Headache in the child as a symptom of the disease
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many adults do not even admit that the child can have a headache, taking his vagaries for manipulation. But children, as well as adults, are prone to this ailment and the sources that cause it can be different.
How does the discomfort present appear and what should be done to remedy the situation? These and many other questions parents are trying to find unambiguous and understandable answers.
In many ways, the source of the pathology can indicate the nature and localization of pain. It is able to be aching, pulsating - spasmodic, squeezing ring from the outside and bursting from the inside. Painful attacks can exacerbate in the morning or night, after lunch or throughout the day.
The location of its localization is also able to suggest the source of the problem. Discomfort can be observed from one side of the head, for example, pulsating in the left temple, or girdling. It can manifest itself in the occipital or parietal part and so on.
Strengthening or weakening of pathological intensity can also depend on the position of the body: it lies or is located vertically.
A concomitant negative symptomatology may be a hint to determine the source of pathology: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fever and others.
Headache and vomiting in the child
In most cases, if an infection gets into the baby's body, it starts complaining about uncomfortable sensations in the head area, there is nausea and vomiting reflections, other symptoms of the disease. If vomiting increases and the baby refuses to drink, immediately call an ambulance.
The combination of such symptoms as pain syndrome and vomiting in children is almost always an indication for hospitalization, since such a tandem in most cases speaks of the inflammatory process taking place in the brain structures. If untimely medical care is provided, the consequences can be irreversible and the most severe, up to a lethal outcome.
Especially it concerns small children, as at them all pathological processes, including dehydration of an organism because of a vomiting, develop much more promptly, than at adults.
If a son or daughter complains of headaches, and adults observe vomiting, then in such a situation it is necessary to measure the baby's body temperature. If it is normal, then migraine and hypertension can be ruled out, whereas the likelihood of a head injury increases.
It is worthwhile to question the son or daughter in detail, were there any falls and bruises? Inspect the head for abrasions, bruises and wounds.
Headache and nausea in a child
If the baby is sick and he complains of pulsating pain symptoms, then most likely the baby has such a disease, mainly due to hereditary predisposition, like a migraine.
It is caused by a sharp violation of the tone of the walls of blood vessels that have undergone expansion. In this case, the blood is unable to systematically fill the resulting volume, which leads to blood ripples.
Mostly, this symptomatology is one-sided. This disease is observed paroxysmally. In between the painful contractions the baby feels well.
When the attack comes, the baby begins to be capricious, he has drowsiness and irritability, before his eyes are able to appear "flying midges". Painful sensations in the head and nausea in children can cause and quite abundant vomiting. After the contents of the stomach, the baby calms down somewhat and falls asleep.
In such a situation, painkillers are powerless. The attack can last from a quarter to two hours. In this situation, you should show the baby to a neurologist.
But this combination of symptoms is also capable of talking about infectious invasion. Predominantly, such a diagnosis is more likely in the presence of high temperature indices of the body. Especially from a number of infectious lesions, meningitis is a big danger. This disease develops against the background of a bacterial, viral or fungal lesion of the brain membrane and is characterized by a rather high percentage of deaths, especially in young children. Therefore, if parents observe such a symptomatology, you should immediately seek medical help, calling an ambulance. In this situation, the life of a small person can "hang in the balance" and the end result depends on the timeliness of medical care. Sometimes the account goes for minutes.
Also, due to the severe form of the infectious disease, one should remember poliomyelitis, encephalitis and a number of other pathologies.
Severe headache in the child
In a newborn (in the region of 6 months) severe seizures can cause milk teeth that erupt during this period. This babe is always naughty, sleeps badly. But after the tooth has got out, usually and pestering a spastic stricture passes or takes place. Provoke painful pulsations in the head can and inflammation of the gums, dental abscess, inflammation of the triple or facial nerve.
But this is not the only source of the pathology in question. The high intensity of the symptom in question in children can be provoked by a variety of other causes. One of them has already been considered in the previous section - it is an infectious disease of the meninges that causes the development of meningitis, encephalitis, and poliomyelitis.
Acute seizures can provoke and ENT - diseases such as otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and others. As it is not surprising, this symptom can be a consequence of intestinal infection or invasion of worms.
Possible head injury, accompanied by concussion, damage to bone tissue ...
It is also a symptom of arterial hypertension, intracranial or intraocular pressure.
Some external factors can provoke an attack:
- Experience, for some reason, fear, neuroses.
- Poisoning by chemical compounds.
- Magnetic storms, weather changes. Unfortunately, many of today's children are meteopaths since birth.
Therefore, if the child is concerned about the pathology in question, which is accompanied (or not) by another symptomatology, it is worth consulting with a specialist and, if necessary, to undergo a complete examination to establish the cause of the pathology.
Frequent headaches in a child
It's hard enough to understand what the babe is worried about when he is not yet able to articulate his thoughts. He is crying, he is naughty and pulls the handles to the head. If the baby has frequent pain attacks, doctors already talk about the chronic course of the disease. Sometimes the changes affecting the vessels of the brain and other internal organs are irreversible.
Frequent pain can disturb the baby at the moment of cutting through the teeth, but they go with their appearance. The situation is more difficult if it is the result of birth trauma (displacement of the cervical vertebrae) or congenital disease and until the situation turns to better, the baby will have to suffer seizures. But to weaken them or to stop the pain symptom itself, there can be medicinal remedies, which should be prescribed only by a specialist. Independently and thoughtlessly give the child medicines should not, you can only harm a child who has not yet gained a strong body.
Daily headaches in a child
If discomfort causes suffering almost daily, physicians check the question of the presence of pathological changes in the body of a small patient, the presence of trauma. But such a pathology can also become a consequence of an improperly organized regime of the day:
- Long-term presence of children in a stuffy, unventilated room.
- A short time that a youngster or a teenager spends in the fresh air.
- Unsettled ratio of sleep and rest time with physical activity and wakefulness.
- Malnutrition, poor in vitamins and mineral elements.
- Long stay at the computer.
- Great workload in school.
- Increased physical activity (school + sports, music and so on).
- Uneasy psychological situation in the family.
After analyzing the regime of the day of your child, each parent can eliminate many of the above points.
Dizziness and headache in the child
One of the main reasons, except for pathological deviations of the organic nature, the consequence of which is observed in the children considered pathology and attacks of dizziness, can be called fatigue of a little man.
Many parents almost from birth trying to grow out of their baby child prodigy and genius, starting to load them with different activities: sports section, English language, school of aesthetic development, dancing.
All this is certainly good, who is arguing about the harmonious development of the baby. But if children do not have time just to run on the streets with their peers, sooner or later, the organism of the "future child prodigy" can fail. Both the increased physical and psychological load are fraught with grave consequences for an even growing and developing person. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.
Get nervous exhaustion, accompanied by the symptomatology involved, leading even to the loss of consciousness is capable of a difficult situation in the family, a complex relationship between parents. After all, a small man at a subconscious level feels this, in his own way experiencing this fact.
Provoke an attack sharp enough and strong smells. If the baby has such a reaction to the aroma, it is necessary to eliminate it as soon as possible.
Headache in the forehead of children
As already mentioned above, the localization of the discomforting state can be a clue to the doctor for a presumptive diagnosis. So the negative symptomatology, permeated by a small patient in the frontal region, is caused by such diseases:
- Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which develops as a complication of an infectious disease. If the background of prolonged fighting in the forehead area adds a prolonged rhinitis, the probability of developing this pathology significantly increases.
- Directly the very infectious pathology.
- A common cold.
- Pneumonia.
- Rubella.
- Severe meningitis.
- Different strains of influenza.
- Typhus and others.
- Frontite is one of the varieties of sinusitis. The inflammatory process affects the frontal sinus, which provokes the appearance of discomfort. Especially he pestered in the morning. After the baby blows his nose, the soreness recedes somewhat, but with the next filling with mucus - returns with renewed vigor.
- High intraocular or intracranial pressure.
- Injury of the head, entailing not only pain symptoms, but, usually, other pathological deviations.
It is necessary to show the baby to the doctor, so as not to miss a serious pathology.
Nighttime headaches in a child
If parents observe that their child does not sleep well, night attacks attack him, and in the afternoon he does not complain about them, then it is worth analyzing the situation in which the night passes.
- Perhaps the dream is in a stuffy room with a low humidity.
- The reason is an uncomfortable bed and bedding.
- Indoor flowers that exude a strong smell.
- Scary night sounds.
Blood from the nose and a child's headache
One of the reasons that first comes to mind with regard to the baby, when combined with such symptoms as, blood from the nose and painful attacks, is trauma. But such a tandem can appear as a symptomatology or a factor of complication of other diseases:
- Pathological defeat of ENT - organs.
- Youthful hypertension.
- Infectious or viral infection of blood vessels, inflammatory process.
- Anemia.
- Intoxication due to poisoning of the body with toxins (various genesis).
- And some other sources.
Headache in the nape of the child
This localization of pathology has several sources:
- Infection of a specific area of the cerebral cortex.
- Freezing of the body.
- Pressure jumps that provoke the development of a presyncope state can be caused by the increased formation of cerebrospinal fluid, which works as a brain defense, but its excess volumes start to put pressure on the brain.
- Spasmodic and muscle cramps.
- Perhaps the presence of an organic neoplasm, which in a certain position, squeezes the vessel.
- Increased intracranial pressure.
Therefore, if the uncomfortable state in the occipital region is caused by the above sources, some of them are easily eliminated and independently, but there are those that require urgent medical intervention.
Vascular headache in children
As the name suggests, vascular pathology, both in children and adults, is a consequence of reversible or irreversible damage to the walls of the blood vessels that feed the brain.
To such pathological discomfort results:
- Vegeto - vascular dystonia.
- Congenital or hereditary pathology of the development of cerebral vessels.
- Vasculitis is an inflammatory process that occurs with the affecting of blood vessels.
Headache in a child with ARVI
One of the most common sources of the pathology in question is an acute respiratory viral infection (or, briefly, ARVI). To this category of diseases include many pathologies, but the most diagnosed are the different strains of influenza and angina caused by the activity of pathogens. Although this list is much longer.
It is with the emergence of pain symptoms and the disease begins to manifest the group. They have in many ways a similar symptomatology and a similar treatment structure. But all the same, the expected therapeutic effect can be obtained only if the correct diagnosis is established and adequate measures are taken.
Diagnosis of headaches in children
After the parents sounded the alarm and asked for a consultation with a pediatrician. The doctor will conduct the diagnostics and, if clinically indicated, can send a small patient for additional consultation and examination to a more specialized specialist. It can be one of the children's doctors: cardiologist, dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist.
- Primarily the doctor should find out the patient's anamnesis.
- Were there any falls?
- What is the frequency of seizures: "from case to case" or frequent, constant?
Localization area:
- Shingles.
- In the region of the occipital region.
- The frontal part.
- One or both of the temple.
Nature of manifestations:
- Pulsating - spasm.
- Pulling around the perimeter as a hoop.
- On the contrary, as if bursting from the inside.
- Sharp or dull, aching.
- Exciting one side or showing everywhere.
What is the intensity: high, medium or light?
- The duration of seizures?
- Are there harbingers of the attack that arise directly in front of him? For example, the appearance of irritability or weakness, drowsiness and so on.
- Is the relationship with the seasons, weather phenomena, time of day, or attachment to a specific place? For example, if the attack begins after a short stay in a stuffy room, or the son / daughter complains of a bad condition immediately before the onset of a thunderstorm. Probably, attacks are not connected with these factors.
- Does the child have an emotional state?
- What accompanying symptoms are observed: nausea, bleeding from the nasal passages, high body temperature, vomiting, fever, drowsiness, irritability and others.
- Whether pain intensity intensifies against the backdrop of climbing up the stairs, exercise and spot, in case of easy jogging.
- Whether there is an independent (spontaneous) cupping of the problem or there are other methods that help to remove the attack.
- From the degree to which the doctor will get the full picture, the correctness of the established disease depends, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and, accordingly, the final result.
For children of junior, middle and high school there are additional questions:
- How much is the son / daughter stress-resistant? How much do they worry about the lessons and relationships with their peers?
- How are mental school loads carried forward?
- How long does it take to sleep?
- Is there enough time for outdoor games?
- How emotional is he?
- What is his diet and diet?
- How often does he get tired physically?
- If you take a time interval (week, month). How many times have complaints been received about the discomfort in question?
- Time spent at a computer or watching a television program?
- Are there additional mental or physical activities after school?
The doctor should also know if the parents suffer from the symptomatology in question and for how long?
Fundamental answers to the questions posed by the doctor will already allow the specialist to determine the most likely source that provokes discomfort.
For example, if the seizures began recently and increase in intensity, accompanied by a temperature, drowsiness, nausea, then we can assume a viral trail of the disease, which can lead to a condition that is life-threatening for a small patient.
A district pediatrician usually prescribes an analysis of blood, urine and feces. For special indications, you may need a magnetic resonance imaging or other more specific studies, which are additionally appointed by narrowly focused specialists.
After the diagnosis is determined, the doctor prescribes the treatment of a child's headache. The protocol of therapy will correspond to what source is installed. More details about this can be found in the article "What to give a child from a headache?"
Many parents consider the pathology under consideration to be the prerogative of adults, even without assuming that it can bring suffering and babies. But this is not so. Unfortunately, a child's headache is a common pathology that needs to be recognized and eliminated as early as possible. And this is the prerogative of adults. You should be more attentive to your children and their complaints. Perhaps it's all about the improperly organized daily routine, organized children's space or nutrition, then the cause can be eliminated by the parents themselves. But, it is quite possible, this symptom is a manifestation of one of the numerous pathologies, then it is impossible to do without the help of a qualified specialist. The main thing in this situation is not to lose precious time!