treatment. The fact that the cold can provoke a spasm, which will entail infringement of the hernia.
Treatment of inguinal hernia by alternative means is represented by the following recipes:
- Lotion from the bark of oak: 2 teaspoons of crushed bark add in 400 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave until it cools. Next, we filter the medicine, moisten the bandage and bandage the hernia for three hours. We repeat the procedure daily.
- A lotion from the sauerkraut juice: we moisten the gauze and apply it at night.
- Lotion with apple cider vinegar: we make a compress at the rate of 4 tbsp. Spoon of vinegar in 400 ml of water.
- Wormwood: we insist 2 tbsp. Spoonful of wormwood in 400 ml of boiling water for an hour.
- Anti-game ointment: we drown with a water bath ½ kg of pork fat and pour it into a container. Separately mix 100 ml of vinegar and one fresh egg. Mix everything, topping up the melted fat to 0.5 liters. We put it in the refrigerator for a week. After a week, add 2 quail eggs and a teaspoon of fat badger or nutria. Stir and use for bandages. Ointment can be used for a long time. Keep in the refrigerator.
- Good efficacy is attributed to such a means: equal quantities of leaves of plantain, onions and plants are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with pork fat. Ointment is used for bandages at night.
Treatment of inguinal hernia with herbs should not be the only method of therapeutic treatment. In addition to alternative treatment, it is recommended to do physical exercises, to maintain immunity, to eat right and not to allow the development of constipation.
Treatment of inguinal hernia with physical exercises should only take place under the supervision of a physician. When the disease is not welcome exercises with a load on the abdominal muscles, as this may be accompanied by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which can significantly exacerbate the situation. Exceptions are swimming, which contribute to strengthening the muscular corset.
Also, it is undesirable to use exercises with the use of power simulators, including exercises in the supine position with a load on the legs.
Welcome kardionagruzki, moderately - jogging, walking, aerobics, yoga, cycling.
Treatment of inguinal hernia with the help of yoga
Yoga classes should be conducted three times a day: in the morning before breakfast, 2 hours after lunch and before bedtime. Each exercise is recommended to be repeated at least 3 times.
Lay down on the back.
- Legs are straight, arms stretched along the body. Slowly inhale, trying to protrude the stomach as much as possible. Exhale, lowering the stomach.
- Legs are placed on the width of the shoulders and bend at the knees, and the arms - at the elbows. We inhale, and at this time we raise the pelvis, focusing on the area of shoulders, elbows and feet.
- Hands are placed along the body, feet together. Raise even legs up to 45 ° in turn and together.
We sit down on a chair.
- We put our feet together. On a deep breath, we lift the right hand upwards, and on exhalation we lean to the left. Then vice versa.
- We lean on a back, we hold hands a sitting. We inhale and simultaneously raise the pelvis, resting on our hands.
- We inhale. On exhalation we put one foot in turn to the abdominal press.
- We take our toes alternately, bending forward.
Inguinal hernia is not a contraindication for practicing yoga, but not all poses are allowed: consult on this issue with a specialist.
Treatment of inguinal hernia with plots
Some patients sincerely believe in the treatment of diseases with the help of conspiracies. According to the experts of this method, conspiracies should be applied closer to the night just before sunset.
A piece of the old remnant is taken, held around the circle near the hernia and three times pronounced:
- Tekla water near the white beaches, cut stones, washed sand. It is given to this remnant to be washed off, as well as a hernia. As water flows, and a hernia. And as the sun sets and the moon peeps out, then the illness will go away.
Further slanders a piece of remnant:
- I wake up from the dawn, walk to the white water, to the oceans. There splashes a gogol, which does not have a blue, or an erythema with a tumor. There is cancer crawling, not having either blue, or redness with a tumor. There lies the deceased, who has neither blue nor red with a tumor.
After that, you need to go to the river bank and throw a piece of remnant into the water, saying:
- And the gogol, and the cancer, and the body of the deceased has no illness, no move. And the servant of God (name) has neither a hernia, nor a half of a hernia - there is none, and there will be no.
And one more slander from any hernia that is read after applying a piece of water moss to the affected area:
- Near the sea, near the ocean, near the island of Buyan, stone moss is laid. Under this moss the snake Skoropei gnaws, gnaws and always is full. Zagryzi, snake, hernia slave of God (name), and you will be full, and servant of God (name) to bow.
At the end of the conspiracy, you should return a piece of moss to the place where it was taken.
Modern methods of treatment of inguinal hernias
Surgery for inguinal hernia seems simple, but it is not quite so: the operation is not simple. Old methods of surgery, especially those carried out in children and the elderly, often contributed to the development of repeated hernias in the same place.
Currently, specialists use the latest techniques to reliably adjust the patient's tissues, and the operation itself has become much less traumatic and painful. In most cases, the hernial defect is sutured using high-strength synthetic materials. In this case, surgeons can give preference to both classical intervention and laparoscopy.
Malo-traumatic laparoscopy is very effective in patients with recurrent hernia development, in the presence of scar tissue on the surface of the peritoneum. Scar tissue is highly undesirable to re-injure. By means of laparoscopy and a laparoscopic probe, the operation can be carried out neatly and highly professionally.
As a rule, epidemiological anesthesia is used in modern clinics for adult patients and general anesthesia in children.
The question of how to apply the treatment of inguinal hernia, usually solved by a doctor individually. Basically, the operation is trying to prescribe in the very near future after the diagnosis is confirmed. All other methods of treatment, again, have only a temporary and transitory effect. Therefore, before you give up the surgery, weigh all the pros and cons, consult the doctors and decide in favor of your continued healthy and fulfilling life.