

Pain in the legs

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the legs, depending on the origin and accompanying symptoms, appears not only as a result of fatigue and physical exertion, but also due to various diseases.

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What diseases can cause leg pain?

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are most often associated with a genetic predisposition, excessive stress on the legs (for example, as a result of prolonged wearing of high heels), with a sedentary lifestyle. The main signs: a feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs, muscle cramps (mainly at night), the formation of bulging nodes and gyri on the legs. During palpation, elasticity and vein tension are observed. The patient quickly becomes tired, there is also a local increase in the temperature of the skin, swelling of the legs and feet. As a treatment for a mild form of the disease, the injured limbs can be bandaged with an elastic bandage, you also need to carry out a set of special exercises for the legs (for example, bend and unbend legs in the knees), make warm foot baths with sodium chloride. Patients diagnosed with varicose veins should wear comfortable loose shoes, avoid prolonged walking and stress on their legs. If the work is associated with a long stay in the sitting position, it is recommended that the feet be placed on a raised surface, for example, on a special stand. The patient should reduce the intake of liquid, table salt, normalize weight, can also be prescribed the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as preparations that improve venous tone - troxevasin, escusin, venoruton. Depending on the indications and the nature of the disease, surgical intervention is performed.


Pain in the legs is associated with an acute inflammatory process in the venous walls with the formation of a thrombus. The main causes of this disease are infectious agents, as well as a decrease in blood flow and increased blood clotting, a change in its composition, damage to the walls of blood vessels. Also thrombophlebitis can develop as a result of severe labor, surgical interventions, infectious and oncological diseases. Symptoms: acute pain in the legs, swelling, pallor of the skin in affected areas. Treatment of thrombophlebitis depends on the type and nature of the disease, anticoagulants, antibiotics or surgery may be prescribed. For the period of treatment, the load on the legs should be minimized.

Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve

Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, or sciatica, is characterized by muscle weakness, back pain with irradiation in the legs. It is mainly localized from the back side of the knee bend, it can reach the foot. Pain in the legs is mostly shooting, pulling, legs often feel tingling, crawling. The severity of pain varies from mild to intense. Such pain in the legs may appear as a result of sudden movement or lifting of weights. To diagnose the disease using the method of X-ray, computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

In neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, it is recommended to avoid lifting weights, sitting on a low and soft surface, and we should also try to keep the spine in a level position. As a complex therapy, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketaprofen, etc. To ease the condition, local application of cold can help, for example, an ice bottle can be applied to a sore spot. It is also possible to alternate cold and heat to the affected area. To reduce the tension of the sciatic nerve patient must lie on a hard surface, under the knees should put a pillow.


Such a disease as arthritis affects the joints, causing pain in the legs and interfering with full movement. This causes pain and difficulty when walking. Osteoarthritis leads to deformation and wear of cartilage and bone growth at the base of the thumb, the appearance of swelling. With rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory process occurs in the joints of the foot, which leads to the formation of bone calluses, the curvature of the big toe. To support the joints, you can use tires, a tourniquet, a bandage to reduce the load and soothe the pain in your legs. Light physical exercises will help increase joint flexibility and improve overall health. The complex and duration of the exercises are selected in each case by an individually attending physician. You should also stop using alcohol, fatty foods, adjust your body weight. To ease painful sensations, it is possible to use anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, finalgel, fastumgel, traumel, etc.). In case of arthritis, it is necessary to visit a rheumatologist urgently, to perform an X-ray examination of the joints, to take a blood test.

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Another reason that can cause pain in the legs is a flat foot - a deformation of the foot, characterized by a complete loss of damping functions. Symptoms: rapid fatigue during walking, pain in the foot, knees, hips and lumbar region, the appearance of swelling. The main reasons: overweight, genetic predisposition, weakened ligaments and muscles as a result of inadequate physical activity, wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes, high heels, prolonged overloading of the legs. As a treatment, special gymnastics, daily warm baths, massage procedures in the area of the feet and head can be prescribed. To raise the foot, use a special arch support. When there are signs of flat feet, you need to seek advice from an orthopedist.

Pain in the legs can be a sign of a variety of pathologies, if you have any anxious symptoms, do not delay the visit to a doctor who can name adequate treatment, including tablets and pains in the legs.

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