Treatment of myalgia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Medicinal treatment of myalgia is to eliminate the cause of the pain syndrome. For this purpose, medicines such as Miodocalm, Baclofen and Tizanidine are used.
- Midsummer. The treatment regimen for this drug is developed individually, by the attending physician. Usually, the daily dose varies between 150-450 mg. Initially, it is recommended to use a 50 mg agent at a time (there should be 3 in total). The drug has contraindications. It can not be used for allergies and babies until 3 months. Side effects include headaches and muscle pains, nausea, general weakness and allergic reactions. To eliminate the unpleasant symptomatology, it is enough just to stop taking the drug and adjust the dosage together with a specialist.
- Baclofen. The treatment regimen, as with the previous drug should be individual. Be sure to take medication during meals. The initial dose is 15 mg. Usually, the agent is taken in several stages. During the first 3 days 3 times a day for 10 mg (half a tablet). The next 3 days one tablet, the next 3 days and a half tablets. Concluding three days for 2 tablets. Do not take the drug to people with hypersensitivity, as well as during pregnancy. With ulcers of the stomach and duodenum reception is strictly prohibited, possibly, deterioration of the condition. Side effects of the mass, they can manifest themselves from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea, vomiting. The nervous system also suffers: weakness and headaches. Possible weight gain, impotence.
- Tizanidine. Apply it should be 2-4 mg 3 times a day. If the condition is severe, then the same dose is used at night for one night. About the last use is to consult a doctor. The remedy is used exclusively on an individual basis. Use medicament is impossible when hypersensitivity to its main components. As for side effects, headache, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth and lowering of blood pressure are not excluded.
Eliminate the problem with the use of certain medicines will not be easy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to connect to this action special curative gymnastics, as well as massage. The technique of its conduct will be discussed below. Not the last place is engaged in therapeutic gymnastics. It is important to begin the exercise with maximum tension. This will eliminate the pain syndrome. Gymnastics is based on exercises designed to lead to relaxation. It is necessary to create a uniform load and synchronously relax.
Practically similar essence of manual therapy work. Muscles begin to not only relax, but even prick. In addition, a specific therapy is widely used, which is aimed at working with many internal organs. But this is useful in the case when myalgia was caused by serious illnesses. More details about each method will be described below.
Prednisolone from myalgia
This medication is widely used in the practice of eliminating muscle pain. Dosage should be established individually and only by the attending physician. If the condition is severe, usually prescribed 20-30 mg per day. This equates to 4-6 tablets. If a maintenance dose is required, then 5-10 mg. Children can use the remedy for 2 months, at this age the dosage is calculated: 2 g of the drug per kilogram of weight. From 1 year to 14 years, 1-2 mg / kg intravenously. If there is an urgent need, the introduction is repeated.
Adverse effects include obesity. The female sex is especially bad, they have a hormonal failure. As a result of this, a beard, a mustache begins to grow. There may be problems with the menstrual cycle. Often the digestive tract suffers, fragility of nails and hair is manifested. Blood may not coagulate as well as before, there is a risk of an infectious disease. Often there are mental disorders. Enough to stop taking the remedy, as a person will bounce back.
Contraindications are hypertensive disease, pregnancy and the presence of diabetes. People with nephritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum should not take the remedy in any case. The same goes for a patient with infectious diseases, including tuberculosis.
Treatment of myalgia at home
Many organic people do not tolerate medical institutions, so they try to eliminate any illness independently. To do this, the entrance goes home lotions, tinctures and other means. Carrying out such treatment it is necessary to show and special care. After all, without understanding the reason for the emergence of myalgia, there is a risk of harming one's own health.
If you suffer from muscle pain, you can apply fat to the sore spot, cover everything with polyethylene and a woolen scarf. All will begin to warm up and the problem will recede by itself. Another recipe for lard involves using it together with the field horsetail. Two ingredients are mixed together and rubbed into a sore spot. Several procedures should be performed, until the symptomatology disappears.
Cabbage also has good medicinal properties. You just need to attach a cabbage leaf, topped with soap dispenser on the affected area. For best effect, you can add everything. This compress is applied at night.
In the affected area it is quite possible to rub and butter chamomile, the effect is stunning. Well eliminates myalgia bodyguard. You need to prepare the ointment yourself, or buy it. For cooking, take butter and water. The ingredients are mixed together and applied to the affected area. The procedure should not be conducted more than once a week.
Treatment with vacuum banks
The method of vacuum therapy allows for a short time to put a person on their feet, in the presence of debilitating pain. Strengthen the effect will allow the drainage of soft tissues. It produces a local vasodilating action. In addition, it actively affects the skin and reduces the level of secreted subcutaneous fat.
Vacuum therapy, focused on the spine, allows you to reduce fat deposits. This positively affects the amplitude of movements. Thus, a person achieves maximum relief. The influence on the amplitude leads to an improvement in metabolic processes.
The method of passive vacuum therapy allows painless elimination of all the most unpleasant symptoms of myalgia. It forms disseminated subcutaneous hematomas, which possess an imunomodelling action. Underestimate this technique is not worth it. It is really effective. You can use it alone or together with other ways to fix the problem.
Massage with myalgia
Massage is of particular importance in the treatment of muscle pain. You need to start it from the bottom up. First, the gluteus muscles are stroked, then squeezing, kneading and shaking are done. Repeat the complex from the beginning to the end 2-3 times.
Then go to the hips. Here you make a combined stroking, squeezing, shaking and kneading. Then make a double ring and double fingerboard. Then again everything repeats in a circle. On the gastrocnemius muscle is stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking and stroking. After that the complex is repeated again with the first action. Yes, to understand what is at issue is not so simple. After all, this massage is not done by itself, only a specialist does it. The main activities are presented for reference only.
It should be noted that the massage should be preceded by thermal procedures. Among them are the bath, paraffin therapy and solux. Especially effective are steam and dry air baths. You can massage yourself in the bath, which will only improve the effect.
Treatment of myalgia with acupuncture
The method of acupuncture is something interesting. It allows you to stimulate in a special way sensitive points on the body and thereby eliminate pain. The method allows to carry out its work on the canal of the small intestine, liver, large intestine and other organs and systems. All of them are marked with special symbols. With the correct influence on these points, a powerful effect on the muscles occurs, which leads to their relaxation.
The surface of the affected muscle has several channels on which therapy is performed. It is necessary to correctly trace the trajectory of the location of nerve trunks. It is worth noting that many points are in places of increased soreness. Therefore, it is important to properly influence them. Thus, the necessary effect on the blood supply at one or another point of the body is made. The main role in this action is played by the acupuncture system. It can be called a kind of keyboard of the body. It's enough just to know which button to press to set up the human body.
Ointments with myalgia
You can treat myalgia not only with internal medicine. It is enough to resort to the use of special ointments. They can be used alone or in combination therapy. Most often, such drugs as Finalgon, Analgos and Fastum - gel are prescribed.
- Finalgon. The first step is to apply a small amount of the drug on the skin and follow the reaction. If there are no allergic manifestations, then this medication can be treated. Usually the agent is applied 2-3 times a day with a thin layer on the affected area. Some people feel considerable relief after a single use of the drug, but it is applied in a thick layer. Duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Children under the age of 12 years, as well as people with increased hypersensitivity reception is prohibited. To adverse reactions include hives, itching, burning, redness of the site, inflammatory process.
- Analgos. The agent must be rubbed into the affected area several times a day. Treatment lasts until the symptomatology disappears. It is advisable in this regard to consult with a specialist. Use the product is not possible for people with hypersensitivity, as well as in childhood. With caution, ointment is used during pregnancy. Side effects include shortness of breath, a decrease in pressure, itching.
- Fastum-gel. Apply 1-2 times a day to the affected area with a thin layer. Duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. The only contraindication lurks in hypersensitivity. As for adverse reactions, itching, burning, redness and eczema are not excluded.
Alternative treatment for myalgia
Relieve the muscle pain will help alternative means. But you need to apply them with extreme caution. So, you should prepare the tincture from the bay leaf. To do this, take three tablespoons of the main ingredient in a crushed form. After that everything is poured with sunflower oil. The drug should be given about 10 days, so that it is infused. When it is ready, it should be rubbed into the affected area every day in the morning and before going to bed. Even severe attacks of myalgia will recede in 2-3 weeks.
It is strongly recommended to pay attention to paraffin compresses. They are famous for their special efficiency. So, take hot paraffin and apply to the affected area. The main thing is not to burn a man! It is superimposed all in two layers, then it is closed by gauze. To create an increased thermal effect, everything is covered with polyethylene and a scarf. The heating lasts at least 30 minutes.
A good action is a compress, based on the medicinal marshmallow. To cook them you need to take the main ingredient, more precisely its roots and pour them with cold water. Then leave to push for eight hours. Tincture is filtered and superimposed in the form of a compress up to 3 times a day.
Treatment of myalgia with herbs
Quickly and effectively help eliminate problems such ingredients as horsetail and oil. It is necessary to prepare a special compress from them. To do this, take two tablespoons of butter (it is important that it was not salty), then add a spoonful of horsetail in a crushed form. All is thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected area. From above, it is necessary to attach a film and wrap everything with a warm scarf. It is enough to make only two such compresses and myalgia will recede. This recipe is famous for its incredible efficiency.
You can resort to a slightly different method. So, you should take the same horsetail, but mix it with bacon (naturally, it should not be salty). When manufacturing the product, you must observe a special proportion, 1: 4. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and rubbed into the affected area. Then thermal conditions are created with the help of polyethylene and a scarf.
Cabbage leaf also has excellent properties. It can be greased with fat and also applied to the affected area. The effect is stunning. Even there is no need to use expensive medications when you have the usual ingredients at hand.
To date, there are many ways to get rid of myalgia. This is not about drugs from the pharmacy. Pay attention to the common grass.
- Method 1. Take one spoonful of cucumber grass and as many dry leaves of it. All this is mixed and poured with boiling water. Tincture should stand for about 5 hours. Take it inwards 6 times a day. One tablespoon at a time will be enough.
- Method 2. Take the dry grass of Adonis and pour boiling water. Enough of a teaspoon of the main ingredient and 200 ml of boiling water. Once the agent is fed it can be taken 3 times a day on a tablespoon.
- Method 3. For cooking, take a crust of barberry and pour 70% alcohol. It is necessary to correctly observe the proportions, 1:10. Then you should insist everything for a week. Take should be 30 drops, diluted in water. You can simply use drops and wash them down with a small amount of liquid.
Homeopathy with myalgia
To eliminate muscle pain actively apply and homeopathic remedies. Usually, the emphasis is on drugs that can relieve pain and inflammation. Naturally, ointments with the same effect are used. It is worth noting that many traditional drugs are able to greatly affect the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the use of many medications is simply impossible. There is a risk of developing gastric bleeding. In this case, they resort to homeopathy.
To reduce the pain threshold recommend paying attention to the ointment of Traumeel C. It should be rubbed into the affected area. In its composition are plant and mineral components. Therefore, she does not carry any danger to man. It is enough to use it 2-3 times a day. Rub the ointment in a circular motion. Before you go to sleep, you can do a compress from the facility.
Particularly effective is the method of biopuncture. It is characterized by the input of a homeopathic remedy with the help of injections. This procedure allows you to get rid of pain instantly. This technique is practiced even in medical institutions.
Operative treatment of myalgia
Usually, myalgia occurs against a background of innocuous factors. Banal fatigue, a strong overstrain, both emotional and physical, can trigger the development of myalgia. It's enough just to reduce physical activity and relax. This will remove the unpleasant symptoms. Naturally, no surgical treatment is applied in this case.
The problem arises from the existing diseases. Usually it is preceded by osteochondrosis. Sometimes it causes an infectious disease, such as tuberculosis. It is necessary to eliminate diseases by special treatment. Surgical intervention is not welcome here. Yes, and for that matter, there's nothing to delete.
Myalgia is not eliminated by surgical intervention. It's enough just to normalize your own state, rest more, do not succumb to emotional shocks. It is necessary in time to eliminate other diseases that can cause myalgia. In fact, that's the whole treatment. The surgical method is not applicable.