Itching in the nose
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Itching in the nose can bother the person with colds, inhaling dust or other small particles, with allergies, etc. This obsession can cause serious discomfort, which is accompanied by sneezing, redness of the nose and even conjunctivitis. What can be the cause of the itch, how to deal with it, and everything that concerns this unpleasant condition, we'll talk in this material.
Causes of itching in the nose
Itching in the nasal cavity can be caused by internal and external causes. Internal factors are said when referring to diseases within the body itself - most often infectious diseases such as ARI, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, or fungal infections (mycosis, candidiasis), as well as allergic reactions.
External factors are, first of all, penetration into the nasal cavity of various small particles: dust, pollen, wool, dandruff, down, etc. In addition, this sign can cause and sharp smells (combustible and lubricating materials, household chemicals, spices), and also the dryness of the air and minor trauma of the mucosa in the nasal cavity.
For example, a prolonged lack of moisture in the room can cause the mucous membrane to dry out. Approximately the same effect occurs after prolonged use of vasoconstrictive nasal drops and sprays - the mucosa dries up and becomes more sensitive.
The true cause is easier to determine when assessing the totality of symptoms. In fact, along with irritation of the nasal cavity, there are often other signs of diseases and various conditions.
What can the itch in the nose indicate?
If the itch in the nose is caused by an allergic reaction, you can often track the seasonality of allergies: for example, when the nose begins to itch at a certain time of the year, when allergen plants bloom. Some patients notice that "scabies" are read after they visit dusty premises, or places where animals live, etc.
Itching may be accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:
- sneezing - solitary or paroxysmal;
- lacrimation (temporary, or as a consequence of developing conjunctivitis);
- mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
- departure of crusts from the nose;
- signs of a cold (fever, headache, cough, runny nose, etc.);
- burning sensation, tenderness of the mucosa;
- redness of the mucosa, or tips and wings of the nose;
- rashes on the skin around the nose.
The definition of symptoms related to the appearance of pruritus is often the first step to establishing the correct diagnosis. That is why the doctor should pay maximum attention to the clinical picture, listening to the patient's complaints and comparing them with each other.
- If the patient complains of sneezing and itching in the nose, then the first thing to suspect is a cold. At the time when the common cold only begins, it can be the only symptoms of the disease. Then the itching passes into the rhinitis, and other signs of inflammation of the nasopharynx can also appear - sore throat, cough, etc. If there is no hint of a cold, then sneezing and itchy sensation in the nose can be associated with the inhalation of dust, sharp odors, various fine particles . It is necessary to interview the patient about what he was doing at the time of the appearance of an unpleasant sensation, where he was.
- Sometimes it happens that the nose itches not inside, but outside. For example, sometimes patients complain of the itch of the wings of the nose. This may be due to an exacerbation of the common cold or inflammation of the wings of the nose. When inflammation is marked not only the itching, but also the peeling or reddening of the wings. Most often, such a symptom is associated with regular rubbing and blotting of the nose with napkins, and also with prolonged exposure to frost, heat, strong wind.
- A prolonged runny nose and itchy nose can talk about an allergy or a chronic cold, depending on what other symptoms you can observe in the patient. So, with a chronic course of rhinitis, burning in the nasal cavity, thickening or thinning of the mucosa, the appearance of crusts. There may be an unpleasant odor in the nose. Over time, there is dryness of the mucous membranes, fatigue, deterioration of sleep. Snoring is possible at night.
- The development of the allergy is indicated by a combination of symptoms, like itching in the nose and eyes - in most cases this means the formation of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. With this diagnosis, the patient can notice reddening of the eyes and (or) skin, the appearance of lacrimation and clear nasal secretions. In this situation, it is important to determine the product or substance that triggered the development of an allergy, and to eliminate contact with it. Further antiallergic treatment will be prescribed by the doctor.
- Itching around the nose can be a consequence of infectious rhinitis - a disease that is caused by the action of various pathogens: viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, measles), microbes (staphylococcal, streptococcal, gonococcal, corynebacteria). In addition, rhinitis can be fungal - usually with fungal infections, the itching sensation is permanent.
- Constant itching in the nose, permanent nasal congestion, a condition when the usual catarrhal remedies do not help - in the overwhelming majority of cases it is a question of mycosis - a fungal nasal lesion. In neglected situations, you can observe the appearance of crusts, sores on the septum of the nose, and redness of the mucous membranes. The diagnosis is based on the detection of fungal infection in the nasal secretions.
- Itching under the nose can be triggered by a psychological factor, and also appear as a result of endocrine or systemic changes in the body. Often such a sign arises after strong psycho-emotional experiences, with hormonal changes and disorders (for example, during pregnancy), and also under the influence of cigarette smoke, gaseous substances, unusual food (acute or exotic), etc.
- Severe pruritus in the nose may accompany an atrophic or subatrophic form of rhinitis. This disease is caused by a strong thinning (atrophy) of the mucous tissues of the nasal cavity. The accompanying symptoms of this pathology are dryness of the mucous membranes, disturbances of the olfactory function, less often - a burning sensation and a painful sensation in the nasal cavity. It can occur with a lack of moisture in the inspired air, or with prolonged use of nasal vasoconstrictive drugs.
- Itching of the face and nose is a common sign of demodectic disease. This disease is quite widespread, although some patients do not know that they have such a problem. Demodekoz is provoked by a specific parasite - Demodex mite, which lives in the subcutaneous space. This pathology requires special treatment in a dermatologist.
Most often, with these symptoms refer to such specialists as an otolaryngologist, an allergist, dermatologist or infectious disease specialist.
Who to contact?
Often, it may be sufficient for the diagnosis to examine the patient and question his complaints. The doctor must ask such questions:
- What were the initial symptoms of discomfort?
- What is the nature of burning or tingling?
- How long does the sensation last?
- Did the patient take any medications, including local use?
- Does the patient suffer from allergies?
- In what conditions does the patient live and work?
- Have there been stressful situations lately?
- Does the patient suffer from chronic diseases?
In some cases, in order to clarify the diagnosis, resort to a general blood test, hormonal background research, dermatoscopic research.
The doctor can appoint consultations of doctors of other specialties, for example, an allergist, an otolaryngologist, a dermatologist, an endocrinologist. To determine the cause, sowing of nasal secretions is carried out, to detect microorganisms that live on the mucosa.
It is also important to pay attention to the possible increase in the nearest lymph nodes, the state of the thyroid gland, spleen and liver. It is necessary to interview the patient about what he was doing at the time of itching, whether there were any features in the diet and lifestyle, whether any medications were taken. The more information about the disease will be known to the doctor, the more likely the statement of an accurate diagnosis.
Itching in the nose
To treat unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity, it is necessary to influence the cause, that is, to treat what has caused the itching.
When fungal infection is recommended to wash the nasal cavity dissolved in warm water baking soda (1 tsp to 0.5 liters of water). In an alkaline environment the fungus can not exist and multiply for a long time. Additionally, such drugs as nystatin, levorin, fluconazole and others can be prescribed.
With allergy, a provoking allergen is eliminated, which could cause allergy, then use antihistamines and a hypoallergenic diet. It is also useful to wash the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt or rock salt (1 tsp for 250 ml of water). Of the drugs more often used Erius, Kestin, Zodak, Zirtek, Tsetrin. In a difficult situation, a doctor may resort to the use of corticosteroids - Benorin, Nazarene, Baconase - such remedies are used only in extreme cases.
For colds, vasoconstrictors are used, preferably on an oily basis, as well as nasal ointments and creams. If the disease is caused by a viral infection, then antiviral drugs will be prescribed (Interferon). Effective and external drugs - Albucid, Chlorophyllipt, Protargol.
It is important to maintain the optimum humidity level in the room, especially in winter.
Drops of itching in the nose
- Moisturizing drops Aqua Maris - clean and moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, facilitate the release of mucus. Are applied without restrictions.
- Complex drops Sanorin-Annalergin - a combination of vasoconstrictor and antiallergic component - eliminates swelling, burning and sneezing, can be used for both colds and allergic diseases.
- Antiviral drops Interferon or Grippferon - have a wide range of antiviral effects, are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in adults and children.
- Antibacterial drops Polidex (based on phenylephrine) - prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis.
- Phyto-drug Pinosol - effective nasal drops on an oily basis. Contain eucalyptus oil, mint leaves, pine needles, as well as vitamin A. Restore and soften the nasal mucosa, eliminate signs of inflammation, including chronic.
The choice of nasal drugs is better given to a doctor who will choose a drug depending on the cause of dryness of the nasal mucosa. Sometimes a doctor can use a combination of several drugs, at his discretion.
Prophylaxis of itching in the nose
Preventive measures should consist of measures that prevent the development of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory organs, as well as allergic reactions and irritations of the mucosa. For this it is recommended to observe the following simple rules:
- adhere to the rules of personal hygiene;
- harden, maintain strong immunity;
- balanced nutrition, taking into account the daily needs of the body in vitamins, minerals, fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- avoid hypodynamia, exercise daily, walk more often, ride a bicycle, swim, etc .;
- to throw bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse;
- timely treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- When working with chemical and gaseous substances, strong-smelling means, as well as when staying in dusty rooms for a long time, respiratory protective equipment (bandages, masks, respirators, gas masks) should be used.
All these tips will help prevent the development of diseases of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.
Prognosis of itching in the nose
The prognosis of this condition is favorable in most cases.
However, one should not engage in independent treatment, especially when the cause of the itch is not known to you. Otherwise, the condition may worsen, and problems will only increase. Due to illiterate treatment, various complications can develop, the fight against which will become much more difficult.
Itching in the nose may not always be caused by commonplace causes. Therefore, if you can not cope with the situation on your own, and dryness does not go away, consult an ENT doctor or an allergist - a good specialist will always find the cause of the disease and will do everything possible to eliminate it.