Treatment of cranberries
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Given all the useful properties of the northern berries, we can say with certainty that the treatment of cranberries of various diseases is one of the opportunities to help a person recover.
Cranberry is used for many dysfunctions and body problems, which was mentioned in the previous section. Many ways of using berries are used to treat cranberries. It's good to eat fresh cranberries regularly. You can eat cranberries with honey. From the use of sugar for medicinal purposes should be discarded, since this product greatly reduces the healing properties of berries.
In the winter-spring period, when the cranberries naturally do not bear fruit, it is possible to use berries, which are carefully harvested from autumn by caring housewives. Of course, it is necessary to create the right conditions for storing cranberries, in order to preserve all of its virtues and healing power. On how to properly harvest cranberries, will be discussed in the appropriate section below.
In winter, you can use frozen cranberries, and wet, and cranberries, wiping with sugar (although, of course, for medicinal purposes it is better to rub cranberries with honey). Creams of cranberries and fresh juices are also good. Mistresses who care about the health of their family, it must be remembered that the thermal treatment of the product (strong heating and boiling) kills almost all the useful qualities in it. Therefore, the cranberry for the treatment of diseases should be used fresh or as close to fresh as possible.
As a remedy, leaves and twigs of cranberries are also used. They can be used both fresh and dried. Of these, infusions and decoctions are prepared, which are taken in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.
Again, it should be recalled that if the landlady uses dried raw materials for healthy drinks, it must be properly prepared for later use. Collected leaves and twigs should be dried in a dry, ventilated room, as well as in the shade, without direct sunlight. Only in this case the raw material will retain its useful qualities and will have a curative effect.
Preparations based on cranberries
The pharmaceutical industry has long paid attention to the beneficial curative properties of cranberries. And the successes of alternative medicine did not leave the doctors indifferent. Therefore, scientists-pharmacists have developed many drugs, based on cranberries, which can help cope with various ailments.
The most popular drugs based on cranberries are the means of fighting cystitis. Let us dwell in more detail on their description.
- For example, there is a drug "Monorel" from the company Zambon, helping to improve the condition of the patient with chronic cystitis. The medicine is characterized by the presence in its composition of vitamin C and cranberry extract, and at the required dose for a person (thirty-six grams). "Monorel" is produced exclusively from plant raw materials and does not contain chemical additives that can cause side effects. The only exception is the presence of individual intolerance to cranberries and the presence of allergic reactions to this product.
The drug is recommended to apply once a day. The medicine is available in the form of coated tablets, which is convenient for a person in the current rhythm of modern life.
In the course of monitoring patients using the "Monurel" for the treatment of chronic cystitis, its positive qualities were revealed. The drug improves the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs used in cystitis. The use of the drug also helps to reduce the number of relapses of the disease, as well as their duration. Naturally, you should not appoint yourself a "Monurel" reception, without consulting a specialist. Especially the doctor can advise the best combination of the drug with the most effective antibiotic.
- The "Uroforte Cranberry" series is also based on cranberry extract. There are several forms of release of the drug:
- in the form of tablets, in the quantity of thirty pieces in the package;
- in the form of a vial of liquid, which contains one hundred and twenty milliliters of medication;
- in the form of granules for the preparation of a drink, there are twenty sachets in the package.
All forms of drugs in the series contain the necessary amount of proanthocyanidins of cranberry (thirty-six milligrams), which are the most active substances in the fight against diseases of the urinary system.
The drug is manufactured in Austria by the manufacturer Kwizda Pharma GmbH. It is based on an extract of cranberries from North America - cranberries large-fruited. In addition to this extract, the preparations contain vitamins C and E, which promote the activation of the body's defenses and strengthen the immune system.
The drug is recommended to be taken once a day in a form convenient for the patient.
- Biological additive Spring Valley + Vitamin C is also able to support the body with cystitis and cope with its manifestations.
The drug helps maintain the integrity of the walls of the bladder and has a healing effect on the urinary tract in both women and men.
The drug in addition to the extract of cranberries contains vitamins C and E, which allows to strengthen the immune system and improve the protective properties of the body.
A biologically active supplement should be used by an adult three times a day, after a meal. Take one or two capsules at a time.
The drug is produced in a plastic jar, weighing eighty-four grams and the number of capsules in a hundred pieces. The biological additive is made in the USA.
Cranberry from pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a very common disease. Cranberry is successfully used as an alternative to pressure. This berry should be used in the form of juices and fruit drinks. And, in a day you need to drink three glasses of the chosen drink.
Cranberry copes with the problems of the cardiovascular system, in particular, increased pressure, due to the presence in the berry of a large number of various antioxidants. These substances strengthen the walls of capillaries and large vessels, and also contribute to the removal of excess substances from the body, for example, excess cholesterol.
The following alternative recipes can be used.
- Two cups of berries should be suppressed with a fork. Then pour the mass of a glass of hot water and add a half cup of sugar (or honey). Drink should be cooled and taken as a substitute for all other drinks.
- Three hundred milliliters of fresh cranberry juice mixed with 400 milliliters of beet juice. There you need to add two hundred and fifty grams of honey and two hundred milliliters of vodka. The mixture is poured into glassware and stored in a refrigerator. Take a vodka tincture on a tablespoon an hour before every meal.
Cranberry for the heart
Cranberries are an indispensable assistant in the proper functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system. In the berry there are substances that are strong antioxidants (anthocyanins). They are able, in addition to removing various toxins from the body, to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. And while the effect of anthocyanins leads to an increase in body cholesterol. This effect of the berry can prevent the appearance of plaques on the walls of the vessels, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. This also applies to strokes of the brain.
The protective effect of anthocyanins makes it possible to strengthen the vessels, which positively affects the work of the heart. Also, the action of ursolic and oleanolic acids contributes to the expansion of the venous vessels of the heart. This leads to the fact that the heart begins to be provided with additional and intensive nutrition, which improves the quality of its work and well-being of a person.
In addition, the influence of substances contained in cranberries, allows you to normalize and other problems associated with the activity of the cardiovascular system. Neutralization of headaches, a decrease in the number of prothrombins in the serum, an increase in the elasticity and strength of the walls of the capillaries - that's other useful effects from the use of cranberries. In addition, fresh cranberry juice contributes to the fact that the coronary vessels of the heart expand, which negates the unexpected appearance of heart attacks and strokes.
The best way to treat heart disease with cranberry is to drink fresh cranberry juice. It can be drunk and undiluted, and with the addition of honey: for example, one or two teaspoons per glass of drink. In a day you need to drink two glasses of freshly made juice. And only in this case the effect of treatment of heart diseases will be noticeable.
There is another recipe for juice therapy, which is useful for strengthening the heart. Walls of blood vessels, including cardiac vessels, are strengthened by the following mixture - fresh beet and cranberry juice. It is necessary to mix beet and cranberry juice in proportions one to one and take a drink one fourth cup three times a day.
Cranberry natural antibiotic
Cranberries are a natural antibiotic that can enhance the antimicrobial effect of other medicines, and also fight viruses and infections on their own. Substances contained in cranberries can resist many microorganisms that have been resistant to various antibacterial drugs. This quality of berries is successfully used in the treatment of infections such as streptococci, staphylococcus, Candida fungi, cholera vibrios, E. Coli and so on.
Cranberry at temperature
Usually, an increase in body temperature in a person is caused by the struggle of the body with diseases of an infectious nature. First of all, high temperature characterizes catarrhal and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
To remove the inflammatory processes in the body and help strengthen its protective functions, it is necessary to give the patient a cranberry juice or compote. Cranberries at a temperature in this form is capable, indeed, of doing wonders. Drinks from this curative berries have antipyretic effect, saturate the body with moisture, contribute to the elimination of toxins. The curative effect of cranberries is explained by the fact that berries contain substances that are natural antibiotics and can destroy viruses. Also, a large amount of vitamin C provides an increase in immunity, which is indispensable in the fight against high temperatures.
The only contraindication to the use of cranberries during catarrhal diseases with high temperature is the presence of ulcerative processes in the stomach and duodenum in the patient.
Here is a simple recipe for Morse, which can be used at high temperature, as an antipyretic. Cranberries are rubbed together with sugar, or rather, honey. After that, the mass is poured strongly with warm water, but not hot. The received drink should be drunk three times a day for one glass. So you need to do three days, even if the temperature goes down. Then the quantity of the drink decreases, and it should be drunk for another five days.
Cranberry from a cough
Appeared cough, most often, indicates that a person has caught cold, which means that he is infected with viruses. The antimicrobial effect of cranberries has long been known in the fight against viral diseases. Substances that are in the berry help to destroy the cells of the viruses, which makes their existence and reproduction in the body impossible.
To help with colds complicated by cough, cranberry juice, compote or fresh juice will come. Morse need to drink a large amount, at least two liters a day. Thus, it is possible to wash out the body products of the decomposition activity of microorganisms, as well as various toxins. Fresh juice should be taken regularly, at least three tablespoons for half an hour before each meal. Compotes are drunk in unlimited quantities, although it is worth recalling that the thermally processed cranberries are much less useful than fresh berries and juice.
Cranberry from a cough is an effective means of fighting a disease that acts quickly and effectively. Here is a common recipe that will help restore lost health.
Take two tablespoons of berries, they are added one hundred milliliters of vodka and everything heats up to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, it must be removed from the heat and cooled to a comfortable warm temperature. After that, a certain amount of honey is added to the drug, with the aim that the liquid acquires a pleasant taste and additional benefit. The medication is taken every night before going to bed in a slightly warmed-up form, two tablespoons in one dose.
An alternative means to quickly restore health when coughing. Especially noticeable effect with a dry cough, which constantly worries the patient.
Cranberries with diabetes
Cranberries are a product that, thanks to its qualities, has the ability to regulate metabolic processes in the body. In addition, the northern beauty perfectly regulates the activity of the pancreas and copes with its problems. And, after all, this particular body is responsible for the production of insulin, which normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood.
Cranberries with diabetes, used correctly, reduces the amount of harmful sugar in the patient's blood (with type II diabetes). You can take juices from fresh berries, as well as extracts from cranberries. It is necessary to include cranberry juice in the amount of two hundred and forty milliliters in the daily diet for three months. If this is not available, you need to replace the juice therapy with an equivalent amount of cranberry extract.
It is good to use tea for the purpose of healing from berries, which stimulates the activity of the pancreas and the production of insulin.
Berries of cranberries for weight loss
Cranberries have a low calorie content, which is undoubtedly useful when there is a desire to lose extra pounds. In addition, cranberries contribute to the removal of harmful cholesterol, which is deposited in the body in the form of excess weight.
Cranberry is already known to us by the ability to normalize metabolic processes. And this is an important factor in success in the fight, for example, with obesity.
Berries of cranberries for weight loss are applied in the form of a cranberry diet. This diet is based on the principle of using fresh berries juice in a useful drink. Preparing a healing "potion" as follows.
A few grams of cranberry is washed, and juice is squeezed out of the berry. Every morning it is necessary to mix two or three teaspoons of freshly made juice with a glass of mineral water without gas and drink on an empty stomach. A week should be given to this procedure if there is a desire to lose weight a little.
During the day, you must eat, at least, a handful of fresh berries. You can just do it, and you can - and with the addition of honey.
If you limit the use of sweet, flour and fried foods, the effect will be achieved. Two or three kilos of excess weight will forever leave the body.
Cranberry with pyelonephritis
Cranberries are an excellent alternative remedy that helps cope with the disease in various renal ailments. For example, cranberries are used for pyelonephritis, a common kidney disease in people of different sex and age. Pyelonephritis is characterized by inflammatory processes in the kidneys and is, most often, an infectious disease.
To treat kidney problems are used juices, fruit drinks, infusions, kvass, as well as fresh and frozen berries. You can also use decoctions of twigs and leaves of cranberries.
To stop the inflammatory processes in the kidneys and support the human immune system with pyelonephritis, it is recommended to drink freshly prepared juice, as well as cranberry honey with honey. Moreover, the last drink is enjoyed with pleasure not only by adults, but even by children. Because it is not only useful, but also tasty.
The recipe for cranberry juice with honey. It takes three hundred grams of cranberries, three tablespoons of honey and one liter of warm enough boiled water. Everything is mixed and left for a while. Before the preparation of Morse, cranberries can be mashed, so that it can start the juice.
With glomerinefrite in acute form, you need to eat fresh and dried berries, drink fresh juice. The use of cranberries in this problem helps to reduce inflammation in the renal tubules by removing toxic and harmful substances from the tissues of the body.
Emphysematous pyelonephritis is treated with cranberry juice mixed with potato juice. For this purpose, juice from two hundred grams of potatoes and cranberry juice is mixed.
Nephritis of the kidneys is successfully healed by fresh cranberry juice, as well as mors. Cranberry kvass is also useful for these purposes.
The recipe for cooking cranberry kvass. Take half a kilogram of cranberries, two liters of water, three glasses of sugar and fifty grams of dry yeast. First of all, you need to pay attention to the preparation of broth of cranberries with sugar. Then dry yeast is added to it, which is thoroughly mixed, and then left for a day, so that the beverage is fermented. After that, kvass is filtered and placed in a glass container in the refrigerator for storage. Ready drink should be consumed in the amount of two - three glasses per day.
Renal insufficiency is normalized with fresh cranberry juice or mors with the addition of other medicinal herbs. You can use for these purposes and extracts from cranberries. Also good are infusions of berries, which are prepared as follows. Take two tablespoons of fresh or dried berries. They need to be suppressed with a fork, and then pour one glass of boiling water. After that, the drink is poured into a thermos bottle and is left for five to six hours. An infusion of half a glass is taken six or seven times a day.
Cranberry with kidney stones
If you regularly eat cranberries for food before the appearance of kidney stones, you can successfully prevent their occurrence. Such prevention is possible due to the presence of benzoic acid in the chemical composition of the berries. But, if the kidney stones are already formed, the curative properties of cranberries will help to cope with this ailment. Since it has a diuretic effect, which manifests itself in the ability to wash out excess substances from the kidneys. In addition, cranberries help to relieve inflammation in the kidneys, and also removes with the help of liquid those salts of heavy metals that are seen as an element of the formation of kidney stones.
Cranberries with kidney stones are used in the following form. It is necessary to take three kilograms of berries. It is best to use fresh cranberries, but if there is none, then it will fit and frozen. Every day you need to eat two hundred grams of berries, that is, one glass. This number of harvested berries will last for a fortnight, and this is a sufficient period for the stones of their kidneys to begin to crumble and be excreted along with the urine. Previously, of course, you need to consult a specialist to make sure there are no large stones that can clog the ducts and lead to unforeseen complications.
Cranberry with pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a complex of pancreatic diseases, which have one common feature - the presence of inflammatory processes in the above organ. Inflammatory processes trigger the following mechanism in the pancreas: enzymes produced by the body do not enter the duodenum. As a result, activation of these enzymes in the gland takes place, which leads to destruction of the organ tissues during its self-digestion. As a result of this process, the enzymes and toxins produced in this process begin to enter the bloodstream and are carried by the circulatory system through vital organs. In this regard, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and brain begins to suffer, which can lead to organ damage.
In addition, doctors know that pancreatitis and diabetes are interrelated diseases. The pancreas is involved in the production of insulin, the lowering of which causes the development of diabetes. With a damaged and inflamed pancreas, it is very often difficult to produce the proper amount of insulin, and the person begins to show signs of diabetes.
If the state of human health is not so neglected, you can try to use the healing properties of cranberries to restore the activity of the pancreas. Cranberry in pancreatitis is an affordable and useful remedy that does not cause side effects, like many medicines. You can use the berries in any form: fresh and grinded with a small amount of honey (to neutralize a strong acidic taste), in the form of compotes and fruit drinks, as well as kissels.
Curative qualities are different and leaves, as well as twigs of cranberries. From them you can prepare infusions and decoctions and take them during a break between meals. You can also use cranberry leaves instead of regular tea - this will surely benefit patients with pancreatitis.
Also good for fighting inflammation of the pancreas and cranberry juice. With the constant intake of juice from cranberries, the discharge of gastric juice increases in the patient, which positively affects the treatment of pancreatitis. And that's all, if in the presence of problems with the pancreas the patient has any dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, you should not prescribe yourself a cranberry juice reception. In this case, the advice of a competent dietitian or gastroenterologist can clarify the situation and make the right decision.
What explains the curative properties of cranberries in the treatment of pancreatitis? The presence of pectin substances in the berry stimulates the purification of the pancreas from unnecessary enzymes and toxins, which removes inflammation and leads to the normal functioning of the organ. The elimination of inflammatory processes is also facilitated by the presence in the cranberry of organic acids, especially the urosolic acid. This acid not only removes inflammation, but also soothes tissues and promotes wound healing.
Cranberry with gastritis
Gastritis is a group of stomach diseases that are characterized by inflammatory and dystrophic processes in this organ. There are gastritis with reduced, normal and high acidity of gastric juice. With increased acidity of gastric juice, cranberries can not be used for treatment.
When treating gastritis with low acidity it is good to use a mixture of juices - beet and cranberry. It is necessary to prepare fresh juice from cranberries and beets, and then mix them in proportion one to one. Take one quarter of a glass three to four times a day. Cranberries with gastritis are also useful as a juice not mixed with other ingredients. You can drink and cranberry fruit, teas from twigs and leaves of cranberries. It is recommended and just to eat a handful of fresh berries every day.
Cranberry for immunity
Cranberries are an indispensable food to enhance immunity. Its rich chemical composition has immunomodulating qualities, which is very beneficial for a weakened organism. People prone to diseases caused by reduced immunity, must include fresh cranberries in their daily diet. This also applies to fresh juices and fruit drinks, as well as cranberries, ground with honey.
Here is a simple recipe that will help strengthen the immune properties of the body and increase its resistance to various infections.
So, mix one kilogram of cranberries, one kilogram of sliced apples and two glasses of peeled and chopped walnuts. The mixture should be poured with syrup, which is prepared from half a kilo of honey filled with one glass of clean water. Then the resulting drug is cooked on low heat for half an hour, slightly cooled and transferred to a jar.
Healing "mix" should be taken one tablespoon in the morning, washed down with warm water.
Cranberry with diarrhea
Cranberries with diarrhea - a good remedy for the whole gastrointestinal tract. The use of cranberries as a medicine, helps to eliminate the problems that cause diarrhea. What is manifested in the improvement of the patient's condition or in the complete elimination of problems with the digestive tract.
The recipe for cranberry 1 for diarrhea. Two tablespoons of berries are brewed with 400 milliliters of boiling water and put on a small fire. The liquid is kept in this state on the stove for ten minutes. Then it is removed from the fire, cooled and drunk fifty grams four times a day in a cold state.
Recipe No.2 for cranberries with diarrhea. Two tablespoons of berries are kneaded and brewed with two glasses of boiling water. After that the beverage is poured into the thermos bottle and insisted for an hour. Take the drug you need half the glass four times a day.
Cranberry with thrush
Thrush is an infectious disease of the vagina, which is caused by Candida fungus (one of the yeast fungi species) living there. Under certain conditions, this fungus begins to multiply actively, which causes the symptoms of thrush. They are manifested in a peculiar discharge from the vagina of curdled consistency, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and severe itching in this area.
Thrush - that is, uncontrolled reproduction of Candida fungi - occurs with various metabolic, immune and hormonal disorders. Because, the body loses the ability to maintain a balance of protective and regulatory forces. With a decrease in immunity, diabetes mellitus, various hormonal disorders, and also with the administration of certain antibiotics, yeast fungi gain the opportunity for increased growth and development.
Cranberry with thrush is used as an antiseptic as a natural antibiotic. Also important are the qualities of cranberries, as a means of normalizing the metabolism, namely the activity of the pancreas. Of course, a large amount of vitamin C, antioxidants and other substances can lead to enhanced immunity. All of the above helps to eliminate the root cause of the disease and restore the body's defenses.
With thrush it is useful to drink fresh cranberry juice. In the cranberry there are polyphenol substances that help slow the growth of yeast fungi. If you start using cranberry juice at the very beginning of the disease, such a procedure will stop the development of thrush and cure completely.
The main condition is that you need to take cranberry juice without adding sweeteners like sugar or honey to it. Since sugar, on the contrary, promotes the development of yeast fungi, which include Candida. If this is not possible for a sick person, because the juice seems too sour, you can dilute the drink with water.
Sometimes doctors at treatment of a milkwoman recommend reception of an extract of a cranberry in the form of tablets.
Cranberry in Oncology
The rich vitamin and mineral composition of cranberries, of course, helps to strengthen the body and increase its immune properties, which is undoubtedly important in the fight against cancer.
Scientists believe that one of the causes of oncological processes in the body is a high concentration of free radicals in any organ or system. Among the beneficial substances in cranberries are antioxidants, which remove toxins and free radicals from the body. The amount of antioxidants in cranberries equals 375 grams per hundred grams of product, and this is a large number. Therefore, cranberries in oncology - an important assistant in the struggle for health.
In addition, the chemical composition of cranberries is characterized by the presence of leukoanthocyanins, which help slow down the development of tumors or completely block its growth. In the cranberry are found and kakheti, and these are substances that can improve the quality of the body's resistance to oncological processes, especially during the irradiation of tumors.
After chemotherapy and irradiation, as well as in all other cases, fresh cranberry juice is very useful. It contains a large number of pectins, which come into contact with heavy and radioactive metals. The resulting compounds do not dissolve in the body, but are derived from it naturally, which ensures detoxification of the body.
During the remission of cancer, as well as immediately after the treatment, fresh cranberry juice helps to restore strength and strengthen the body in a shorter time. In this case, the stage of remission of the disease itself can be prolonged. And if you take fresh cranberry juice regularly and in the right quantities, it will be possible to forget about oncological processes for a long time or forever.
Every day you need to drink at least one glass of cranberry juice, or better - two glasses. Begin with small doses, for example, two tablespoons for half an hour before meals. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body, so as not to worsen your own health. If there are allergic reactions or any shares and ailments, it is necessary to interrupt the procedure and consult an oncologist. In addition, the intake of cranberries in food is contraindicated in certain diseases that can occur in a person in parallel with oncological processes. A list of contraindications should be looked at in the appropriate section.
Cranberry, thanks to its valuable properties, acts as a preventive agent of cancer. If every day to drink two glasses of fresh cranberry juice, then this in dozens of times reduces the possibility of getting any kind of cancer. Again, there are contraindications to taking cranberries, this concerns, first of all, ulcerative processes with the gastrointestinal tract and increased acidity of the gastric juice. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to consult a specialist - a gastroenterologist, perhaps he will approve the intake of a small amount of juice or cranberry juice.
The same preventive effect is enjoyed by teas from cranberries, which are prepared from fresh and frozen berries.
Cranberry from edema during pregnancy
Pregnancy is, of course, a happy period of bearing a baby. But at the same time the state of the future mother may not change for the better because of the rapid and active changes that are taking place with her.
For example, swelling is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in the last period of pregnancy.
There are alternative methods that can significantly reduce the swelling of the tissues and regulate the problem causing edema.
Cranberries from edema during pregnancy is truly a doctor who will cope with this malaise of a future mother. So, fresh juice, mors and kissel will be useful drinks from edemas. And as an independent dish, a fresh or thawed berry mixed with honey is also suitable.
The recipe for a simple cranberry mors:
- a handful of cranberries are taken, placed in a blender and crushed;
- then you need to add honey to taste and pour water; again mix thoroughly;
- drink as much as you want.
Of course, the cranberry helps to cope with edema, but has one uncomfortable effect for future moms. The toilet will have to be visited often, therefore, during the treatment of edemas with cranberries, one should not leave the house for long distances to avoid unpleasant situations.
Cranberries for Men
The researchers found out the benefits of the northern berries for the stronger sex. Cranberries for men is an invaluable help in the treatment of various infectious diseases, namely:
- Diseases of the bladder and urinary tract.
- Diseases of the genitals.
The therapeutic effect of this berry is explained simply. Cranberries contain substances - pro-anthocyanides, which do not allow pathogens to gain a foothold on the walls of the bladder. And thanks to the diuretic effect of cranberries, the causative agents of infectious diseases are successfully removed from the urinary bladder through the urinary tract. The same action proanthocyanids have on the male genital organs.
Cranberries are a good antiseptic. Therefore, any infection that got into the male body, when you take cranberries and products from it, begins to give up their positions.
Cranberry has antipyretic properties, which are successfully used, for example, for cold and viral diseases of the respiratory system. In addition to this, the substances that are present in cranberries have the peculiarity of removing slags and toxins from the body, as well as increasing the action of antibiotics and sulfonamides several times. Cranberry has the ability to accumulate in one place different bacteria and viruses, and then easily remove them from the human body. Due to these qualities, the northern berry is an excellent assistant in the fight against specific male diseases.