Pain in the side during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in the side during pregnancy can be a manifestation of chronic or underlying diseases. A woman can not even guess about them, but the pain in her side will let them know. In this case, an additional examination is needed to not miss the initial stages of the disease.
When pregnancy hurts the left side
To the left in the abdominal cavity are such vital organs or parts thereof as the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestine and diaphragm.
Pain in the area of the spleen
This organ is very close to the surface of the skin, as close as no other organ. With the help of the spleen, red blood cells are removed from the blood, this occurs after 120 days of their stay in the blood. This is a natural process. The role of the spleen is to capture red blood cells, then break them into segments, some of which are sent to the bone marrow, and new ones are created in their place.
If the spleen is sick, it was hit or the woman fell, hit, the spleen can become larger and stretch, and it hurts. The spleen capsule is so elastic that it can burst when stretched. Spleen rupture can occur due to infections, in particular, infectious mononucleosis. Then the spleen becomes soft, loose, its tissues stretch and can not stand - burst.
A sign that the spleen has burst, there may be severe pain in the side, as well as an increased sensitivity of the skin in this area, the skin can turn blue even around the navel. This means that blood has accumulated in this area.
Causes of pain in the left side during pregnancy: stomach
The stomach can be irritated and for this reason pain in the left side of the person disturbs. Irritation of the stomach often occurs in the mucous membrane, from this stomach becomes inflamed, it can form ulcers and scratches, small wounds.
Diagnosis with such a lesion is dyspepsia or gastritis.
The pain in these pathologies, as a rule, is not acute, but long and aching.
A pregnant woman can vomit, vomiting may occur. In this case, the antacid preparations recommended by the doctor will help. Without his prescription, self-medication should not be dealt with.
Pain in the stomach can be of different nature - not only gastritis, but ulcer. Or it can be cancerous tumors. To know the exact cause, you need endoscopy and additional laboratory tests.
Herniated aperture
With this pathology, pain in a pregnant woman can also occur in the left side.
The hole in the diaphragm can be restrained, and then in this area there is a lot of pain. In this case, immediately call a doctor.
Infringement of the diaphragm occurs when the muscles are weakened and poorly can control the size of the orifice around the diaphragm. Then the upper part of the stomach from the stomach cavity moves into the chest cavity. Then the doctors diagnose the state of the diaphragmatic hernia. And the pain is felt because the acidic environment of the stomach can pour over it and burn.
Risk groups are people who lift weights, women after the age of 50, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
This organ can also cause strong and persistent pain in the left side during pregnancy. The pancreas is located so that it passes through the entire abdomen - its upper part. When the pancreas is inflamed, it can give pain in the left side.
The pain can move to the right side, and to the left, and the stomach can hurt in the middle.
The cause of pain in the pancreas and its inflammation can be toxicity of the body, cancer tumors, steroids, alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking, diuretics. Associated diseases with inflammation of the pancreas can be diabetes, arthritis, pancreatitis.
If the pain is very severe and does not pass within half an hour, you need to immediately call an ambulance. Pain can accompany symptoms such as vomiting, nausea.
This means that the pancreas is affected, especially if the pains are of the nature of a belt, which, as it were, squeezes from the inside.
Pain in the left side of the abdomen during pregnancy is a sign of diseases of any organ that is located on the left in the abdominal cavity: pancreas, intestine, stomach, spleen, diaphragm. Appendicitis can not be the cause of pain on the left - just to the right.
The mechanical causes of side pain in pregnant women
When a woman carries a child, the mechanics of her internal organs can be disturbed. The uterus grows, so it presses on other organs, and they can stretch to hurt. Often this affects the gallbladder, the liver, which occupy the wrong position. The outflow of bile is disturbed, and the woman is troubled by pain.
The nature of pain in the biliary and liver can be blunt and aching or sharp and sharp . Pain can be in the right or left side, give in the back or the subcostal area to the right or left. Symptoms of this condition in pregnant women can be a feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in the side, nausea, headache, weakness, panting, belching, heartburn, bitterness in the tongue, the stomach may seem bloated.
Strong b ol in his side during pregnancy, but it can become even stronger during the baby move. Stress and nervous strain exacerbate the situation. If a woman at that time also improperly eats, impoverishes her menu, or, conversely, overeats, the pain in the abdominal region may increase.
To this may be added pains in the region of the heart, the head, there may be increased heart rate, dumb fingers and toes, sweats are intensively allocated, a woman is disturbed by insomnia. The diagnosis may sound like a vegetative crisis.
In this case, you need to see a doctor for treatment, and also necessarily change the diet, sleep and rest - perhaps, it is in it lies the cause of the diseases.
Symptoms of various diseases and pain in the side
In the abdominal cavity there are many organs that can signal pain with inflammation or violation of functions. If this pain does not subside for more than half an hour, you should immediately call an ambulance to prevent negative consequences for the body.
These negative effects can be kidney stones or pancreas, as well as an inflammation of the appendix or other serious illness. Then the surgeon will need intervention, delay is unacceptable. Especially for a pregnant woman, who is now in charge not only for her health, but also for the life of the baby.
Pain in the right side during pregnancy
In the right side are the vital organs or their parts are located. The defeat of any of these organs can cause pain in the right side of the pregnant woman. Can be ill: the gallbladder, liver, intestines, diaphragm (the right part of it). If these organs are inflamed or injured, the right side can be very sick. This is an indicator of internal failures in the work of organs.
How much pain, how long they last, and what kind of character (sharp, aching, periodic) depends on the type of illness.
It can give sharp pains in the right side with recoil under the rib. The liver can be affected by infections, in particular, viral hepatitis. This causes pain in the side to the right. This is a very dangerous condition for a pregnant woman, in which a child can be infected.
Hepatitis A, B, C can arise from contact with a sick person, transmitted through saliva, blood through the wound, with contaminated water. And also through a syringe, if it is not disposable, or medical needles.
The liver can get sick and because of an overdose of chemical agents, poisoning with toxins, paints, sprays with chemical elements that are sprayed in small rooms. Toxins can cause toxic hepatitis, which is also dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman.
Hepatitis can be alcoholic - with overdoses and abuse of this harmful product.
The cause of liver disease can be a lack of heart function, in which the heart muscle starts to pump blood very poorly, which feeds the heart tissue. Then part of the blood begins to stagnate in the lungs, and this causes shortness of breath, stretching lung tissue, liver, and also as a symptom - severe pain in the right side.
With these symptoms, you must always call an ambulance.
If a pregnant woman has a sore on her right side, the cause may be a dysfunction of the gallbladder. Bile is a very poisonous substance that can help digest food, and can cause wild heartburn. If the bile was formed more than normal, then it accumulates in the gallbladder. Then the bile gives its part to the intestine. The more a woman ate fat, the more bile is required to digest it. Then, with an excess of bile, when digesting food, a woman can get sick and bake her right side.
This means that the work of the pancreas, liver, or gallstones has been broken.
It is also called pancreas. It is an organ consisting of a multitude of glands located in the abdominal cavity. When the pancreas hurts, the pain is felt deep inside, because the organ itself is deep. The pancreas is located as an elongated organ from the right to the left. It passes through the entire abdomen, and if it hurts, the pain can be on the right, and left, and in the middle of the abdomen.
One of the most common diseases of the pancreas, with which a woman tears, she has nausea, severe pain in the right or left side, pain is even given in the back. By these signs, as well as by the abundant perspiration, it is possible to recognize pancreatitis - that is, the disease of the pancreas.
Pancreatitis can also be recognized by the fact that the pain becomes stronger when the person lies, and weaker - when the person leans forward in the sitting position.
A pregnant woman should remember this and alleviate her condition by changing her posture to a sitting one with a lean forward before the ambulance arrives.
Of course, only by visual signs can not distinguish between pancreatitis, additional tests will be needed. Such tests are done in a hospital. They include an analysis of the enzymes that secrete the pancreas to determine their composition.
In a pregnant woman, the burden on the kidneys is constantly increasing - they can be pressured by the fetus. If the kidneys were not working well before pregnancy, the disease may worsen. Kidney pain can be given in the abdomen, and in the back, in the right and left side.
Infection of the right kidney can give pain in the right side when forming a pouch with pus, which is absent. Then the pain is pulling. With kidney stones, the pain can be sharp and increase with time. If the stone from the kidney has left, it can appear in the ureter and disturb the pregnant woman with circular pains, which then roll up or weaken. Such pain can be given to the groin area.
Pain in the pregnant on the right side of the lower side of the flank
In this area, the ureter, appendix and fallopian tubes are located in the peritoneum.
If a pregnant woman hurts in the right side from below, then one of these organs is inflamed or damaged. The most common problem is an appendix that can become inflamed. The appendix should remain on suspicion of doctors until the diagnosis is not false.
A ruptured appendix is a very serious problem for a woman, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, we must take timely measures to eliminate it. The first and main symptom of appendicitis inflammation will be pain on the right, which, when pressed on the painful area, increases, and stays at the same level for more than 12 hours, without abating. Pain mainly in the navel.
Ectopic pregnancy: pain on the right
With ectopic pregnancy, pain can be localized in the abdominal cavity on the right. If the egg is already fertilized, but does not reach the uterus, but remains in the fallopian tube, then the woman has an ectopic pregnancy.
Viruses: pain in right side
The cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen can also be infections - viral or bacterial. For example, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.
Pain on the right: ovarian cysts
If the ovarian cyst ruptures, bursts, it can cause severe pain. Tumors of the ovaries can also become the culprits of pain. The cause of pain on the right can be endometriosis.
Pregnancy in the last weeks: pain on the right
If a pregnant woman feels pain on the right side or in the right upper quadrant, this may be a symptom of a serious illness, and you should immediately consult a doctor.
In addition to pain, a pregnant woman can be disturbed by a feeling of heaviness in her side, pain gives to the right hypochondrium. The fewer days remain before delivery, the more pain and heaviness can be. Bok seemed to crush and burst at the same time.
It can be dyskinesia of bile ducts or dyskinesia of the gallbladder.
The latter disease can provoke the formation of stones and inflammation in the bile ducts. And also chronic cholecystitis, which causes severe pain in a pregnant woman in the lower abdomen and on the right.
Biliary tract and gallbladder
They can become inflamed due to irritation of the stomach with rough or spicy food. The stomach receptors react to this by transmitting painful impulses to the bile ducts, from which they respond with pain.
How healthy the gallbladder is depends on how healthy the nervous system is. For example, the dystonia of the nervous system can provoke a disruption in the functioning of the muscles of the gallbladder and its consistency with the work of the sphincter located near the gallbladder, then the outflow of bile lingers. This can cause severe pain in the area of stagnation of bile.
If a woman is nervous, suffered stress, the work of the gallbladder and the secretion of bile can also be disturbed. Then in the right side, pregnant women can have severe pain. This is an occasion to check the condition of the bile duct and pancreas.
If the muscles of the bile duct are weak, can not perform their functions, the reason may be a poor menu, sitting on hard diets, a violation of the balance of hormones in the body.
If a woman has abdominal pain on the right or left, the cause may be the hypomotorie of the internal organs. What does this term mean? This means that the internal organs are no longer as active as they should be, given the age and general health. The motor activity of the organs is disturbed, and the general examination and restoration of the hormonal balance will help restore it.
Why motor activity (motor activity) of organs - can be broken due to hormones? For example, the hormone progesterone works in order to relax the uterus during pregnancy, to reduce its tension. This is the prevention of miscarriages, bleeding and labor before the term.
But along with the uterus, neighboring organs also relax, which have smooth muscles. This, for example, is a gallbladder, from which not all the liquid leaves when emptying, and then the bladder stretches and hurts, the pain gives to the right side.