Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Structure of the nekatora
The parasitologist is a specialist engaged in the study of various parasitic organisms that are invaded, including in the human body. A qualified parasitologist knows all the representatives of his field of interests "in person", because each bioorganism is individual.
The structure of the nekator is unique. It is a worm, usually measuring from 5 to 13 mm. Representatives of this biogroup have a characteristic body shape only (bent over the back).
In contrast to the curve, the nectar is also equipped with a mouth capsule, only it is slightly smaller than that of the curve-head. In the parasite considered in this article "in the mouth" special cutting inserts are placed in place of the teeth.
The head and the notch at the egg stage are practically indistinguishable.
Types of nekatora
Modern parasitology can boast of numerous studies and their results, but perhaps even more knowledge remains closed to humans. Therefore, to date, the kinds of nekator, known to scientists and physicians are limited to a certain Americanus. This parasite has been sufficiently studied by physicians that, when symptoms of its presence appear, it allows you to actively fight it.
Necator americanus
Necator americanus (Necator americanus) or as it is called - hookworm of the New World, is equipped with a surface of a yellowish-gray hue, with a rather steeply curved body. The male of the parasite has somewhat smaller dimensions: from 5 to 10 mm in length and from 0.18 to 0.24 mm in thickness. The female is somewhat larger and can "brag" sizes from 7 to 14 mm, with a thickness of 0.38 to 0.45 mm.
The eggs of the worms under consideration are determined by the dimensions: length from 0,064 to 0,072 mm, and thickness from 0,036 to 0,040 mm. One individual produces up to 15 thousand eggs.
The name of the parasite was assigned to it because it was first discovered on the American continent, although these worms were subsequently diagnosed among the inhabitants of Africa and East Asia.
The life cycle of a single individual is on average between 10 and 15 years.
Being naturally hematophagous, worms are parasites, getting into the bloodstream of the body, they produce a specific enzyme that inhibits the process of blood coagulability. On average, one specimen accounts for 0.03 ml to 0.05 ml of blood. For three to five days, parasites, along with blood, spread throughout the body, getting into lung tissue, bronchi, alveolus, mouth and nasopharynx, trachea, and then with saliva move to the digestive organs in the duodenum.
The average residence time in the human intestine is about four years.
Lifecycle of a nekator
From the point of view of biological development, the life cycle of a non-agent is commensurate with the stages of development of hookworm parasites, which can exist for a long time in the human body.
Life nekatora begins from the moment of getting his egg into the soil, which occurs together with fecal masses leaving the body of the carrier. Optimal temperature indicators, under which the active development of the parasite worm - from 28 to 30 ºС, but it feels good and in a wider temperature range - from 14 to 40 ºС. Not the last place is occupied by the level of soil moisture. It should not be dry.
Seven to ten days after getting into favorable conditions, the egg begins to transform into a filaria, which receives the esophagus, which is an elongated cylinder. Once the parasite is transformed, acquiring this form - it becomes contagious. It is at this stage that the worms acquire mobility and the ability to move in the ground in various directions.
As soon as the human body comes into contact with the infected soil, the worms-parasites, attracted by the heat that emits the human body, begin to actively move toward the body, and then into the small capillaries, through the skin.
It is possible to infect a parasite through the oral cavity, when the larvae enter the body of the patient together with vegetables, fruits or contaminated water.
Once the worm enters the body, it begins with the blood movement around the body (on the small and large ring of blood circulation). This procedure takes from seven to ten days.
Then the larvae penetrate into the saliva and together with it, when swallowed, invasive parasites penetrate into the duodenum of the host, where the parasites live until they reach "sexual maturity."
Adult individuals produce eggs, which again with feces fall into the environment. Eight to ten weeks after infection, sexually mature helminths are already able to leave the human body.
A person who is a carrier of a nekator does not pose a danger to the people around him. This fact is due to the fact that at the time of emergence from the human body, eggs do not yet have invasive abilities, since they must still undergo a certain cycle of development in the soil. There is evidence that the eggs of the parasite under consideration can survive up to 15 years without prejudice to themselves.
At a time when infiltrated parasites migrate through the body of the patient, they cause symptoms of toxic poisoning and allergic reaction of the host organism to aggression.
Adult individuals of parasites refer to hematophagous - biological organisms that feed on the blood of other animals. Getting into the duodenum, they attach to its mucous wall. In this case, the intestine is injured, which subsequently causes internal bleeding in the human body, the formation of ulcers and erosions, hemorrhage, anemia, constantly causing the host's allergic reaction to a foreign presence. With long-term damage in the digestive tract, dyspepsia (digestive disorder) and / or dyskinesia (disorder of coordinated motor acts of internal organs) develops.
Symptoms of nekatora
Perove, what the larvae do when they touch the skin of a person - they penetrate the superficial layers of the dermis into the body. At this stage of the invasion, the parasite causes itching and burning on the skin. There may also appear a variety of rashes: pustules, vesicles, papules, erythematosis, whose manifestations can maintain their presence over the next few months.
When the patient is massively injured, the symptoms of the nekator may be manifested by a significant edema of the upper and lower extremities.
After the invasion occurred, the larvae penetrate both the large and small ring of blood flow. And the blood carries them all over the body. When the respiratory system enters the system, the parasites cause various host catarrhal abnormalities in the host man: shortness of breath, wheezing and wheezing when inhaled and exhaled. Against the backdrop of such a pattern of invasion, the patient may develop pneumonia, pleurisy or bronchitis.
At the same time, the presence of parasites in the body provokes an allergic reaction to toxins - the consequences of the life activity of worms and their larvae.
Reaching the duodenum, parasites are cumulated in it and pass into the stage of puberty. Live organisms, attaching teeth - plates to the intestinal mucosa, which invariably leads to her injury. Hence, the person develops wounds, ulcers and erosion areas on the surface of the mucosa. Internal hemorrhages may appear, hemorrhagic zones may form, which gradually leads to the development of hypochromic iron deficiency anemia and stable allergies, manifested by their symptoms.
When "living" parasites in the duodenum, the patient begins to show signs of dyspepsia - a disorder of the digestive tract. Symptomatic of dyskinesia can also develop - a complex imbalance in the bile duct system caused by changes in the motor function of the gallbladder and bile ducts in the absence of their organic changes.
Stay of the parasite in the digestive tract provokes the development of duodenitis, an inflammatory process localized in the duodenum, in which its mucous membrane suffers most.
This turn of the course of pathological development is accompanied by the appearance of:
- Unpleasant eructations.
- Heartburn.
- Nauseated, which, with increasing intensity, can trigger the emergence of emetic reflections.
- Often there is a violation of appetite, both in the direction of its deterioration, and vice versa.
- There can be changes in taste and taste of taste. For example, a person may have a desire to introduce chalk or clay into his diet.
- There may be pain symptoms in the liver and the spoon.
- There are also frequent cases of diarrhea symptoms.
- Hypoalbuminemia - the results of the analysis show a decrease in the quantitative indices of the protein in the patient's blood.
- There is an impact on the central nervous system, which is manifested by the decline of strength, lethargy and apathy.
- If the invasion affected small children, then, strange as it may be, with prolonged defeat, such babies begin to lag behind in mental and physical development from their peers.
Treatment nekatora
The protocol of therapy for the lesion of a patient with a nekator largely depends on which stage of the lesion and the severity of the changes that occurred, the patient turned to a qualified specialist for help.
If the patient's body has obvious signs of anemia, and during the examination the blood test showed a quantitative component of hemoglobin less than 67 g per liter, iron preparations are mandatory. These can be acti ferri, caffeine, ferrum lek, phytoferrolactol, ferronal, ferrocal, totem, gemostimulin, maltofer, gemofer and venofer.
A drug containing iron phytoferrolactol is taken by the patient one tablet three times throughout the day. The course of treatment is six to eight weeks.
Contraindications to the appointment of phytoferrolactol are:
- Increased intolerance to the patient's body of one or more components of the drug.
- Acute and chronic enteritis (inflammation process, localized in the tissues of the colon).
- If a history of the patient has hemosiderosis - cumulation of dark, yellowish hue, skin pigments.
- Hemolytic anemia, which is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin, caused by increased decay of erythrocytes.
- Hemochromatosis - malfunctions in the metabolism of iron-containing pigments.
- Acute and chronic gastritis (inflammation process, localized in the stomach tissues).
- Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum.
Treatment nekatora also do without anti-parasitic drugs, of which most often, when the problem is treated, albendazole, naphthalene, levamisole, mercaptan, pyrantel, mebendazole or carbendacim are prescribed.
A medicinal product of synthetic origin, which has a broad spectrum of anthelmintic effect - mebendazole - is prescribed by the doctor for oral administration.
For adults and adolescents, the drug is given in a dosage of 0.1 g twice daily throughout the day (in the morning and in the evening). The duration of the treatment course is three days. After three weeks, a repeat test is carried out. And if his results show the presence of parasites in the body of the patient, anthelminthic therapy is repeated.
Contraindications to the use of the drug in the protocol of therapy include individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, severe hepatic dysfunction. And also pregnancy, lactation time and age of young patients who are not yet two years old.
Deworming with naphthamone is done in the morning, on an empty stomach. Adult person should take 5 g of the drug once a day. The duration of therapy is from two to five days. The necessary duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician on the basis of the clinical picture of the disease, severity and scale of the lesion.
To at least slightly brighten the unpleasant bitter taste of medicines from the nekator, the drug can be dissolved in 50 ml of sugar syrup, which must be warm.
The medicinal preparation of pyrantel or mercaptrin is taken twice a day during the day at a dosage of 0.01 g per kilogram of the patient's weight.
Decaris or levamisole has its own schedule of reception, expressed by one daily intake in a dosage of 2.5 mg, calculated per kilogram of the weight of the sick person.
The level of effectiveness of this group of medicines is estimated at 80%. On average, the treatment course is three days.
If necessary, the attending physician can prescribe to his patient also folic acid.
Folic acid is a preparation of B vitamins that effectively helps to restore the normal functioning of various metabolic processes, normalizes the maturation of megaloblasts, and the formation of normoblasts.
In the treatment of an adult patient, the drug is taken at a rate of 5 mg per day. Children dosage decreases depending on their age. The duration of therapeutic therapy is from 20 to 30 days.
At a time when a woman is carrying her baby, the daily dosage of the vitamin in question is 0.4 mg, and during the feeding of a newborn baby with breast milk, this figure is determined by the figure of 0.3 mg.
It should be noted that the probability of a "meeting" with such a worm - a parasite as an illator - can and should be minimized. For this it is necessary not to walk without shoes in the places where they are likely to settle in the soil, do not lie on the ground without a blanket. Care should also be taken to ensure that the foods you consume are well washed or thermally processed. It is worth taking for the habit of not using not boiled water. Well, if the invasion did happen, you should not panic. It is necessary to contact a qualified specialist as soon as possible, undergo examination and medication, after which you can forget about an unpleasant problem. Do not despair, be treated and be healthy!