Eating belly eggs during pregnancy - as a symptom of the disease
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Eating is a fairly common phenomenon that does not require treatment, but if it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, for example, a specific odor, a doctor's consultation is needed.
An unpleasant odor occurs when the gastrointestinal tract is malfunctioning. If you start to bother with burping of rotten eggs during pregnancy, the digestion process may be disturbed.
Incorrect food processing in the stomach and intestines can lead to stagnant residues starting to rot. With the decomposition of food, the breakdown of proteins is difficult, which is the reason for the hydrogen sulphide smell (rotten eggs).
During pregnancy, there are often problems with digestion. This is due, first of all, to hormonal rearrangements in the body, as well as to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. Their contribution to the development of digestive disorders is caused by improper diet, overeating, chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
The eructation of rotten eggs during pregnancy is most often found in the middle of the second trimester. This symptom can be replaced by heartburn, especially after eating "wrong" food: too fatty, fried, fast food. The eructation and unpleasant sensations associated with it last from a few minutes to 2 to 3 hours.
In later terms, the belching is rotten, caused by stagnation of food in the stomach, appears due to mechanical compression of the growing fetus of the digestive tract. This symptom is especially pronounced when the prone position is long, when the pressure on the stomach is particularly strong.
Causes of belching eggs during pregnancy
One of the main causes of eructations with a characteristic odor is a malfunction in the digestive system, especially often such a state in lovers eat in large quantities.
Eating belly eggs during pregnancy can also indicate the presence of peptic ulcer, liver disorder, inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
In pregnant women, this phenomenon may still be associated with toxicosis.
Provoke eructations can low inclines, recumbency, turns to the sides.
An eructation is an ejection of air from the stomach into the oral cavity.
During pregnancy, many women are concerned about digestive problems, which are manifested by constipation, loose stools, heartburn, and eructations.
Often, the eructation is associated with the physiological causes that occur with the woman: hormonal alteration, malfunctioning of the nervous system, enlargement of the uterus, which presses on the internal organs. But it is worth noting that in this case, burp starts to harass a woman only after the 2nd trimester.
During pregnancy, burping of rotten eggs is most often associated with overeating, but can also indicate serious diseases, for example, gastritis.
In addition to burping, a pregnant woman may be troubled by heaviness in the stomach, swelling, increased gas formation, rumbling.
During pregnancy, burping with rotten eggs is often accompanied by high fever and diarrhea.
First signs
The first signs of eructation can be pain in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness, especially after eating. Due to putrefactive processes occurring in the stomach, a gas with a characteristic odor is produced, which is released into the mouth, causing unpleasant sensations. During pregnancy, burping with rotten eggs requires special attention and emergency specialist care.
Eating belly eggs during pregnancy can lead to severe intoxication of the body and cause disruption of the internal organs.
If the eructation is associated with a digestive process, then when decaying food remains in the digestive tract, highly toxic compounds are formed which, together with the beneficial substances, are absorbed into the blood and poison the body, causing headaches, irritability, weakness, etc.
Eating with the smell of rotten eggs is not the norm, if the cause of this condition is overeating, then in addition to an unpleasant smell, there may be problems with excess weight, which in turn leads to an increase in the burden on all organs, primarily on the cardiovascular system .
With gastrointestinal diseases, eructation of rotten eggs during pregnancy can be a serious danger, since gastritis, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa without adequate treatment can lead to internal bleeding, a violation of absorption of nutrients (which will affect not only the state of the woman, but also the health of her child) .
Diagnosis of burping of dead eggs during pregnancy
Eating of rotten eggs during pregnancy is diagnosed, mainly, on complaints of the patient.
First of all, the doctor finds out the diet of a woman, and if it is dominated by fatty, fried foods, it adjusts the diet. Also, the doctor recommends reducing portions, since in some cases, an unpleasant odor with eructation appears when putrefactive processes in the digestive tract are caused by overeating.
If the nutrition adjustment does not help and the woman continues to worry about the characteristic odor with eructation, a gastroscopy (in the people of the "hose"), a biopsy and gastric tests are appointed to help determine the level of acidity, to identify the inflammations.
When there is an unpleasant odor with eructation and suspicion of GI disease, the doctor may prescribe a biopsy of the stomach mucosa and gastrointestinal tests.
When biopsy occurs, a small portion of the gastric mucosa is removed for laboratory testing. This analysis allows you to determine atrophic changes and identify gastritis, gastric ulcer, digestive disorders, tumors in the stomach.
A general blood test, urine is also prescribed.
Instrumental diagnostics
If the eructation of rotten eggs during pregnancy is caused by diseases of the digestive system, the doctor prescribes gastroscopy.
Investigation of the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract can reveal pathological changes (ulcers, inflammatory processes) in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum.
Today, gastroscopy is carried out using a fibrogastroscope, a thin and flexible hose that is equipped with a fiber-optic system. The mobile end allows you to see a specialist mucous esophagus, duodenum, stomach.
If the condition of the digestive tract is normal, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound or a radioisotope study (after the second trimester) to detect diseases of other digestive organs (gallbladder, liver).
Differential diagnostics
This type of diagnosis can be called the most important in the formulation of the correct diagnosis, especially in the case of pregnant women.
When pregnancy is contraindicated, some diagnostic methods (for example, X-rays).
But with the help of differential diagnosis, a doctor can distinguish one disease from another, because it is known that many diseases have similar symptoms, but are fundamentally different in terms of treatment.
The eructation of rotten eggs during pregnancy, as already mentioned, may be due to the woman's inclination to eat a lot, especially greasy, fried foods, and also have more serious causes.
At the reception, the specialist will examine the patient's complaints, what other symptoms disturb her:
Pain, constipation, diarrhea, heaviness in the stomach (only after eating or all the time), increased gas formation, swelling, etc.
By general analysis (blood, urine), the doctor can determine whether there is an inflammatory process in the body.
Gradually, excluding diseases that are not suitable for any of the symptoms, in the end the specialist will make the only correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment.
Treatment of eructations with rotten eggs during pregnancy
The treatment of burp with the smell of rotten eggs begins with the correction of nutrition and the treatment of the disease, the symptom of which it is.
If, in addition to burping, pain, nausea, and diarrhea should be treated immediately, as the onset of intoxication can significantly damage the health of the unborn child and the woman herself.
If the eructation of rotten eggs during pregnancy is provoked by a gastritis, enzymes (pancreatin, 150 thousand units per day) are prescribed.
Dietary meals are mandatory: exclude fried meat, sour, fatty and spicy dishes, add more liquid food (soups, broths, mucous porridges), foods with bifidobacteria, cottage cheese and sour-milk products to the diet.
In some cases, to facilitate the condition (with nausea, diarrhea), it is recommended to take absorbents (enterosgel, activated charcoal).
When infectious processes require the use of antibiotics, which are selected only by a specialist, taking into account the period of pregnancy and disease.
If a woman has slow digestion, food moves along the digestive tract insufficiently quickly, absorbents, enzyme preparations and medicines to improve intestinal motility (festal, dufalac, phytomycyl, regulax).
It is necessary to change the diet and completely eliminate whole milk, legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, cherries, fatty creams, sour cream, nuts, citrus fruits, apples, pears, meat (beef, rabbit, pork, chicken), offals, canned food, chicken eggs.
During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat in small portions, but often to avoid overeating. There are other useful recommendations:
- remove from the menu products that can cause increased gas formation (white cabbage, beans);
- Do not drink drinks with gas (both sweet and mineral water);
- raw vegetables and fruits before drinking are advised to bake or boil - in this form they are absorbed more easily;
- it is important to learn to take a comfortable position during sleep, not to gorge on the night (or better just have a cup of yogurt).
It is necessary to have enough time to walk and rest, watch the food, and then the pregnancy for you will pass easily and joyfully. Do not forget that your inner state is felt by your future baby.
To normalize the digestive function, enzyme preparations are prescribed, which contain substances that contribute to the digestion of food.
During pregnancy, taking any medications should be done only after the appointment of a doctor.
Enzymes are administered after each meal:
- Festal - 1 dragee during or immediately after each meal, drink a small amount of water
- pancreatin - 1-4 tablets (depending on the disease) after each meal.
- mezim - 1-2 tablets after each meal.
Also, to improve intestinal motility (with constipation), a doctor can prescribe laxatives:
- Dufalac - 1-3 bags per day
- guttalax - 10-20 drops at bedtime or in the morning
- Bisacodyl - 1-3 dragees before bedtime
- regulax 0.5-1 cubes before bedtime
- phytomycil - 1 sachet up to 4 times a day
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment for an eructation with an unpleasant odor should be used only after consulting a doctor, as during pregnancy some plants can have abortifacient action. In addition, treatment is possible only after the doctor determines the exact cause.
If this condition is caused by chronic gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to drink blackberry tea, mint infusion or melissa.
Flax seeds, fennel, linden, mint have a soft effect.
A mixture of these components helps to normalize the production of gastric juice.
To make a brew, take 2 tablespoons. Of each component and pour 200ml of boiling water, close well and let it brew until cooling, when the infusion will cool and drain 1/4 cup in the morning and in the evening (treatment until the symptoms disappear completely).
Reduce the acidity will help a mixture of rowan fruits and flowers (3 liters) with a root of ara (1 tablespoon). Mix all ingredients, take 1 tablespoon. And pour 200ml of cold water, allow to insist for about an hour, then bring to a boil and cool. Filtered infusion to drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day (before use to warm up).
Mix an equal amount of aloe and cranberry juice, dilute with a glass of warm boiled water, stir 1 tablespoon. Honey. The resulting mixture to drink 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. Within 7 days. After a month, treatment can be repeated if necessary (this recipe has a mild laxative effect).
To improve digestion and reduce inflammation, it is recommended to drink half a cup of carrots and potato juice (100ml of each component) before eating.
If during pregnancy the belching of rotten eggs worries quite strongly, a fresh apple or carrots will help.
Goat milk also helps very well - after eating 2-3 cups 3 times a day.
If an unpleasant odor after eructation appears only after eating some foods, you need to exclude them from your diet. Often the cause of an unpleasant smell is eggs, chocolate, soy products.
With an ulcer at the very beginning of the disease aloe juice helps. You can prepare the medicinal tincture yourself, observing some recommendations. Before cutting the leaves, the plant should not be watered for 10-14 days, then take several sheets (400-500g), rinse, dry, leave in a cool dark place for 5 days.
Then, chop the leaves (in a meat grinder, blender), add 500ml of melted honey in a water bath, 500ml of red wine (preferably natural), close the container with tincture and let stand in a dark cool place for 7-10 days.
At low acidity, before eating, you can drink sea-buckthorn juice, brier infusion, eat a few apricots.
Herbal Treatment
15g peppermint, 5g St. John's Wort, 2g leaves of watch, 15g yarrow.
2 tablespoons dry mixture of herbs pour 400-500ml of boiling water, insist about 2 hours.
The filtered broth should be drunk for 1 day portionwise - 2 tablespoons each.
This recipe for patients with high acidity, in addition, belching during pregnancy with rotten eggs requires medical advice.
Homeopathy is considered to be the safest method of treatment during pregnancy, however, it is not worthwhile to prescribe these drugs alone, because they can have a negative effect on the development of the child or provoke a miscarriage.
Homeopathic treatment is prescribed by a specialist taking into account the period of pregnancy, concomitant diseases, the condition of a woman and the cause of an unpleasant odor with belching.
Eating of rotten eggs during pregnancy in homeopathy is treated only by natural preparations based on medicinal plants and herbs.
The most common homeopathic remedy is mountain arnica, used for various diseases (depending on the form: ointments, cream, granules, tincture, therapeutic teas).
With a weak digestive function, gastritis, homeopathic doctors can prescribe tea or granules of this plant, which have a wide spectrum of action and have a beneficial effect not only on digestion, but also on the work of the heart, vessels, have a slight analgesic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and other action.
Take this medication only under the supervision of a specialist, especially pregnant women.
The basis of prevention of eructations with an unpleasant smell is proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits (alcohol, smoking) and a healthy lifestyle (outdoor walks, exercise, full sleep).
An important point is to prevent infection in the stomach, which often happens when swimming in water (when swallowing water in the stomach can get a bacterium Helicobacter and cause digestive disorders, gastritis, etc.).
Eating belly eggs during pregnancy often has a favorable prognosis, since it is associated with overeating. This state occurs when the food is adjusted (reduce portions, eliminate fatty, fried foods, etc.).
If the cause of eructations are diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, a malfunction of the liver, inflammation of the mucosa), then the prognosis depends on the disease and timely treatment of the underlying disease.
The eructation of rotten eggs during pregnancy is a rather unpleasant condition, which can cause discomfort not only to a woman, but also to others.
When these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to identify possible diseases that trigger an unpleasant odor in the digestive tract.
ICD-10 code
Eating of rotten eggs during pregnancy in ICD 10 is classified as R14 Meteorism and related conditions.