Recovery after chemotherapy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Recovery after chemotherapy is a forced measure for the body, because after this procedure it is greatly weakened.
To monitor the general condition is necessary. Because patients diagnosed with cancer are depleted not only mentally, but also physically. Regarding all methods of recovery, we will discuss below.
Recovery of the body after a course of chemotherapy
Careful recovery after a course of chemotherapy is the main task of phytotherapy. The fact is that the patient, who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, is affected not only by physiological, but also by psychological factors. These people need support.
After the course of chemotherapy, a complete recovery of the body is necessary. It is achieved with the help of accompanying herbal medicine. This type of therapy can ease a person's life and often saves him in critical situations.
Individual accompanying herbal medicine can prolong patients life for many years. The earlier the general course begins, the faster the first results will be visible. The person is faced with a difficult task, you need to completely restore the body. And in this case it is a question of each cell and organ. There is no way to delay this, there is a difficult road ahead. Therefore, recovery after chemotherapy is important to start immediately, to ease the current situation.
To undergo restoration of the body after chemotherapy should be under the strict supervision of experienced doctors. Because chemotherapy greatly weakens the immune system and, in general, the human body. It becomes more difficult to fight infections, so start recovery therapy immediately.
As a rule, this process takes place both under the guidance of doctors and in a sanatorium. It is important to do everything in high spirits, because in the oppressed state of the spirit there will be no effectiveness. In addition to physiotherapy, psychological correction courses can also be recommended. Because stress resistance helps strengthen the body as a whole.
Important restoration processes are peace and a proper daily routine. Procedures should be performed at a certain time, so that they have an effect. It is useful to do exercise therapy. It is necessary to eat properly, in order to strengthen immunity and normalize the work of the intestines, since chemotherapy significantly harms the microflora.
Perfectly suitable and therapeutic swimming, taking baths with iodinated water and aromatherapy. In fact, the complex of recovery procedures is great. But to select it is exclusively with the attending physician. Everyone has an individual organism. Recovery after chemotherapy should be comprehensive.
Recovery in sanatoria after chemotherapy
It is advisable to carry out recovery in sanatoria after chemotherapy. Full-scale patient care is provided here. In addition, everything is controlled and this helps to develop life skills in a certain mode.
Many sanatoriums develop special rehabilitation programs for patients. Moreover, there are also psychological support courses. After all, during this period a person needs to be helped on an emotional level.
So, a good sanatorium in this regard are many. One of the best of its kind is the Istra sanatorium at the Russian Prosecutor's Office. They provide highly qualified assistance and develop individual courses to combat the consequences of chemotherapy.
Sanatorium "Vasilevsky", which is located in the Republic of Tatarstan, also has the necessary services. But all, undoubtedly, the best rehabilitation centers are those that are located in Israel. Thus, the Israel Cancer Center conducts not only the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, but also provides a full course of recovery after these procedures. After recovery from chemotherapy plays an important role in the recovery of a person.
Preparations for recovery after chemotherapy
All doctors oncologists recommend drugs for recovery after chemotherapy. Naturally, one medication can not do. We need a whole set of measures that will help a person to get in shape.
The most common treatment is to use antihypoxants, steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, you should use painkillers, as well as vitamins and antioxidants. Everything is taken in a certain sequence and depending on the person's well-being.
The main drugs that are used are Dienai, Ti-San, Midivirin and Chondromarin. All of them are distinguished by their unique compositions. Thanks to it, the human body gets fragments of DNA. This substance is absorbed in the first place by diseased cells. So, natural mechanisms begin to be gradually restored.
There is a restoration of barrier functions. Immunity is able to increase, which allows him to fight infections. At the heart of any stimulant is the death of leukocytes. The drugs actively suppress chronic inflammation, restore metabolism and suppress autoimmune diseases. Use these drugs only with the permission of the doctor and at a certain rate. After recovery from chemotherapy requires an individual approach.
Recovery of blood after chemotherapy
Of particular importance is the restoration of blood after chemotherapy. Because blood indicators should always be normal. These include the leukocyte formula, biochemistry, general analysis and ESR. Thanks to these data, you can find out whether the therapy is effective or not. Naturally, they observe the general condition of the patient.
The most common side effect of chemotherapy is the damage to blood sprouts. But this is only revealed in time. If a person could cope with the first stage, then he needs to move on to the next stage, which was called "hidden phenomena."
The patient can be tormented by swelling, necrosis, infiltration, destruction of the epithelial layer of the digestive tract and so on. During these processes, the death of erythrocyte sprouts of the bone marrow occurs. Effective recovery of blood in this case can serve as a transfusion. In addition, a transfusion of platelet and erythrocyte mass is done. In some cases, bone marrow transplantation is also used. The procedures are rather complicated, because the slightest infection with a virus can lead to suffering for life.
There are a number of drugs that can have a positive effect on the recovery of blood. So, these are Sorbifer Durules, Ferrum Lek, Totem, Filgrastim, Neupogen and Leucogen.
- Sorbifer Durules is an anti-anemic drug. As you know, iron is an indispensable component of the body. It is thanks to it that hemoglobin is formed and the oxidative process proceeds in living tissues. Durules is a technology that helps to gradually release the active substance, namely, iron ions. The drug is taken internally on 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. If the patient suffers from iron deficiency anemia, the dose rises to 3-4 tablets per day in two divided doses. Take the drug for 3-4 months. Treatment continues until the optimal level of hemoglobin is reached.
- Ferrum Lek is also one of anti-anemic drugs. In its composition is iron in the form of a complex compound of polymethyltosate hydroxide. The complex is stable and in physiological conditions does not release iron ions. Take the product during meals or immediately after it. Chewable tablets can be swallowed whole or chewed. The daily dose of the drug can be divided into several methods. In general, the dosage and duration of treatment depends only on the degree of iron deficiency. The drug is delivered, both in the form of tablets and syrup. Adults can take 1-2 scoops, depending on the treatment.
- Totem is a complex preparation that contains trace elements. They include copper, manganese and iron. The drug is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, regardless of its origin. In addition, as a preventive medicine against anemia, especially in people who are at risk. These are pregnant women, women of childbearing age, teenagers, children, and also elderly people. Apply one ampoule, dissolved in a sufficient amount of liquid. Dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to follow his instructions clearly. Usually adults should take 2-4 capsules. The duration of treatment is usually 3-6 months.
- Filgrastim is used to reduce the duration and reduce the incidence of febrile neutropenia in patients who receive chemotherapy. The dosage regimen is individual, depending on the patient's condition. Usually the drug is used according to the standard scheme, 5 μg per 1 kg of body weight once a day. The drug is injected in a dose of 5-12 μg per 1 kg of body weight. The drug can be administered until the amount of neutrophilic granulocytes is normal. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 2 weeks.
- Neupogen - a drug designed to reduce the duration of febrile neutropenia. The need for hospitalization and antibiotics after the course of chemotherapy. And it does not affect the incidence of fever or infectious diseases. The use of the drug alone or in a complex activates the cells of hematopoietic progenitors in the peripheral blood. The medication should be administered daily intravenously on a 5% solution of glucose. This is done until the number of neutrophils passes the expected minimum. The drug should be administered once a day. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. Usually, infusion starts 24 hours after the end of chemotherapy.
- Leukogen is a stimulator of leukopoiesis. It increases the number of leukocytes in the blood during leukopenia. The drug is low-toxic and does not possess cumulative properties. It is used as a stimulant of leukopoiesis in leukopenia, which arose against the background of radiation or drug therapy of malignant neoplasms. Daily it is necessary to drink 1 tablet 3-4 times before the complete recovery of leukocytes in the blood. Usually this process lasts 5-7 days. If there is persistent leukopenia, then 2-3 weeks.
Over time, the activation of the autoimmune process already occurs. This also aggravates the destruction of the bone marrow. Because the body can not resist infection. This suggests that recovery from chemotherapy should be immediate.
Recovery of the liver after chemotherapy
An important criterion is the restoration of the liver after chemotherapy. The fact is that the metabolism directly depends on the functioning and reserve capabilities of all organs and tissues.
The liver, kidneys, skin and intestines remove from the body the products of disintegration and metabolism. By itself, hepatic tissue is the main place of action for the processing and removal of harmful substances from the body. Therefore, any drug that is injected through chemotherapy passes through the liver, thereby damaging it.
The direct effect of medicines on this organ develops under the influence of the active substance or its metabolism. As for the indirect effects, here everything happens under the influence of the concomitant effects that are caused to them in the body.
To effectively restore the liver, you need to use certain drugs. These include Legalon, Essentiale, Hepatamin, Ovesol and Resalut Pro.
- Legalon. The preparation contains an extract of a delicate thistle. It has a strong hepatoprotective effect and improves intracellular metabolism and digestion. In addition, this drug stabilizes the membrane of hepatocytes. Apply Legalon for the treatment of liver diseases and for the provision of rapid therapeutic effect. The drug promotes the binding of free radicals and reduces inflammation in the liver. Dosage is prescribed by a doctor.
- Essentiale. It is a complex preparation that contains phospholipids. They help improve the state of cell membranes, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide and vitamins B and B6. Often, the drug is used as a treatment for chronic and acute hepatitis, necrosis of the liver, cirrhosis, as well as toxic organ damage. Take 2 capsules three times a day.
- Hepatamine. This is a product of animal origin, which is recommended for acute and chronic liver damage. In addition, it is effective in restoring liver function. Take the drug you need 1-2 tablets 15 minutes before meals, three times a day.
- Ovesol. This is a whole complex of extracts from sowing oats, peppermint leaves, immortelle flowers, young grass and turmeric roots. This medicine has a detoxifying effect, eliminating stagnation of bile, and restores the drainage function of the bile ducts. Take the drug you need 15-20 drops twice a day before meals.
- Resalute Pro. It is produced on the basis of soybeans. The composition also contains essesial phospholipids Gepaprotector. A drug is prescribed for the treatment of chronic liver diseases. In addition, Resalute Pro restores the functions of the liver cells and their structure. Take the drug 2 capsules three times daily before meals.
The process of restoration of the liver is long. It is necessary to eat and drink properly the drugs that support the functionality of this body. After recovery from chemotherapy is a complex process.
How to restore immunity after chemotherapy?
Do you know how to restore immunity after chemotherapy? The conditionally pathogenic flora after a course of chemotherapy is able to acquire pathogenic properties. Naturally, against the background of complete intoxication of the organism, the living conditions of viruses and bacteria also change.
If after a course of chemotherapy there is a high temperature, then most likely the body has spread the infection. There is a high risk of sepsis due to medication.
Antitumor antibiotics have a positive effect on immunity. They are able to fight infectious diseases, especially viral, bacterial or fungal. Because it is not necessary to exclude and exacerbation of the initial infection. She can freely reach and sepsis.
Perfect restorative drugs are panavir, tsikloferon, neovir, poludan. It is necessary to note their beneficial effect on the human body.
- Panavir is a drug with a wide spectrum of action. It protects the cells of the body from the penetration of viruses and is able to inhibit their reproduction. The drug is used in the form of a gel for topical application and solution. Ampoules of 1 ml, 2 ml and 5 ml. Dosage is prescribed by a doctor.
- Cycloferon. This drug belongs to immunomodulatory and antiviral agents. It is used as part of complex therapy for herpetic infection, secondary immunodeficiency, and also for restoration of immunity in general. Apply the medication once a day before meals. The exact dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.
- Neovir is a low molecular weight inducer of synthetic interferon. He refers to the class of acridinones, which has antiviral, antitumor and immunostimulating effects. Apply it when restoring immunity, with hepatitis B and C, HIV treatment, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. It is necessary to take one tablet once every 48 hours.
In any case, you need to come to the doctor for advice. After all, only he on the basis of the main signs, can understand what recovery after chemotherapy is necessary for a certain person.
Recovery after chemotherapy with herbs
What should be the recovery after chemotherapy with herbs and can this method be used? First of all it is necessary to pay attention to aloe. Preparations, in the composition of which this plant is included, always had the ability to inhibit metastases, and even up to 60%.
If you combine chemotherapy and aloe treatment, then the main node can be inhibited. In general, this plant has excellent healing properties. Especially if it touches the mucous membrane. In general, this plant actively fights against tumors in the stomach, uterus, intestines and ovaries.
To prepare yourself a medical preparation yourself, it is enough to take the leaves of aloe, scroll through the meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. After that, all this is poured vodka in a ratio of 1: 8 and taken one teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
The plantain also has good restorative properties. It normalizes the secretory and motor process of the digestive tract. It also serves to heal tissues. Preparations containing this plant are able to affect the tumor in the early stages.
Great helps and sludge. It inhibits the growth of the tumor, due to the large number of microelements entering into it. After all, they have a positive effect on the blood formula as a whole. Meduinitsa liquefies the blood. The same property is possessed by: chicory, wormwood and mendicant vesolistny.
But it is necessary to understand that before starting recovery after chemotherapy with the help of alternative medicine, it is worth consulting with a doctor.
How to restore veins after chemotherapy?
Many patients are interested in the question of how to restore the veins after chemotherapy? The fact is that after this process the veins begin to hide deeper from the surface. Therefore, when introducing medical-recreational injections, problems may arise.
On the body bruises begin to form, due to unsuccessful attempts to get into the vein. After that all this turns into maroon spots that have the ability to peel and itch. If you use ointments, then it can cause allergic reactions.
The veins after chemotherapy will gradually be restored by themselves. But this problem will make itself felt every time you need to take tests or, alternatively, use droppers. Alternative medicine in this case recommends the use of vodka compresses, plantain or cabbage leaf.
Sometimes with the introduction of drugs can occur detachment or loss of internal tissues. In this case, you must enter an anesthetic. After chemotherapy, it is recommended to lubricate the veins with Vishnevsky ointment or Alazol. In general, recovery after chemotherapy should be comprehensive and aimed at improving the condition of the whole organism.
Renal recovery after chemotherapy
The most difficult process is the restoration of the kidneys after chemotherapy. Because often all this is accompanied by indomitable vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, the body can "get out" a lot of useful substances, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
After a while, kidney failure may develop. Therefore, the duodenum has to take on all the main work of the kidneys. Without sodium chloride, which goes along with diarrhea, the adrenal glands stop releasing hormones. This condition is characteristic of the acute stage of chemical disease.
To restore the kidneys, you will have to resort to medication. So, the best of its kind are Trinefron, Nephrin, Kanefron, Nephrofit.
- Trinephron is used in chronic cystitis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis, anomalies in the development of the urinary tract and to restore the kidneys as a whole. Take the necessary medicine 1 capsule twice a day.
- Nephrin. A drug designed to restore kidney function. In addition, the drug is able to enhance the effect of drug therapy. The medicine has a unique composition. Takes Nephrin one teaspoon once a day before meals.
- Kanefron. A drug that has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Widely used in urology. Kanefron is used for basic treatment or in combination with other medicines for people with acute and chronic factors of infectious diseases of the kidneys. Apply the drug 2 times a day for 1 tablet.
- Nephrofit. This is a medicinal collection that contains vegetable components. The product has a powerful diuretic effect. Nephrofit is used to treat patients with inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. It can also be used as a monotherapy depending on the severity and nature of the disease. The agent should be used as a tincture. A couple of tablespoons filled with 500 ml of boiling water and infused. Use the product you need only on the advice of a doctor.
Thus, all the processes in the body are gradually beginning to break. And all this can lead to a complete failure of the kidneys. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their functions. This process is quite active, and for each patient. Usually, channel re-sorption, glomerular filtration, as well as the prevention of renal infections and urate calculus formations are used. Approach this issue with special severity, because recovery after chemotherapy of the kidneys is one of the most important.
How to restore the stomach after chemotherapy?
People who have had cancer worry about how to restore the stomach after chemotherapy? Naturally, this question interests them. Because the entire body is subjected to complete recovery.
Disorders of the stomach and intestines are very noticeable. Because every day you have to fight with diarrhea and constipation. You can overcome intestinal dysfunction with the help of medicinal herbs. From the constipation helps to get rid of the broths of cow-grass, senna, anise and fennel. If you need to eliminate diarrhea, then help comes a decoction of thick-bodied horn, clove root and sabelnik marsh.
For the speedy recovery of the body it is necessary to rid it of dead malignant cells. In this case, an abundant drink will help. And you need to use not only water, but also broths of mountain ash and dogrose. It is advisable to drink 2-3 cups of berry juice every day.
Wonderful drugs are Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Bactisubtil, Actovegin and Omeprazole. Concerning their useful properties will be told a little lower.
- Bifidumbacterin. It is a probiotic, which has in its composition specially prepared colonies of microorganisms. They produce a product in the form of powder and candles. He deserved wide application in the form of a powder. So, in one sachet contains approximately 500 million microorganisms, as well as 0, 85 grams of lactose. Regarding dosage, consult your doctor.
- Linex. This drug also applies to probiotics. It is on the list of the most used drugs in the world. In the composition of Linux three types of microorganisms - bacteria that inhabit the intestines of any healthy person. Microorganisms are able to correct microflora and heal dysbacteriosis. You should take 2 capsules three times a day.
- Bactisubtil. A probiotic containing spores of microorganisms that are found in a healthy human intestine. Apply the medicine for dysbiosis, which occurs when irradiated or chemotherapy. To achieve a positive effect, you need to take 1 capsule 3-6 times a day. It all depends on the complexity of the case.
- Actovegin. Vascular means for restoring the functions of the stomach. Often, the drug prescribes for admission after chemotherapy. He restores the vessels of the stomach and normalizes his work as a whole. Apply Actovegin need 1-2 tablets three times a day.
- Omeprazole. The drug has a wide indication for diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. This drug is prescribed to adults, as a restoration of the functions of the stomach, as well as for the complex treatment of the active phase of peptic ulcer. Take 1-2 tablets a day. The dose is calculated by the attending physician.
Diuretics accelerate the process of excretion of all harmful cells from the body. This is facilitated by the use of broths from the root of wheatgrass and horsetail of the field. Symptoms of intoxication of the body well eliminates the decoction of chaga. To reduce this effect, it is possible and ordinary activated carbon. To do this, you have to drink 12-15 tablets. There are herbs, which when boiled allow you to remove a large amount of mucus. These include angelica, flaxseed, cetrarium and marshmallows. The use of these drinks allows you to remove from the body all harmful toxins that remained there after the introduction of antitumor drugs and cell death. Recovery after chemotherapy requires careful monitoring by the attending physician.