Shingles pain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Among all the types of pain that plague a person, she is especially interested in herpes pain. This state of excruciating pain may have varying degrees of severity (intensity), be short-lived or last long, have seizures. The skin surrounding pain and proceeding from internals is divided.
Causes of Shingles
Skin Shingles
Skin shingles occur when the body is infected with a virus that causes shingles. This type of lichen has nothing to do with a fungal infection and is a type of herpes. The affected painful areas occur symmetrically on the chest and on the back of the patient, the inflamed areas are the areas of symmetrical lesions of the nerve endings. Often there is an atypical location of the inflamed areas, which do not have symmetry, may be located on the neck, face, and extremities. It is extremely important to accurately diagnose this disease, since in the initial period symptoms of fever, pain, and signs of intoxication prevail. Herpes zoster can be confused with renal colic, eczema, heart attack, appendicitis, pleurisy. To confirm the viral nature of the disease should refer to laboratory methods.
The condition of herpetic skin lesions is caused by a decrease in overall immunity as a result of prolonged illness, stress and fatigue, and the administration of drugs that suppress immunity. The duration of the disease is about 3 weeks, it requires taking various drugs, especially painkillers. Begin therapy with taking drugs that hinder the reproduction of the herpes virus - acyclovir and its analogues. Be sure to prescribe painkillers - paracetamol, ketanov, ibuprofen. In the future, depending on the location of the lesion, therapy will be aimed at reducing the complications of concomitant diseases and infections.
Girdle can be pain, not coming from the internal organs or systems, but resulting from the defeat of the nerve endings (nerve roots), for example, due to their compression, inflammation. The radicular syndrome (radicular pain) can be encircling and is aggravated by the movement of the whole body or its organs (turns, bends, sipping, sneezing, coughing, movements from the act of breathing). The cause of damage to the nerve roots can be any mechanical effect: manifestation of osteochondrosis, squeezing as a result of the growth of tumors, hernia of intervertebral disks, etc. The exact diagnosis is carried out using X-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Help with root syndrome is aimed at eliminating the causes of nerve fiber damage, relieving painful swelling and pain relief of the patient.
Shingles from internal organs
In the event of such sensations as shingles pain, going from the internal organs, it should be determined which organs can be the given pain sensations. These sensations can be the result of dysfunction of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), pancreas (pancreatitis), duodenal ulcers, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The condition of acute girdle pain indicates either a sharply occurring dysfunction, or an exacerbation of an existing disease.
In the case of inflammation of the gallbladder, the patient feels the surrounding pain, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, gastrointestinal disorders are joined, and the temperature may slightly increase.
When pancreas dysfunction, feelings of surrounding pain are combined with nausea, vomiting, fever, general weakness and signs of fever, there is an upset of the chair, in fact, there is a general violation of the gastrointestinal tract and food particles can be undigested. The process in this case is due to the early activation of digestive enzymes, which, not yet reaching the digestive tract, begin to activate and digest the pancreas itself.
Timely medical care in the form of an accurate diagnosis based on laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces, ultrasound and gastroscopy is very important. In the future, appoint a starvation diet, analgesics to alleviate the state of acute girdle pain, drugs, blockers of pancreatic enzymes and diuretics (diuretics).
In cases of suspected intestinal ulceration, in which herpes pain occurs after eating for at least half an hour, vomiting, headache, gastrointestinal disorder, low-grade fever, a comprehensive examination is necessary to rule out perforated ulcer bleeding and further peritonitis. The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests, endoscopic examination, along the way, they are conducted back tests for the presence of Helicobacter pylori to exclude the bacterial nature of mucosal lesions.
Assistance should be directed to the anesthesia and regeneration of the affected area. Apply enveloping and reducing secretory function drugs. It is necessary to observe a sparing diet during life, to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, it is extremely undesirable to smoke.
Rarely enough, but it happens that the surrounding pain indicates a violation of the heart or problems with the aorta. If you suspect a heart attack, an aortic aneurysm is called an ambulance, explaining the symptoms to the controller. It is very likely that the cardio team will arrive, which will remove the cardiogram and determine the degree of disturbance in the work of the cardiovascular system. If an aortic aneurysm or aneurysm is suspected, hospitalization is indicated, since it is impossible to transfer the aneurysm "upright" even if aneurysm occurs (the separation of the components of the aorta wall), most patients die in the first 24 hours.
Shingles may indicate pleurisy, which has a wide variety of etiologies. Lung tissue (lung) is in the bag (pleura), which separates the lung itself from the space of the chest cavity. The patient may complain of subfebrile temperature, sweating, weakness, shortness of breath, pain. When inflammation of the pleural bag may exudate (fluid), the liquid squeezes the lung before the appearance of shortness of breath, feeling of heaviness and the appearance of reflex cough as a reaction to the irritation of the lung tissue. Diagnosis is to conduct radiography and pleural puncture. Treatment is carried out depending on the laboratory results of the study of the contents of the pleura. Treatment is carried out only in the hospital.
Stinging pain in sternum
Such disturbing sensations, like shingles pain in the sternum, firstly occur most often as a result of infringement of the nerve roots in osteochondrosis, in violation of the integrity of the intervertebral discs (when injured or due to "worn out", the intervertebral discs "leak" and the contents "bulge out" as intervertebral hernia, squeezing the nearest nerve and causing a very painful sensation), and, as a result, intercostal neuralgia occurs, and secondly, girdle pain in the sternum can be caused by a preinfarction condition or a heart attack myocardium, thirdly, this type of pain is rarely caused by inflammation of the pancreas or gall bladder.
With the "nervous" nature of pain, pain increases with movement, sneezing, pain can be traced along the path of the nerve fibers. When inflammation of the gland or gallbladder pain does not depend on movement, but may depend on body position, food intake. If you have heart problems, the pain does not depend on the time of day, food, body position or the presence of movements, as a rule, heart pains are rarely confused with anything, in any case, when a suspicion of heart failure occurs, the cardiogram is obligatory.
A neurosurgeon provides intervertebral hernia assistance, the patient is obliged to take care of gentle loads and strengthen the spinal muscular system, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to follow a diet, receive medications prescribed by a gastroenterologist, if you have heart pain, you should start with nitroglycerin and be sure to consult a cardiologist.
Shingles under scapulae
Most often, the surrounding pain under the shoulder blades is a result of overstressed muscles from a monotonous pose, which is why the muscles supporting the body cannot fully relax and continue to “tighten” the spine and shoulder blades. Under the hands of a massage therapist, these muscles are felt as hard strands, dense "balls" can be felt, which are quite painful. The next most common cause of pain will be a problem in the work of the cardiovascular system - IHD (coronary heart disease), heart attacks. Not very often, but pain in the stomach during a peptic ulcer in the acute stage is often described by patients as encircling pain under the scapula, the phenomenon of pain during an ulcer is irradiating in this case and is caused by the initiation of the general path of innervation. This pain is also likely to occur from intercostal neuralgia, shoulder and spinal injuries.
Help in case of injuries and overvoltages is reduced to the application of anesthetic patch, massage, warming and rest, depending on the nature of the injury. In CHD, it is important to remove the spasm as early as possible and stop the starvation of the heart muscle, which will reduce the negative effects of the attack. Accept aspirin continuously (in the absence of contraindications) to reduce blood viscosity, emergency - nitroglycerin, metoprolol (bisoprolol) to reduce the number of heart contractions and, consequently, reduce the need of the heart muscle for oxygen. With the appearance of an intercostal neuralgia attack, it is desirable to investigate the cause of its occurrence, help may consist in taking painkillers (any) and rest.
Shingles during pregnancy
The state of pregnancy for the body means a shift and some disruption of the work of various organs and systems associated with their movement. Emerging girdle pain during pregnancy may be associated with a violation of the intestine, peristalsis which is difficult, may be due to a malfunction of the pancreas, gall bladder, due to an increase in the uterus and deviations from their normal positions the kidneys function with stress and pregnancy can serve as a provocateur for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, leading to the appearance of girdling kidney pain. The most dangerous type of pain will be pain from a spasm of smooth muscles of the uterus during pregnancy up to 38 weeks. If the various pains described above help diets, taking enzyme-containing drugs and their blockers, taking anti-inflammatory drugs allowed by the gynecologist, depending on the results of bakposev, then in case of a spasm of smooth muscles that feel like shingles pain, you should consult a doctor during pregnancy. For instant relief, a no-silo can be taken as an antispasmodic, but it should be remembered that the threat of termination of pregnancy will always be the cause of emergency hospitalization.
Left shingles
Myositis (muscle inflammation), scoliosis, spinal damage (degenerative-dystrophic changes of the discs, the vertebral body), pain signals can come from inflammation of the pancreas, spleen of the spleen (usually after abrupt and significant physical exertion), a dangerous disorder, in which a girdle pain appears on the left, will be a violation of cardiac activity. Disorders in the work of the heart can be psychological in nature, can be signs of heart attack, coronary heart disease (CHD).
Assistance with myositis, mainly physiotherapy in combination with analgesics, disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by taking analgesics and compulsory consultation with specialists to exclude the ulcerative process. To restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract I use diet, fractional nutrition, the absence of significant physical and emotional stress. IHD is usually manifested by seizures and requires immediate relief of spasm to prevent serious myocardial damage. Oxygen starvation is reduced by drugs bisoprolol, metoprolol, removal of spasm will provide nitroglycerin, use drugs that control blood pressure (enalaprin, lisinopril), reduce blood viscosity (aspirin), various diuretics. Any kind of pain, especially shingles pain on the left, requires attention and careful diagnosis.
Right Shingles
The phenomenon of pain on the right, especially such as surrounding pain on the right, should alert the large number of potentially involved organs in the process, namely: inflammation of the liver, gall bladder, kidney, appendicitis, intestine is likely. Disorders in the liver can occur as a result of an unbalanced diet, a viral infection that can occur secretly, and intoxication with various poisons (including alcohol). Liver pain exhausting, pulling, aching. Acceptance of painkillers, which will form an additional burden on the diseased liver, should be justified by a specialist. In case of intoxication, medication is extremely undesirable In the presence of a viral infection, efforts should be directed at combating the virus and its consequences, but more often the reason is more prosaic and lies in the failure to follow a diet or outright unbalanced, “junk” diet. When "kidney" pain, which is based on the process of expelling stones, analgesics, warm baths, antispasmodics are used. With cholecystitis, a diet is shown, warming compresses, and in the presence of parasites or bacteria, appropriate long-term treatment is prescribed as inflammatory provocateurs. Particularly should be alarming girdle pain on the right with a possible inflammation of the appendix. This type of pain cannot be stopped (relieved) with the help of analgesics and cannot be tolerated. The appearance of pain on the right surrounding, pulling, sometimes paroxysmal can lead to peritonitis.
Sharp shingles pain
The appearance of sharp pain indicates an acute process of irritation of the nerve endings. If a person is overtaken by a sharp surrounding pain, the person, as a rule, freezes and seeks a situation in which the pain subsides, the next step is to look for the causes of pain. Sharp girdle pain occurs during hepatic and renal colic, with stones in the gallbladder, with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), with rupture of ovarian cysts, with ectopic pregnancy (stretching and rupture of the fallopian tube), with intestinal colic, dysbacteriosis, gastritis and ulcer lesions Gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular insufficiency, myalgia (muscle pain), disorders of the spinal column (irritation of the nerve roots) and viral skin lesions.
By the nature of the pain, its intensity and location, diagnostics are performed. Practically, they always prescribe the analysis of biological fluids, as well as various functional diagnostics (MRI, cardiogram removal, electroencephalogram, radiographic examinations, etc.). Quite often, acute zoster pain is a serious violation and requires careful diagnosis. The appearance of sharp pain indicates an acute process of irritation of the nerve endings. If a person is overtaken by a sharp surrounding pain, the person, as a rule, freezes and seeks a situation in which the pain subsides, the next step is to look for the causes of pain. Sharp girdle pain occurs during hepatic and renal colic, with stones in the gallbladder, with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), with rupture of ovarian cysts, with ectopic pregnancy (stretching and rupture of the fallopian tube), with intestinal colic, dysbacteriosis, gastritis and ulcer lesions Gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular insufficiency, myalgia (muscle pain), disorders of the spinal column (irritation of the nerve roots) and viral skin lesions.
Severe encirclement
The appearance of severe pain occurs in various emergency situations. By itself, severe herpes pain indicates a disorder that the body cannot ignore, carry out “repairs” without mobilizing all the forces and is forced to interrupt the usual existence. Such symptoms manifest themselves in violation of the work of vital organs, such as the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, gallbladder, stomach, intestines, and nerve conducting fibers. Causes of disorders can be congenital (inherited genetic defects) and acquired. The current state of ecology, permanent nerve overloads, violation of the diet and sleep / wake cycle, poor-quality food (overloaded with stimulants and poisons) lead to disruption in the work of almost all organs and systems. It should also take into account the increase in life expectancy compared with the past and before last century, when many diseases could not be realized due to early onset of death. In any case, severe zoster pain in the modern world needs to diagnose the cause, and the condition dangerous for the patient’s life should be excluded (liver pain can be caused by overeating and blockage of a large vein that carries the risk of vessel rupture and death) ). The next question for the diagnostician will be to determine the cause of pain depending on the violation - the pain arose as a result of a functional change or an organ degeneration occurred, that is, the pain was the result of any pathological changes.
For example, severe girdle pain in the kidneys may be due to inflammation when pathogenic microflora is injected (functional pain, after taking antibiotics, the function is restored and kidney tissue is usually not damaged), or because of the peculiarities of the structure and acidity of urine, nutritional characteristics in the kidneys there is a process of growth of stones, sand, which leads to renal failure, the expulsion of formations with damage to the ureter and changes in the kidney tissue, often with a change in its size, indicating a pathological process in the body of an organ. Only after the diagnosis, it is possible to select painkillers and plan a treatment regimen.
Shingles pain in left side
If a person has a girdle pain in the left side, then pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney of various etiologies), sand or kidney stones, inflammation of the tail of the pancreas, traumatic or functional disorders in the spleen, rupture of a cyst of the left ovary, pain from ectopic pregnancy during an egg cell should be assumed. In the left tube, the neurological causes of these sensations. Some of the listed causes of pain are life-threatening conditions that require immediate hospitalization (trauma, ectopic pregnancy, cytosis). If the girdle pain in the left side is a consequence of kidney stones, then you should take painkillers (baralgin, novocaine glucose, promedol with diphenhydramine) and antispasmodics (no-shpu), a warming compress is shown, but you should consult a doctor to eliminate the likelihood of damage to the ureter which causes bleeding. When inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is used to alleviate the condition: painkillers and the classical rule (trio) - cold, hunger and rest. Be sure to almost lifelong diet. Disorders in the spleen can be functional (surrounding pain after physical exertion), if the pain arose after injury, one should assume a rupture of the paryphomatous organ, which is eliminated only by removing the spleen to stop bleeding and save the patient's life. Any encircling pain in the left side requires attention and careful diagnosis.
Shingles pain in right side
The liver, gallbladder, right kidney, right ovary, right fallopian tube, appendix are predominantly in the right side. In addition to these organs, girdle pain in the right side can be caused by a violation of the bowels, infringement of the right roots of the nerves and various injuries. In the case of injuries, the patient can easily trace the cause of the pain. In case of encircling intestinal pain, it is necessary to remember when the intestinal emptying occurred last time and whether drugs (food types) were taken that could cause mucosal damage or constipation (for example, activated charcoal in large quantities leads to similar intestinal pains). The infringement of the nerve processes emerging from the spinal column leads to the occurrence of girdle pains on the side from which the infringement occurred. The cause may be degenerative changes in the body of a vertebra or intervertebral disc, or spinous growths. If shingles pain in the right side has arisen from abnormalities in the liver or gallbladder, then laboratory diagnostics will tell you the degree of organ malfunction, and an ultrasound will help determine the extent of damage (changes) in the organs themselves, which will help in the choice of treatment regimens. In any case, when violations of the gastrointestinal tract should always follow a diet and a fractional diet. If you suspect that the source of the pain is located in the ovary or tube, you should immediately contact a specialist, since rupture of the fallopian tube or cysts can be life-threatening. In case of inflammation of the appendix, the diagnosis is carried out by the surgeon.
Shingles in the hypochondrium
In the hypochondrium, organs such as the liver, gallbladder, part of the pancreas, an atypically highly located appendix, stomach, pancreatic tail, and spleen can produce pain syndrome in the right to left. Similarly, shingles in the hypochondrium may be associated with neuralgia, extremely rarely with pleurisy.
As a rule, in the hypochondrium, pain does not radiate far and very often indicate its position on the damaged organ. Also in the acute attack of cholecystitis there is bitterness in the mouth, nausea, upset stomach, there may be chills. Inflammation of the liver can be viral (for example, lesions in hepatitis), mechanical (pressure, dislocation, trauma), toxic (alcohol, poisons). With pancreatitis, vomiting and pain are noted, which is not relieved by vomiting, as is usually the case with poisoning, iron increases and stands for the edge of the costal arch. The basis of the cause of inflammation is the process of self-digestion of the gland with enzymes. If shingles in the hypochondrium arise from a violation of the stomach, then aggravation of gastritis, the process of ulceration of the mucous membrane (with low or high acidity), the state of poisoning, and sometimes the neoplasm should be assumed. The spleen is one of the organs that can give paroxysmal, piercing-encircling pain, especially with injuries. Neuralgia have such a pronounced pain syndrome that it is difficult to confuse it with anything. A distinctive feature of neuralgic pain is the exacerbation of pain from any body movement, including cough.
As a rule, before starting treatment, the diagnosis should be clarified and life-threatening conditions should be eliminated - stomach bleeding, appendix inflammation, etc. In the case of pain in violation of the pancreas, in addition to diet, cold and enzymatic preparations are shown, and in case of stomach pain - drugs reducing secretory function (or replacing it) and having a healing, enveloping effect, with liver pain, in addition to diet, a warming compress and preparations that help the regeneration of the organ are shown, with inflammation of the gall bladder Stinging pain in the hypochondrium is facilitated by taking antispasmodics and changing eating behavior.
Shingles under the ribs
If a person has girdle pain under the ribs, then a large number of gastrointestinal organs (stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, duodenum, kidneys, atypically highly appendix) or myositis may be the cause. To exclude miozitov should heed the nature of pain and the reasons for their occurrence. The pain associated with the muscles, appear from the slightest movements and differ from the pain, the source of which are internal organs. When violations in the stomach may be nausea, heartburn, pain localization - in the solar plexus. With involvement in the inflammatory process of the liver and gallbladder there is a bitter taste in the mouth, heaviness in the hypochondrium (right), nausea, which is not relieved by vomiting. With hepatitis (infectious and toxic), pain in the liver is dull. The aching, constant, exhausting, staining of the sclera in a yellow tint is possible, the feces are lightened by the lack of hepatic enzymes.
In case of pancreatitis, pain and nausea are also not relieved by vomiting, there is no bitter taste, pressure rises, pain is mostly on the left side in the hypochondrium, the pancreas can increase in size and protrude beyond the edge of the costal arch, pain is severe, and analgesics are needed. Sometimes pain can indicate internal bleeding.
To exclude conditions that pose a threat to life, you should definitely turn to specialists, as the surrounding pain under the ribs may indicate, for example, an inflammation of the appendix.
Shingles pain in the chest
Anatomically in the chest are the heart, respiratory organs, on the lower border of the ribs - the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Gouting pain in the chest itself is described by patients in case of pain in the region of the heart, epigastric pain, muscle pain with neuralgia, pain in the nerve endings (on the skin) with their viral damage. It is extremely rare to have a girdle pain in the chest when the esophagus is ulcerated, and the diaphragm is not working properly.
In terms of the frequency of diseases in the first place for chest pain are irregularities in the work of the heart. In this case, the pain is paroxysmal or aching, permanent, with a sense of squeezing. If the pain is acute, intolerable, you should consult an ambulance, in other cases, rest, taking Corvalol, Valocordin, consultation with a cardiologist and treatment in accordance with the prescribed scheme are recommended. Respiratory organs rarely give a feeling of pain in the chest, as the lung tissue is devoid of nerve endings. There may be pain in case of mechanical damage to the trachea, esophagus, or damage due to erosion in cancer.
Pain in the epigastric region can lead to sensations of encircling chest pain (in its lower part) with diseases of the stomach, duodenum, and inflammation of the pancreas. If there is no suspicion of ulceration and bleeding, then immediate help may be to take painkillers, follow a hungry diet and take shielding agents (for example, phospholus gel, almagel or mucous broth of flax seeds).
In the case of neuralgia, the girdle chest pain is aggravated by any movement, including breathing, the pain is relieved by analgesics, and the neuropathologist should be consulted to eliminate the causes of pain.
Shingles pain in the back
A condition in which back pain occurs may be caused by myalgia (muscle pain), innervation disorders (compression of the nerve roots emanating from the spinal column due to a change in the body of a vertebra or intervertebral disk), or appear due to inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Pains with myalgia occur at the slightest movement, are removed with ointments (Finalgon, Fastum), analgesics and warming compresses.
Pain in pyelonephritis is a symptom of inflammation from both pathogenic microflora and urolithiasis. To start treatment of pathogenic microflora, you should donate baccapes to check flora for sensitivity to antibiotics, exclude sexually transmitted diseases. If back pain is a symptom of stone expulsion from the kidney, you should stock up on analgesics (baralgin, ibuprofen), antispasmodics (but shpa, spazmalgon) and consult a specialist, as if ureteral wall damage occurs, bleeding can be life threatening. Pain in the expulsion of kidney stones is severe, almost always the patient requires hospitalization.
In case of violation of innervation, girdle pain in the back is relieved by analgesics, drugs that relieve tissue edema (in case of injury), and rest. Treatment is carried out according to a scheme that includes anesthesia, improvement of the nutrition of the spinal roots and the suspension of degenerative processes in the cartilage of the discs and vertebral bodies.
Shingles pain
If the patient has a girdle pain in the back, initially it is necessary to differentiate the pain associated with the muscles and the vertebral column from the pain caused by inflammatory processes in the genitals. When inflammation or degeneration of the prostate, ovaries, bladder, pain from these organs may radiate to the lower back. In this case, the necessary diagnosis using laboratory methods will hold a specialist.
Often, back pain is a consequence of ostodondroz, damage to the intervertebral discs, myositis (muscle inflammation). Osteochondrosis and changes in the intervertebral discs (for example, herniation of intervertebral discs) lead to spinal deformity, mechanical stress (squeezing) of the nerve roots. Emerging from the spinal column. Treatment is long, complex, often requires long periods of rehabilitation. Mandatory treatment regimen includes measures for anesthesia (taking medication-analgesics and injection blockade of spinal sections), physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic strengthening exercises to create a muscular compensatory corset.
If shingles are caused by tension by overstretching and muscle inflammation, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of myositis (trauma, infection, parasites, toxins), help is pain relief, physiotherapy in combination with diclofenac, ketoprofen, fast-gel and their analogues.
Shingles abdominal pain
As a rule, the expression “girdle pain in the abdomen” is very inaccurate from the point of view of diagnosis. If the pain in the abdomen is severe, intolerable, you need to call an ambulance and not take painkillers, in any case not to warm the belly! It is likely that such sensations are caused by bleeding (gastric, intestinal), rupture of cysts, peritonitis (from a ruptured inflamed appendix), a state of acute poisoning, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis. Shingles pain in the abdomen may appear from intestinal obstruction, from metiorism, from dysbiosis.
If life-threatening conditions are not confirmed, the stool is normal and the intestine is excluded as a source of pain, you should take an antispasmodic (no-silo, papaverine, platyphylline), painkillers (paracetamol, analgin, pyrroxan, anaprilin) and provide peace to the body. Sometimes the pain is psychosomatic in nature and is caused by overstrain and the lack of a sufficient period for rest.
If abdominal pain occurs periodically, but is not associated with the digestive tract organs, it is possible that it is caused by a solitary infection, traumatic or degenerative.
Girdle stomach pain
The condition, which patients describe as “girdle pain in the stomach,” is caused by a disease of the stomach itself, or by a set of organs. Girdle pain causes gastritis (with low or high acidity), gastric ulcer, ulceration of the esophagus or duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis. Particularly to remember about the poisoning! If the patient has a stomach disease, he may experience heartburn, paroxysmal pain (stomach cramps), nausea, constant heaviness in the stomach, gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea alternated with constipation, flatulence). In the event of herpes pains, one should assume a pre-ulcer state and consult a specialist to exclude gastric bleeding. If there is no suspicion of an emergency, then pain can be eased by vomiting, then taking medications with an enveloping effect. With increased acidity, drugs that reduce the secretory function of the stomach are shown. In the case of poisoning, absorbents should be taken (activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel), it is necessary to drink water to remove toxins. For any causes of pain, you should follow a sparing diet (exclude fried, spicy, salty, fatty), should be fed fractionally.
If the surrounding stomach pain appears regularly, for example, in spring and autumn, or even more often, then it is necessary to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist.
Shingles pain in the abdomen
As a rule, shingles pain in the lower abdomen is indicative of gastrointestinal problems. These are such disorders as dysbacteriosis caused by reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestine with insufficient activity of its own flora or its death after taking antibiotics. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by sharp spasmodic pains that surround the entire lower abdomen (intestines). For successful treatment, according to the results of baccosev testing for antibiotics, one should medically reduce the number of pathogenic microflora and start taking drugs that infect the intestine acidum and bifidum with bacteria (Canadian yogurt, bactrim, bifibac, etc.). Further, according to the frequency of causes of pain, pain from an atypically located inflamed appendix follows. With a typical arrangement, the pain in appendicitis radiates to the right, however, the human body is individual and not uncommon when the surrounding pain in the lower abdomen indicates an inflammatory process. The help in this case is exclusively surgical. Such pains may indicate inflammatory diseases of the urinary system (eg, cystitis). The urge to frequent urination, pain and cramps can eliminate the complex of antibiotics and antiseptics. When taking antibiotics is very effective and drink from the decoction of sage - a powerful antiseptic. For the female body, this type of pain is also a dangerous signal of an ectopic pregnancy, problems with an ovarian cyst. Similarly, girdle pains occur in sexually transmitted diseases. In these cases, accurate diagnosis of the causes of pain, observation of secretions, and exclusion of conditions that pose a threat to life will be vital.
By the nature of the pain, its intensity and location, diagnostics are performed. Practically, they always prescribe the analysis of biological fluids, as well as various functional diagnostics (MRI, cardiogram removal, electroencephalogram, radiographic examinations, etc.). Quite often, acute zoster pain is a serious violation and requires careful diagnosis.
Despite all the variety of reasons, shingles pain will not be a novelty for the doctor, all occurrences of this type of pain are well studied, modern medicine has sufficient means and skills to provide emergency care and eliminate the causes of the appearance of painful conditions.