Pain in the right hand
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the right hand in clinical practice is often called right-sided brachialgia (from the Greek words - brachion - shoulder and algos - sore, pain). This is a common complaint, which is one of many manifestations of the underlying disease causing pain. Differentiating such a pain symptom is extremely difficult, as well as diagnosing, as its causes are very diverse.
The complexity of diagnosis is determined by the following factors:
- Pain in the right hand as a symptom is almost identical in sensations from other algic manifestations in the shoulder or neck, since more often it is a pain syndrome of one common pathology.
- The pain sensation in the right hand can be a reflected, irradiating symptom, the cause of which is located practically in any area of the body - from the distal parts (fingers) to the spinal cord. Any pathological process taking place in a complex system of "head-neck-shoulder-arm" can clinically appear in every part of this system. According to statistics, complaints of pain in the cervico-brachial region, in the hand, are among the most frequent among the various forms of regional myalgias, they make up about 40%.
- The difficulty lies in the fact that brachialgia can be accompanied by concomitant vascular, vegetative or trophic pathologies, which is understandable from the point of view of the anatomical and physiological structure of the shoulder girdle and arm. They contain a lot of nerve endings, muscles, ligaments, articular capsules, blood vessels.
The reflected pain symptom in the arm may be the result of a myalgic impulse from the damaged or inflamed zones of the upper abdominal or chest area.
Causes of pain in the right arm
Right-sided brachialgia or pain in the right hand can be caused by a variety of etiological factors that are systematized into three groups:
- Vertebrogenic diseases and injuries are the most common causes of pain in the right arm.
- MBS (myofascial syndrome) is a somatogenic myalgia, characterized by the appearance of small painful seals in the muscle tissue.
- Pain of unclear etiology, often undifferentiated due to a complex combination of symptoms.
Among the causes that cause a pain symptom in the hand, the following diseases are most often detected:
- Vertebrogenic pathologies and injuries.
- Cervical osteochondrosis, accompanied by pain in the hand.
- Benign or malignant spinal tumor (tumor).
- Residual manifestations of whiplash injury, accompanied by radicular damage and reflected by pain in the hand.
- Plexopathy caused by trauma, a tumor or developing as a consequence of radiation therapy. Among the lesions of the shoulder segment there are Duchenne-Erb syndrome, partial paralysis of the hand - Dejerine-Clumpke syndrome.
- Separation or damage to the spinal root as a result of trauma or fall (Horner's syndrome).
- Neurovascular, neurodystrophic causes of pain in the right arm.
- The syndrome of the "frozen shoulder" is a humeroscapular periarthrosis, in which the hand can suffer from limited movements (contracture of the shoulder muscles), and then the pain symptom is caused by severe swelling of the wrist and wrist joint (Paget-Shreter syndrome).
- Syndrome of anterior staircase, Scalenus syndrome or Nuffziger syndrome.
- Pseudo-cardial or pectalgia, a syndrome associated with reflex disorders in the pectoral muscles, manifested by pain in the left or right arm, chest pain similar to the symptoms of heart disease.
- Idiopathic pleksopatia or Persnehja-Turner syndrome. Amyotrophy is symptomatically similar to radicular syndrome, and manifested by pain in the shoulder, in the right or left forearm.
- Causes of pain in the right hand of myofascial etiology.
Pain has specific receptor triggers located in such muscles:
- Musculus supraspinatus - supraspinatus.
- Musculi scaleni - anterior, middle and posterior stair muscles of the brachial plexus.
- Musculus infraspinatus - subacute muscle.
- Biceps, musculus biceps brachii - biceps muscle.
- Musculus coracobrachialis - beak-brachial muscle.
- Triceps, musculus triceps brachii - triceps muscle.
- Musculus brachialis is the brachial muscle.
- Muscles of the forearm - Musculus extensor pollicis longus, Musculus extensor digitorum manus, Musculus extensor carpi ulnaris - extensors of the fingers and wrists.
- Musculus palmaris longus is a long palm muscle.
- Musculus supinator-the muscular-arch support, which provides external rotation of the forearm.
Factors provoking myofascial pain in the hand:
- Overexertion of muscles in a static position.
- Prolonged immobility, immobilization.
- Subcooling.
- Pressure.
- Injuries.
- Stretching.
The tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) is the cause of compression-ischemic etiology, provokes wrist syndrome such factors:
- Work that requires maintaining a static posture and performing the same type of hand movements is a professional factor.
- Prolonged immobilization due to surgery or fixation of the hand after fracture.
- Endocrine pathologies - acromegaly, hypothyroidism, climacteric period.
- Admission of hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives.
- Disturbance of metabolism in diabetes mellitus.
- Disturbed metabolism due to alcoholism, drug addiction.
Tunnel neuropathies, accompanied by pain in the hand, have the following varieties:
- The most common form is carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Pronator syndrome (constant pressure on the palm).
- Neuropathy of the ulnar nerve, syndrome of the bed of Guyon.
- Neuropathy nervus radialis - radiation syndrome or Roth - Bernhardt disease, which is called "tennis elbow".
Causes of pain in the right arm of arthrogenic etiology
Pain can be triggered by such diseases:
- Osteoarthritis.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Dermatomyositis.
- Systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Psoriatic arthritis.
- Gout.
- Neurogenic arthropathy (Charcot's disease).
- Reiter's syndrome.
The causes of the pain symptom in the hand can be associated with polyneuropathies, visceral-radicular syndrome, with pathologies of the broncho-pulmonary system, gall bladder, angina.
Symptoms of pain in the right arm
The symptomatology of pain in the hand depends on the underlying cause and can be systematized by type.
- Radiculoalgia. Symptoms of pain in the right arm of this type are characterized by lancinating (dagger, acute) sensations. The pain is often adherent, localized indistinctly and rapidly spreading from the main source to the distal zones. For this type of pain, all the manifestations of radicular damage are typical - numbness of the hand, tingling and a feeling of "crawling" (paresthesia). The muscular strength of the hand is markedly reduced, all reflexes are slowed down (hyporeflexia).
- Neuralgia. The pain in the right hand is usually aching, permanent, it can intensify with physical exertion or palpation of the hand. Neuralgia decreases somewhat when the arm is immobilized, fixed.
- Myalgia. Pain symptom is felt in depth, in the thickness of muscle tissue (trunk pain). The pain is permanent and increases with the stretching of the muscles.
- Dysaesthesia, dysesthesia - anomalous, inadequate sensations, not associated with a provoking factor.
- Thermalgia - with a cold touch feels warm.
- Hyperpathy is a feeling of severe pain in the hand in the absence of a real pain stimulus, for example, when stroking.
- Polistesia is a multiple sensation in response to one particular stimulus.
- Paresthesia - a sense of "goose bumps".
- Allodynia is a strong, acute perception of a painless stimulus.
- Synesthesia - polishchuvshcheniya when acting on one sense organ (visual factor causes auditory or tactile sensations, including the hand).
Pain in the right hand can be a primary symptom, for example, with trauma, and often a painful sensation is a clinical manifestation of a reflected, irradiating symptom. Depending on where the pain gives, you can determine the factor that causes right-sided brachialgia.
Pain gives in the right arm
- Steinbroker syndrome or shoulder-brush syndrome, most often develops as a result of shoulder or shoulder injury or trauma.
- Complication of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (compression syndrome).
- Spinal tumor.
- Whiplash injury.
- Plexopathy.
- Diabetic neuropathy.
- Pain gives in the right hand with broncho-pulmonary pathologies, diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts.
- Rarely reflected pain in the arm may be a consequence of angina pectoris.
Pain in the right hand
Can have such reasons
- Rheumatoid arthritis, characterized by intense pain at night. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in symmetrical symptoms on both hands, but it can "start" with one, for example, the right hand.
- Gout that develops from the toes and spreads up the joints. In addition to the fact that a person has pain in the right hand, the wrist, elbow, and rarely the shoulder suffer. Pain is very characteristic - acute, burning, throbbing.
- Osteoarthritis of the wrist, manifested by aching, dull pain, most often in the daytime.
- Arthritis, which causes immobility or restriction of brush movements.
- Tunnel syndrome is a typical disease associated with occupational factors.
Pain in the elbow of the right hand
Can develop due to such diseases:
- Osteochondrosis.
- Gout.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Swelling of the elbow joint.
- Tendonitis.
- Osteoarthritis.
- The ulnar tunnel syndrome.
- Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow).
- Medial epicondylitis (elbow of a golfer).
- Pain in the elbow of the right hand can be a signal of bursitis, inflammation of the joint bag.
- Neurotrophic arthropathy (Charcot's disease).
- Intervertebral hernia and segments of C5 or C6.
- Injury of the elbow.
Pain in the right wrist
- Injuries - fractures of a semilunar or scaphoid bone.
- Dislocation, sprain of ligaments holding the carpal bones.
- Tendonitis of the wrist.
- Pain in the wrist of the right hand can be triggered by stenosing tendovaginitis, a tendon disease. The disease most often affects women, is characterized by severe pain and almost complete loss of ability to work.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome or tunnel carpal tunnel syndrome is a typical right hand disease, because it is the right one. The syndrome is provoked by a purely professional factor.
- Damage of extensor tendons - peritendinitis.
- Hypertrophic osteoarthritis.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Necrosis of the osseous system, grasping the bones of the wrist (avascular). This pathological softening of bone tissue, leading to deformation of the wrist.
Aching in right arm
It is most often associated with reflex neurovascular syndromes associated with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The source of pain, as a rule, is in the most damaged fibrous ring, where there are many painful highly sensitive receptors. Also, the pain impulse in the arm may come from the inflamed longitudinal ligaments and the capsule of the shoulder joint. Aching in the right arm is localized in the shoulder, forearm or hand, but can move to the occiput. The pain symptom is amplified by changing the posture, bends, movement of the body or arm. Most often, right-sided brachialgia develops as a consequence of the humerus periarthritis or Paget-Shreter syndrome (shoulder-brush syndrome). In addition, aching pain in the right hand can be the primary signal of developing cholelithiasis or inflammatory process in the lungs, bronchi.
Severe pain in right hand
This is virtually all types of radiculoalgia, in which the pain symptom is intense, acute. Pain is characterized as cutting, dagger. In addition, severe pain in the right hand can be caused by some neuropathic syndromes, such as the neuropathy of the radial nerve, which is manifested by acute, shooting pain. Neuralgic amyotrophy, complex regional syndrome (CRPS), accompanied by burning pain, swelling of the arm, motor impairment, a variety of arthritis, osteoarthrosis, gout - this is far from a complete list of diseases that can cause strong, intense brachialgia.
Sharp pain in the right arm
This is a pain that is characterized as shooting or dagger. This can be a compression-radicular form of brachialgia, also a sharp pain is characteristic for detachment or damage to the spinal root in trauma, fall, impact. The pain symptom is acute, harsh, often spreads along the course of the damaged root and completely immobilizes not only the hand, but the entire human body. In addition, severe pain in the right arm can be associated with the Personone-Turner syndrome (amyotrophy), a disease of infectious etiology, in which the shoulder and forearm are affected. Intensive, severe pain is caused by mechanical injuries, stretching of tendons and ligaments.
Pain in the little finger of the right hand
It can be a symptom of the following diseases:
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
- A dislocation, a trauma of a finger.
- Reynaud's syndrome.
- Neuropathy of the ulnar or radiocarpal nerve.
- Ganglion cyst of wrist.
- Injury or fracture of the elbow joint.
- Elbow bursitis.
- Less commonly - tunnel syndrome.
- Osteomyelitis is a purulent, necrotic process in the bone tissue, usually affecting the wrist and fingers, including the little finger.
Pain in the little finger of the right hand can be a manifestation of epicondylitis, a degenerative-dystrophic elbow joint disease.
Drawing in the right hand
Most often provoked by shoulder periarthritis, a violation of the structure of the cervical spine. The pain curls gradually, and spreads from the shoulder to the arm, which significantly reduces the motor activity of the upper limb. Pleuralopathy periarthritis is rarely secondary, it is a typical neurodystrophic disease. Also, the pulling pain in the right hand is the main symptom of occupational disease - the tunnel syndrome, which is caused by the infringement of nerve endings in the wrist as a result of a constant load or uncomfortable position of the hand during work. Static, long-term stress on the muscles of the arm, performing monotonous movements leads to mechanical damage to the median nerve, located between the tendons and bones.
Diagnosis of pain in the right hand
Pain in the right arm is a rather complicated symptom-complex in the diagnostic sense, therefore the survey plan can include a variety of methods and methods. Since the main causes of the pain symptom of brachialgia are neurological diseases associated with vertebrogenic, traumatic or neuroreflex factors, the diagnosis of pain in the right arm is usually carried out by several doctors - a vertebrologist, a manual therapist, a surgeon and a neurologist. In order for diagnostic measures to be effective, both standard survey schemes and paraclinical methods are used.
First of all, there is an anamnesis, all information about previous diseases, conditions, heredity, treatment, lifestyle and so on. It is very important to specify the nature of pain, its localization, distribution, trigger points and determine the list of provoking factors. Such methods of research are mandatory:
- X-ray of the spine, x-ray of the limb (joints).
- Neurological examination and tests.
- Computer and magnetic resonance imaging.
- Electromyography (fixation of electrical potentials of the muscular system).
- Blood test (UAC, biochemical).
- Dopplerography of vessels according to indications.
What should I do if my right arm hurts?
Therapeutic measures directly depend on the cause of the pain.
Treatment of pain in the right hand with an intense, acute nature of the sensations is primarily aimed at arresting the symptom. Possible novocaine blockade, the appointment of antineviral drugs, local anesthesia with chloroethyl. If the pain is associated with exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, an extension and fixation of the affected area is prescribed. Also, the treatment of pain in the right hand involves a long course of physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massages.
To fix the therapeutic result, prescribe ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, vitamin-mineral complexes, both in injections and in tablet form. B vitamins, calcium, magnesium are standard drugs for the treatment of brachialgia. In addition, a special diet, especially with diagnosed gout, can significantly alleviate the symptoms and accelerate the healing process.
Prevention of pain in the right arm
Prevention of pain in the right arm is a complex of measures that help to prevent the development of the underlying, provoking disease. Compliance with the following recommendations, which relate not only to the prevention of brachialgia, but also helps to maintain activity and normal health in principle, does not require physical or physical effort, they simply need to be introduced into your life in order to be healthy:
- Refusal from bad habits, especially this applies to smoking.
- For the period of illness and treatment, physical activity is limited, but a complex of exercise therapy should be systematically performed.
- Compliance with the rules of healthy nutrition, which must include vitamins, trace elements, supporting the bone, muscle system is in order.
- Regular examination of the body, which must be done at least once a year.
- Fulfillment of all medical recommendations and refusal of experiments with self-medication.
- With static tension, which requires a profession, work, it is necessary to make regular breaks, and change the pose, perform warm-ups.
- At the first uncomfortable manifestations, symptoms, you need to seek medical help to prevent the development of the disease and its aggravation.
Prevention of pain in the right hand is first of all prevention of osteochondrosis, which today is one of the most common diseases and factors provoking a lot of pain symptoms.