Nasal wash with genyantritis
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021
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Washing of the nose with sinusitis is considered one of the most popular and effective procedures. This method helps to eliminate the mucus accumulating in the maxillary sinuses, which in case of prolonged stagnation can cause an inflammatory process or can become irritated when the bacterial flora is attached. And due to rinsing, it liquefies, which helps the process of its natural withdrawal from the nasal cavity.
Does washing the nose help with genyantritis?
Due to the cleansing of the nasal cavity and sinuses, the swelling of the mucous membranes is reduced severalfold, and besides this, the tone of the capillary system is normalized and the immune properties of the epithelium are improved, which allows the body to recover its ability to fight the disease itself.
Indications for the procedure
Indications for washing the nose can be sinusitis, in both acute and chronic forms.
Every day, a washing procedure should be carried out using saline solutions in various combinations - it can be a means of primary treatment or become an integral part of complex treatment. Since this method is considered safe, in the early stage of maxillary sinusitis it is preferred to use it in place of taking corticosteroids.
Before starting the washing procedure, it is necessary to completely clean the nose, eliminating the stuffiness. For this, if necessary, vasoconstrictive medications such as Tysin, Naphthysine or Rinazoline can be used. This will temporarily take away the swelling and normalizes the process of air movement through the nasal canals. After 5-10 minutes after using drops, you can begin the procedure for eliminating mucus from the nose.
Technique of the washing of the nose with genyantema
The nose is easiest to clean, taking as a device for the process of douche or a simple syringe without a needle. Also a very convenient device for this procedure is a teapot, which is called "jala neti".
It is necessary to bend, for example, over the bathroom or the sink and slightly tip your head sideways. Once in the desired position, insert into the nostril, when tilted from the top, the flushing tool, and then start pouring a solution into the hole. Then you need to slowly bend over to the other side, so that the curative fluid comes out of the nostril. Then repeat this procedure with the second nostril.
At the same time, in order to prevent liquid from entering the mouth, during the washing process, it is necessary to pull the sound "i-and-and" or to repeat the phrase "ku-ku" - such actions lift the soft palate, thereby closing the hole between the throat, and also nasopharynx.
Rinsing of the nose with genyantritis at home
The simplest way is to rinse the nose with genyantritis at home using the palm. The procedure is as follows: we take the medicine in the palm, then slightly tilt the head and try to draw the liquid through the nostril. Then we squeeze this nostril, and slowly bend our head to the other side. If the procedure is performed correctly, the solution will pour out of the nose through the opposite nostril.
Solutions for washing the nose with genyantema
Among the most effective means used for sinusitis as liquids for therapeutic washing, a solution of propolis is isolated. To make such a medicine it is possible in such a way - in 1 stack. Water (warm) to drip 15 drops. Propolis, and in addition 1 teaspoon. Salt and 2 drops. Iodine, and mix. The resulting mixture should be washed three times a day.
Among other solutions that help cleanse the nose - tinctures from various herbs that have anti-inflammatory effect. These are usually the following herbs: chamomile and St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves, string, as well as oak bark. To prepare the solution, use a few drops of any of the tinctures, which are added to warm water (0.5 stack.). In addition, a pinch of salt should be added to the solution.
Washing of the nose with salt for sinusitis
The nose in case of sinusitis can also be washed with a special saline solution. The properties of salt are known to all - it is able to remove inflammation and remove the swelling of mucous membranes in the nose. To make the solution more effective, together with the salt in the water, you need to add soda (the same amount of both, and the other - for example, 0.5 tsp).
Flushing of the nose with furcilin
One of the cheapest drugs that are used as a medicine for washing the nasal cavity is furatsilin is an effective antiparasitic and antimicrobial drug.
Furacilin effectively acts against microbes, so it is used to eliminate various inflammatory or purulent diseases. He has almost no side effects, only in some cases can develop dermatitis. Use Furatsilin not recommended for those who have increased sensitivity to the substance nitrofuran, as well as with kidney disease.
To prepare the medicine you need to dissolve 0.5 table. In 500 ml of warm water, and then pour the resulting solution into the device chosen for rinsing and begin the procedure.
Washing of the nose with saline solution
A special liquid is called a physiological solution, which is made by dissolving sodium chloride in plain water. When making it is necessary to observe the ratio of salt to water - 0.9%. Such proportions can be obtained by mixing simple water with salt (the ratio of 1 g of salt to 100 ml of water) - 250 ml of glass and 2.5 g of salt (about 0.5 tsp) will suffice. The proportion of 0.9% corresponds to the level of salt in the blood plasma, and this makes such a solution more suitable for the human body.
Nasal washing with dolphin
Dolphin is a complex preparation containing many different microelements, as well as salts. Among the components of the solution are sulphates, bromine, chlorides, iodine, organic acids, and in addition, rose hips and licorice extract. In addition to the liquid for washing the nose itself, a special device for cleaning the nose is also included.
The drug is used for washing with sinusitis or rhinitis, sinusitis or adenoiditis, as well as after operations on the nose. Possible side effects include eustachitis or nosebleeds. Use Dolphin is not allowed for children under 4 years of age, for any tumors, and also if the patient has a nasal septum deformed or the nasal passages are impaired. It can not be used in case of complete nasal congestion.
Antibiotics for nasal lavage
Antibiotics for nasal lavage are permitted only with the prescription of a doctor. Nowadays this method becomes very popular, as many bacterial agents have become resistant to less powerful drugs.
For washing, such drugs can be used - Protargol, Miramistin, Levomycetin. Miramistin is usually used in the case of purulent sinusitis.
Flushing the nose with chamomile
In case of sinusitis it is recommended to use a solution of chamomile for washing the nose.
This plant contains flavonoids and essential oils, which have a positive effect on the mucosa of the nasal cavity, and also have strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, chamomile has a calming and analgesic effect, and also eliminates or reduces allergy manifestations.
The solution for washing is done quite simply - the chemist's daisy (in a ready-made bag) is taken and poured with boiling water. After that, it must be insisted, covered with a lid. The finished solution is used for washing the nose.
Contraindications to the procedure
Rinse the nose is contraindicated in cases where there are such problems:
- Puffiness, which can not be eliminated;
- Benign or malignant tumors in the nasal cavity;
- Otitis or the risk of its occurrence;
- Propensity to bleeding from the nose;
- Allergic reaction to any of the elements of the solution used;
- Serious curvature of the nasal septum or other obstacles that can prevent the solution from moving along the nasal cavity;
- Rupture of the tympanic membrane.
Complications after the procedure
Rinsing of the nose with maxillary sinusitis should be performed as carefully as possible - so as not to damage the nasal septum.
It should also be borne in mind that the procedure is possible only if the patient's nasal sinuses are not laid. And if the patency of the nose is broken, the solution can penetrate into the middle ear, which can lead to hearing problems or cause even more serious consequences in the form of development of otitis media.
You can not also use any solutions for washing the nasal cavity - this can also cause complications. There may be such problems:
- Inflammation of the mucosa and appearance of microcracks on it;
- Increased swelling of the tissues;
- Development of allergies.