Varieties and models of a bandage for inguinal hernia
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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A bandage for inguinal hernia is considered an important component of the successful treatment of the disease. Hernia in the groin is a surgical problem that arises from the increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity: during physical overload, when a child is born, with regular constipation, obesity, with weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the inguinal zone. The disease can develop at any age, including the appearance from birth.
The purpose of the bandage for inguinal hernia is to allow the patient to lead a normal life without allowing hernial infringement and other complications. During wearing, the bandage serves as a kind of mechanical obstacle that helps to hold the organs inside the abdominal cavity, not allowing them to protrude through the hernial opening.
Indications for the use of inguinal bandage
Inguinal hernias are treated surgically, but there are situations when the intervention is delayed. In such cases, the doctor can appoint a special device - a bandage, which helps prevent further growth of the disease and the appearance of complications.
Modern bandage means are very comfortable and effective, they are worn before and after surgery. But it must be remembered that the groin for the inguinal hernia does not eliminate the disease, but only allows you to withstand the time before surgery, while maintaining the patient's condition. The bandage is not a method of treatment, but a preventive remedy.
The use of a bandage belt is shown in the following situations:
- during pregnancy. The increase in the abdomen occurs gradually throughout the three trimesters. The pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases, the effect on the musculoskeletal apparatus increases. A special restraining belt will help support muscles and prevent the occurrence of complications;
- while playing sports and hard physical work. Bandage is mandatory for those who are engaged in power sports - it's weightlifters, bodybuilders. For example, when raising the bar or swinging the press, the pressure in the abdominal cavity rises sharply, and the bandage can compensate it somewhat;
- during rehabilitation after surgery. Wearing a bandage in the postoperative period will reduce the load on the seam area, help to restore the muscular corset faster, prevent the recurrence of the disease;
- if it is impossible to conduct an operative intervention. In this case, the bandage belt will ease the pain and reduce the risk of pinching.
Bandage is not recommended for use:
- when the hernial sac is infringed and irreparable;
- with malignant degeneration of the hernia;
- for diseases or external damage to the skin in the places of attachment of the bandage.
Varieties and models of bandages
As is known, the most common hernia in the groin is found in men. For this reason, the most common is a male bandage for inguinal hernia. However, there is also a female version, universal, for children, as well as a bandage for newborns. Such belts in appearance look like pulling pants, with Velcro or clasps for fastening.
Bandage belts are divided into one- and two-sided, depending on the type of hernia. Accordingly, one-sided can be designed for the right or left side. There are also universal options, where the side of the arrangement can be adjusted.
Competently chosen belt tightly in contact with the skin and does not cause discomfort, it can not be seen under the layer of clothing.
In addition to the fasteners and the belt itself, the main part of the bandage is a special metal plate sewn into a tissue pouch - the so-called "pelot". The size of the pelota is selected for the diameter and shape of the hernial opening - it should be slightly larger along the outer boundaries, about 10 mm.
The groin for hernia groin for women can be no different from the male version, except for those models that are designed to be worn during pregnancy.
How to choose the right band for inguinal hernia?
It will be better if your doctor is giving advice on choosing a bandage. There are many varieties that differ in the degree of compression, the type of hernial protrusion, the option of fixation and in size.
If you plan to use the belt for a long time, then you should not buy cheap models - remember that the price directly affects the quality of the product. Cheap bandages quickly wear out, can not bear washing, and also are made basically from synthetics, which is not very desirable for the skin.
Choose options from natural fabrics - this will save you from allergies and skin irritations. Especially naturalness is relevant in the summer heat, when special attention is paid to hygroscopicity and ease of clothing.
Ideally, if the basis of the product will be cotton. It is necessary to try on the belt when buying, because it is so easy to make a mistake in the amount and buy a thing that in the future will be uncomfortable wearing. Never buy a bandage "for growth". If the belt does not fit tightly to the body, then it will not be possible to restrain the hernial protrusion. Wearing such a bandage will be ineffective.
Fitting and putting on the bandage device should be carried out in a horizontal position, on the back. Only in this way can the pressure in the abdominal cavity be reduced as much as possible, so that the bandage can fully fulfill its function. Pay attention, that fastenings and a pelot do not hang out, but also did not squeeze a body.
Remove the bandage in the same position that they put on - on the back. After removal, it is recommended to massage the skin lightly, to stimulate blood circulation.
Patients often ask the question: how to make a bandage for inguinal hernia? The fact is that experts do not recommend making such a device yourself. The bandages perform strictly the functions assigned to him, and the slightest discrepancy to his destination not only does not help, but also can cause great harm to the state of the hernial sac.
The average service life of the bandage belt (with daily use) is approximately 12 months, after which it is necessary to change it to a new one. The term of wearing can be extended if the product is used carefully, preferably with hands at + 30-35 ° C (using mild detergents), never twist it. Before washing, pay attention to the annotation to a particular model - the fact is that some bandages generally can not be washed. These belts are recommended to be placed in a special washable cover, which will save the purity of the product.
The most common types of bandages for inguinal hernia
- Universal bandage devices "Jolly" or "Personal" are designed like panties with two holding pellets in front. They are fastened on the side, and are also equipped with Velcro straps for fastening between the legs. The universality of such bandages is that they can be adjusted to suit themselves by adding or removing pelots and belts. They are convenient to use as a one-sided (right or left), and with bilateral hernia. Products are made of a natural base, they are hypoallergenic.
- Bandages for groin "Denver" can be produced in different versions. The most popular of them are a kind of ribbon with sewn cushions (on one or the other side), the edges of which are sheathed with a special protection from irritation when wearing. The complete set includes also straps on Velcro, for additional fixation.
- Bandage T43 series is made of breathable cloth-mesh. Looks like ordinary underwear, which makes it invisible under clothes and comfortable in everyday wear.
A bandage for inguinal hernia is recommended to be worn constantly, taking off only for the night. However, if you experience discomfort, skin irritation, allergies, you should stop wearing the bandage and contact your supervising doctor.