Pain in the left chest
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in the left chest is only in some cases associated with heart disease. The human body due to the nervous system is one. Nerve processes extending from a single trunk, are connected simultaneously with several internal organs, such as the heart, liver, stomach. Because of this, you can feel pain in the heart area with diseases of the stomach, and heart drugs in this case will not bring relief. As a rule, such pain will disappear after appropriate treatment of the root cause of the pain.
Pain in the left chest occurs when the nerves that extend from the spinal cord are pinched. This happens quite often with osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, various spinal injuries. Sensory, motor and vegetative nerve fibers depart from the spinal center. It is the vegetative nerve fibers that are connected to the internal organs, if this nerve ending is pinched, then the pain in the organ with which it is associated is felt, therefore the main treatment should be directed to the spinal problems.
Chest pain in women can appear even with a minor injury, as there are many nerve endings, blood vessels, and ducts in the breast. Hormonal changes in the body of a woman can also cause chest pain, both in one and in two at once. In the mammary gland some benign tumors (fibroadenoma, cyst, etc.) can develop which can cause pain. Also, hormone therapy can cause pain in the chest. Usually, after stopping medication, the pain goes away.
Causes of pain in the left breast
Pain in the left breast most often occurs for the following reasons:
- in diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, acute heart attack, aortic aneurysm, mitral valve prolapse, etc.)
- with respiratory diseases (pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura, pulmonary embolism, etc.)
- with lesions of the chest or spine (osteochondrosis, inflammation of the costal cartilage, etc.)
- in diseases of the esophagus (spasms, gastroesophageal reflux disease, malignant tumors, etc.)
- diseases of the nervous system (herpes zoster, intercostal neuralgia, etc.)
Each disease usually has only the characteristic nature of pain in the left side of the chest, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis.
Also, the cause of pain in the left side of the chest can be a cancerous tumor. As can be seen from numerous studies, malignant tumors in the mammary gland in most cases develop in the left breast. In women, chest pain can be caused by hormonal changes, benign formations. In some cases, the pain through time stops without any treatment. But in any case, medical consultation is required.
Pain under the left breast
To identify the source of pain in some cases it is very difficult. Sometimes a person feels pain in the left breast, and the source of the pain is actually located a little lower, under the breast. Under the chest are the muscles of the sternum, to the spasms of which leads to severe stress and anxiety. Muscle cramps can last for a few seconds or a few days. People who exercise regularly can pull muscles that cause chest pain.
Under the left breast are the pancreas, spleen, left side of the diaphragm. Pain under the left breast can be associated with these organs. For example, the spleen is located very close to the surface of the body, its work is associated with the processing of "obsolete" red blood cells. Some diseases can cause an enlarged spleen, which can cause pain in the left breast. The proximity of the spleen to the surface of the body makes it extremely sensitive and prone to rupture. The rupture can occur as a result of injury or illness, such as infectious mononucleosis, which makes the spleen soft and large in size. But sometimes too large size of the spleen leads to its rupture, in this case, the person feels a very strong pain under the left breast, and the skin in the navel area begins to turn blue (from accumulating inside the blood).
Diseases of the stomach can also give pain under the left breast. Such diseases as gastritis, ulcers, and cancer can provoke pain. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and establish the exact cause of pain. Also, the pain under the left breast can be with diaphragmatic hernia.
Pain in the left side of the chest
Pain in the left chest can occur with various heart conditions. The strength and duration of pain will vary with each illness. In ischemic disease, the pain is constricting, pressing, lasts about 5 to 15 minutes. The pain spreads to the area of the left shoulder or arm, sometimes reaching the little finger. In this case, the pain is caused by vasospasm.
Severe mental or physical overexcitement can cause an attack of angina, which will also give pain in the left chest. If angina is ignored and not treated, over time this can lead to myocardial infarction, in which the pain is longer and more severe. Remove attacks with angina pill will help nitroglycerin.
Cardioneurosis is another disease that causes pain in the left side of the chest. As a rule, the pain is aching, prolonged in the upper part of the chest.
Painful sensations in the left part of the chest can be caused by inflammation of the heart membrane - endocardium (internal), pericardium (external), myocardium (middle). Inflammation can be developed due to an infectious disease (sore throat, rheumatism), poisoning. Heart pain usually appears several weeks after recovery.
Pain in the left side of the chest
Pain in the left chest is sometimes difficult to diagnose, even for a good doctor, therefore, if there is pain in the left side of the chest, additional tests and tests are prescribed.
Pain on the left side of the chest can be caused by heart disease, respiratory diseases, digestive system, spine, central nervous system diseases. All internal organs in the human body are associated with nerve endings, the base of which is located in the spinal cord. The nerve trunk near the chest branches out to separate organs, so quite often stomach diseases give tenderness to the region of the heart.
Also, pain in the left breast can be triggered by the central nervous system - regular stress, mental stress leads to malfunction of the heart. Neuroses often occurring on this background can manifest pain in the left side of the chest.
Some pains in the left side of the chest are not dangerous to life, although they are not pleasant. But in other cases, a person’s life depends on a timely diagnosis and treatment, so if you experience pain in the left side of the chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Pain in the left chest
Pain in the left chest can occur as a result of a heart attack, however, as practice shows, this happens only in 20% of cases. Cardiovascular diseases are the most dangerous. Malfunctions of the heart lead to various diseases, they are quite a large number, but they distinguish the main types: coronary and non-coronary diseases. The most dangerous are coronary heart diseases, such as coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction. Such serious diseases without appropriate treatment can lead to death.
Non-coronary diseases include various heart defects, both congenital and acquired, as well as tumors, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, and the like.
How does the pain in the left chest?
Pain in the left chest, which manifests itself quite sharply, is accompanied by a feeling of suffocation, speaks of quite serious heart diseases, in this case it is impossible to pull off a visit to the doctor.
The pain caused by an attack of stenocardia begins suddenly (most often occurs after physical exertion), has a pressing or burning nature, painful sensations can be given to the left hand, neck, jaw. In case of osteochondrosis, pain can also be transmitted to the arm.
Shooting pains indicate mainly nervous diseases.
Pain that gives to the back or scapula, acute, severe can be caused by rupture of the esophagus, aorta, etc. The person in this case feels like a “gap” inside the chest.
Aching pain in left chest
The aching pain in the left breast can be felt with hormonal changes during adolescence or during menopause, as well as with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland).
In adolescence, hormonal changes are caused by increased production of sex hormones that form an adult human from a child (secondary sexual characteristics, distribution of fatty tissue, body hair, etc.). The rapid change in the body affects the state of the internal organs, especially the heart. During this period, even minor irregularities in the work of the heart muscle or nervous system can manifest as aching pains in the region of the heart. They can manifest themselves in different ways: constantly, periodically, strongly or moderately. There is a close relationship with the nervous system: severe psychological stress, stress increases pain in the left breast. In most cases, the pain goes away on its own when the adolescent period ends. In such conditions, the child is recommended sedatives, a healthy diet, moderate exercise, vitamin complexes.
When menopause occurs, a decrease in the production of sex hormones occurs, which naturally affects the work of the internal organs. During this period, the central nervous system is experiencing increased stress, which leads to insomnia, stress, flushing, sweating, high pressure, etc. Many women with menopause begin to experience aching pain on the left side of the chest, which may increase with psycho-emotional or physical stress. As a rule, after the establishment of the hormonal background, the pain disappears, but the consultation of the doctor is necessary to rule out serious heart diseases.
The violation of the functions of the thyroid gland also affects the work of all internal organs, the heart especially suffers with increased work of the thyroid gland. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland cause the heart to contract faster. With an increased thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), a person may experience aching pain on the left side of the chest, rhythm disturbances and tachycardia may also occur.
The aching pain can also speak of a number of other serious illnesses, such as inflammation of the heart muscle, after suffering a sore throat. In any case, the appearance of pain on the left side of the chest is necessary to consult a doctor.
Sharp pain in left chest
A sharp pain in the left breast, which is impossible to relieve pills (validol, nitroglycerin), it lasts more than half an hour, usually indicates a myocardial infarction. Heart attack is a consequence of advanced angina, increased stress on the heart, arrhythmias. Sharp pain also occurs with angina, but in this case, the attack can be relieved with medication. However, in some cases with a heart attack, there may be moderate pain, in which a person can suffer a heart attack "on his feet."
Sharp pains can also occur with pinched nerves, rupture of internal organs, with neuralgic diseases, etc.
Sudden pain in the left chest prevents a person from moving, any attempts to raise or lower hands, turn around, take a step lead to sharp pain, often it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, shortness of breath appears. The pain can penetrate the arm, neck, give in the back (in the area between the shoulder blades).
If you experience severe pain in the left side of the chest, you must lie down, take a pill (valerian, validol, nitroglycerin) and call an ambulance.
Sharp chest pains can occur in women. In this case, you need to urgently seek advice from a breast specialist and undergo additional examination. So can mastopathy be manifested at a late stage, when nodules and cysts appear (fibrocystic mastopathy). Mastopathy is a good background for the development of malignant tumors, but, usually, the cancers are painless, severe pains appear already in the later stages.
Stabbing pain in left chest
A stabbing pain in the left breast can be caused by changes in the heart or in other organs. Angiotic pains indicate a violation of the myocardial blood flow, the nature of the pain is paroxysmal, aggravated after emotional or physical exertion, may be accompanied by a breathing disorder (shortness of breath), and may give to the shoulder, arm. To reduce pain, you must first calm down, take medicine. If the pain is too strong and the medications do not help to reduce it, you need to urgently call an ambulance.
With rheumatic heart disease, inflammation of the heart muscle, the pain has a long stinging character, which is aggravated by coughing, an attempt to take a deep breath. In this case, painkillers will help to slightly improve the condition.
Stitching pains in the left side of the chest can also be caused by non-cardiac disorders. Diseases of the digestive system, intestines can also provoke stitching pains in the region of the heart. Severe depressive states, neuroses can provoke pain in the left breast of this nature. Osteochondrosis and thoracic scoliosis causes a tingling sensation in the left side of the chest.
Quite often, panic causes stabbing pain while inhaling, but most often the cause is intercostal neuralgia, not heart problems. In this disease, painful sensations increase with hand movements, bending, etc. Short shooting pains can develop against the background of pneumonia, pleurisy, broken ribs, etc.
With complaints of stitching pains, the doctor usually involves cardiac neurosis, one of the manifestations of vascular dystonia. With such a diagnosis, you first need to pay attention to your nervous system.
Dull pain in left chest
Dull pain in the left breast may be related to pericarditis. The pain is usually permanent, in rare cases the pain can be severe and sharp. Pericarditis is an inflammation of the "heart bag", a special shell that holds the heart in the correct position.
A very severe dull pain along the spine, accompanied by weakness occurs when a dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. Dull pain deep in the chest develops when the pulmonary artery is blocked.
Chronic pancreatic disease is accompanied by a dull pain on the left side.
Cancers that develop on the left side of the chest (lung, stomach, etc.) can cause severe pain in the late stages.
If a dull pain occurs, you should immediately stop any exercise, in particular walking. If possible, you should lie down, in a pinch, sit down, take a nitroglycerin tablet and call an ambulance. No need to get to the clinic or postpone a visit to the doctor for an indefinite period, as it comes to life.
Pulling pain in left chest
Pulling pain in the left breast in women can be for several reasons. First of all, it is a manifestation of mastopathy, directly related to the menstrual cycle. But, as a rule, the painful sensations should be present in both breasts, moreover, besides pain, there is engorgement, slight swelling of the mammary glands.
Unilateral nagging pain may occur with osteochondrosis of the thoracic. In thoracic osteochondrosis, a change in intervertebral discs occurs. The cause of such pathological changes may be the wrong load, a violation of metabolism. Usually, thoracic osteochondrosis develops from sitting in an uncomfortable position for too long, for example, in the office, at the wheel, and also in scoliosis, when the load on the spine is uneven.
Aching pain under the left breast.
The aching pain under the left breast arises when the spleen is enlarged, gastritis, gastric cancer, peptic ulcer, diaphragmatic hernia, myocardial ischemia, acute heart attack. Neurological diseases (intercostal neuralgia), intervertebral hernia also provoke pain under the breast.
In some diseases of the stomach, an aching pain appears in the left side of the chest - gastritis, peptic ulcer disease of the stomach. Such pains on the left side may indicate the beginning of the inflammatory process in the pancreas - pancreatitis.
Antacid drugs, which are usually prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases, slightly reduce pain.
Pricking, aching pain in the left breast, which lasts for quite a long time, appears at rest or after excitement, may be the cause of the dysfunction of the autonomic system, nervous breakdowns.
Severe pain in the left chest
Severe pain in the left chest, which appears suddenly, is accompanied by a feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath may indicate serious heart disease that requires immediate medical attention.
Severe, shooting pain may accompany neuralgic diseases (herpes zoster, neuralgic diseases, etc.).
A rupture of the esophagus is accompanied by very severe pain in the chest, usually this happens with severe vomiting, and the pain may be given to the back.
Also, severe severe pain occurs when the aortic aneurysm ruptures, a person feels a pain in the abdomen, between the shoulder blades, severe weakness (often a person loses consciousness).
Pain from the left side of the chest can cause vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this disease, the pain may have a different nature, usually the pain is very similar to serious heart disease, for example, heart attack, angina, with the only difference that pain attacks in the IRR develop not from exercise, but medication from the heart (validol, nitroglycerin ) does not bring the desired effect.
Stabbing pain under left chest
Pain under the left chest, stitching, which occurs periodically or is permanent, may indicate a pinching of the nerve, with intercostal neuralgia. The causes of neuralgia are various, it can develop as a result of injuries, in diseases of the nervous system, from the effects of heavy metals, toxins, certain drugs, in allergies, with weakened immunity, and with spinal pathologies (congenital or acquired). Also, intercostal neuralgia develops on the background of cardiovascular diseases (anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis), due to which not enough oxygen is supplied to the nerves.
The cause of neuralgic diseases can be excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes mellitus, with peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis (from diseases in which the metabolism in the nervous tissues is disturbed). Subject to intercostal neuralgia, as a rule, older people, when there are physiological age-related changes in the vessels.
Since the nerve endings are located throughout the body, intercostal neuralgia appears exactly like certain diseases of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. Therefore, pain in the left chest with neuralgia, can be mistaken for the manifestation of more severe diseases, and vice versa, some doctors inadvertently diagnose intercostal neuralgia for more serious pathologies.
Acute pain in the left breast
Acute pain in the left breast, which occurs suddenly, indicates a serious disease in the chest. With such pain, they often go to a doctor, in most cases a person needs urgent medical care. An attack of acute pain may be the first and early symptom to which the physician must pay priority attention. Patients with acute pain need to be examined more carefully in order to make a correct diagnosis and help in time.
The main cause of acute pain in the left chest can be:
- heart disease (pericarditis, angina, heart attack, etc.),
- vascular diseases (aortic aneurysm dissection, pulmonary thromboembolism),
- diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, spontaneous pneumothorax, pleurisy),
- gastrointestinal tract diseases (ulcer, diaphragmatic diaphragm, esophagitis),
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chest injuries, osteochondrosis, thoracic radiculitis),
- neuralgic diseases (neurosis, shingles).
Burning pain in left chest
Burning pain in the left breast, which squeezes and tears the chest, is the first sign of a heart attack. Pain can occur after heavy loads or at rest, manifested as an attack, which can be repeated over time. The painful sensations are concentrated behind the chest, can spread to the entire chest, give to the scapula (shoulder blades), left arm (both hands), back, neck. The duration of pain during a heart attack can be from 20 minutes to several days. Usually, pain is the only symptom of the disease, ECG changes develop much later. Often, burning pain in the left chest is accompanied by shortness of breath, vomiting or nausea, weakness, sweating, palpitations, fear of death. In case of a heart attack, repeated administration of nitroglycerin does not bring a positive result, narcotic analgesics are necessary for pain relief.
Endocrine diseases can manifest as burning pain in the left side of the chest. Vegetative crises usually develop in women aged 20 to 40 years.
Burning chest pain may appear in the late stages of inflammatory cancer, along with pain, redness, swelling, sagging of the skin.
Sharp pain under left breast
A sharp pain under the left breast arises unexpectedly, usually a person takes a breath, it is extremely difficult for him to make even the slightest movement. With a sharp pain, usually, a person freezes, trying not to breathe deeply.
Under the left breast is the spleen, which is located very close to the surface. Some diseases can lead to an increase in this organ, which can cause severe pain in this area. Excessively large size of the spleen can provoke its rupture, in this case, in addition to a strong sharp pain in a person, cyanosis appears in the navel area due to accumulations of blood. The spleen can also rupture with abdominal injuries, from the inflammatory process in it, as a result of a heart attack.
Some diseases of the stomach can cause severe pain in the left side, sometimes nausea or vomiting occurs. A sharp pain in the left breast can signal an attack of acute pancreatitis, which is also characterized by nausea, vomiting, fever.
Acute pain under the left breast.
Quite a rare disease - aortic aneurysm dissection, can cause acute pain below the left breast. This disease develops on the background of heavy physical or emotional stress, the pain from the lower part of the chest spreads along the spine, abdomen, and can give to the legs. The painful sensation during the dissection of the aneurysm is very strong, tearing at the chest, the duration can be several minutes or several days. As a rule, reduce pain syndrome narcotic analgesics.
If a sharp pain in the left breast appears during breathing, it may be a lung disease - pleuropneumonia, pulmonary infarction. In these diseases, the pleura is strongly irritated, which leads to pain when breathing, coughing. As a rule, with such diseases, pain is the only symptom that is relevant to the patient, all other manifestations of the disease recede into the background. With pneumonia, which has an abscessing nature, there are very strong sharp pains in the chest.
Some diseases of the esophagus - mucosal damage, cancer, ulcerative esophagitis - cause pain when swallowing, which may increase with the passage of food. Spasm of the esophagus in this case can be removed with antispasmodic drugs. Acute pain in the left breast after eating may occur with diaphragmatic hernia. With this disease, a characteristic feature is that the pain passes in a standing position, while sitting or lying pain is manifested more strongly. As a rule, with diaphragmatic hernia, there is increased salivation, heartburn. Often, pain in the left chest with a disease of the esophagus or hernia resembles strokes.
Acute pain under the left chest when moving (turns, bends) may be a manifestation of the chest radiculitis. Acceptance of cardiac drugs does not improve the condition, but painkillers are in this case quite effective.
An attack of acute pain causes a disease of a neuralgic nature - herpes zoster or herpes zoster. The painfulness in some cases is so severe that a person cannot sleep properly, repeated administration of analgesics does not bring relief. Acute pain in herpes zoster is the first symptom that appears slightly earlier than the characteristic rash on the body.
Severe pain under the left breast.
A strong attack of pain under the left breast occurs with diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm muscle is located on top of the abdominal cavity and separates the peritoneum from the thoracic region. The hole in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes can expand, due to the weakening of the diaphragm, which leads to ingress into the thoracic part of the esophagus and part of the stomach.
The weakening of the diaphragmatic muscle can occur from heavy physical exertion, with obesity, age-related changes, sometimes develops during pregnancy.
Severe pain in or under the left breast may be associated with diseases of the nervous system. In case of damage to the nervous system, symptoms may be unexpected - pain in the left side of the chest, under the rib, in the middle of the abdomen may be accompanied by a rather rare disease - abdominal migraine. Children and adolescents are most susceptible to this disease, in rare cases adults up to the age of forty. The pain has paroxysmal nature, often begins nausea, vomiting, pallor of the skin, cramps in the abdominal region. Also, severe pain may be signs of some form of epilepsy.
Dull pain under left chest
Dull pain under the left breast is often ignored by the person. Dull pain is a distribution in a specific area of the body, for example on the left side, in the chest area. No matter how much the dull pain manifests itself, it can be endured, and wait a while with a visit to the doctor. Usually this attitude leads to an unfavorable outcome.
If a dull pain occurs, you should immediately stop any movement, take a comfortable position (it is best to lie down), take nitroglycerin or validol. If dull pain in the left breast (under it) worries people with coronary disease, it is important to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, to follow a diet.
Dull, pulling pain can be a sign of an enlarged spleen, diseases of the digestive system. Usually dull pain occurs in acute or chronic diseases of internal organs, injuries, postoperative complications. In gastric cancer, there is a possible aching dull pain, and sharp, which manifests itself quite strongly.
Pain in the side of the left chest
Pain on the side of the left chest should be suggestive of heart disease. Pain in the left chest can be caused by acute infarction, angina, pericarditis, left-sided pneumonia, etc. Various pathological processes develop in the heart due to infectious diseases (rheumatism, purulent tonsillitis, etc.).
Quite frequent cause of pain in the left side of the chest is vegetative-vascular dystonia. For this disease is characterized by pain of a very different nature, which are most often similar to serious heart disease. For example, with an IRR, the pain may be exactly the same as with an acute heart attack. But with the IRR, breast tenderness is not associated with physical or emotional overstrain, and there is no effect from taking heart medications.
Pain on the left side of the chest is one of the most common causes of seeking medical help. But by the nature of the pain (dull, aching, acute, etc.) it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. A more thorough examination and additional tests, a study of the patient’s history (previous diseases, lifestyle, injuries, etc.) will be required.
The pain from the left side of the chest is not always associated with the heart. Very often the feeling of pain in the region of the heart has nothing to do with the latter. Pain in the left breast is provoked by various diseases of internal organs and systems - diseases of the pancreas, spleen, stomach, etc.
Diagnosis of pain in the left breast
As mentioned above, pain in the left breast is not always related to heart disease. In medicine, there are several methods that help determine the cause of pain and make an accurate diagnosis.
Diagnostic methods of pain on the left side of the chest include:
- ECG - electrocardiography, a method that helps to establish existing heart disease. A special device records heart activity by means of electrodes superimposed on certain places of a person. Heart impulses are recorded in the form of sharp "teeth", the damaged muscle is not able to conduct full-fledged impulses, which is immediately reflected in the record, which can be used to determine the presence of a particular heart disease in a person.
- A blood test can show the presence of certain enzymes that are released during myocardial infarction and enter the circulatory system.
- Myocardial scintigraphy helps the cardiologist determine the cause of the pain. For example, the narrowing of the coronary arteries is determined by inserting a small amount of a certain substance into the circulatory system, using special chambers to track the path of passage of this substance through the heart and lungs.
- Angiography helps to identify the obstructions in the heart arteries. This method consists of introducing a contrast agent into the heart artery, which allows x-rays to illuminate the arteries.
- Echocardiography uses ultrasound to capture an image of the heart at work.
- CRT - electron beam tomography detects microcalcinates in the walls of the coronary arteries, which makes it possible to detect coronary disease at an early stage.
- MRI - magnetic resonance imaging of the spine allows the doctor to determine the cause of pain in the thoracic region, if the disease is caused by pinching of the nerves or intervertebral hernia.
If the pain in the left side of the chest is caused by diseases of the internal organs (stomach, spleen, etc.), usually, the doctor will prescribe an abdominal ultrasound scan, X-ray diagnosis.
Treatment of pain in the left breast
Treatment of pain in the left breast depends primarily on the cause. In the event that pain in the left breast is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, several groups of drugs are used:
Cardiotonic drugs are used to restore the weakened heart muscle, reduce the frequency of contraction, to improve metabolism in the myocardium. With the use of such funds, blood pressure is reduced due to a decrease in the frequency and strength of heartbeats.
Vasodilator drugs reduce blood pressure in hypertension.
Anti-sclerotic drugs reduce cholesterol levels in the body, enhance biliary function. Such drugs strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to the flavonoids contained in them, vitamins E and R.
Diuretic drugs are used for hypertension, heart failure.
Sedatives are indicated for cardioneuroses, vascular spasms, and for sleep disorders.
When of angina treatment is aimed at reducing myocardial oxygen demand. Nitrates (nitroglycerin), adrenoreceptor blockers, calcium channel antagonists are usually used for this.
If pain in the left breast is associated with the manifestation of intercostal neuralgia, comprehensive treatment . First of all, pain is removed within 5-10 days with anesthetics. Also nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed (there are contraindications for gastrointestinal diseases), muscle relaxants. If intercostal neuralgia has become severe, a novocaine or icecoin block may be necessary. The treatment includes physiotherapy (acupuncture, massage, electrophoresis of drugs, UV and infrared radiation, etc.).
With curvature of the spine or herniated intervertebral, courses of therapeutic massage, manual therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, etc. Are prescribed.
An enlarged spleen occurs as a response to a disease of other internal organs, such as the liver. In this case, treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease that caused the enlarged spleen.
In diseases of the digestive system, a change in diet is essential, diets that exclude any food that irritates the mucous membranes (spicy, smoked, etc.) are shown, which provoke a release of bile, which increase or decrease acidity. Special anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, and lowering / increasing the acidity of the stomach are also prescribed.
Prevention of pain in the left breast
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases is primarily in proper nutrition. The diet should contain foods high in fiber, low in fat, more vegetables and fruits.
Smoking, alcohol, stress - all of these factors increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary to move more, to be more in the fresh air.
In order to reduce the risk of intercostal neuralgia, it is necessary to timely treat chronic diseases - diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, alcohol - all this leads to a decrease in the body's vitamin B, the lack of which can cause this disease.
To prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it is necessary, first of all, to observe the diet. Snacking on the go, eating dry food, fast foods, an excessive amount of sweet soda, alcohol, fatty, fried, etc., all this leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
A strict diet for weight loss can lead to indigestion. Also, negative emotions provoke increased appetite (or lack thereof), which also affects digestion. Stress can affect digestion, in some cases even a minor experience becomes a cause of severe disorder.
Prevention of diseases of the digestive system is also an effective fight against stress, the ability to competently put in order your nervous system. In this case, sedatives may be useful.
Pain in the left breast is an important symptom that should not be overlooked. As already mentioned, the pain of the heart is not always related to heart disease, but it can signal other serious health problems. It does not matter, acute pain, in which it is impossible even to breathe, or aching, which can be reconciled and endured - it is necessary to find time and consult with your doctor, undergo a full examination to identify the disease at an early stage and take appropriate measures. As you know, a disease is always easier to prevent than to cure.