Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The coloproctologist is directly connected with the medical science "coloproctology", which deals with the study of various diseases of the rectum and colon, as well as the development of effective methods for their diagnosis, optimal treatment and prevention.
Many have heard of the proctologist, but who is a coloproctologist? It should be noted that this is the same medical specialty. The coloproctologist is a specialist doctor whose activity is aimed at diagnosis, treatment and prevention of colon and anal canal diseases: anal fissures, hemorrhoids, fistulas of the rectum, paraproctitis, colon polyps, colon tumors and other unpleasant diseases. Often, patients who have problems with defecation or irritable bowel syndrome are also referred to this specialist.
The main task of the coloproctologist is to diagnose the colon disease, and then to conduct a preventive examination program. Based on the results of the research, the doctor makes up the most optimal treatment plan for the detected disease.
Naturally, in dealing with such delicate problems, each person wants to be confident in the successful outcome of treatment, so it is so important to contact an experienced professional and trust him.
When should I go to the coloproctology?
The coloproctologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the colon. He uses the newest methods of disease detection and practices methods of constructive and operative treatment of patients.
Many people are interested in the question, when should I go to the coloproctology? First of all, it should be done with the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as pain, itching or a sense of foreign body in the anus. It is worth paying attention to such symptoms as the secretion of mucus from the anal canal, as well as impurities of blood, pus. Frequent constipation, diarrhea, bloating, problems with defecation (feeling of incomplete emptying, false desires) is also an occasion to turn to a specialist.
To diagnose a particular disease, the doctor first of all uses finger research of the rectum, and then connects other methods of investigation (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, endoscopy, colonoscopy, anoscopy, laboratory tests of feces, etc.). The coloproctologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis when all the necessary survey results are received. Then he appoints the patient appropriate treatment - conservative or surgical.
What tests should I take when I go to the coloproctology?
A coloproctologist for the treatment of a disease, in the first place, must establish an accurate diagnosis. It is not uncommon for cases when symptoms of the manifestation of various colon diseases are lubricated or periodically observed. The patient, at the same time, can not describe the nature of the pain and does not know to which specialist in the field of medicine to address with this or that problem. To the picture of the development of the disease was more clear and open, the doctor should be guided by the results of the research.
What tests should I take when I go to the coloproctology? Usually, the doctor himself determines the types of analyzes and medical studies for a particular patient, based on a specific situation. These can be bacteriological, biochemical, cytological analyzes, as well as a test for oncomarkers. Often the patient needs to undergo several studies and submit a set of laboratory tests to clarify the course of the disease, and the doctor was able to deliver the most accurate analysis.
In addition to a general blood test that indicates the condition of the patient's body as a whole, the coloproctologist can also prescribe a biochemical blood test that gives a more accurate picture of the abnormalities in the functioning of the internal organs.
Among the possible types of urinalysis in this case, the following options are possible:
- general urine analysis,
- urine analysis for daily proteinuria;
- urinalysis by Nechiporenka;
- Urinalysis by Zemnitsky;
- urine analysis for ketones.
In addition, other tests may be needed to diagnose the disease, which can help determine the presence of infection, parasites or any pathologies in the large intestine:
- coprogramme;
- scraping for enterobiasis;
- analysis of feces for the presence of helminth eggs;
- analysis of feces for occult blood, etc.
These types of analyzes allow you to give an accurate picture of the course of the disease and timely identify pathological processes occurring in the patient's body. Thus, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment aimed at recovering the patient. If a surgical operation is necessary, preoperative measures will be taken, and the recovery period of the patient after the operation will be under the control of the coloproctologist.
What diagnostic methods does the coloproctologist use?
The coloproctologist specializes in all kinds of diseases associated with disorders of the function of the colon. In order to diagnose the disease with maximum accuracy, he needs to use various methods of examining the patient. First of all, the patient must pass laboratory tests (blood, urine and feces) to determine the general condition of the body and the presence in it of possible violations from the work of internal organs.
What diagnostic methods does the coloproctologist use? At the first appointment, the doctor usually performs a visual examination of the patient, and also conducts palpation of the rectum. Then he can prescribe a number of additional studies, such as ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, x-ray examination of the large intestine (irrigoscopy, fistulography, parietography of lymphography), biopsy, sphincterometry.
In addition, the patient needs to pass tests of feces to the egg egg, latent blood, dysbiosis. In some cases, there is a need for DNA diagnosis.
Among the endoscopic methods used by the coloproctologist for the examination of the patient, we can note an anoscopy - examination of the rectum and anal canal; colonoscopy or colonophyscopy (examination of the large intestine), as well as sigmoidoscopy (examination of the rectum, as well as of the distal sigmoid colon). Endoscopic examination makes it possible to take a tissue sample for subsequent microscopic examination for further diagnosis.
It should be noted that some diagnostic methods used in the practice of coloproctology have contraindications. So, the colonoscopy can not be carried out with acute forms of colitis, peritonitis, infectious lesions, cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency.
What does the coloproctologist do?
A coloproctologist is a specialist who owns a complex of medical knowledge in the field of coloproctology and is engaged in diagnosing and treating colon diseases using effective research methods.
What does the coloproctologist do? First of all, the detection of diseases associated with problems of defecation, pain in the rectum, symptoms indicative of disorders of the function of the large intestine. This doctor prescribes the treatment of a diagnosed disease, and also performs surgical operations related to the removal of hemorrhoids, treatment of fistula of the rectum, diverticular disease and its complications, paraproctitis (in acute and chronic forms), anal fissures, and the like.
The diagnostic methods used by the coloproctologist are directed to the detection of ulcerative colitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, epithelial coccygeal path, Crohn's disease, perianal condylomas, and polyps and colon cancer, constipation and a number of other ailments.
A coloproctologist before the appointment of treatment makes a special plan for examining the patient, taking into account the age of the patient, the nature of the pathological process, the presence of concomitant diseases and choosing the most rational methods of diagnosing the disease in the shortest possible time. Based on the results of the information received, the doctor gives recommendations on both conservative and surgical treatment, carries out the necessary preoperative preparation of the patient, performs surgical operations or takes part in them directly, and then monitors the condition of his patient in the postoperative period (post-surgical rehabilitation).
In the competence of the coloproctologist - the decision of organizational questions on rendering of the effective help to coloproctological patients, step-by-step realization of corresponding actions; providing consultative support in the units of the medical institution, as well as carrying out activities aimed at the timely detection of diseases of the coloproctological type and their prevention. The coloproctologist also participates in the organization and conduct of scientific and practical conferences, lectures and medical seminars devoted to the current problems of modern coloproctology.
What diseases does the coloproctology treat?
The coloproctologist uses in his practice modern diagnostic techniques for rapid detection of the disease and the appointment of appropriate treatment for its elimination. The whole complex of diagnostics (laboratory and instrumental) required in a particular case is usually carried out within 1-2 days.
Due to the selection by the experienced specialist of the least painful and at the same time the most effective methods, the duration of the patient's treatment in the hospital is usually not more than 3 days. After the treatment, rehabilitation measures are carried out and the patient's health is subsequently monitored. We can say that the coloproctology supervises the patient at all stages of treatment.
What diseases does the coloproctology treat? This is almost all diseases associated with abnormalities in the operation of the colon, as well as problems of defecation, dysfunction of the anus and rectum. Among the most common diseases of this type are the following:
- anal itching and anal fissures;
- dysbiosis, hemorrhoids;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- insufficiency of the anal sphincter;
- cholelithiasis and colitis (ischemic, ulcerative);
- acute paraproctitis;
- rectocele;
- diffuse polyposis, polyps of the colon and rectum;
- pararectal cysts, fistulas;
- stricture of the anus;
- cryptite and papillitis;
- inflammation of the epithelial coccygeal path;
- diverticular disease;
- peaked perianal condylomas;
- Crohn's disease;
- benign and malignant tumors of the large intestine.
This is an incomplete list of pathological conditions and diseases, the treatment of which is directed by the actions of the coloproctologist. In any case, at the first symptoms of detection of any disease, it is necessary to contact the experienced specialist as soon as possible to avoid negative complications.
Advices of a doctor of the coloproctology
The coloproctology takes a special place in medicine, as its task is to examine and treat patients with very delicate problems, about which many prefer to remain silent and postpone their decision. But in the initial stages of the development of diseases of the colon can achieve much better results of treatment than in neglected cases, when without surgical intervention can not do.
The advice of the doctor of the coloproctology concerns, first of all, preventive measures that prevent the disease. The fact is that at first most of the diseases of the colon proceed asymptomatically, have a latent character or "lubricated" symptoms. Therefore, they are not taken seriously, and only after a certain time they begin to progress and lead to an increase in signs that indicate major health problems. In such cases, self-medication can cause irreversible consequences, therefore, with the slightest suspicion of the development of the disease, it is necessary to turn to an experienced proctologist who is obliged to provide qualified assistance in any situation, however complicated.
In our time, a very common disease is hemorrhoids. It is provoked by stagnant processes in the rectum. Doctors recommend in any case not to tolerate the desire to go to the toilet. For the prevention of this disease should regularly empty the intestine. The optimal time to commit this act is the morning. To speed up the process, it is recommended, after waking up, to drink a glass of cold water to "wake up" the intestine. During defecation, do not be distracted by any other occupation, for example, reading newspapers. Do not hurry, the emptying process should take place in a calm environment.
Proper nutrition is the guarantee of a healthy intestine. Take care that sufficient amounts of fiber are present in your diet. It is found in wholemeal bread, bran, fruits and vegetables, nuts, fresh greens. It is also necessary to monitor your diet and control the process of daily bowel movement. When constipation occurs, you can use natural ingredients that help to "relax" the intestines - grass buckthorn or senna. To laxatives, which have "chemical" components in their composition, it is worthwhile to turn in the last place.
To strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press, experts recommend the use of a set of specially developed exercises aimed at preventing hemorrhoids, as well as normalizing blood circulation in the small pelvis:
- Crossed his legs in a standing position, you need to rhythmically compress and unclench the muscles of the buttocks, and at the same time - and the anus (20 times).
- Lie on your back, then press firmly against your stomach and lower your knees bent at the knees (15-20 times).
- In the supine position on the back, it is recommended to alternately lift and slowly lower the straight legs; this exercise can be supplemented by movements that mimic cycling. In the same position, it is recommended to cross legs alternately, like scissors (15-20 times).
It should be noted that strength exercises in this case will not benefit. Also, cycling and equestrian sport are contraindicated.
The coloproctologist is obliged to provide highly qualified medical care to his patients, but if his body is helped on time without starting the development of the disease, then a visit to the doctor can be avoided. In this case, it is the preventive measures that become the real salvation from all sorts of ailments concerning pathologies and disturbances in the work of the intestine.