How to increase immunity?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Each organism has its own defenses that help destroy and neutralize various microorganisms that can cause disease. However, sometimes these defenses weaken for one reason or another and do not cope with the penetrated infection. The question arises: how to improve immunity? How to prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases? What can help strengthen the body? This article will help to understand these and other issues.
Immunity enhancements
In everyday life, we are surrounded by all sorts of negative external and internal factors: air pollution, poor quality water, unhealthy diet and lifestyle, frequent stressful situations, variability of weather conditions, etc. Also, the internal parasites, which get into the body in case of inadequate personal compliance, destroy the immunity. Hygiene and food hygiene. Will our body take infection and parasites, or will it fight them? For successful struggle with dangerous microbes and worms, it is necessary that the body has a certain strength, protection, called immunity.
What causes weaken our immunity?
- Poor food (unbalanced diet, prolonged malnutrition, monotonous diets, poorly processed food).
- Stale food.
- Poor quality water.
- Insufficient drinking regime (leads to the stagnation of toxins in the body).
- Adverse environmental conditions (radioactive background, gas pollution, harmful production, putrefaction of waste, etc.).
- Wrong lifestyle (physical and psychological stress, unhealthy habits, physical inactivity).
- Congenital or other pathologies present (infectious, fungal, parasitic diseases).
Funds that enhance the immune system are selected depending on the state of the immune forces, the presence of additional diseases.
In order to determine whether you need to increase your immune defense, try to answer the following questions:
- I often get sick with colds or the flu.
- Every time a cold lasts at least 12-14 days.
- Often find in herpes.
- My skin is sensitive, prone to irritation.
- My hair is dull and weak.
- I do not deny that, perhaps, I have worms.
- I am often nervous, sometimes depressed.
- Usually very tired, especially in the offseason.
- Often disturbing gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea), or there are failures in the liver.
- Sometimes I have allergies.
- Had to spend long courses of antibiotic therapy.
- Often you have to change your place of residence, go on business trips, move from place to place.
- Recently there have been significant stressful situations.
- Recently, my weight has changed dramatically (in one direction or another).
- I have skin diseases.
- I have problems with the respiratory system.
- I have problems with the spine or joints.
- I suffer from urogenital infections.
- Often anxious teeth, you have to go to the dentist.
- My health changes depending on the weather.
- Found anemia, low hemoglobin.
- Libido is impaired.
- Worried heart.
- On the skin there are warts or papillomas.
- I suffer from oncology.
Count how many times you said “YES”.
- 0 - your immunity is beautiful, it copes well with the invasion of bacteria. Maintain his healthy lifestyle, and no illness you are not afraid.
- 1 or more - your immune protection is more or less compromised. It is necessary to take action.
How to improve the immunity of an adult? In order for your immunity to strengthen, you must:
- to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and urinary system;
- drink enough liquid for the rapid elimination of toxic substances, slags, salts;
- conduct antiparasitic treatment;
- add enough vitamins and trace elements to your diet.
If the state of the body is too weakened, you should start taking additional drugs that strengthen the immune system.
Drugs that increase immunity
There are several types of drugs that increase immunity:
- herbal (natural) preparations - immunal, Dr. Theiss tincture, echinacea tincture, Eleutherococcus extract, tincture of ginseng, tincture of Schizandra Chinese;
- bacterial preparations (composed of bacterial enzymes with a pronounced immunoactivating effect - ribomunyl, bronchomunal, licopid, imudon, IRS-19;
- nucleic acid preparations — Derinat, sodium nucleinate;
- interferon preparations - leukocyte interferon, viferon, influenza, arbidol, anaferon, cycloferon, amixin;
- thymic preparations - vilozen, thymalin, taktivin, timostimulin;
- biostimulant drugs - aloe, PhiBS, plasmol, vitreous body;
- synthetic and combination drugs - vitamin complexes, pentoxyl, leucogen.
Consider some of these drugs in more detail.
- Immunal is a drug containing Echinacea. Used as a prophylactic method for colds and viral diseases. It is taken orally, 20 drops three times a day. Babies drug prescribed for 10 droplets. It is convenient to take the drug in tablets: use 1 tablet up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 60 days.
- Extract of Eleutherococcus - adults use from 20 to 40 droplets up to 3 times a day, children - up to 10 droplets twice a day. The tool should be taken before meals, preferably in the first half of the day to avoid insomnia. The duration of treatment is about a month.
- Bronchomunal - used in the combined treatment of secondary immunodeficiency, which could occur as a result of long-lasting inflammatory-infectious conditions. The drug is available in the form of tablets of 1 and 10 mg.
- IRS-19 - is used to raise immunity in ENT diseases, as well as in bronchitis, asthma, etc. It is a type of nasal spray used, including in children from three months of age.
- Arbidol is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug, available in capsules of 50 and 100 mg, can be used in children from 2 years of age.
When using drugs that stimulate the immune system, you should strictly follow the treatment regimen, which should correspond to the age characteristics of the patient.
Immunity enhancing candles
Often, medical professionals use a suppository to correct immune defenses. In the form of suppositories produced such drugs as kipferon, viferon, immunity, anaferon. Such drugs exist in children's dosage.
Suppositories for the correction of immunity are used with little or no contraindications. An exception can be considered only manifestations of allergy to the drug. It has been proven that suppositories are more effective than tablet preparations, since they are almost completely absorbed by the body. In addition, the course of treatment of suppositories can continue for two years continuously, without causing addiction of the body and weakening the natural immune defense.
The basis of such funds put the action of the active substance interferon, which strengthens the body in its response to the invasion of almost any infectious agents. Interferon is able to respond to the penetration of viral bacteria much faster than all other immune forces.
Most suppositories for immune correction include an antioxidant complex: most often they are represented by vitamins E and C.
The use of suppositories is welcomed in the treatment of infectious and viral pathologies, in particular, for herpes, papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus and other diseases.
Suppositories reduce the risk of disease recurrence and help in the treatment of chronic pathologies.
How to improve the immunity of the child?
Enhancement of immune forces in a child should begin with a set of health procedures, the main place among which is hardening. The contrast of temperatures increases the resistance of the child's body to the influence of negative external factors. You should not muffle a child, it is better to take an extra jacket with you for a walk. In the summer, more often walk with your baby barefoot.
Walking in the fresh air, swimming in water, active outdoor games, fortified food - the main criteria for success in combating the weakness of the immune system of the baby.
How to improve immunity during pregnancy?
Undoubtedly, pregnancy is one of the most important stages in women's fate, and you need to carefully prepare for it. After all, any mother wants her baby to be born absolutely healthy. And for this woman is simply obliged to monitor their health throughout the pregnancy.
It is proved that during pregnancy, the immune forces in the body weaken somewhat. This is due to the complex processes of restructuring of almost all systems and organs of a woman during this period: it is impossible to get sick at this time, although it is easiest to catch any infection during pregnancy. What to do? Of course, it will be better if a woman, before conception, does the necessary vaccination (at least from influenza infection and hepatitis), is treated by a dentist, gets rid of bad habits, begins to fully and properly eat.
If a woman has previously experienced frequent colds and sluggish infectious processes, then she should definitely undergo a course of immunostimulating treatment. To date, there are many medications that can strengthen the defenses. For example, a good effect is observed when using immunal, thymalin and other drugs, as well as using extracts from plants of ginseng, eleutherococcus, schisandra. However, do not overdo it with the strengthening of immunity, consult, first of all, with a qualified doctor: often too good immunity becomes an obstacle to conception.
Roughly speaking, too active defenses of the body perceive male sex cells as alien, and, instead of accepting them, they simply destroy them. Moreover, with over-stimulated immunity, there is a risk of poor fixation of the ovum in the uterus wall. For this reason, all questions on improving immunity before and during pregnancy should be resolved with the doctor.
How to improve immunity after childbirth?
- Take vitamin complexes and drugs to enhance the immune system. If you practice breastfeeding, only the doctor should select the drugs.
- Eat full: eat foods with β-carotene (carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, etc.).
- Do not ignore the diet of cereal and legumes, different types of nuts.
- Include seasonal berries and greens in the menu.
- A special role in strengthening the immune system is played by the intestines, therefore it is necessary to help it maintain its own microflora, using sour-milk products.
- Temper: a contrast shower and rubbing with a wet towel will make your body more resistant to infections.
- Swim, actively spend time, walk in the fresh air.
- If possible, rest: stress and overwork will not benefit your immune system.
- Any drugs should not be taken without first consulting with the doctor.
How to improve the immunity of nursing mother? This is best done in natural ways: by establishing a balanced diet, proper hardening of the body and proper rest. Remember: almost everything that goes into the body of a woman with food is transmitted to your baby with breast milk. Therefore, do not rush to take pharmaceutical preparations, because you can not say with certainty how they will affect the child. Let the prescription of drugs to improve immunity will hold a doctor.
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How to improve immunity at home?
To raise and strengthen immunity, in principle, is not such a difficult problem. The main thing is to want to do this without fear of the words "hardening", "combating bad habits" and "proper nutrition." And only an integrated approach to the problem will help solve it in your favor.
Alternative means
From alternative means of popular use of herbs to enhance immune protection. The use of ginseng and echinacea, garlic and St. John's wort, clover and yarrow, celandine and licorice has established itself since ancient times.
Stimulating immune forces with alternative treatment may require quite a lot of patience and diligence. The result from the use of alternative means comes slowly, but the effect of the treatment is long and stable.
Herbs that increase immunity:
- Aralia - has a prophylactic and therapeutic effect that exceeds the effect of the preparations of Eleutherococcus and Ginseng;
- ginseng - is able to improve cerebral blood supply, somewhat activate blood formation, strengthens the body;
- zamaniha - increases the tone of the nervous system, restores performance during loss of strength;
- Leuzea - reduces the level of damaging factors affecting the body, normalizes the vascular sphere;
- lemongrass - contains ascorbic acid and vitamin E, which are due to the basic biological abilities of the plant;
- mordovnik - increases the energy potential of the body;
- Chilibuha - used in the deterioration of metabolic processes, in chronic fatigue syndrome, with sluggish appetite;
- Rhodiola rosea (golden root) - has adaptogenic properties, normalizes metabolic processes;
- Sterculia - helps with physical and mental fatigue, stimulates the central nervous system.
Fees that enhance immunity, should be prepared from crushed plant materials. Prepared plant elements are well mixed and used for the preparation of tinctures or decoctions.
The following mixture has remarkably recommended itself: mint, lemon balm, willow tea, and chestnut color, 3 tablespoons, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. This infusion can be added to juice or compote, and take about 200 ml daily.
Another recipe for raising immunity: lemon balm, valerian, oregano, linden, hops, coriander and golden root mix in equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the collection into a thermos, pour 0.5 l of boiling water into the same container, close and let stand for 7-8 hours. Infusion should be consumed throughout the day in 3 doses.
When a viral infection will help this mixture: licorice, lemongrass, ginseng and echinacea. Brew in equal parts and drink instead of tea.
Immunity enhancing tinctures can be made by yourself or purchased at a pharmacy:
- Ginseng tincture - has an adaptogenic, tonic and restorative effect. Accelerates the process of excitation in the brain, enhances reflex activity, stimulates metabolic processes, activates performance;
- Echinacea tincture - helps with asthenic conditions, is prescribed during the period of recovery from serious diseases, as well as in complex treatment of deterioration of brain activity;
- tincture of Eleutherococcus - reduces the impact on the body of negative external factors, increases the heat resistance, accelerates the cure of infectious processes.
Despite all the positive reviews of tinctures to strengthen the immune system, too long and uncontrolled reception can cause depletion of the body's immune system, so their use must be coordinated with the doctor who will adjust the dosage and duration of treatment.
The most effective and easy method to strengthen the immune system is considered a balanced healthy diet. Why is it so important?
Proteins contain all the necessary complex of amino acids that play an active role in the synthesis of immunoglobulins - useful glycoproteins. That is why in the winter and in the off-season they recommend eating meat products, fish, eggs, milk - protein foods. Also important are vegetable proteins, which are found in nuts, beans, lentils, and greens.
Fats are involved in the production of special cells that destroy microbes. Such cells are called macrophages. For this reason, both vegetable and butter should be included in the menu to raise immunity.
Carbohydrates - they give our body energy. And the most useful natural carbohydrates contained in cereals, berries and fruits. The degree of refined carbohydrates that we eat with sweets and pastries should be reduced.
In addition to the balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, it is also necessary to constantly maintain the necessary level of vitamins in the body. Vitamin deficiency contributes to the deactivation of immune cells. The result - all the same reduction in protective resistance.
To support a high level of protection, the following vitamins are needed to increase immunity:
- A - it is contained in fruits and root crops of red or yellow color, and also there are a lot of it in eggs, liver, dairy products of normal fat content;
- B - this vitamin can be obtained from nuts, seeds, hard varieties of cheese, mushrooms, buckwheat;
- C - ascorbic acid in large quantities is found in lemon, kiwi, sea buckthorn, currant, rosehip;
- E - this vitamin can be found in cabbage and lettuce plants, sprouted wheat and bran.
If your daily diet is rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, you will not face a vitamin deficiency.
Yes, and do not forget about trace elements, which are also sufficient in fruits, nuts and plants: good immunity is impossible without zinc, iodine, selenium, calcium, iron. More often season the everyday dishes with greens, and the level of trace elements you provided.
To begin, let us draw your attention to the products, the use of which will not benefit your immune defense. These are any alcoholic beverages, refined sugar, as well as products with a high content of preservatives and dyes.
Eat cereals, lean meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, legumes. Natural phytoncides are very useful - onions and garlic, these are natural antibiotics that are able to fight not only against pathogenic bacteria, but also against viruses.
Fruits that increase immunity should be eaten separately from the rest of the food, 1.5-2 hours before a meal, or 2 hours after it. Use the fruits of bright colors: red, orange, yellow. Do not refuse citrus fruits, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, persimmon - they contain a lot of antioxidants and carotenoids.
Seafood - crabs, shrimps, algae, fish - are especially useful during conception and pregnancy, they will support your immunity at a difficult moment, due to the high content of selenium and iodine.
Regular consumption of dairy products will update the composition of the intestinal microflora, which will strengthen most of the immune cells in the lower GI tract.
According to nutritionists and immunologists, the ideal diet to maintain the stability of immune protection should contain a certain amount of food in order to saturate our body with the necessary amount of nutrients. The daily menu should consist of:
- 300 g meat, fish or dairy products;
- 100 g of cereals;
- 0.5 kg fruits and vegetables;
- 200 g whole grain bread;
- 20 g butter;
- 10 g vegetable oil.
In addition, it is necessary to drink enough pure water: water removes toxic substances from the body, which facilitates the work of the immune system.
Honey to increase immunity
Honey - food, therapeutic and dietary means produced by bees from pollen of the flower part of the plant. Honey is absorbed by the body at 100%. Naturally, in order for honey to benefit our immunity, it must be only natural, not subjected to heat.
Honey is the same medicine, so you need to take it in certain doses. It is best to drink it three times a day, 2 hours before a meal, or 3 hours after. The daily dosage of honey for an adult is at least 100 g, and the maximum is 200 g. The duration of honey therapy is 2 months. Honey is also offered to children three times a day, but one teaspoon: a daily dosage in this case is 30 g.
Do not overdo it with honey: in large quantities this product can overload the pancreas, which will further deteriorate its functioning.
Ginger to improve immunity
Ginger is a famous oriental spice. Ginger root can be used in cooking, and in dietetics it is advised to use ginger, so as not to freeze in the winter.
It is proved that fresh ginger contains many antiviral components, which helps to resist the introduction of infection and speed up the treatment of colds and flu.
The best salvation for colds, sinusitis, laryngitis can be ginger tea. To prepare medicinal tea, a small portion of ginger root is thinly sliced and steamed in 1 liter of boiling water. In the present tea add a little honey and cinnamon. Such tea not only strengthens the immune defense, but also relieves the body of toxins and slags. Optionally, in the drink, you can add a slice of lemon or green tea leaves.
Unfortunately, there are also contraindications to the use of ginger: it is peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. In pregnancy, the possibility of eating ginger root should be agreed with the doctor.
Garlic to enhance immunity
The healing abilities of garlic have long been known. It is also known that garlic is extremely important to support immune defenses. Garlic proteins activate the production of antibodies that protect against the negative effects of external factors.
However, the main factor contributing to the strengthening of immunity is the presence of allicin in garlic. This substance inhibits the spread of viral infection throughout the body. Of course, garlic is not exactly an antibiotic, but it does not have as many side effects as antibacterial drugs, and does not develop bacteria adaptation to the action of allicin.
Allicin is a very powerful antioxidant, but its effect is most effective only when eating fresh garlic, which has not been heat treated.
To support healthy immunity, it is recommended to eat at least one clove of garlic every day for three to five months. They say that regular consumption of garlic inhibits the development of oncological diseases.
Propolis to increase immunity
Propolis is a liquid substance that bees produce closer to spring from raw materials derived from tree buds. Propolis is rich in essential oils: they tend to evaporate, destroying bacteria and microbes. Propolis preparations are incredibly useful for enhancing the body's immune resistance and its overall recovery.
Propolis is scraped from the side parts of the hive, during the year it can be collected about 100 g.
Take 2 tablespoons of propolis, mixed with 10 tablespoons of quality vodka. It is necessary to insist this mixture in the refrigerator for about 10 days, stirring occasionally. The pooled drug is filtered, separating the precipitate.
To enhance the immune defense, they consume 3 times a day, 15 drops of propolis tincture diluted in 50 ml of milk.
If you have a sore throat or a cold, you can dilute 15 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water and rinse the throat.
The use of such tools is useful to all, without exception, as a preventive measure: the prophylactic course can last 45 days.
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Rosehip to improve immunity
An excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system is rosehip. A rare product boasts the amount of vitamin C that is present in the dog rose. For example, in the wild rose of this vitamin is 10 times more than in currant berries, and more than 40 times more than in lemons.
Take a tablespoon of crushed fruit plants and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Next, the infusion is filtered and pressed. To taste you can add honey, sugar or syrup. Drink 100 ml daily 2-3 times a day before meals. Babies are offered 50 ml of drink. Infusion very well strengthens the body's defense against bacteria.
The effectiveness of the drug can be enhanced by adding a lime color in the proportions of 1: 1 to the infusion.
You can make delicious and healthy jam from the hips. The berries are washed in water, cleaned of seeds. Sugar take 1: 1 with the number of peeled berries. Sometimes sea buckthorn is added to this composition. Jam can be extremely useful in the winter, in the season of colds and viral infections.
Immune Boost Drinks
Immunostimulating beverages can help prevent colds and strengthen the body's resistance:
- Chamomile tea is a useful hot tea that increases immunity and prevents many inflammatory diseases. By consuming about five cups of such a drink per day, we can significantly increase the body's antimicrobial activity. And if you drink this amount of tea for 14 days, the effect of the drink will last four weeks. In addition to enhancing the protective function, chamomile tea perfectly relaxes and soothes the nervous system;
- cranberry-brandy drink - a savior for immunity in the midst of colds. In a cup of freshly black tea, add 50 ml of cranberry juice, the same juice of lemon and 25 ml of brandy, sweeten with honey to taste. This drink is not recommended for pregnant women and children, as well as people with high acidity of gastric juice;
- Carrot juice is a healthy drink containing a lot of vitamins needed by the body. To improve the taste and additional fortification, fresh juice can be prepared in combination with apples, beets, oranges, grapefruit;
- lemon ginger honey tea - this drink will be useful both for raising immunity, and for maintaining the figure. Thanks to drink, pathogenic microbes are destroyed, the metabolism is stimulated, toxic substances are removed. Rub a piece of juicy ginger root, add lemon juice, pour boiled water or warm green tea, add honey to taste.
You can add a few drops of tincture of echinacea or ginseng, a slice of lemon or orange. And in general, during the cold season, drink more fluids: it removes toxic substances and slags from the body, which greatly facilitates the work of the immune system.
What berries enhance immunity?
Berries are an excellent means for raising immunity, they can be used almost all year round: in summer and autumn - fresh, and in winter and spring - frozen. Frozen berries contain no less useful substances than freshly harvested.
Raspberry - can prevent not only colds, but also cancer. This property of the berry is due to the presence of Elaginic acid in it, which is capable of destroying foreign bacteria and cells.
Currant - a storehouse of vitamin C, which to a large extent affects the activity of the immune system. Tea can be prepared not only from berries, but also from leaves of a bush.
Blueberries - one of the most valuable berries, positively affecting the immune system, visual and brain functions. Blueberries can be consumed by everyone, including the elderly, as well as patients with diabetes.
Strawberries can remove toxins and salt deposits from the body, relieve swelling and support the defense system.
Autumn berries - rowan, blueberry, wild rose, viburnum, cranberry - brewed in a thermos and drink instead of tea in the offseason. In a 0.5-liter thermos put about 2 tablespoons of berry mixture, pour boiling water. After cooling down, you can add honey to taste and drink during the day.
Rowan juice is advised to use viral infections during the season: brew 1 tablespoon of berries per cup of boiling water, drink after cooling for a day.
An excellent remedy for reduced immunity is syrup and black chokeberry jam. You can add sliced apples or orange to the jam.
Kalina to improve immunity is used alone or in combination with other medicinal plants. Preparation: mash the viburnum berries, mix with honey and add a little boiled water. The mixture can be added to tea, and to increase the shelf life can be boiled down with sugar in a water bath.
If you take 1 tablespoon of dry sage raw materials, pour boiling water over a glass, insist and add viburnum juice, you can use this medicine to gargle with laryngitis and a cold. The effect of such rinsing comes almost immediately.
Good help and many forgotten berries dogwood. It contains a whole set of vitamins, including ascorbic acid. Dogwood berries are advised to use in the epidemic and catarrhal periods. They can be eaten raw, make them jam, wine, jelly, decoctions and syrups.
Means for immunocorrection, presented by the science of homeopathy, at the moment is not so much. Most likely, this is due to the fact that modern specialists have not yet fully studied the methods of exposure to homeopathy, although quite a few doctors have already been convinced of its effectiveness. The most successful are the preparations of the German pharmaceutical company Heel: with a high efficacy of homeopathic remedies there is a minimal amount of side effects.
- Galium-Heel - a means of activating the immune cells of the body. Stimulates immunity, can be used to prevent or treat bacterial and viral infections.
- Engystol is a standalone drug that is recommended for use separately from other medicines, especially antibiotics. It is very effective in viral lesions, accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system.
- Echinacea Compositum - removes the processes of inflammation, stimulates the immune defense, contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins.
Homeopathic medicines help to improve the immune defense not only in a quantitative way, but also in a qualitative one, optimizing the immune response with a minimal amount of adverse events.
Essential oils
An important property of aromatherapy is that the aromas of essential oils naturally affect the body, most easily penetrating into it and assimilating.
For example, essential volatile garlic or pine needles activate local immunity - the production of the nasal mucosa of secretory immunoglobulins.
Essential oils have a similar effect, as they are a concentrated analogue of vegetable phytoncides. For example, monardo or basil oil can restore immunity even with advanced stages of immune deficiency.
In order to protect the living and working space from the introduction of viruses and bacteria during epidemics, you can use eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, anise, mint, camphor, citrus, pine oil. Such oils neutralize and damage most of the known bacterial and viral strains, enhancing the immune defense and promoting the active elimination of toxins.
Choose oil in accordance with the reaction of your body (allergy is a contraindication to the use of oil), use it for massage, in the steam room, during bathing, during inhalation, for flavoring the room with an aroma lamp.
It is interesting that the mixed coniferous, mint, rosemary aroma and the smell of thyme disinfects and purifies the air in the room. For these purposes, you can use other combinations of oils:
- lavender, eucalyptus, verbena and bergamot;
- ginger, orange and rosemary;
- lemon balm, cedar, nutmeg, lavender and mint;
- lemon, lavender, rosemary and verbena;
- basil, vervain, lemon and mandarin.
In the course of immunological studies proved that those patients who regularly use the essential aromatization of the premises, much less likely to catch colds and viral infections.
An excellent alternative to garlic and oranges for raising the immunity can be regular sex: they strengthen our muscles, like physical exercises, and raise our spirits better than any stimulants. The reason for this phenomenon is simple: after sexual contact, the body synthesizes a whole stream of happiness hormones - endorphins, able to raise our mood and self-esteem. High-quality and regular sex intercepts anxiety, depressive states and lowers the risk of developing mental disorders. But we all know that our psychological state directly affects our physical well-being.
As proved by Swiss experts, sexual contacts have a positive effect on the protective abilities of a person. Studies in neuroimmunology have found that the total number of killer cells after sexual contact increases 1.5 times.
Having sex 2-3 times a week increases the amount of necessary antibodies in the body, which are responsible for the level of our immunity.
There is nothing better than having fun and strengthening your health at the same time.
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It is a well-known fact that sport and physical education promote our health. However, at the same time, not everyone can strengthen the immune system. Why it happens? The fact is that long-term and constant exercise can deplete the body, which only reduces the activity of the protective forces. Therefore, the load must be metered, not excessive and non-critical to the body. The most suitable sports for strengthening immunity can be swimming, athletics, yoga, dancing, shaping, aerobics. If possible, practice sports in nature, in the forest, in a park area: where the air is least polluted.
Physical exercise should be moderate and regular, about 2 to 3 times a week. It is not necessary to perform exercises through force, this will not contribute to an increase in immunity.
Strengthening of protective forces through sports is a good option for people suffering from chronic forms of pathologies (of course, in the absence of contraindications to physical activity). Regular classes for 5-6 months will significantly reduce the number and severity of relapses.
Do not forget that to achieve a result (increase immunity) should not be allowed to overvoltage. Excessive physical activity is a kind of stressful situation for any organism, which removes the natural protection against the infectious agent. For the same reason, you should not deal with during exacerbations of the disease: wait for a relapse to avoid complications, and only then resume playing sports.
How to improve immunity after antibiotics?
It has long been proven that antibiotics have a very negative effect on our immunity. Experimentally, scientists have found that the use of any antibiotic (even if prescribed by necessity) reduces the natural immune defense by 50-80%. This indicator will be much greater if the antibiotic is taken in incorrect dosages or without appropriate grounds.
For this reason, doctors categorically do not advise self-prescribing antibiotics, and the treatment regimen proposed by the doctor should be carried out strictly as prescribed.
By the way, in addition to drugs, antibiotics can be found in some foods, for example, in meat. Many people know that in some poultry farms, chickens are fed with antibiotics so that they are less sick and grow faster. A high content of such antibiotics in meat can provoke a weakening of the immunity in a person who consumes this meat. Therefore, beware of buying meat products from questionable sellers, it is better to do this in specialized retail stores.
Of course, if you still had to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment, then the question of improving immunity should be resolved in advance. First, you have to restore the intestinal flora, since most of the necessary microorganisms are destroyed during antibiotic therapy. To do this, eat dairy products with a short shelf life, enriched with lacto-and bifidobacteria. It can be natural yoghurt, fresh kefir, cottage cheese.
Remove sweets and pastries from the daily menu: these foods cause fermentation in the intestines, preventing the restoration of microflora.
Eat vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as onions and garlic, drink herbal teas.
From the tonic procedures it is useful to visit a bath or sauna, go in for sports, and harden.
How to improve the immunity for herpes?
When signs of a herpetic infection appear, it is necessary to start holding events as soon as possible to strengthen the immune forces. What can contribute to this?
- Proper balanced nutrition.
- Use of natural medicines and herbal infusions.
- Visit the steam room or sauna.
- Morning exercises, douche and walk in the fresh air.
- The appointment of immunity stimulating drugs.
Of course, with the symptoms of herpes, the doctor will most likely prescribe you one of the most well known antiherpetic drugs. It may be timogen, thymalin or interferon. Such drugs should be used only after prescription.
What can you do yourself? A positive effect is observed from the use of beverages to raise the immunity. To prepare one of these drinks, we will need the following components: berries of viburnum, mountain ash, sea buckthorn and a little dried raw ginseng. All components are mixed, pour boiling water and insist about 1 hour. When the drink has cooled, add natural honey to taste. We drink this tea up to 2 weeks, 100 ml three times a day.
To stimulate immunity with herpes, you can use ready-made pharmaceutical tinctures, for example, Eleutherococcus tincture. We take 30 droplets twice a day before meals.
If you use all methods to improve immunity, but the disease is still progressing, contact your doctor: perhaps you have some concomitant hidden disease.
How to improve skin immunity?
Immunity, in addition to the cellular structures of the immune system, includes the protective ability of the skin and mucous membranes. Our skin also needs to be hardened and strengthened, but how? There are several such methods.
- Air hardening method. Such hardening will increase the protective forces, balance the mechanisms of thermoregulation, blood flow, respiratory properties of the skin. The air temperature can be cold - up to 8 ° C, moderate - up to 16 ° C, cool - up to 20 ° C and indifferent - up to 23 ° C. The air must be fresh, that is, if there is no opportunity to stay in nature, it is necessary at least to keep the window open. Begin such procedures in the summer. Some are hardened by the method of night sleep on the balcony or in the garden, regardless of weather conditions. But for the beginning it will be enough to conduct morning exercises on the balcony, in the park or indoors with an influx of fresh cool air.
- Water method. Water tempering procedures may include a visit to the bath, cool baths, douche, wet cool wipes and swimming in open ponds or pools. What is the basis of this method? When the cold briefly, but regularly affects the skin, then, first of all, the body's thermoregulatory abilities are trained, and the release of the hormone cortisol into the blood flow is activated. It helps to stimulate the body’s defenses and strengthens the immune system.
- Contrast wiping method with cooling herbs. Very interesting, useful, but a little time-consuming method. In order to proceed with the procedure, first you need to prepare an infusion or a decoction of herbs: mint leaves or lemon balm, needles, tansy. Part of the infusion should be cooled in the refrigerator, and the other part left hot. After this, you can proceed to the procedure: moisten a woolen glove in a cooled infusion, squeeze and wipe the body and limbs. To carry out the same manipulations with hot infusion. The third stage - with a dry towel, rub the skin of the body until the appearance of redness. The duration of the session rubdown - about five minutes.
- Sunbathing. Perhaps it is not a secret to anyone that the sun's rays can strengthen the immune system, forming pigment melanin and vitamin D in the skin. The safest and most comfortable period for sunburn is in the morning, from 9 to 11. The duration of the procedures should be increased gradually so as not to burn. Especially it is necessary to be careful of those who have light and sensitive skin.
- An active lifestyle - eliminates the risk of the development of pathologies of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels, serves as an excellent prevention of overweight. Active sports facilitate the perception of stressful situations, stabilize sleep and mood. It may surprise you, but even if you are tired, the best rest will be a mobile and active pastime, which will give you an additional portion of energy.
How to improve the immunity of the vagina?
Not so long ago, during studies on the surface of the vagina were found immune cells. They have much in common with the same cells that live in the intestinal cavity and on the tonsils. These cells are designed to maintain local immunity on the surface of a specific tissue site. If this local protection is violated, then the usual treatment will produce only a temporary effect, since the reason - a decrease in immunity - will remain. For example, if a woman suffers from thrush or vaginitis several times in a row, this may be a sign of a weak immune defense of the vaginal environment. Treatment of such conditions should be complex: the actual destruction of the pathogen and the restoration of the immune protection of the vagina.
The normal composition of the vaginal microflora is 90% lactobacillus, 9% bifidobacteria, 1% conditionally pathogenic microbes. Minor changes in this ratio are compensated by the actions of the protective factor of the organism. If such a composition is fundamentally disrupted, it becomes difficult for the immune forces to cope with the progressive number of pathogens.
Enhancing local immunity of the vagina provides for the restoration of normal natural microflora of the vaginal environment. In such situations, interferon and other agents are prescribed, for example, Gynoflor suppository, acylact, bifidumbacterin, kipferon, lactacid, epigen-intim drugs. However, do not forget that only a qualified doctor can assess the adequacy of therapy.
How to improve the immunity of the throat?
Frequent colds and laryngitis make us think about how to improve the immunity of the throat. First of all, this can be done by alternative methods:
- gargling with very salty, warm water;
- use of medicinal teas and chamomile-colored infusions of mint leaves, rose hips, and St. John's wort herb;
- regularly adding freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey to tea or water;
- periodic execution of the following exercises: stretch the tip of the tongue to the chin, freeze in the maximum possible position from 3 to ten seconds. So we improve the blood supply of the pharynx. Try to do this exercise every time you brush your teeth;
- gradual training of the throat to a cool drink, ice cream. It is recommended to start this hardening of the throat with gargling with cool water. Some recommend contrasting the throats with a cold and hot drink alternately: however, remember that this technique can adversely affect tooth enamel.
Hardening of the throat is best done against the background of restorative procedures, getting rid of bad habits and establishing a healthy diet.
How to improve local immunity?
Local immunity can be enhanced by increasing blood circulation and expanding blood vessels in the desired specific area of the body. Such exposure will lead to increased release of antiviral structures — specific antibodies and interferon.
For this purpose, it is recommended to use a compress - an excellent local stimulator of immune protection in the fight against viral invasion. True, compresses are not recommended for use at high temperatures. This is explained by the fact that a jump in the temperature index is also one of the manifestations of the activation of immune protection, and too much antibodies can aggravate the inflammation process and harm the body.
Prepare a compress at home is not difficult. Here are some recipes for such immunostimulating compresses:
- Acetic compress - we need some honey, hot water and vinegar (preferably apple). Water and vinegar is taken in a ratio of 3: 1, a spoon of honey is added. We moisten the fabric in this solution and apply it to the necessary area of skin, put cellophane over the fabric and warm it with a woolen scarf. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes;
- honey in liquid form - we rub it on the affected place, cover it with parchment paper and wrap it in a blanket. After a while, honey is washed off with warm water or infusion of herbs, and the skin is lubricated with any vegetable oil. Be careful: many people are allergic to bee products. Such people use this recipe is contraindicated;
- a compress from the oil - the vegetable oil is heated in a water bath, we dip a piece of cloth into it, squeeze it and put the cloth on the necessary part of the body (you can not put it on the heart area). Cover the fabric with parchment paper or cellophane, wrap the patient. Compress leave for 3 hours or overnight.
Also, to improve local immunity, you can use proven pharmaceutical methods: setting mustard plaster and cans, rubbing the skin with cooling and warming ointments, using hot baths for hands and feet.
How to improve immunity with HIV?
It is known that the diagnosis of HIV is not so terrible as the complications caused by this diagnosis. Complications may appear mass: this is due to a sharp decrease in immunity. In such conditions, the body ceases to cope even with minor attacks of microbes, the more serious pathologies, for example, pneumonia or hepatitis, are beyond its power. For this reason, the main focus of support for a patient with HIV infection should be the strengthening and enhancement of protective forces and the prevention of possible complications.
Recently, experts have found a positive effect of vibration effects on tissue immunity. Vibrations promote the movement of immune cells within tissues and affect the rate of immune responses. In order to implement this method, special devices for phoning are used in practice, carrying out microvibration effects during a regular and long course of treatment. The effect of such therapy is capable of accumulating from session to session. Such devices include, for example, vibration devices such as the Vitafon.
Relatively recently, the newest class of medical preparations for strengthening immune forces was presented in the pharmacy chain. Among them are Polyoxidonium and Galavit medications, which can be beneficial even with HIV infection and in the final stages of oncology. However, unfortunately, such medicines are far from affordable to everyone.
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How to improve immunity in oncology?
Studies have shown that the clinical symptoms of a cancer can only manifest when a violation of the mechanism of immune resistance occurs: the defenses stop responding and neutralize malignant cells that form in the body.
The system of immunity, by the way, not only protects the body from harmful bacteria and malignant cells, but also helps to restore damaged cells in various organs and systems. A decrease in the body’s resistance may trigger the development of non-infectious complications.
Supporting the body's immune forces helps us indirectly affect any disease, including cancer. Excellent results were found from a combination of structured water, TA-65 and Chinese mushrooms, May-Shiitaki, Cordyceps, Reish, Agarika, etc.
Structured water is water that specifies information about healthy cells and organs, which gives it a unique healing ability.
TA-65 is a cellular activator of telomerase. It strengthens the immune system, improves the composition of the blood, gives vital energy.
Shiitake mushroom activates immune protection, is able to destroy bacteria and viruses, increases the body's resistance to pathogenic microbes.
Remember that treatment with these drugs in no case can replace traditional antitumor treatment. These funds will only enhance the effect of surgical, radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer.
How to improve immunity after chemotherapy? You can take a long enough course of such drugs: fungimax, meysha, or mushroom triad, or modifilan in conjunction with antioxidants (vitamin E, selenium, ascorbic acid), blockers of energy metabolic processes in a malignant cell (preparations of colloidal silver) and substances that can strengthen cell membranes for the prevention of metastatic growth (omega-3 fatty acids). Treatment with these drugs is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The course is selected individually after consulting a specialist.
How to improve immunity after pneumonia?
To support a weakened body after an illness, to prevent re-development of the disease or complications, experts advise strengthening immune protection after pneumonia.
In all the variety of measures to strengthen the body, there is a basic rule - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes the rejection of nicotine addiction, drinking, as well as proper rest and sleep, a balanced diet, the struggle with overweight, the development of stress resistance, active pastime.. The complex of measures to enhance the protection of the body should consist of tempering procedures: douche, rubdowns, bathing. It should be noted that the hardening procedure can not be carried out with a cold, cough and high temperature.
In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system using alternative medicine methods. For example, use teas and infusions of medicinal plants. You can add a little honey, lemon or homemade jam. From natural remedies that help improve immunity, we can distinguish echinacea, garlic, ginseng, licorice, eleutherococcus, ginger. The duration of treatment with such agents is up to 3–4 months. Usually, the raw materials are steamed in boiling water and allowed to infuse, or kept in a water bath.
The first time after recovery is better not to visit clinics and hospitals, especially infectious areas. Do you need a second course of antibiotic therapy, the doctor must decide, but sometimes it is better to refuse it, since it is extremely detrimental to the immune system.
It would not be superfluous to carry out preventive vaccination - vaccinations against influenza, pneumococcal and hemophilic infections.
For the rest, follow the advice and prescriptions of your treating doctor.
How to improve immunity after surgery?
Restoring strength after surgery is necessary, first of all, with the help of a balanced diet. To do this, make your diet taking into account the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Avoid diets that limit the nutritional and energy value of food, eat only fresh organic foods. If the doctor does not prohibit, eat more vegetables, fruits, protein foods.
Include in the daily diet foods with a high content of ascorbic acid. These are citrus, kiwi, dogrose.
If you are not contraindicated exercise, do not neglect them. However, overdoing is also not necessary. Contact your doctor: he will develop for you an individual set of exercises that will be appropriate in your particular case, taking into account the disease about which the operation was performed.
If for some time after surgery you are worried about the weakness and instability of body temperature, it is simply not enough that you can use drugs and measures to increase immunity. Consult a doctor: it is possible that an infectious process is developing in the body.
How to improve immunity with HPV?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is manifested, first of all, by weakening the body's resistance to infections. How can the immune barrier be strengthened so as not to give the virus a chance to prove itself again?
- Fall asleep in a thermos 2 tablespoons of nut leaves, pour 400 ml boiling water and leave overnight. Drink the resulting drink at в cup several times a day. Enhance the effect by eating handfuls of walnuts every day.
- We wash 2 full tablespoons of coniferous spines, fall asleep in a container, pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. We defend and filter in half an hour. Take medicine for ½ cup in the morning and evening, you can sweeten with honey or jam.
- Finely chop 250 g of onions, add the same amount of sugar and 400 ml of pure drinking water. Cook the mixture on a small hob for up to 2 hours. The cooled broth is filtered and seasoned with two tablespoons of honey. Drink 1 tablespoon up to 6 times a day.
- We turn equal quantities of walnut, dried apricots, lemon, honey and raisins through the meat grinder. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, taken daily on an empty stomach, one spoon per day. You can drink tea with wild rose or chamomile.
- Brew tea from coriander, motherwort, lemon balm, linden and hops. Drink throughout the day every day.
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How to improve immunity against colds?
Consider the factors that will help strengthen the immune system and confront colds and viral diseases:
- vaccination, reducing the risk of colds and flu by 70%;
- full sleep at least seven hours a day;
- active physical activity;
- food with sufficient content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants;
- walks in the open air;
- drinking enough clean water (in cold weather tea is allowed);
- preservation of psycho-emotional balance;
- washing hands with soap;
- maintaining moist and clean indoor air.
How to improve immunity after angina?
This can be done through yoga. In principle, any active exercise can strengthen the immune system, but only yoga will strengthen it for a long time. Exercises that stimulate lymph flow, improve respiratory function and facilitate the work of the endocrine system should be used. Asanas should be performed under a light relaxing music: this will remove the elements of stress and stabilize the mental state. From exercises you can use the deflection of the upper part of the spinal column, revealing the thoracic and stimulating the thymus gland, located in the center of the chest. An inverted posture stimulates a passive lymph flow that moves immune cells throughout the body.
Also, after suffering colds, aromatic oils help to restore immunity: eucalyptus, thyme, bergamot and angelica.
You can take drugs to strengthen your immune defenses, eat the right foods, forget about your bad habits: these are the best advice for supporting the immune system.
How to improve the immunity with boils?
Today, with an integrated approach to the treatment of patients with chronic furunculosis, in addition to rehabilitating the foci of infection, often use means that correct the immune defense. For example, the use of the following drugs is recommended in the acute stage of the disease:
- in case of violation of phagocytic function, polyoxidonium is prescribed in a dosage of 6 to 12 mg IM by injection for 1-2 weeks;
- with reduced affinity of immunoglobulins, the drug Galavit is prescribed, in a dosage of 100 mg i / m for two weeks;
- with a decrease in the number of B-lymphocytes, it is recommended to use mielopid in a dosage of 3 mg for 5 days intramuscularly;
- in the absence of effect from the use of galavit, immunoglobulin preparations are prescribed for intravenous injection (octagam, intraglobin, gabriglobin injection).
The use of licopid is also justified in case of long-lasting and periodically exacerbated furunculosis. Often used a complex appointment of immunomodulatory agents, as well as their alternate reception.
At the moment, scientists are conducting clinical tests of the latest developments of domestic immunomodulatory drugs. These are preparations Neogene and Ceramyl. So far, these funds have not been fully investigated, but a pronounced increase in the period of remission of furunculosis has already been found up to practically 1 year.
We hope that soon these drugs will take a worthy place in the correction of immunity in the treatment and prevention of furunculosis.
How to improve immunity in thrush?
To improve immunity in thrush specialist first thing to recommend to follow a special diet. It would seem, where is the food? This is because the fungal infection that causes thrush in small quantities lives in our body permanently. It can be found on the external genitals, on the skin, in the oral cavity. Errors in nutrition can trigger an imbalance of the environment, the death of beneficial bacteria and the rapid growth and reproduction of pathogenic fungi.
To enhance the body's resistance to a fungal infection, all types of vegetables and unsweetened fruits should be included in the diet. They can be eaten raw, cooked, baked, stewed, but, in any case, not to fry. You can eat chicken, lean fish, dried dark bread.
The use of spices, garlic and hot pepper almost guarantees the disposal of fungi. Dairy products, always fresh, will also help restore the natural environment in the body.
The only thing that is strictly not advised to use with thrush is sweets and pastries made from white flour. Temporarily you will have to give up even the sweet fruits: bananas, grapes, dates.
Even after you get rid of thrush, do not immediately rush to sweets. If you want to get rid of the disease forever, take this type of food as a basis and stick to it constantly.
How to improve immunity in tuberculosis?
Recently, a lot has been said about the use of immunorehabilitation of tuberculosis patients using Transfer Factors. Doctors recommend the use of these drugs before, during and after the planned drug treatment. With tuberculosis, in combination with traditional methods of treatment, prescribe:
- I month - transfer Advensd two capsules per day and transfer plus - three capsules;
- II month - transfer of Advensd 3 or 4 capsules per day;
- subsequent treatment - in each month for 10 days take 2 capsules twice a day.
Tuberculosis requires long-term therapy, so it is very important to maintain immunity at the highest possible level during this period.
You can use the following medicinal, vitamin and antioxidant agents:
- coenzyme Ԛ-10 - 60 mg every day, activates pulmonary immunity;
- coral water - one sachet in a glass of water per day between meals;
- Silver-Max (colloidal silver preparation) - 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day, natural immune status stimulator;
- Aloemannan - one capsule up to 3 times per day;
- microhydrin - one capsule three times a day with food, a good antioxidant;
- ficoten - one capsule per day with food, provides for the production of surfactants;
- vitamin E - one capsule with a meal, antioxidant;
- phyto-energy - one teaspoon up to 3 times a day, improves metabolic processes;
- Zinc - a trace element that improves the functionality of the immune system and accelerates tissue regeneration, 1 tablet with food intake.
You may have to fight the disease for a long time, but the main thing is not to give up.
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How to improve immunity with allergies?
Enhancing immune defenses and anti-allergic therapy are complementary processes. The fact is that having an allergy to anything already means that your immune system is not all right. You will have to simultaneously use anti-allergies and medicines to strengthen your defenses.
The final deliverance from allergies and an increase in resilience is possible if you devote enough time and energy to timely cleansing the body. Over time, a large amount of toxic substances accumulate in our blood and organs, which for one reason or another were not removed from the body. Methods for cleaning the liver, intestines and blood on the Internet described quite a lot. Choose yourself suitable and, after consulting with your doctor, begin the procedure.
After you clean your organs, you can proceed to the next step: the use of certain herbal remedies that can cause the necessary changes in the work of the immune system. Such changes (selective activation of lagging elements of the immunological response, as well as artificial suppression of too active elements) are termed immunomodulation. Herbal preparations that are used for immunomodulation, called immunomodulators.
What plants can be attributed to immunomodulators? This is a celandine, clover, devasil, etc. Of the southern and Asian herbal preparations, they also include Wiltzoru (cat's claw), Gotu Coke, pod'arko. However, the most significant representative of the immunomodulators is the well-known duckweed plant, which in summer can be found in almost any pond or backwater. Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis and other manifestations of allergy with drugs of duckweed has a remarkable effect. There are a lot of known recipes for using a plant, here’s the most common one: the collected duckweed is washed and dried, crushed into powder and, adding fresh honey, they knead a kind of “dough”. From it roll small peas, which are dried in the oven with a temperature of 50 ° C for five hours. Next peas poured into a container and use them 1-2 pieces twice a day.
If you are allergic to honey, you do not need to add it. In such cases, should be treated with decoction or infusion of duckweed.
In order to improve immunity, you can use a variety of tools: vaccines, immune serums, gamma globulins, herbal and homeopathic medicines. We told you about the basic principles of immunotherapy, and we hope that now you absolutely know exactly how to improve immunity.