Blastocysts in feces in humans: symptoms, classification, analysis, how to treat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What are blastocysts? This is one of the varieties of protozoa that live and develop in the cavity of the human intestine. This kind of microorganism can cause a disease called blastocytosis. The pathogenic effect of blastocysts on the human body has been little studied. However, some information about microorganisms is still available.
Protozoa blastocysts
In modern times, the simplest blastocysts are widely distributed: it is proved that this protozoal infection may well inhabit healthy people in the large intestine.
Studies on blastocysts have been conducted since the sixties of the last century, therefore, it is impossible to name these microorganisms "new". For a long time, the role of protozoa in the development of infectious diseases was studied, especially in patients with weakened immune defense. Initially, experiments were conducted on some species of wild and domestic animals, since blastocysts can live not only in the human body. However, for a long time, they could not prove the facts that the simplest blastocysts can cause an infectious disease: the hominas blastocysts were considered as non-pathogenic microorganisms that act only as a harmless transient carrier. Only a few of the scientists insisted that blastocysts have the ability to spread, multiply and provoke the development of protozoal infectious diseases.
Meanwhile, in recent years, a lot of epidemiological and clinical information has appeared, which confirms the importance of blastocysts hominis in the formation of intestinal pathology.
How does a blastocyst look like?
One can not unequivocally answer the question of what a blastocyst looks like, since there is a definite classification of blastocysts that describes each single-celled microorganism form separately.
Classification of blastocysts is as follows:
- Vacuolar form - has a characteristic appearance. The outer diameter is 5 to 20 μm, contains 1-4 nuclei, mitochondria and other components are in the thinnest cytoplasmic layer surrounding a large centered vacuole. Presumably, the vacuole is designed to store nutrients.
- The granular form - at first glance resembles the vacuolar, but in this case the contents of the vacuole and (or) cytoplasm is a granular substance with inclusions of lipids, glycogen, myelin-like structures, etc. Some scientists believe that the appearance of granules is associated with the approaching death of the microorganism.
- Microscopic avakuoljarnaja and an amoebic form - the elementary, dwelling in a thick department of an intestine. These forms often do not fall in the field of view of the laboratory due to their small size (up to 5 microns), besides, microorganisms of this form are rapidly destroyed, being outside the intestine. Amoebic form does not have mobility, but it is perfectly and tightly in contact with the wall of the large intestine.
- The multivacuolar form is formed from the group of avacuolar forms in the intestinal cavity. The cytoplasm contains a number of vacuoles, while the largest vacuole, occupying a central position, is absent. The structures have a dense outer shell, which serves as a protection against adverse effects.
With an unfavorable external action, all of the above forms can be converted into cysts - cells with a multilayered wall.
Symptoms of blastocyst
In healthy people, blastocyst symptoms may not appear. The disease manifests itself only when the defenses of the body are weakened. In some cases, the disease is hidden with poorly expressed signs: in such cases, the patient often does not pay attention to minor periodic manifestations of the disease.
Blastocyst infection can be caused by the use of dirty water, unwashed fruits and vegetables, dirty hands and objects. Blastocyst gets into the digestive system, it appears in the large intestine, where its active vital activity takes place. Microorganisms multiply, their life cycle proceeds, some cells die. The products of the vital functions of the blastocysts can get into the blood, provoking the symptoms of intoxication. Basically, this affects the skin condition.
However, most often the bowel itself suffers. In this case, the symptoms of the blastocyst are manifested in varying degrees depending on the degree of resistance of the organism, that is, on the state of immunity. What symptoms are most typical for the disease:
- spasms and soreness in the abdomen;
- loose stools;
- emaciation;
- loss of appetite;
- fits of vomiting;
- fever;
- rashes on the skin, including itchy.
Blastocyst in the child
If blastocysts are found in a child, and he does not make any complaints, they often do not receive treatment. This is due to the fact that many specialists tend to classify blastocysts as a conditionally pathogenic microflora of the thick intestine of a healthy person. Microorganisms do not cause harm and are not activated until there are favorable conditions for this, that is, lowering the body's immune defenses. Only in this case, in the presence of severe symptoms of the disease, appoint and conduct appropriate treatment.
Blastocysts in a child can cause the same symptoms as an adult. The clinical picture can be expressed depending on the degree of weakness of the child's body. Often, with a predominantly cutaneous lesion, the child may not show signs of bowel disease. Blastocysts can detect themselves as persistent allergic conditions, when a child begins to suffer from allergies to many or some products, and antiallergic treatment often does not bring the desired effect.
Diagnosis of blastocysts
Symptoms alone are not enough to diagnose blastocysts. Clinical manifestations of blastocysts must be confirmed by laboratory tests. Material for analysis - feces. This is the only way to prove the presence of a unicellular parasite in the body.
In order to establish a diagnosis, at least five blastocysts in the visibility zone (using an immersion objective) are required. In this case, the pathogen should be detected repeatedly. In order to identify blastocysts in feces, the following study is conducted: the feces are collected after an independent act of defecation in a clean special container. After that, the material is delivered to the laboratory in the shortest possible time.
Sometimes the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is used, which allows to detect the DNA element of a pathogenic microorganism. Blastocysts in the stool during this method of investigation are detected for several days.
Simultaneously with laboratory research, the following are taken into account:
- the presence of obvious and indirect symptoms of the inflammatory process in the intestine;
- increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood;
- disbalance of microflora in the thick intestine;
- pathomorphological changes in the large intestine.
Based on all the results obtained, the diagnosis of blastocysts is confirmed and further tactics of treatment are determined.
How to treat blastocysts?
Before answering the question "how to treat blastocysts?", One should answer the question "is it really necessary?". The fact is that in cases when a blastocyst is detected in the stool, but the clinical picture of the disease is not expressed, it is not necessary to take measures to eliminate parasites. Blastocyst treatment is prescribed if the patient complains of the signs of the disease, if he has persistent allergic reactions, and in the stool there is a constant steady concentration of the pathogen.
Treatment of blastocysts involves the appointment of antimicrobial agents, which depressingly affect unicellular microorganisms. Such medications are:
- metronidazole - 0.5 g twice daily for 5 days;
- furazolidone - 0.1 grams four times a day, for 7-10 days;
- Nimorazole - 0.5 g twice a day.
Some specialists prefer the use of Nifuratel (0.4 g to 3 times a day for 5 days), Tiberal (in the form of 3 tablets at a time in the evening, the duration of treatment is 1-2 days) or Tinidazole (in form of 4 tablets at a time).
In addition to antibacterial treatment, a doctor can prescribe medications to stimulate the defenses of the body in order to activate his own body defense against pathogenic bacteria.
Treatment of blastocyst with alternative means
It is known that blastocysts are killed by boiling. This means that these microorganisms are sensitive to high temperatures. Treatment of the blastocyst with alternative means is based primarily on the creation in the large intestine of conditions under which blastocysts either die or slow down their development and vital activity.
First and foremost, specialists in alternative medicine recommend making some changes in the diet. This should be done cautiously: if there are other diseases of the digestive system, then the possible harm from this method of treatment should be compared.
- Blastocysts do not like spicy dishes, so adding moderate amounts of hot peppers (chili) to the diet will help get rid of the problem.
- Adding spices such as ginger, cloves, mustard, as well as eating onions, garlic, horseradish is welcome.
- Creation of an acidic environment in the intestine also negatively affects the pathogenic flora, so you can add foods such as natural vinegar, sauerkraut, sour juices and fruits.
- A bitter environment is also unacceptable for blastocysts, so it is recommended to take decoctions and infusions of wormwood bitter.
Among other things, it is recommended to eliminate the dysbacteriosis and normalize the intestine. For this purpose, you should use fresh sour-milk products: kefir, sourdough, curdled milk, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt.
Prophylaxis of blastocysts
Prophylaxis of blastocyst implies the observance of sanitary and hygienic rules and the timely detection of carriers of these microorganisms.
What personal hygiene standards are important as preventive measures:
- washing hands, especially before eating and after visiting the toilet or street;
- washing fruits and vegetables, eating only pure foods;
- fighting flies and other insects indoors, especially in the kitchen;
- use only pure water for drinking, preferably boiled;
- observance of cleanliness in the kitchen and in the toilet, their regular cleaning with the use of special disinfectants of household chemicals.
In addition to these major prevention measures, you should also maintain a good state of immunity in the body. To do this, you need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, exercise, become tempered. It must be remembered that microorganisms such as blastocysts affect only the weakened and susceptible to infections organism.