Pain in orgasm
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The human body always signals the pain of any violations or conditions that are dangerous for its functioning. Very often pain in orgasm is a signal of hormonal dysfunction, infection of the genitourinary system, insufficient moistening of the vaginal mucosa, a possible allergy to partner sperm, allergies to the condom, congenital anomalies of the pelvic organs, inflammatory processes or degeneration of pelvic organs.
What causes pain in orgasm?
Quite often the sex therapist encounters complaints of pain in the abdomen after orgasm. One and the causes of pain can be excessive physical stress, which leads to overstrain of the muscles of the abdominal wall. As a consequence of the loads after orgasm, there may be pain in the intestines (strengthening of peristalsis), in the epigastric region. With constantly arising postorgasmic painful attacks, one can also suspect a psychosomatic component. Sensations of pain in the abdomen can appear if there is a violation of innervation as a consequence of the displacement of intervertebral discs and infringement of roots of nerve processes.
If the cause of pain is hormonal dysfunction, then this manifests itself in excessive muscular contractions of the uterus during and after orgasm. This violation is corrected by taking hormonal drugs, which will appoint a gynecologist after the examination. Normally, during orgasm and right after it, the uterus is slightly reduced, "pulling" the contents of the vagina, thereby increasing the likelihood of fertilization. Preparation for this muscle contraction in the female body begins with the moment of foreplay in sex. If orgasm has not been achieved, there may be feelings of heaviness, subsequently drawing pains in the groin as a result of lack of discharge. Regular sex without discharge can lead to stagnant processes in the small pelvis, which will be painful in sexual intercourse. Irregular sex with the need for it can lead to hormonal dysfunction and painful contractions of the uterine muscles.
Pain during orgasm in men
In men, orgasm pain can also be associated with muscle contractions, which are caused by ejaculation and changes in the position of the testicles in the scrotum during intercourse. Very often, such feelings arise after sexual abstinence or as a result of unreasonably high physical exertion.
Men often have a headache with orgasm. This type of pain is caused by a sharp increase in pressure in the bloodstream and general muscle tension. In women, this type of pain is less common. If a man has previously been prone to a painful response to high blood pressure, then he has a high probability of this pain syndrome. As an option to ease the painful condition, you can recommend a uniform slow deep breathing, relaxation and massage of the spasms of the neck muscles (to restore free outflow of venous blood).
As a variant of complaints of headache, often a complaint is made about the pain in the nape of an orgasm. The cause of these pains is the same increase in blood pressure. However, if the pain occurs continuously, has a pulsating character, a strong, intolerable, should consult a neurologist. Very often, under such symptoms in extreme conditions (sex) symptoms of pathological changes of the cerebral vessels, up to the manifestation of symptoms of tumor changes in the brain, appear. But most of the pain in the back of the neck with an orgasm is an individual reaction to increased physical activity and changes in the hormonal background.
In men, soreness in orgasm can also be associated with muscle contractions, which are caused by ejaculation and changes in the position of the testicles in the scrotum during sexual intercourse. Very often, such feelings arise after sexual abstinence or as a result of unreasonably high physical exertion.
If a woman or a man has any sexually transmitted infection, then it can appear during sexual intercourse in the form of painful or unpleasant sensations. In women, it can be a burning sensation, itching in the vagina during intercourse, the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain after intercourse. In men, infections can manifest in the form of painful urination, painful orgasm (pain in ejaculation), urethritis and prostatitis of any nature makes male orgasm painful and extremely unpleasant. Urethritis as an independent disease leads to inflammation and hypersensitivity of the urethra, which manifests itself in the form of pain in ejaculation. With acute inflammation of the prostate, pain is sharp, prickly, cutting, with chronic prostatitis, the pain with ejaculation is somewhat muted, but clearly palpable.
Pain during orgasm in women
A woman's orgasm pain can be caused by an insufficient amount of lubrication of the vagina, which is easily compensated by a large selection of lubricants. Before using the lubricant, an allergy test should be carried out. If lubricants are not used when the amount of lubricant is insufficient, the mucous women and the head of the male member undergo microtraumas and, in addition to unpleasant sensations, the cracks serve as the gateway to infection. Often, the native conditionally pathogenic flora of the woman's vagina causes dryness of the mucosa and leads to infection of the male.
One of the reasons for the soreness of orgasm in women may be an allergy to partner sperm or a condom. Like any kind of allergy to foreign proteins, the allergy to the partner's sperm triggers a complex immune response that aims to destroy the foreign protein compounds and leads to painful sensations when the protein hits the mucous membranes, to burning sensation, swelling and redness (redness). Similar symptoms will occur with allergy to latex, and allergies to sperm and latex can also occur in men.
Another cause of painful orgasm may be congenital or acquired anomalies of the pelvic organs, which are diagnosed only by specialists. For example, changes in veins of the small pelvis (varicose veins of the small pelvis), cystoses, oncological diseases of the pelvic organs.
Pain after orgasm
Some patients clearly follow the localization of pain and indicate pain in the uterus after orgasm. At similar complaints it is necessary to suspect an endometritis (an inflammatory disease of an internal surface of a uterus), various organic changes (adhesive processes, a bend of a uterus), tumoral changes (cysts, myomas). Such localization of pain after orgasm occurs with ovulation. If the attack of pain was single, it can never happen again and the cause can not be found. In the case of regularly occurring states of hypertension after an orgasm with painful sensations, you can cope with spasmolytics (papaverine, no-shpy), which should be taken shortly before sexual intercourse.
In any case, pain after orgasm can indicate a dysfunction of the hormonal system as a whole, the development of endometriosis, the presence of cystic education in the ovaries. All these disorders lead to the appearance of sharp spasmodic pain, which lasts for several hours, pain can be relieved with the help of analgesics and antispasmodics. Particular attention should be given to pain after orgasm in endometriosis, which is a progressive disease. Very rarely pain after orgasm arises from the incompatibility of the sizes of partners, the true cause of pain can only be established with the help of a specialist.
In women, somewhat more often than men, there is pain in the lower abdomen after orgasm. Perhaps this is due to anatomical features. It should be noted that the fact that women do not necessarily have a sexual intercourse with orgasm, and if there is not enough excitement, there is no discharge. Discharge may not occur when the body is exhausted (nervous or physical), at a certain phase of the hormonal (menstrual) cycle and with other less well-studied causes. If after a sexual act of discharge (orgasm) did not occur, the discomfort from the blood supply of the pelvic organs is expressed in the form of a pain syndrome and can cause prolonged discomfort, complete discharge and subsequent relaxation is also difficult to achieve after prolonged sexual abstinence.
Sometimes there can be a headache after orgasm. This kind of pain is caused by the general nonspecific reaction of the body to the hormonal and psycho-physiological load. Headache can arise as a reaction to the change in the size of the lumen of blood vessels (both spasm and relaxation are likely). In connection with the fact that smooth muscles in the human body are controlled by hormones and signals of the nervous system, headaches after orgasm should be attributed both to the symptoms of hormonal disorders, and to the problems of the psychophysiological plan. The need for medical intervention is determined by the degree of intensity of headaches.
Unpleasant sensations or even pain during orgasm always indicate a severe and latent disturbance in the functioning of the body, which requires careful diagnosis.